1 s2.0 S0950061811003242 Main
1 s2.0 S0950061811003242 Main
1 s2.0 S0950061811003242 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The objective of this research is to utilize crumb rubber from scrap tires as an environmental friendly and
Received 6 November 2010 sustainable additive for enhancing the high temperature and low temperature rheological properties of
Received in revised form 23 May 2011 asphalt binders for asphalt pavements. Two different crumb rubber sources with different gradations –
Accepted 18 June 2011
fine and coarse – were used in this project. The crumb rubber-modified (CRM) binder was produced
Available online 12 July 2011
by adding 10, 15, 20 and 25% crumb rubber particles by weight of a Superpave PG 64-22 asphalt binder.
The CRM binders with and without Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) aging were characterized by the
AASHTO rotational viscosity test at 135, 140, 150, 160, 170, 177, and 190 °C (AASHTO T316). Furthermore,
Asphalt rubber
Rotational viscosity
the low temperature cracking resistance of the binders was evaluated using the AASHTO Bending Beam
Creep stiffness Rheometer (BBR) test procedure at 12 and 18 °C (AASHTO T313). The statistical analysis of variance
Laboratory test (ANOVA) was applied to quantify the effect of the influencing factors such as temperature, rubber particle
RTFO aging size, and rubber concentration on the CRM binders’ performance. From the laboratory tests and ANOVA
Rubber concentration results in this study, it is evident that the addition of crumb rubber into asphalt binder can both signif-
icantly improve the viscosity of binder at high temperature and lower the creep stiffness at low temper-
ature, which is beneficial to better both high temperature stability and low temperature cracking
resistance of asphalt pavements. After RTFO aging, the viscosity decreases with increasing rubber concen-
tration. Finer crumb rubber attains higher viscosity at high temperature and lower creep stiffness at low
temperature. Considering the viscosity–temperature relationship, RTFO aging effects, creep stiffness
decreasing percentage, and economical factors, 15% to 20% rubber asphalt ratio is proposed for the pro-
duction of CRM binder.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
584 H. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 26 (2012) 583–590
adopted the Brookfield viscometer to test the viscosity of three 3. Experimental program
virgin and six rubber-modified asphalt binders [12]. Their sam-
3.1. Materials
ples contained crumb rubber concentrations of 3%, 5%, 7%, 12%
and 18% by weight of the virgin binder. Notable among their Two particle size crumb rubber materials cryogenically produced from different
conclusions was the introduction of the concept of ‘‘stabilized sources in China were adopted in this paper. Fig. 1 shows the percent passing gra-
viscosity’’. Stabilized viscosity is the phenomenon whereby the dation of Crumb Rubber A (Rubber A) and Crumb Rubber B (Rubber B). Five rubber
asphalt concentrations, 0%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight of asphalt, were used
viscosity of the rubber-modified asphalt will decrease to a stabi-
in this study.
lized value after approximately 45–75 min of blending; with the A Superpave PG 64–22 binder was used as the control binder in this study. This
exact stabilized time dependent on the crumb rubber concentra- binder was obtained from a construction site near Detroit in Michigan and met the
tion. West et al. evaluated the effect of the tire rubber grinding MDOT specification requirements. Table 1 shows the properties of control PG 64-22
method on AR binder properties and characteristics, and they binder.
Two sources of cryogenic fine crumb rubber were added to the virgin PG 64-22
found a good correlation between the grinding process of crumb
binder to produce the CRM binders. The basic properties of the crumb rubber are
rubber and the viscosity and storage settlement. Crumb rubber shown in Table 2.
with greater specific surface areas and more irregular shapes
can induce high viscosity conditions in asphalt rubber binder 3.2. Experimental plan
Lee et al. adopted the gel permeation chromatography (GPC), The detailed experimental plan is indicated in Fig. 2. The plan sums up the
material preparation, Superpave™ characterization and evaluation of the CRM
dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) and rotational viscosity (RV) to
characterize control binder, SBS-modified binder and rubber-mod-
ified binder of two short-term aging method, rolling thin film oven 3.3. Sample preparation
(RTFO) aging and short-term oven aging (STOA) [14]. According to
their tests, increased aging time will cause an increase in viscosity The crumb rubber was added gradually into the asphalt binder at a reaction
at high temperatures for the control and SBS-modified binders. It temperature of 350 °F (177 °C), and mixed mechanically for about 45 min. The reac-
tion time of 45 min was considered adequate based on some preliminary literature
should be noted however that there was no clear trend in the vis-
cosity change for the rubber-modified binder with and without
aging. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) and differential Table 1
scanning calorimeter (DSC) techniques have been used to evaluate The properties of virgin asphalt.
