An Experimental Investigation On Partial

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An experimental investigation on partial replacement of bitumen using

rubber tyre
A. Rangaraj ⇑, P. Mukesh
M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bitumen is most widely used in the world for road construction. In India, bitumen demand was expected
Received 9 May 2019 to reach 122 million tonnes by the analysis made in 2018, so we want some alternatives for future use.
Accepted 31 May 2019 This research is based on partial replacement of bitumen by using waste rubber tyre chips as a percentage
Available online xxxx
of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% respectively. The properties of partially replaced bitumen can be analyzed from the
tests such as penetration test, softening point test, viscosity test and ductility test, we conclude that,
Keywords: better properties in 15% has efficient result while comparing to other proportion used.
Rubber tyre chips
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International
Ductility Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering Applications.

1. Introduction used as an adhesive, sealant and waterproofing agent for over

7,000 years [8].
Bitumen is a fractional distillation of crude oil and used as a bin- But it occurs only in small quantities and its properties are quite
der in road construction, majorly 80% of the bitumen used for road different from refined bitumen, so scope of our aim is to reduce our
works. So maximum percentage of natural materials are be used natural materials and use the waste materials for daily usage and
their some alternative has been used to save environmental prod- we can reduced the wastage also. The main objective of this work
ucts. Since bitumen having the properties of viscoelastic materials has been use of rubber tyre as a agent to modifying to bitumen
which has good mechanical and rheological properties for road may be to quality of road pavement [10].
surface also [1].
They contain small quantities of sulphur, Oxygen and metals,
Carbon disulphide being generally less than 0.1%, oxidized slowly 2. Material properties
and insoluble in water. There are two different types of pavement
are flexible pavement these type of pavement layers reflect the 2.1. Bitumen
deformation of lower layers on-to the surface of the layer and rigid
pavement are the total pavement structure can’t bend or deflect Petroleum bitumen is often confused with tar. Although bitu-
due to traffic loads [2–5]. Usage of waste materials product in road men and coal tar are similarly black and sticky, they are distinctly
construction as a solution to improving the life time, stability, flex- different substances in origin, chemical composition and in their
ibility and workability to avoid cracking in traffic load condition properties. Coal tar is produced by heating coal to extremely high
[3–7]. temperatures and is a by-product of gas and coke production. It
This study is based on rubber tyre chips substitute for bitumen was widely used as the binding agent in road asphalt in the early
for add 15% upto in the bitumen mix and get improve the proper- part of the last century, but has since had been replaced by some
ties to asphalt and reduced the noise from road surface [6]. Rubber percentage like 70% and replaced asphalts are 30% to used for
tyre has some physical properties as, naturally bitumen has been mix in bitumen. Bitumen with passageway level 60–70 and VG10
grade are used in Highway Department The limit is rising at
160 °C to heated and maintains the room temperature for the test
⇑ Corresponding author. are guided on bitumen to consistency, degree, thickness,
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Rangaraj). temperature
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and
Engineering Applications.

Please cite this article as: A. Rangaraj and P. Mukesh, An experimental investigation on partial replacement of bitumen using rubber tyre, Materials Today:
2 A. Rangaraj, P. Mukesh / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

2.2. Replacement asphalts 2.4. Rubber tyre chips

Bottom ash is a granular incombustible residue obtained from Rubber tyre having naturally good in physical properties it has
the furnace, boilers, and chimneys. Bottom ash is having similar been well established that the incorporation of carbon black into
properties of sand and it can be partially replaced with sand. The rubber compound generally improve the strength, extensibility,
increase in the percentage of bottom ash for partial replacement fatigue resistance and abrasion resistance. In this experiment we
sand reduces the workability of concrete. The compressive are concerned with hardness, rebound resilience, tensile strength
strength of the concrete containing 30% and 40% bottom ash was and tear strength only. As per findings of the study, natural rubber
found to be 108% and 105% at 90 days was more than that of modified bitumen improving the durability of roads by reducing
normal concrete. The flexural strength was in the range of susceptibility towards temperature variations and improving the
113–118% at 90 days when compared to that of normal concrete desirable properties of bitumen thereby giving overall better per-
at 28 days [9]. formance. Wastage of rubber tyre materials can be used in some
way to useful, so we can add in bitumen and save the

