Exploring The Potential of Deep-Learning and Machi
Exploring The Potential of Deep-Learning and Machi
Exploring The Potential of Deep-Learning and Machi
This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
Received XX Month, XXXX; revised XX Month, XXXX; accepted XX Month, XXXX; Date of publication XX Month, XXXX; date of
current version XX Month, XXXX.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/OJIM.2022.1234567
ABSTRACT This paper presents an in-depth exploration of machine learning (ML) and deep learning
(DL) for the optimization and design of dual-band antennas in Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
Dual-band antennas, which are essential for the functionality of current and forthcoming flexible wireless
communication systems, face increasing complexity and design challenges as demands and requirements
for IoT-connected devices become more challenging. The study demonstrates how AI can streamline the
antenna design process, enabling customization for specific frequency ranges or performance characteristics
without exhaustive manual tuning. By utilizing ML and DL tools, this research not only enhances the
efficiency of the design process but also achieves optimal antenna performance with significant time
savings. The integration of AI in antenna design marks a notable advancement over traditional methods,
offering a systematic approach to achieving dual-band functionality tailored to modern communication
needs. We approached the antenna design as a regression problem, using the reflection coefficient, operating
frequency, bandwidth, and voltage standing wave ratio as input parameters. The ML and DL models then are
used to predict the corresponding design parameters for the antenna by using 1,000 samples, from which
700 are allocated for training and 300 for testing. This effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated
through the successful application of various ML techniques, including Fine Gaussian Support Vector
Machines (SVM), as well as Regressor and Residual Neural Networks (ResNet) with different activation
functions, to optimize the design of a dual-band T-shaped monopole antenna, thereby substantiating AI’s
transformative potential in antenna design.
INDEX TERMS Machine learning, deep learning, antenna design, dual-band antennas, AI-antenna.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
due to the extensive labor involved, including the meticulous layer, was trained on a dataset of 24 samples collected from
optimization process. an electromagnetic tool. The dataset was divided into 90%
Leveraging AI techniques for antenna design aims to pro- for training, 5% for testing, and 5% for validation, achieving
duce optimized solutions for various frequencies or perfor- minimal error in the predictions.
mance parameters. AI can be exploited to deliver complete Thus, it is evident that AI is sometimes used for op-
design parameters or to optimize key parameters, enabling timization purposes and other times for design purposes.
the creation of dual-band antennas. These antennas are These models are often associated with antennas featuring
particularly valuable due to their ability to operate in multiple complex design equations or for optimizing specific figures
bands with AI-enabled frequency scalability. of merit. Developing ML or DL approaches that can handle
The literature highlights significant progress in leveraging arbitrary designs unsupported by standard equations is cru-
machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques cial. Additionally, the datasets used in reported models are
for antenna design. AI has been incorporated into the antenna typically limited, as are the output parameters. It is important
field at two primary levels. The first level involves AI to to maximize the number of output parameters based on
predict antenna characteristics, such as operating frequency, given inputs. While handling multiple output models can
bandwidth, and gain, based on a set of design parameters. In be challenging, a cascaded approach can be effective if the
this case, AI optimizes and accelerates the design process. outputs are interrelated [16].
For example, [1] presents an efficient, flexible, and reli- In this paper, we present a DL approach for designing a
able framework to identify optimal design parameters using dual-band antenna. The antenna characteristics provided at
various ML techniques, such as Least Absolute Shrinkage the DL input include the operating frequency, bandwidth,
and Selection Operator (LASSO), Artificial Neural Networks minimum value of the reflection coefficient (S11 ), and the
(ANNs), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), for the design Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) at the operating fre-
and optimization of a dual-band T-shaped monopole antenna. quency. At the DL output, four common design parameters
Similarly, in [9], the authors utilized a modified K-nearest for both bands were generated, along with six additional
algorithm to optimize antenna parameters, achieving reason- design parameters exclusively for producing the second
able results through training and testing. band. The dual-band L-strip antenna comprises a traditional
The second level of AI involvement pertains to the pre- quarter-wave monopole antenna and an L-shaped strip. The
diction of design parameters necessary to achieve desired first band of operation is generated by the quarter-wave
antenna characteristics. This approach is particularly effec- monopole, while the L-strip, coupled with the monopole,
tive for designing various antenna types based on specific produces the second band. A dataset of 1,000 samples was
requirements. While this method is less commonly applied generated, with 70% used for training and the remainder for
to dual-band or multi-band antennas, where multiple de- testing.