the effect of crumb rubber characteristics, including rubber sources
Aging states Test properties Testing results
and rubber concentration, on crumb rubber-modified (CRM) bin-
naged binder Rotational viscosity 0.435
der viscosity [15]. Their tests proposed that the CRM type and
@ 135 °C (Pa s)
sources plays an obvious role in influencing the viscous properties G = sin d @ 64 °C (kPa) 1.412
of the CRM binder. Statistical regression and neural network ap- RTFO aged residue G = sin d @ 64 °C (kPa) 3.69
proaches have been applied to predict the viscosities of different RTFO + PAV aged residue G sin d @25 °C (kPa) 1171
rubber type CRM binders with different concentrations and pro- Stiffness @ 12 °C (MPa) 189
m-value @ 12 °C 0.314
posed an efficient way to estimate the viscous properties of differ-
ent variables such as asphalt binder grade, binder source, test
temperature, rubber content and rubber source [16]. With the Table 2
aid of the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), rotational viscometer Properties of the crumb rubber materials.
and the GPC, interaction effects such as blending time, temperature
Property Rubber A Rubber B
and rubber content of CRM binders were investigated in research 3
Specific gravity (g/m ) 1.12 1.14
conducted by Jeong et al. [17]. Their work proved that longer
Moisture content (%) 0.56 0.65
blending time and higher blending temperature result in a higher Ash content (%) 3.6 4.3
viscosity of CRM binders. Acetone to mention oil complex (%) 8.9 10.2
Previous research investigations have focused on viscous prop- Fiber content (%) 0.1 0.05
erties of CRM binders from different aspects and this was beneficial Metal content (%) 0 0
Carbon black content (%) 32.7 35.4
to understand the different influence factors and their effects on
the performance of CRM binders. It must be emphasized that the
aging effect on the viscosity of binders containing different CRM
concentrations and at different temperatures still need a thorough 100
study. Additionally, it is pertinent to focus on the low temperature
Rubber A
stiffness of CRM binders to investigate the relationship between Rubber B
low temperature stiffness and thermal cracking of CRM mixture 80
Passing Percentage (%)
2. Objective and scope
PG 64-22 Asphalt
Rubber modified
Virgin asphalt asphalt
Same testing Same testing Same testing Same testing Same testing
procedures as procedures as procedures as procedures as procedures as
Virgin asphalt Virgin asphalt Virgin asphalt Virgin asphalt Source A
8 0% 8 10%
10% 15%
4 15% 4 20%
20% 25%
2 25% 2
Viscosity (Pa.s)
Viscosity (Pa.s)
1 1
0.5 0.5
0.25 0.25
0.125 0.125
Rubber A Rubber B
0.0625 0.0625
0.03125 0.03125
140 160 180 200 140 160 180 200
Temperature ( ) Temperature ( )
reviewing indicating that the CRM binder could reach the highest viscosity at this plots for the unaged and RTFO-aged CRM binders, respectively. It
time [12,18]. After 45 min reaction time, the CRM binder was tested under the
is clear that the viscosity of CRM binder at any rubber concentra-
Brookfield viscometer at seven different temperature conditions – 190, 177, 170,
160, 150, 140, and135 °C. A 25% torque was applied and the rotation speed was
tion decreases with increasing test temperature, with the same
set at 100 rpm. The #29 spindle was adopted in the tests in favor of the #27 spindle trend holding true for the non-modified asphalt. The addition of
due to the high viscosity of CRM binders. Both unaged and RTFO-aged CRM binders crumb rubber can greatly increase the binder viscosity, which is vi-
were tested to evaluate their viscosity. The viscosity test followed the AASHTO T tal in increasing the binder film thickness for coating aggregates in
316 standard test specification. Furthermore, the low temperature stiffness of
the hot mixture. Ultimately, the more viscous CRM binder will
CRM binders was evaluated at 12 and 18 °C using the BBR test equipment
according to the AASHTO T 313 standard test specification. Three replicates were maintain the stability of asphalt mixtures.