2.3. Aggregate
3. Experimental work and result
An aggregate are used for maximum strength to give road and
other constructions, it’s a primary material for all construction 3.1. Penetration test
work also. There are various types of mineral aggregates used to
manufacture bituminous mixes can be obtained from different nat- As per IS1203-1978, followed the test. The penetration of bitu-
ural sources such as glacial deposits or mines and can be used with minous material is its consistency expressed as the distance in
or without further processing. The aggregates can be further pro- tenths of a millimeter that a standard needle penetrates vertically
cessed and finished to achieve good performance characteristics. into a specimen of the material under specified conditions of tem-
Industrial byproducts such as steel slag, blast furnace slag, fly perature, load and duration of loading. Penetration values of vari-
ash, etc. sometimes used by replacing natural aggregates to ous proportions of rubber tyre in bitumen was shown in
enhance the performance characteristics of the mix. Aggregate Table 3.1 and graphically represented in Fig. 3.1
contributes up to 90–95% of the mixture weight and contributes
to most of the load bearing & strength characteristics of the mix-
3.2. Bitumen softening test
ture.20 Hence, the quality and physical properties of the aggre-
gates should be controlled to ensure a good pavement. There was
As per IS1205-1978. The softening point of a bituminous mate-
used limestone quarry (dust), 10 mm graded crushed aggregate
rial is the temperature at which the material attains a certain
and 20 mm graded aggregate are adding in correct proportion to
degree of softness under specified conditions of test. Bitumen
use for mix with bitumen.
Softening test values of various proportions of rubber tyre in bitu-
men was shown in Table 3.2 and graphically represented in
Fig. 3.2.
Table 3.1
Penetration test.
3.3. Viscosity test of bitumen
Test samples Value
Normal Bitumen 70 mm As per IS1205-1978. In this test, time in seconds is noted for
5% Rubber tyre chips 83 mm 60 ml of the liquid bitumen at specified temperature to flow
10% Rubber tyre chips 94 mm through an orifice of a specific size. The higher the viscosity of
15% Rubber tyre chips 99 mm the bitumen more time will be required for a quantity to flow
20% Rubber tyre chips 85 mm
out. The standard value ranges from 40 s to 120 s. Viscosity test

Fig. 3.1. Penetration test result.

Please cite this article as: A. Rangaraj and P. Mukesh, An experimental investigation on partial replacement of bitumen using rubber tyre, Materials Today:
A. Rangaraj, P. Mukesh / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 3.2 Table 3.3

Softening test values. Viscosity test values.

Test samples Value Test samples Value

Normal Bitumen 49 °C Normal Bitumen 90 °C
5% Rubber tyre chips 51 °C 5% Rubber tyre chips 95 °C
10% Rubber tyre chips 54 °C 10% Rubber tyre chips 114 °C
15% Rubber tyre chips 59 °C 15% Rubber tyre chips 117 °C
20% Rubber tyre chips 45 °C 20% Rubber tyre chips 125 °C

values of various proportions of rubber tyre in bitumen was shown (Indian Standard-Methods of test for aggregate; Particle size and
in Table 3.3 and graphically represented in Fig. 3.3. shape) the recommended value for the elongation index should
be less than 30%. Elongation index of aggregate was shown in
3.4. Ductility test Table 3.7.

Ductility is the property of bitumen that permits it to undergo 3.8. Impact value
great deformation or elongation. Ductility is defined as the dis-
tance in cm, to which a standard sample or briquette of the mate- The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the
rial will be elongated without breaking. Standard Value As per resistance of the aggregate to sudden shock or impact. The purpose
IS1205-1978, the standard value ranges from not less than 50. Duc- which an aggregate is meant to serve requires the aggregate to
tility test values of various proportions of rubber tyre in bitumen have a strength which is usually stated in the specification. This
was shown in Table 3.4 and graphically represented in Fig. 3.4. test provides a method for measuring this strength. As per IS
2386-1963 Part-4 (Indian Standard-Methods of test for aggregate;
3.5. Specific gravity test for aggregate Mechanical properties of aggregates) the recommended impact
value of the coarse aggregate should be less than 24%. Impact value
As per IS: 2386-PART 3 the specific gravity of coarse aggregate of aggregate was shown in Table 3.8.
should range from 2.5 to 3. As these values lies between the
required limits it can used for road construction. Specific gravity
4. Mixing methods
test values of aggregate was shown in Table 3.5.
4.1. Mix ratio of bitumen
3.6. Flakiness index
Materials taken are aggregate dusts, 10 mm aggregates, 20 mm
Flakiness index is the percentage by weight of particles in it, aggregates and replaced bitumen as per ratio should be taken and
whose least dimension (i.e. thickness) is less than three-fifths of bitumen grade is VG30 are used in highway road construction. Mix
its mean dimension. As per IS 2386-1963 Part-1 (Indian has been taken as 40% of dust, 28% of 10 mm aggregate, 28% of
Standard-Methods of test for aggregate; Particle size and shape) 20 mm aggregate, 6% of replacing bitumen and cast the moulds
the recommended value for the flakiness index should be less than of depth up to 56 mm and radius 100 mm and fill 1/3rd of mould
30%. Flakiness values of aggregate was shown in Table 3.6. and damp 25 times for the strength retained and remaining
2/3rd of mould is to be filled and damped. At first take the aggre-
3.7. Elongation index gate as per mould and heat the aggregate at 200 °C and maintain
the temperature at 160 °C. And also heat the bitumen at 160 °C
Elongation index is the percentage by weight of particles in it, and adding rubber tyre chips as 5%, 10% and 15% in the bitumen
whose largest dimension (i.e. length) is greater than one and for three specimen and maintain the temperature at120°C. Mix
four-fifths times its mean dimension. As per IS 2386-1963 Part-1 the aggregate with replaced bitumen at 160 °C and mix the aggre-

Fig. 3.2. Bitumen softening test result.