sign parameters are required to ensure desired multiband
performance, it holds significant potential. For instance, [5]
II. Literature Review: ML for Enhanced Antenna Design
explores the use of ML to simplify the design of dielectric-
and Optimization
filled Slotted Waveguide Antennas (SWA) with specific side
lobe level ratios. The authors proposed treating the design ML, such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) offers sig-
process as a regression problem, where an ML model pre- nificant potential for enhancing antenna design and opti-
dicts SWA design parameters based on input specifications mization by automating and improving the efficiency of
such as side lobe ratio, reflection coefficient, operating fre- these processes. Traditional antenna design relies heavily
quency, and dielectric material’s relative permittivity, achiev- on expert knowledge and extensive simulations, which are
ing high design accuracy. Similarly, [8] proposes an ML- often time-consuming and computationally expensive. In
based framework to identify optimal design parameters for a contrast, ML algorithms streamline this process by learning
wideband monopole antenna with filtering notches, capable from vast datasets of antenna designs and performance met-
of resonating at multiple bands. By incorporating design rics, enabling the prediction of optimal design parameters.
parameters as input variables, the authors employed an ML Techniques such as neural networks, genetic algorithms,
algorithm to predict the antenna’s reflection coefficient and and reinforcement learning can be employed to explore
efficiency curve without relying on any electromagnetic complex design spaces, identify innovative configurations,
tools. and optimize performance criteria such as gain, bandwidth,
In addition to the models mentioned above, the literature and radiation patterns. By integrating ML, antenna design
contains numerous AI-enabled antenna designs, both as can achieve higher precision, faster development cycles, and
stand-alone systems [10]–[12] and in array configurations novel solutions that may be difficult to discover through
[7], [13], [14]. One such study demonstrates the design of a conventional methods.
single-band printed dipole antenna with an elliptical shape For instance, Liu et al. (2013) introduced a surrogate
using a neural network approach [15]. The neural network, model based on assisted differential evolution for antenna
consisting of an input layer, one hidden layer, and an output synthesis, effectively reducing the need for computationally
expensive electromagnetic (EM) simulations [17]. Similarly,
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
Chen et al. (2022) presented a multibranch ML-assisted of each study, we can outline potential directions for future
optimization method to tackle computational complexity in research.
antenna design, striking a balance between exploration and For example, the reliance on high-quality surrogate models
exploitation [18]. Sharma et al. (2020) explored various ML in [17] can be problematic if the initial model quality is poor,
techniques for optimizing antenna design and compared their potentially leading to sub-optimal optimization outcomes.
accuracy with traditional simulation tools [1]. Zhong et al. Future research could focus on developing more robust sur-
(2022) proposed an ML-based generative method for antenna rogate models that can deliver reliable predictions even with
design optimization, utilizing a flexible geometric scheme to lesser data quality or explore hybrid models that combine
achieve significant design efficiency [19]. Additionally, Patel multiple types of predictive models to enhance reliability and
et al. (2022) focused on the use of ML for smart antenna accuracy across different scenarios. Similarly, [18] addresses
design, specifically for modern communication technologies computational complexities with a multi-branch strategy,
in metamaterial-based antennas [20]. Wu et al. (2024) com- which itself introduces complexity in implementation. Future
bined different ML methods to improve the efficiency of efforts could focus on simplifying the integration of such
antenna geometry design, showcasing the use of surrogate strategies, perhaps through automated tools that assist in set-
models alongside full-wave simulations [14]. Sharma et al. ting up and managing multi-branch optimization processes,
(2022) further explored ML optimization methods to model making them more accessible and less prone to errors.
antenna gain performance, demonstrating improved compu- Moving forward, our proposed approach, highlighted in the
tational efficiency and accuracy in antenna design [21]. last row of the table, provides a benchmark for comparison
Several recent works have applied advanced ML strategies against other existing methods, showcasing the potential for
to antenna simulations, significantly enhancing both the further improvements in antenna design through ML-based
design process and the performance of the resulting antennas. optimization techniques.
