Effect of Depolymerized Block Skim Rubbe 96b6b0c9
Effect of Depolymerized Block Skim Rubbe 96b6b0c9
Effect of Depolymerized Block Skim Rubbe 96b6b0c9
©Author(s), https://doi.org/10.20543/mkkp.v34i2.4179
Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, Jl. Salak No. 1, Bogor 16151, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Tel: +62 815-9470-946 Fax: +62 251 8324047
E-mail: [email protected]
The asphalt pavement susceptibility was influenced by traffic load and temperature. Therefore, modified
asphalt has been done to improve the asphalt performance. Depolymerized block skim rubber (BSR) was used as
asphalt modifier. BSR is a low quality crumb rubber, which made from skim (byproduct of creamed latex). This
investigation aims to determine effect of depolymerization of BSR on the physical performance of modified asphalt.
Initially, BSR was depolymerized by mechanical action (mastication) with different time of 8, 16, and 24 min.
Then, the asphalt modifier, depolymerized BSR was added to asphalt with different ratio 3, 5, 7%. The softening
point and mixing time of asphalt were compared with modified asphalt. The performance of modified asphalt
showed that asphalt modifiers increased the softening point and mixing time of asphalt. Maximum softening point
reached 54.30qC by 7% BSR (16 min. of mastication time). The modified asphalt had 25.70qC softening point
higher than asphalt. It was conclude that depolymerized BSR can increase the performance of asphalt (softening
point), although increase the mixing time of it. Moreover, it could give alternative to reduce cost of modified asphalt
pavement making.
70 MAJALAH KULIT, KARET, DAN PLASTIK Vol. 34 No. 2 Desember 2018: 69-76
shapes using Wallace punch. Furthermore, a
round shape sample was put in oven at 140±0.2qC
for 30 minutes. The sample plasticity after aging
was measured using Wallace plasticity meter as
Pa. The measurement of plasticity retention index
was held twice to obtain accurate data. PRI value
was calculated with this formula:
:¨; L srr
P0 = Initial plasticity
Pa = Plasticity after ageing in oven at 140 ± 0.2qC Figure 1. Softening point instrument.
for 30 minutes
material, to fall a distance of 25.4 mm. This was
c) Mooney viscosity (ASTM D-1076-97) recorded as the softening temperature.
Initially, the temperature of Mooney
viscometer was set 100qC for 1 minute. After that, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
a sample (± 25 g) was put on the up and down the The Properties of Depolymerized BSR
rotor in that machine and the rotor was rotated for The properties of BSR (Table 1) shows that
4 min. The energy required to rotate the rotor was BSR has quietly met a SIR standard, which are
read on the scale. The unit of Mooney viscosity ash content and dirt content properties. That result
YDOXH LV 0 ¶ ¶ / qC. describes that BSR has low ash and dirt content.
The skim latex has low dirt content and it
The physical properties of polymer modified potentially becomes high quality rubber if the
asphalt protein content can be increased and problems
The properties of the polymer modified arising from coagulation are solved (Alex & Nah,
asphalt was analyzed to determine the effect of 2006). Nevertheless, BSR has high nitrogen and
addition asphalt modifier on asphalt, compared it volatile materials content (such as water vapor or
to asphalt. The physical properties of modified serum) and has shorter polymer molecular chain
asphalt was analyzed including; and lower stability on high temperature than SIR
a) The mixing time of modified asphalt 20.
The mixing time of modified asphalt is the Both P0 and Mooney viscosity are decreasing
time needed to blend the asphalt and polymer. The with the increasing of mastication time (Figure 1).
calculation of mixing time started when asphalt Depolymerization held by milling process using
melted until all of the polymer mixture open mill. Masticating rubber for longer time, will
homogenous with asphalt. The calculation time make rubber becomes more plastic than the
measured by stop watch. unmasticated. An elastic rubber has low
b) Softening point molecular chain length and molecular weight. The
Softening points were used to determine the addition of peptizer on mastication process has
temperature at which a phase change occurs in the gave polymer molecule weight decrease effect too
binder. Initially, two brass rings was layered with on depolymerized BSR.
glycerin, then chilled at room temperature for 30 The depolymerization process comparison of
min. A sample was melted to become liquid BSR and SIR 20 (Figure 2) shows insignificantly
phase, then the sample was poured into brass ring. different. The raw material of polymer does not
That sample was chilled at room temperature for influence the succession of depolymerized
1 h. After that, the brass rings was fitted with ball process. The depolymerization at 24 minutes of
centering guide (put into the center of brass rings) mastication time has the highest percentage of
inside ring holder. Furthermore, the tools Mooney viscosity degradation on both of that
measurement was put into container of aqua. In rubber. The BSR depolymerized can achieve
other side, the thermometer was put into the hole 93.54% degradation of Mooney viscosity,
of tools measurement (Figure 1). The container whereas SIR 20 can achieve 86.46% degradation
was heated so that its temperature rise reached of Mooney viscosity. It means that the
5qC/min. The softening point was taken as the depolymerization process of BSR is more
temperature at which the sample became soft successful than SIR 20, even though SIR 20 has
enough to allow the ball, enveloped in the sample better properties than BSR.