conducted in both rotational viscosity and BBR and the average rest values were ap- With increasing percentage of crumb rubber, the binder viscos-
plied in the subsequent discussion. ity increases at each test temperature. The most remarkable in-
crease in viscosity occurs when the rubber content is increasing
4. Results and discussion from 0% to 10%, and with the continual increase in rubber content,
the overall viscosity increasing amplitude experiences a little de-
4.1. High temperature viscosity crease for the two CRM binders at unaged or RTFO-aged condition.
The Superpave™ specification (AASHTO M 320) requires that the
The influence of rubber types, rubber concentration, test tem- maximum viscosity of asphalt binder is no greater than 3 Pa s at
perature, and aging effect on the viscosity of CRM binders is dis- 135 °C for the convenience of storage and pumping in construction
cussed in this section. Figs. 3 and 4 show the viscosity graphical period. However, it is difficult to follow this requirement for CRM
586 H. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 26 (2012) 583–590
binders. If the CRM binders reach 3 Pa s viscosity for rubber B mod- between the viscosity and test temperatures at different rubber as-
ified binder, their temperature need to increase to 147, 162, and phalt ratio for CRM binders with and without RTFO aging, respec-
174 °C for 15%, 20%, and 25% rubber–asphalt ratio binder, respec- tively. R2 is the correlation coefficient of the regression.
tively. The normal requirement of 3 Pa s is thus not feasible for From the R2 values in Tables 3 and 4, Formula 1 characterizes
high percent CRM binder. Thus, the storage, blending and rolling well the good correlation between the viscosity and test temper-
temperature of asphalt mixtures with high percent CRM binder ature for both CRM binders with and without RTFO. The absolute
need to be heated to higher temperature in construction, respec- value of ‘‘a’’ increased about 10% and 5%, from 10% to 20% rubber
tively. The exact optimal temperatures of CRM binders are subject asphalt ratio, for rubber A and rubber B binders, respectively. For
to viscosity–temperature curves, which may be influenced by the the unaged CRM binder, as the rubber asphalt ratio increases un-
rubber characteristics, rubber concentration and asphalt binder. til to 20%, the viscosity decrease rate is increasing with the
To better understand the inherent relationship between each increasing of test temperature. For the both RTFO-aged CRM bind-
influencing factor and their effects on the viscosity of CRM binders, ers, the largest absolute ‘‘a’’ value occurred at 15% rubber asphalt
the regression between the viscosity and the test temperature for ratio. A bigger absolute value for ‘‘a’’ is desired for the CRM bind-
CRM binders was studied here and could be presented as: ers as it will be beneficial to have a relatively low viscosity at
high temperature for construction workability of the CRM binders
logðVÞ ¼ a T þ b ð1Þ
and have a greater viscosity at relatively low temperature for rut-
where V is the viscosity of the CRM binder; T, the test temper- ting resistance and high temperature stability of rubber asphalt
ature; ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’, the regression parameters. The slope coefficient mixture.
‘‘a’’ represents the changing rate of binder viscosity with the test Among the many influencing factors on the viscosity of CRM
temperature. binder, the test temperature is one of those most important. How-
The relationship was developed based on research investiga- ever, different states and countries may have different require-
tions by [16,19]. Tables 3 and 4 illustrate the regression parameters ments on the viscosity test temperature for CRM binders.
8 8 10%
4 4 20%
2 2
Viscosity (Pa.s)
Viscosity (Pa.s)
1 1
0.5 0.5
0.25 0.25
0.0625 0.0625
140 160 180 200 140 160 180 200
Temperature ( ) Temperature ( )
Fig. 4. Viscosities of RTFO aged CRM binders (Rubber A on left; Rubber B on right).
Table 3
Regression parameters for viscosities of unaged CRM binders.
Table 4
Regression parameters for viscosities of RTFO-aged CRM binders.