Montaser et al. (2021) implemented a deep neural network Another significant limitation observed in studies like [19]
to optimize dual-band antenna designs for 5G applications, and [14] is their heavy dependence on large, high-quality
utilizing advanced optimization algorithms to achieve high training datasets. This reliance can be mitigated by em-
performance [12]. Testolina et al. (2019) developed an ML- ploying unsupervised or semi-supervised learning methods,
based approach to emulate complex simulators, enabling which are capable of operating effectively with unlabelled
rapid optimization of millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular data, reducing the need for extensive pre-labeled datasets.
systems [22]. Wu et al. (2021) introduced a multilayer ML- Additionally, the study by [12] points out the high compu-
assisted optimization method for robust antenna and array tational costs associated with training deep neural networks.
design, which significantly accelerates the design process This issue could be addressed by adopting more efficient
while maintaining accuracy [23]. Aoad et al. (2021) de- network architectures or leveraging transfer learning, where a
signed a multiband rectangular microstrip antenna using pre-trained model is fine-tuned rather than built from scratch.
ML to improve both design accuracy and computational These alternatives could significantly reduce computational
efficiency [24]. These advanced strategies demonstrate the demands while maintaining or even improving the perfor-
growing capability of ML in enhancing antenna simulations, mance of ML models in antenna design.
especially for complex systems and next-generation wireless
III. Methodology
Beyond design optimization, ML has been applied to
A. Traditional Design Approaches for Dual-Band Antenna
solve broader theoretical and practical challenges in antenna
technology. Lin et al. (2019) proposed a DL-based beam- Numerous dual-band antenna designs have been proposed
forming design for large-scale antenna arrays, addressing in the literature to cater to a wide range of applications
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) design challenges [28]–[31]. These designs may or may not be supported
in millimeter wave communication systems [25]. Similarly, by analytical design equations. Most dual-band antennas
Wu et al. (2020) proposed a multistage collaborative ML typically incorporate two or more resonating elements that
method for efficient multi-objective antenna modeling and enable their dual-band operation. The antenna structures are
optimization, utilizing various Gaussian process regression often created using electromagnetic simulation tools such as
models to address the complexity of modern antenna systems Computer Simulation Technology (CST), High-Frequency
[26]. These innovative applications highlight the versatility Structure Simulator (HFSS), or Advanced Design Systems
of ML in addressing both practical challenges in design and (ADS). After the initial design phase, each antenna parameter
broader theoretical issues in antenna technology. undergoes a meticulous optimization process to achieve
Table 1 provides a comparative analysis of different ML the desired performance. This step, however, can be time-
solutions reported in the literature for antenna design. The consuming and requires significant computational power and
table categorizes these studies based on the ML models used, manual effort.
the datasets involved, their key contributions, limitations, and In this work, the authors focus on an L-strip dual-band
the best performance achieved. By identifying the limitations antenna, which is suitable for Wireless Local Area Network
(WLAN), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
(WiMAX), or sub-6 GHz Fifth Generation (5G) applications. The monopole strip is a traditional quarter-wavelength
This antenna is used as a case study to explore the potential monopole antenna designed to resonate at a center frequency
of applying ML techniques to multi-band antenna designs of 2.45 GHz. To enable dual-band operation, the L-strip is
[32]. introduced, which resonates at 5.5 GHz, thus covering the
WLAN, WiMAX, and sub-6 GHz 5G bands. The rectangular
microstrip monopole, printed on the top side of the substrate,
has a truncated ground plane on the bottom side, as depicted
in Fig. 1(left). The width of the radiator matches that of the
1) L-strip Dual-Band Antenna
feed line (Wf eed ).
Fig. 1 illustrates the geometry of the proposed dual-band The operating frequency of the monopole (fc1 ) can be
antenna. The antenna is constructed on a standard, low-cost calculated using the well-known equation:
FR-4 substrate, which has a dielectric constant of 4.4, a
loss tangent of 0.025, and a thickness (h) of 1.6 mm. The
structure comprises a rectangular monopole strip fed by a
50 Ω microstrip feed line, with an L-strip integrated on the
right side of the monopole strip. The overall dimensions of c
fc1 = √ (1)
the antenna are 46 × 45 × 1.6 mm³. 4LT R ϵef f
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
1,000 data points. Of these, 700 data points were used for
training and 300 for testing.
