Digital Phased Arrays Challanges
Digital Phased Arrays Challanges
Digital Phased Arrays Challanges
beamforming is accomplished with analog combiner net- Section I-C that summarizes more recent trends. The re-
works (usually passive) and phase shifters within each mainder of the paper then provides a broad overview of
subarray to approximate true time delays. Digital trans- ongoing challenges as well as emerging research opportu-
ceivers drive the combined input/output (I/O) signals of nities to improve the underlying design trade spaces as-
each subarray, in turn connecting to digital beamformers sociated with the first three bulleted items above.
that operate at the subarray level. Digitization of multi- Section II provides a basic DBF framework to facilitate a
ple subarray channels enables adaptive beamforming [9], discussion on these topics then highlights architectures
[10], space-time adaptive processing (STAP) [11], and for basic DBF implementation. Section III discusses
multiple concurrent functions, an important requirement ADBF and means by which its processing requirements
for future systems like the multifunction phased array may be reduced. Section IV then presents calibration-
radar (MPAR) [12]. To form P simultaneous beams in specific challenges as well as techniques that leverage
arbitrary directions, the phase shifters and front-end an- element-level control and digitization to help address
alog beamformers must be instantiated P times.1 Arrays them. A wideband null-steering example is presented in
with analog beamforming are inherently constrained to Section V that illustrates how the underlying I/O, pro-
the beamforming scheme imposed by the exact configu- cessing, and calibration trade spaces are all intercon-
ration of front-end beamforming electronics. nected in the design of these modern systems. Finally,
The most generically flexible phased array architec- Section VI provides concluding remarks.
ture would feature digitization and control of both the
transmitted and received signals at each antenna ele-
ment, along with the ability to cover wide bandwidths. B. Past Examples of Digital Arrays
Such a system is depicted in Fig. 1(c). Because the Several element-level digital arrays have been devel-
element-level processing and subsequent beamforming is oped in recent decades. While details on large-scale, op-
digital, it can be reconfigured and optimized for different erational digital arrays have not been published in the
applications. Ideally, this can be done without altering open literature, the CEAFAR in Australia and the
the front-end analog electronics and packaging. A fully EL/M-2248 MF-STAR in Israel have both been described
digital array may have a digital-to-analog converter in press releases as being “fully digital” [20], [21]. The
(DAC) and a waveform generator on each element FlexDAR testbed, currently under development in the
[e.g., direct digital synthesizer (DDS), as depicted in the United States by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), is
figure]. This provides inherent flexibility for new modes also a fully digital array [22]. There are several smaller
of operation beyond that of traditional beamforming, element-level digital testbeds that have been reported in
where the same “desired” signal is transmitted and/or recent years. Many of these systems were developed to
received on each element. In summary and as further explore or illustrate the potential benefits listed above.
motivation for this technology, the primary benefits of In the 1980–1990s, a few narrowband (few mega-
element-level digitization include: hertz at most) fully digital testbeds appeared for Rx [16],
• simultaneous Rx (and even Tx) beams and dy- [23], [24] and Tx [25] demonstrations, ADBF [26], and
namic digital subarray allocation (Section II); element-level calibration [27]. These early developments
• adaptive digital beamforming (ADBF) with de- are well summarized in [15]. The team in [28] later dem-
grees of freedom (DOFs) extending to the ele- onstrated the digitization of hundreds of channels for
ment level [14] (Section III); precision beamforming on a conformal array. At the
• enhanced calibration capabilities, with the po- time, card- or rack-based commercial off-the-shelf
tential for ultralow sidelobes and wideband (COTS) components were becoming available for digiti-
equalization [15], [16] (Section IV); zation and processing, leading to a program at ONR with
• multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) radar Lincoln Laboratory that developed a 96-element array
and communication as well as reconfigurable Tx with offline element-level equalization [29] and subse-
subapertures with independent waveforms [17]; quent DBF. In 2003, Air Force Research Laboratory
• dynamic range (DR) improvements on the order (AFRL), Lincoln Laboratory, and Lockheed Martin devel-
of 10 log10 ðNÞ dB with N transceivers, with some oped a 16-element S-band demonstrator [30] with two
metrics limited by correlation of spurious prod- intermediate frequency (IF) down-conversion stages sup-
ucts [6], [18], [19]. porting narrowband (10 MHz) operation or stretch pro-
cessing over 500 MHz, again with offline DBF. In 2003,
the German Aerospace Center developed a 5 5
A. Paper Overview Rx-only array for satellite communications featuring in-
With these benefits in mind, Section I-B highlights tegration of the radio-frequency (RF) front-end and first
several past examples of these systems, followed by IF stage on the patch antenna panel itself; small digital
Overlapped subarray beamforming (analog or digital) can form
modules behind this panel performed digitization and
clusters of beams more efficiently [13]. processing [31].