Arizona, Texas and ASTM assigned 177 °C in their specifications, the aromatic oil and light fractions contents decrease in the asphalt
while California and South Africa set 190 °C in the viscosity testing, binder and this induces a greater binder viscosity. With the addi-
other than normal 135 °C for regular binders [20,21]. The 177 and tion of crumb rubber into asphalt at high temperatures, the rubber
190 °C test temperature were taken out to analyze their effects on particle will absorb the aromatic oil and light fractions in the as-
the viscosities of both CRM binders with and without RTFO aging, phalt and swell in size to induce a higher viscosity. With increasing
and were shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. rubber concentration in the CRM binder, the percentage of free aro-
It can be observed that the crumb rubber size have an obvious matic and light fractions will decrease, and the actual effect of
influence on the high temperature viscosity of CRM binders. Rub- RTFO aging will also decrease. When the rubber asphalt ratio
ber B is finer than Rubber A, and its modified binder has a higher reaches 25%, the viscosity of RTFO-aged binder is even smaller than
viscosity than Rubber A whether with or without RTFO aging. For that of unaged binder. This is not beneficial for long term storage of
the unaged CRM binders, there is no remarkable difference be- the rubber asphalt after modifying, and could ultimately deterio-
tween Rubbers A and B modified binder at 10% rubber asphalt ra- rate the field performance.
tio, and the difference increases to 71% and 60% at 25% rubber It is noticed that, at the temperatures less than 170 °C, the 20%
asphalt ratio for 177 and 190 °C test temperatures, respectively. Rubber A binder has higher viscosity value than 25% Rubber A bin-
The finer crumb rubber has a greater surface area and therefore re- der. The possible reason could be elaborated as following. The vis-
acted and swelled efficiently during the blending process. As a re- cosity test on CRM binder is conducted from high temperature
sult, the finer crumb rubber reached a higher viscosity with the (190 °C) to low temperature (135 °C) using rotational viscometer
same rubber asphalt ratio. in the laboratory. The accumulated long time temperature control-
The 85 min RTFO aging also has a notable effect on the viscosity ling and equilibration period may induce some potential aging on
of CRM binders. With increasing rubber concentration, the percent the binder and due to the aforementioned decreasing of free aro-
improvement in CRM binder viscosity after RTFO aging begins to matic and light fraction content, and result in the lower viscosity
decrease. For Rubber A binder at a test temperature of 177 °C, of 25% CRM binder at the temperature less than 170 °C. However,
the viscosity improving percentage decreases from 75% (0% rubber) this effect may also be subjected to the crumb rubber source,
to 42% (10% rubber), and further to 34% (15% rubber) and then to and more SEM tests could provide detailed explanation on this
21% (20% rubber), and -21% (25% rubber). During the aging process, mechanism in the future.
The viscosity improving effect is also influenced by the crumb
rubber concentration in the rubber asphalt binders. With the
2.72 increasing of rubber concentration, the viscosity improving per-
10% 2.59 centage shows a decreasing trend. Take unaged Rubber B binder
15% Test Temperature
2.5 177 C
o 2.34 tested at 190 °C as an example, the viscosity is increased 433% from
25% 0% to 10% rubber asphalt ratio, 183% from 10% to 15% rubber as-
phalt ratio, 74% from 15% to 20% rubber asphalt ratio, and 61% from
Viscosity (Pa.s)
2.0 1.81
20% to 25% rubber asphalt ratio. With increasing rubber concentra-
1.50 tion in the CRM binder, the percentage of free aromatic and light
fractions will decrease, which induces a smaller viscosity improv-
ing effect. It should be also noted that, with the increasing of high
1.02 1.03
1.0 temperature viscosity of CRM binder, it will induce the difficulty of
pumping, reduce its workability, and raise the heat energy con-
0.54 sumption in construction. From these two aspects, the 25% rubber
0.5 0.38 0.36
asphalt ratio is not proposed for field application.
4.2. ANOVA analysis on high temperature viscosity
Fig. 5. Viscosity comparisons of Rubbers A and B modified asphalt at different
concentration levels and 177 °C test temperature. The statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to
investigate the high temperature viscosity of CRM binders as a
function of test temperature and rubber concentration and the re-
sults are summarized in Table 5. For both Rubber A and Rubber B
1.90 binder, the F value is greater than its F critical value and the P-va-
2.0 1.80
Test Temperature lue is smaller than the significance level of 0.05. The ANOVA data
15% o indicates that both the test temperature and rubber concentration
190 C
have significant effect on the viscosity of CRM binders.