As noted in [32], the performance of the traditional
monopole antenna primarily depends on four design param-
eters: the substrate width (Wsub ), the length of the truncated
ground plane (Lgnd ), the monopole length (LT R ), and the
width of the monopole (which also matches the width of
the microstrip line, WT R ). These parameters are critical in
achieving the initial band (fc1 ). The second band (fc2 ), on
the other hand, is generated by coupling the L-strip with
the monopole at a specific distance. The design parameters
FIGURE 1: Evolution of the dual-band antenna: left) Tra- for this second band include the length of the ground plane
ditional quarter-wave monopole antenna, and right) L-strip (Lgnd ), the lengths of the vertical and horizontal strips (Lv
dual-band antenna. and Lh ), the spacing between the L-strip and the monopole
strip (s), the offset position of the L-strip from the feed point
(doffset ), and the widths of the horizontal and vertical strips
(Wv and Wh ).
where ϵef f is the effective permittivity of the microstrip line, By varying these design parameters, the reflection coef-
c is the speed of light, and LT R is the length of the monopole ficient (S11 ) and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of
strip. the dual-band antenna were generated using electromagnetic
To validate the single and dual-band operations of the simulation, as shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b). The VSWR values,
antenna, simulations were performed using CST electro- in particular, exhibit values less than 2 for both frequencies
magnetic simulation software. Fig. 2 shows the reflection of operation, indicating excellent impedance matching.
coefficients of both the single and dual-band antennas. As
illustrated, the first band (fc1 ) is generated by the monopole
antenna, while coupling the monopole with the L-strip
produces the second band (fc2 ).
(a) S11
(b) VSWR
2) Dataset Generation
One of the primary challenges in applying ML or DL FIGURE 3: a) Simulated reflection coefficient (S11 ) and b)
techniques to antenna design is the availability of datasets. VSWR of the dual-band antenna for dataset generation.
While standard antennas may have limited datasets available,
customized antennas often require the generation of in-
house datasets. Given that an appropriately sized dataset is Reflection coefficients were extracted from CST auto-
crucial for creating accurate models, the dataset used for this generated .s1p files, while corresponding VSWR values were
proposed antenna was generated using CST and comprises obtained by exporting .txt files. A data cleanup process was
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
performed using MATLAB to extract the antenna’s figures corresponding outputs, allowing for more reliable predictions
of merit, which include the operating frequency, bandwidth, when applied to unseen data.
minimum S11 value at the operating frequency, and the Furthermore, since this work focuses on generating con-
corresponding VSWR at the same frequency. The objective is tinuous variables as results, a regression technique must be
to develop a model that accurately captures the relationship retained [33]. However, it is important to note that the prob-
between these figures of merit and the design parameters. lem involves multi-input and multi-output data. Traditional
regression techniques typically address scenarios with a sin-
IV. Proposed Approach gle dependent variable, despite authorizing a varying number
According to the data collected and the mentioned objectives, of independent variables. To accommodate this constraint,
specific continuous variables are required to be estimated. the experiment will be examined in three distinct ways:
Table 2 and Table 3 display the set of input features 1) Multiple-input, Single-output Regression Techniques:
and output variables in this experiment, along with their Common regression techniques were compared in our
descriptions. Note that Table 2 provides the summaries initial work [16]. These included, but were not limited
corresponding to band1, whereas Table 3 pertains to band2. to: Decision Trees, Linear Regression Techniques, and
SVM. Through these experiments, it was found that
Fine Gaussian SVM returned the best Root Mean
TABLE 2: Summary of the input and output variables Square Error (RMSE) score among the models com-
corresponding to band1. pared. Hence, Fine Gaussian SVM model will be used
band 1 Description band 1 Description in the following. Since four outputs are required, the
Input output model will be trained four times using the same set of
S11min1 min value of S11 at band1 Lgnd ground length inputs, each time producing a separate model for each
fc1 operating frequency of band1 Wsub substrate width output.
BW1 bandwidth of band1 LT R monopole length 2) Multiple-input, Multiple-output Regressor Neural Net-
V SW R1 VSWR of band1 WT R monopole width
work: This method is designed to produce all outputs
simultaneously, generating a single model that can han-
dle multiple outputs. A neural network architecture is
designed to accommodate multiple inputs and outputs,
TABLE 3: Summary of the input and output variables
as seen in 4. This architecture contains two hidden
corresponding to band2.
layers with varying number of neurons each. It utilizes
Input Description Output Description the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, an optimization
S11min2 Min value of S11 at Lgnd Ground length technique used to solve non-linear least squares prob-
band2 lems [34]. This algorithm combines the dual advantages
fc2 Operating frequency of Wsub , Substrate width and
of the gradient descent and the Gauss-Newton methods
band2 Lsub length
[34]. Moreover, the adopted neural network also utilizes
BW2 Bandwidth of band2 Lv Length of the vertical
the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation function for
the first hidden layer, as represented by equation (2).