There are more general practical challenges surrounding where Hm;p ð!Þ is the frequency-domain equivalent of the
the performance, packaging, cost, and synchronization/ DBF processing on the mth element for the pth beam. This
calibration of these potentially error-prone transceivers DBF process is typically implemented in a manner that is
that must be addressed. A more obvious challenge is the equivalent to a finite impulse response (FIR) form4 as
sheer amount of data that must be ingested and processed
by an array with ADCs at each of potentially thousands of
elements. These challenges lead to the trade spaces ex- M X
X K1
Fig. 3. Digital matrix-based mutual coupling compensation illustration using the techniques in [63] on the eight-element testbed in
[33], showing improved sidelobe behavior as well as dual-polarization pattern correction in (b) relative to the pattern in (a) from
simple DBF derived from the assumptions in (2).
combinations of patterns like (2) for each digital ele- address for practical implementation; this is the topic of
ment. These can in turn be corrected with matrix-based the following sections.
processing to derive am;p [63]. More sophisticated
models are required for complex elements and for con-
A. Front-End Processing Considerations
formal arrays [66]–[68]. The important underlying fact
There are many options for practical implementation
is that these small-array effects generally require that
of (4), and processing architecture choices are highly ap-
element-level patterns be measured/known in order to
plication dependent. Martinez et al. [70] give an excep-
inform accurate pattern synthesis as part of the calibra-
tional overview of both the back-end DBF processing and
tion process [69], especially for wide bandwidths. An
data transfer or aggregation trade spaces, with examples
example of the need for—and efficacy of—these small-
mapped to smaller but generic and advanced multichan-
array techniques is shown in Fig. 3, which demonstrates
nel arrays. These topics are briefly surveyed in this
that a basic calibration that assumes the accuracy of (2)
is insufficient to correct for mutual coupling effects in
Element-level DBF processing typically involves con-
this particular array.
version of ADC samples to complex baseband (I/Q) sam-
Fundamentally, errors in the correction for these
ples for subsequent DBF stages. These signal samples
channel and pattern effects will map to limits in beam-
may be generated in subbanded (frequency-domain)
forming performance, and thus there is inherently a rela-
form for applications where the signal of interest can be
tionship between beamforming, adaptation, and
logically channelized. Radio astronomy is one such appli-
calibration in pursuit of the overall DBF goal of produc-
cation, where polyphase filter banks are often employed
ing quality beams. This is illustrated further by high-
[51], [52]. The precise relationship between am;p ½k and
level examples throughout the rest of the paper.
Hm;p ð!Þ is established by such architectural choices. For
As a basic example, consider a planar array where (2)
example, for a direct-conversion implementation with
holds perfectly. Basic calibration at broadside (wherever
time-domain processing like the Army DAR [32], the I/Q
^ð; Þ ½rm r0 ¼ 0 for all elements) measures the rel-
samples are already complex baseband; thus, one simply
ative Gm through frequency-domain analysis of the xm ½n
has DFTfam;p ½kg ¼ Hm;p ð!Þ within the Nyquist band-
signals from (4) upon far-field illumination by a probing
width after appropriate normalization. On the other
signal. For a given beam p, am;p ½k are set to effectively
hand, an IF-sampled system with frequency-domain pro-
provide Hm;p ð!Þ ¼ Bm;p ð!Þ=Gm ð!Þ, where Bm;p ð!Þ is the
cessing may involve FFT-based implementation of the
desired overall channel response. With array tapering
convolution process in (4) in addition to prior digital
weights of Wm , one then simply has
down-conversion and decimation. In this case, the trans-
form from the am;p ½k to Hm;p ð!Þ involves frequency shift-
ing and scaling as well.