1.5 In order to thoroughly compare the viscosity of CRM binders at
Viscosity (Pa.s)
1.18 1.18 different rubber concentration, the one-factor ANOVA was adopted
to evaluate if the viscosities of adjacent rubber concentration CRM
1.0 0.95
0.90 binders have significant difference, as shown in Table 6. The ANO-
VA data shows that with the increasing of rubber concentration up
0.72 0.68
to 20%, the rubber concentration has a significant influence on the
viscosity of CRM binder, as the F value is greater than its corre-
0.5 0.39
spondent F critical value and P-value is smaller than 0.05. How-
0.25 0.24
ever, there is no significant difference between the viscosities of
20% and 25% rubber concentration for both Rubber A and Rubber
0.0 B CRM binder. From the cost-effective viewpoint of viscosity
increasing performance and increasing cost on crumb rubber, it
Fig. 6. Viscosity comparisons of Rubbers A and B modified asphalt at different is also not suggested to apply the rubber concentration to more
concentration levels and 190 °C test temperature. than 20%.
588 H. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 26 (2012) 583–590
Table 5
Two-factor ANOVA on the viscosity of CRM binder (a = 0.05).
Note: SS, the sum of squared deviations; df, the degree of freedom; MS, mean square; F, the F value; F crit, the F critical value.
Stiffness (MPa)
-12 C
cracking resistance of asphalt binder at low temperature. Figs. 7 112
and 8 illustrate the creep stiffness of A and B CRM binders with dif- 101
ferent rubber contents at 12 and 18 °C test temperatures. The 90 85
100 77
addition of crumb rubber into the asphalt greatly decreases the
low temperature stiffness of CRM binders, which can increase the 60
toughness of CRM mixtures and decrease the occurring possibility
of the asphalt binder and pavement cracking at low temperature.
For CRM A binder at 20% rubber asphalt ratio, its creep stiffness re-
duces to about 50% of the control binder at both 12 and 18 °C
test temperatures. Additionally, with increasing rubber concentra- 0
0 10 15 20 25
tion, the creep stiffness decreases for both CRM binders at both
Rubber asphalt ratio (%)
12 and 18 °C test temperatures. The crumb rubber is not as
temperature sensitive as the asphalt binder, and has lower modu- Fig. 7. Low temperature stiffness obtained by BBR tests on of Rubbers A and B
lus and stiffness than the asphalt binder at low temperature. As a (12 °C).
result, the increasing rubber content will induce lower creep stiff-
ness for CRM binders at low temperature.
Superpave™ specification (AASHTO M 320) requires the creep 400
356 356
stiffness to be less than 300 MPa and m-value to be greater than Rubber A
0.300 at the test temperature during the performance grading of Rubber B
the asphalt binder. The research mainly focuses on the creep stiff- 300 266 Testing Temperature
ness of CRM binders to characterize their low temperature cracking o
Stiffness (MPa)
-18 C
performance. The control PG 64–22 binder meets this requirement 250
at 12 °C but fails at 18 °C. With the addition of crumb rubber, 200
both CRM binders can definitely meet the criteria at 18 °C even 200 176 168
at 10% rubber asphalt ratio. Therefore, the addition of crumb rub- 135
ber decreased the low temperature grade from 22 °C to 28 °C
compared to the control binder.
When the rubber asphalt ratio exceeds 15%, the percentage de-
crease in creep stiffness is not as remarkable as before. The creep 50
stiffness decreases by 25% from control binder to the 10% rubber
asphalt ratio binder, and by 27% from the 10% to 15% rubber as- 0
0 10 15 20 25
phalt ratio binder. Finally, it decreases by 9% from the 15% to
20% rubber asphalt ratio for Rubber A binder at 18 °C. From this Rubber asphalt ratio (%)
point, the highest rubber asphalt ratio, 25%, would be no suggested Fig. 8. Low temperature stiffness obtained by BBR tests on Rubbers A and B
in field application. (18 °C).
The crumb rubber particle size also has some influence on the
creep stiffness of the CRM binder. For the CRM binders at both
12 and 18 °C, Rubber B (finer size rubber) binder has less creep reaction between the fine crumb rubber and asphalt binder com-
stiffness than Rubber A binder. This may be due to a more efficient pared to the coarse crumb rubber and the asphalt binder.
Table 6
One-factor rubber concentration ANOVA on the viscosity of CRM binder (a = 0.05).
Table 7
Two-factor ANOVA on the low temperature stiffness of CRM binder (a = 0.05).
Note: SS, the sum of squared deviations; df, the degree of freedom; MS, mean square; F, the F value; F crit, the F critical value.
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