V SW R2 VSWR of band2 Lh Length of the horizontal
Accordingly, a linear activation function, as seen in
- - Wv Width of the vertical
equation (3), is used in the second hidden layer of the
neural network architecture.
- - Wh Width of the horizontal
ex − e−x
strip f (x) = tanh(x) = (2)
- - s Spacing between
ex + e−x
monopole and L-strip
- - doffset Spacing between feed f (x) = x (3)
point and L-strip In both cases, x is considered to be the input to the
- - LT R Length of the monopole activation function, representing the weighted sum of
inputs along with a bias.
Given the data’s continuous nature, a supervised learning 3) Multiple-input, Single-output Regressor Neural Net-
approach must be conducted for the methodology. Super- work: This approach follows a similar model as seen
vised learning is the area of ML that relies on labeled data in Fig. 4. However, the output layer is designated to
during the training process [33]. This approach involves produce only a single output. Hence, similar to the
providing the learning algorithm with input/s and output traditional regression approach, this method will also
pairs, where the inputs are considered features, and the be trained four times, resulting in four distinct models
output is the corresponding label. By utilizing these ground for the outputs. To optimize the parameters and provide
truth labels, the model can learn to map inputs to their accurate results, the number of neurons in each hidden
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
Accordingly, the percentage differences are also provided Upon examining the results, it is clear that the parameter
with each model. Lsub consistently shows an average error rate of 0 across
50 samples. This is because it remains constant throughout
TABLE 4: Average Differences per Model and Output. the experiments, making it straightforward for the model to
learn and predict this value accurately.
Output DL(25) DL(50) DL(100) DL(75) DL(75+50) ML Avg.
On the other hand, the parameter Wh exhibits the highest
error rate at approximately 20%. This significant error can
Lgnd 2.501 2.672 3.161 2.504 1.497 2.022 2.393
also be observed in the dramatic fluctuations of the predicted
s 31.578 22.271 27.242 59.075 19.097 5.646 27.485 values from the original values of Wh , as illustrated in Fig.
Lv 36.217 14.913 24.095 43.578 17.815 11.687 24.718 6(i). This variability introduces a challenge for the model,
Lh 29.854 26.452 45.629 86.850 71.204 47.735 51.287 as the changes in this parameter are not as aligned to the
Wsub 2.668 2.333 1.980 4.480 2.547 1.964 2.662 changes in the input data, leading to a higher prediction error
Avg. 20.564 13.728 20.421 39.297 22.432 13.811 compared to other parameters.
per Despite the noted observations in parameters Wsub and
model Wh , the overall performance of the models is relatively
stable. The average error rate across all 10 outputs falls
From these results, we can make two key observations: within a range of 6-8%, indicating a generally acceptable
1) The best performance was achieved with the 50-neuron level of accuracy in the predictions. This range suggests that
DL regressor and the Fine Gaussian SVM, both showing while certain parameters may present more challenges than
an average difference of approximately 14% from the others, the models are performing well across the majority
actual values. of the outputs on average.
2) The outputs for Lgnd and Wsub had significantly lower
error rates compared to the other outputs. C. Experiment 3: Multi-output ResNet
Further analysis of the dataset reveals that the lower error Furthermore, ResNet models exhibited better consistency
rate observed is due to the strong correlation between the across different outputs, a highly desirable feature for this
input values and the changes in Lgnd and Wsub . In contrast, application. This consistency can be attributed to ResNet’s
the other three unknowns have a more complex relationship unique architecture, particularly the skip connections, which
with the inputs, requiring more sophisticated methods to enable the network to focus on learning residuals. This, in
achieve better accuracy. turn, stabilizes the training process and enhances general-
ization. Overall, the ResNet models proved more robust and
B. Experiment 2: Multi-output Regressor Neural Network effective in handling the intricate dependencies inherent in
To enhance the results, we conducted another experiment MIMO data, leading to more reliable and accurate results
using a multi-output regressor neural network model. This than the other approaches tested in this study.