Depolymerized BSR
60.0 SIR 20 (Prastanto, 2014)
>0 ¶ ¶ / ƒC]
Mooney viscosity
0 8 16 24
mastication time (min)
Figure 2. The Mooney viscosity of depolymerized BSR.
72 MAJALAH KULIT, KARET, DAN PLASTIK Vol. 34 No. 2 Desember 2018: 69-76
The mixing time describes the time needed to depolymerized BSR treatment. This value has
homogenize the asphalt blending with asphalt decrease closely 50% of the mixing time of
modifier. The mixing time of asphalt (without asphalt, which prepared by undepolymerized
modifier) is 330 min. whereas the addition of rubber (SIR 20).
depolymerized BSR increase the mixing time of Successful of asphalt modifier is not only
asphalt become 313-416 min. The addition of showed from decreasing of mixing time but also
higher concentration of depolymerized BSR was the increasing of modified asphalt softening point.
also increase the mixing time of asphalt as shown The softening point of asphalt is 49.30qC, while
in Figure 3. The increasing of mixing time was the softening point of modified asphalt are 49.75-
caused by the addition of asphalt modifier, which 54.3qC (Figure 3 & Figure 4). This result shows
is a solid form. So that, it needs extra time to melt that depolymerized BSR can increase the
and blend it with asphalt. softening point of asphalt, which linearly with
Addition of 3% SIR 20 (without Bakar¶V et al. (2018) result. Bakar et al. (2018)
depolymerization) on asphalt needed 660 min. of reported that the addition of waste NR latex into
mixing time (Prastanto, 2014). As compare to the bitumen increased the resistance of bitumen to
addition of 3% depolymerized BSR needed 313- temperature changes which refers to the
331 min. of mixing time. This result shows that increasing value of softening points.
depolymerization can reduce the mixing time of Depolymerized BSR was become matrix binder
modified asphalt. The depolymerization decrease in amorphous texture of asphalt matrix. Cohesive
the height and weight of polymer molecules, was property and plasticity of crumb rubber was
accordance to low P0 and Mooney viscosity. The delivered to crumb rubber modified asphalt
low P0 was fasten the mixing time of asphalt (Huang et al., 2001). Those reasons related to the
(Cifriadi et al., 2012). The fastest mixing time is increasing of softening point.
313 minutes, which produced by 16 minutes
mastication time and 3% addition of
Figure 4. Physical properties of the addition of 5% depolymerized BSR (a), depolymerized 7% BSR (b).
The highest softening point is reached by the dominant. A large degree of incompatibility is
addition of 7% depolymerized BSR, which is shown in the large polymer domain
masticated for 16 minutes. This value meets the morphologically, which causes a decrease in
minimum softening point of polymer asphalt engineering properties due to differences in
standard (SNI 6749:2008), which is 54qC. molecular weight, polarity, and structure,
Compared with other research that used other chemical inequalities between bitumen and SBS.
polymer as asphalt binder (Table 3), the softening Morphology is the result of the reciprocal
point of depolymerized BSR is higher than scrap interaction of SBS and asphalt and, consequently,
tire (crumb rubber) and lower than depolymerized is influenced by the composition of the asphalt
SIR 20, concentrated latex and SBS. In general, and the nature of the polymer and content.
this research describes that addition of
depolymerized BSR concentration decrease the CONCLUSION
softening point as shown in Figure 2. This test BSR has quietly met a standard of SIR, which
result is agree well with the research test of Chen appropriate of the ash and dirt content.
et al. (2002). The addition of SBS concentration Depolymerization is done successfully, decreases
until 9% was made a mixture of asphalt and SBS 73% P0 become 7, decreases 93.5% Mooney
74 MAJALAH KULIT, KARET, DAN PLASTIK Vol. 34 No. 2 Desember 2018: 69-76
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Research Institute for the in-house research grant. 114(5), 3319-3324.
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