Bm;p ð!Þ ¼ Wm ejk0 u^ðp ;p Þ½rm r0 (5) Regardless of the architecture, the overall function is
to impose equivalent complex baseband channels, such
as (5), on each element’s signal, paying careful attention
to scan to ðp ; p Þ. Even in this simple and nonadaptive to the overall frequency-dependent phase in wideband
case, there are many architectural considerations to systems. This includes channel-level equalization [71],
oscillator (LO) phase offsets [18]. This is in addition to yp ½n ¼ cq;p ½l dm;p ½rxm ½n r l (6)
q¼1 l¼1 m2Sq r¼0
the amplitude tapering and phase shifting associated
with (5) as well as any pattern corrections. It is more
computationally efficient to perform several corrections
for one stage of hierarchical or systolic processing. Here,
at once, e.g., combining true time delays (TTDs) with
the Sq are the elements in the qth digital subarray, which
equalization [74]. Again, implementation can be in the
is often simply a physical DFE but need not be. The in-
time or frequency domain. Additionally, all of these
dex r and the corresponding dm;p ½r represent element-
error-correction processes require practical calibration
level filtering (amplitude and phase manipulation) for
solutions as part of the design trade space. This design
the mth element in Sq , which may vary with beam num-
space also naturally includes physical/architectural
ber p. Similarly, the index l and the corresponding cq;p ½l
represent filtering of the qth digital subarray output for
beam p. The processing above has a frequency domain
equivalent in the form of
B. Distributed Processing and Aggregation
A unique aspect of fully digital arrays relative to
other high performance computing applications is that Yp ð!Þ ¼ Cq;p ð!Þ Dm;p ð!ÞXm ð!Þ (7)
the data sources are often tied to fixed positions on a q¼1 m2Sq
physical array lattice. Mechanical and serviceability con-
siderations lead to the physical segregation of the array
into a number of digital front-end (DFE) modules, very which maps back to the effective Hm;p ð!Þ in (3). This
much like analog subarrays. Practical DFE connectedness particular “one-stage” architecture is popular because it
strategies map to physical implementations that come in essentially replicates the analog beamforming performed
a variety of forms, as summarized in Fig. 4. While some by a digitized subarray (Fig. 1), but in an inherently flex-
of the past examples in the Introduction show that it is ible way [32], [76]. Many systems use the Dm;p for fixed
practical to build smaller arrays using a centralized DBF channel equalization and subarray steering, followed by
topology [Fig. 4(c)], most larger arrays require that large ADBF with the Cq;p acting as the DOF; this is discussed
amounts of data be aggregated in some way before being more in the next section.
sent to or between a number of subsequent processing A common nonadaptive use of this architecture is
nodes. As an example, even a 64 64 element array TTD beamforming over wide bandwidths, where the fre-
with only 100 MHz of sampling bandwidth would have quency-dependent phase of k0 in (5) is corrected. This is
on the order of 10 Tb/s of total ADC data to process performed at the element level in smaller or extremely
into what might be only a few beams of 20 Mb/s wave- wideband digital [77] or analog [78], [79] arrays to pre-
form data. vent beam smearing. In larger or moderate-bandwidth
are determined and the order in which the processing Table 1 Summary of ADBF Weight Calculation Complexities
and aggregation take place are all part of a broad trade
space that considers the application’s requirements as
well as practical technology limitations. After a general
overview of the standard algorithms and processes, this
section presents the rough complexities of a few repre-
sentative ADBF schemes and describes a new technique
based on the matrix inversion lemma (MIL) that can
help reduce the underlying complexity in some cases.
dedicated calibration equipment that is fielded along details. Digital arrays usually allow for direct