model retains the same architecture as shown in Fig. 4,
with the key difference being an output layer designed to
produce multiple results simultaneously. By doing so, the VI. Discussion
model also learns the inter-dependencies between the outputs The findings from this study demonstrate that ResNet outper-
during training, rather than treating each output separately. form both Fine Gaussian SVM and traditional regressor neu-
This approach not only promises potential improvements in ral networks for multi-output tasks. ResNet’s architecture,
accuracy, but also reduces training time, as only one model with its built-in skip connections, is especially well-suited
is needed to generate all outputs. Additionally, the resource for managing the complexities of MIMO data. In antenna
requirements for maintaining a single model are significantly design, multiple characteristics such as operating frequency,
lower when compared to multiple models. Finally, getting the bandwidth, VSWR, gain, directivity, and efficiency are key
results from a multi-output model will require only a single input data, while several design parameters, including the
step, as opposed to calling multiple models to get all desired dimensions of the radiating element, substrate, and parasitic
output. elements like slots or stubs, form the output. For multi-
To enhance the experiment, we have also com- band antennas, the number of output parameters is even
bined the outputs for the two antenna bands includ- higher, given the additional elements required for multi-band
ing: Lgnd ,s,doffset ,Lv ,Lh ,Wsub ,Wv ,Wh ,LT R ,Lsub . The re- functionality. In this context, ResNet represents an ideal
sults corresponding to 50 samples are provided in Fig. 6 choice for AI-based antenna design, not only for L-strip-
(a) to (j), comparing the actual values of the outputs (light based dual antennas, as discussed in this article, but also for
blue lines) with the predicted ones (dark blue lines). other types of single or multi-band antennas. By learning
Furthermore, Table 6 provides a summarized comparison residuals, ResNet effectively captures complex relationships
of the error percentages between the actual and predicted between inputs and outputs, leading to more accurate and
values for each output across the three models. consistent predictions across all outputs.
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
One of the major advantages of ResNet for MIMO data further strengthen its appeal. The architecture can easily
is its ability to improve training efficiency and optimize be extended with additional layers to model more complex
resource use. Unlike traditional approaches that may re- relationships without significantly increasing computational
quire separate models for each output, ResNet integrates demands. This scalability is particularly advantageous in
multiple outputs within a single network. This integration dynamic environments, where evolving data distributions
reduces training time, as the model is trained once, and require models to remain accurate with minimal adjustments.
minimizes resource requirements since only one model needs While the Fine Gaussian SVM proved effective in sce-
to be maintained. As a result, ResNet not only simplifies narios with well-separated data and limited sample sizes,
deployment but also emerges as a cost-effective solution for ResNet’s flexibility and robustness offer distinct advantages
complex regression tasks. when handling MIMO data, where input-output interactions
Additionally, ResNet addresses the vanishing gradient are more intricate. Although the SVM’s use of kernel
problem, a common challenge in deep learning models. functions like Gaussian kernels is powerful for capturing
The residual connections ensure that gradients can flow non-linear boundaries, it does not provide the depth and
smoothly through the network during training, enhancing versatility that ResNet offers.
ResNet’s ability to capture complex data patterns and im- All in all, ResNet has emerged as the most effective and
prove generalization. ResNet’s adaptability and scalability efficient methodology for the requirements of this study. Its
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/OJCS.2024.3463190
exceptional performance in managing MIMO data, combined Implementation and Experimentation, R. Gadhafi, A. Copi-
with its benefits in training efficiency, resource management, aco, K. Afsari; Testing, A. Copiaco; K. Afsari; Writing, R.
gradient flow, adaptability, and scalability, solidifies its posi- Gadhafi, A. Copiaco, Y. Himeur, K. Ghanem; Proofreading
tion as the preferred option for multi-output prediction tasks. and Review, R. Gadhafi, A. Copiaco, Y. Himeur, H. Mukhtar,
K. Ghanem, W. Mansoor; Supervision, R. Gadhafi
VII. Conclusion
This study demonstrates the significant potential of AI, Funding
particularly machine learning (ML) and neural networks This research received no external funding
(NNs), in optimizing the design of dual-band antennas
for IoT applications. Although the Fine Gaussian Support Availability of data and materials
Vector Machines (SVM) approach gave favorable results for Data will be shared upon request
some of the outputs, the Residual Neural Network (ResNet)
emerged as the most effective approach for this application, REFERENCES
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
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(a) Actual vs Predicted Values: Lgnd (b) Actual vs Predicted Values: s (c) Actual vs Predicted Values: doffset
(d) Actual vs Predicted Values: Lh (e) Actual vs Predicted Values: Lsub (f) Actual vs Predicted Values: Wsub
(g) Actual vs Predicted Values: Lv (h) Actual vs Predicted Values: Wv (i) Actual vs Predicted Values: Wh
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