Please cite this article as: A. Rangaraj and P. Mukesh, An experimental investigation on partial replacement of bitumen using rubber tyre, Materials Today:
4 A. Rangaraj, P. Mukesh / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3.3. Viscosity test result.

Table 3.4
Ductility test values.
measured when the specimen is loaded diametrically at a deforma-
Test samples Value tion rate of 50 mm/min. Here are two major features of the Mar-
Normal Bitumen 55 shall method of mix design. (i) Stability, flow tests and (ii) Voids
5% Rubber tyre chips 52 analysis. The Marshall stability of the mix is defined as the maxi-
10% Rubber tyre chips 57 mum load carried by the specimen at a standard test temperature
15% Rubber tyre chips 62
of 60 °C. The flow value is the deformation that the test specimen
20% Rubber tyre chips 55
undergoes during loading up to the maximum load. In India, it is a
very popular method of characterization of bituminous mixes due
to its simplicity and low cost. In the present study the Marshall
Table 3.5
Specific gravity of coarse aggregate test values. properties such as stability, flow value, unit weight and air voids
were studied to obtain the optimum binder.
Trail I Trail II Trail III
Specific gravity 2.6 2.7 2.65
4.3. Test process

On completion of density measurements, the specimens are

Table 3.6
heated in a thermostatically controlled water bath at a tempera-
Flaxiness index values.
ture of 60 ± 0.5 °C for a period of 60 min the specimens should be
Trail I Trail II Trail III completely immersed in the water. The inside faces of the testing
Flakiness index 13.42% 14.12% 15.24% heads should be thoroughly cleaned and the guide rods lightly
oiled, so that the upper head slides freely. The heads should then
be immersed in the water bath at 60 ± 0.5 °C so they are heated
Table 3.7 to the correct test temperature. It is important that the test is car-
Elongation index test values. ried out quickly and efficiently such that the total time between
Trail I Trail II Trail III removing the specimen from the water bath and completion of
the test should not exceed 40 s. It is, therefore, essential that the
Elongation index 28.34% 22.12% 25.38%
test machine, gauges, etc., are all prepared ready for use before
removing the specimens from the water bath. On completion of
the heating period, the specimen and heads should be quickly
Table 3.8 removed from the bath and the specimen placed on its side cen-
Impact test values. trally in the lower test head, the upper head is then located on
Trail I Trail II Trail III the slides and brought into contact with the specimen. The whole
assembly is then placed on the test machine directly below the
Impact value 10.12% 12.36% 15.14%
The deformation dial gauge should be placed into position and
either zeroed or the initial reading taken. The load ring dial gauge
gate and the replaced bitumen together and maintain the temper- should previously have been zeroed. The load is then applied to the
ature at 110 °C and cast the specimen of three layers. specimen by the machine at a rate of 50.8 mm/min ± 5%. The read-
ing on the load ring gauge should be observed and the instant the
load stops increasing, the machine should be switched off. The
4.2. Marshall test maximum load gauge reading should be taken. The corresponding
reading on the deformation (flow) gauge may then be taken. The
The In this method, the resistance to plastic deformation of a heads should be wiped clean before testing further specimens.
compacted cylindrical specimen of bituminous mixture is Marshall stability test was shown in Table 4.1.

Please cite this article as: A. Rangaraj and P. Mukesh, An experimental investigation on partial replacement of bitumen using rubber tyre, Materials Today:
A. Rangaraj, P. Mukesh / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 3.4. Ductility test result.

Table 4.1 observations it is concluded that use of waste polyethylene in

Marshall Stability Test Values.
form of packets used in milk packaging locally results in
SI. % Marshall stability value Flow Bulk density improved engineering properties of bituminous mixes. Hence,
No Bitumen (kg) value (gm) this investigation explores not only in utilizing most benefi-
1 0 672 3 2.020 cially, the waste non-degradable.
2 5 686 3.26 2.006
3 10 765 3.36 2.010
6. Conclusion
4 15 820 4.30 2.012
5 20 741 4.1 2.004
We conclude that by using waste rubber tyre chips as a partial
replacement of bitumen in road construction as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
5. Results and discussion 20%. Stander tests were conducted for both replaced bitumen
and bitumen. After analyzing the tests, the results of partially
Using Marshall Method of mix design the optimum bitumen replaced bitumen was more efficient than normal bitumen. The
content (OBC) and optimum rubber content (ORC) have been properties of bitumen such as ductility, viscosity, softening point,
determined for different types of mixes. penetration were improved in all the aspects when rubber is
added, which may helps in increasing the life span of the flexible
 It is observed from the static creep test that deformation of mix pavements. From the properties of all partially replaced bitumen,
generally decreases by addition of 15% partially replaced bitu- we conclude that sample 4(15% partially replaced bitumen) has
men using rubber at all test temperatures used. It results in better property.
minimum deformation compared to others.
 It is observed that by addition of waste rubber tyre to the bitu- References
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 Addition of waste rubber tyre reduces the drain down effect, 104.
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Please cite this article as: A. Rangaraj and P. Mukesh, An experimental investigation on partial replacement of bitumen using rubber tyre, Materials Today:

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