with the array. measurement of element-level signals on Rx, and
can implement phase toggling techniques with
B. Practical Digital Array Calibration high precision on Tx.
Considerations In the midst of these low-level issues, one must con-
There are important practical challenges that compli- sider the higher level trend of digital arrays moving from
cate these processes in digital arrays, particularly during test racks with cabled antennas to operational platforms
initial calibration. with integrated, low-cost transceiver electronics. With
• While analog arrays can often be simply mea- this trend comes the risk of increased static and time/
sured using a network analyzer (or equivalent temperature-dependent errors in the active gains Gm
“RF-to-RF” electronics), digital transceiver-based (Section II) [92]. Given the overall goal described at the
arrays require that any external equipment be top of this section, it is clear that robust calibration pro-
phase locked to provide a true “RF-to-digital” in- cesses are themselves an enabling technology for digital
terface. This typically involves careful reference arrays in some applications. There are important addi-
clock distribution or the use of dedicated auxil- tional digital array benefits that help with these. First,
iary transceiver channels from the native digital digital arrays naturally provide more processing DOF for
array. equalization/TTD than their analog counterparts, gener-
• A typical hierarchical/systolic DBF may not be alizing to (4) or (6) and (7). With enough processing, er-
able to pass element-level data to a central pro- ror correction is limited only by stability of the
cessor in real time. Thus, for calibration it is electronics and calibration accuracies. Second, there are
common to buffer and then stream these data to a number of emerging in situ calibration techniques to
a central calibration processor. This should be maintain performance over time that are well suited for
considered early in the design process. digital arrays. This is the topic of Section IV-C.
• Multiple LOs may be used to drive the digital
transceivers to provide improvements in phase C. In Situ Calibration and Mutual-Coupling-Based
noise [87] and array flexibility. These LOs may Techniques
require phase synchronization during calibration It is increasingly common to include dedicated in-
[84]. Similarly, digital sample clock synchroniza- ternal calibration hardware on fielded phased arrays to
tion must be ensured through proper design; support calibration, as depicted in Fig. 6. The discus-
small, residual offsets can be compensated with sion that follows here focuses on emerging techniques
wideband calibration using TTD [77]. that seek to make maximal use of element-level digiti-
At the same time, all calibration routines performed zation to overcome calibration challenges using these
on fully digital arrays have potential calibration advan- techniques.
tages relative to analog arrays because the waveform in- A high-quality, embedded calibration network near
terfaces are digital. the array face could source or receive nearly identical
• Digital arrays have mathematical precision lim- signal levels at each element, as depicted as item 2 in
ited by processing (e.g., 16-b integer math), not Fig. 6. Early examples include series feed microstrip
analog phase shifting and/or time delay resolution lines [27], [93]. The TerraSAR-X satellite uses embedded
(e.g., 6 b). Though such high element-level accu- coupling to each element for in situ calibration [94],
racy is not usually required for large arrays where maintaining 0.2 dB and 2 overall element-level ac-
random errors are more tolerable, this may be curacy [95]. Both of the digital arrays in [30] and [31]
necessary for smaller arrays and for general sub- used coupled injection for receive-only in situ calibration.
array-level processing. These types of networks have been recently incorporated
• Analog arrays may need to be calibrated/ into single-chip arrays as well [96], and remain common
measured over a significant subset of their phase/ in general.
amplitude states because of attenuation-dependent While these embedded networks are effective for
phase shifts, phase shift-dependent amplitude smaller arrays on a single module or circuit board, it
shifts, etc. [88]. Digital domain signal manipula- may be difficult to realize error-free RF signal distribu-
tion obviates this need on Rx and may simplify tion over a large array. An alternative mechanism makes
the treatment of Tx electronic control nonlinear- use of probe antennas in the near field of the array to
ities (such as amplifier compression). monitor changes to array behavior (item 3). Examples in-
• Analog arrays generally only allow for direct mea- clude the fixed probe in [97], or built-in near-field scan-
surement of combined signals on either Tx or Rx. ners for initial and in situ calibration [98]. The relative
To measure individual elements, one must switch merits of these techniques were detailed in [84].
elements on and off or use phase toggling tech- The ideal digital array calibration mechanism would
niques; see [89]–[91] for examples and [84] for use the inherent hardware available within the array,
Fig. 8. Further mutual coupling calibration simulation studies on 9 9 array from [104]: (a) example of error indicator , the sum of
nondominant singular values of K0 ð!Þ, versus associated element-level complex errors after applying the in situ algorithm to a subset
of the central 5 5 group in the presence of random array S-parameter errors; (b) example of frequency response estimate error
after applying large-array initial calibration algorithm on the same 5 5 group; other element errors were of similar magnitude or
better [103].
processing flexibility afforded by modern digital arrays leverage the opportunities provided by element-level digi-
creates new trade spaces in adaptive arrays. tization to mitigate errors and performance limitations as-
sociated with the use of lower cost transceiver hardware
while providing a fundamentally scalable and flexible digi-
VI . CONCLUSION tal beamforming architecture. This broad survey of the en-
Digital phased array technology promises to deliver new gineering trade spaces surrounding these systems has
levels of performance and multifunctionality in future ra- highlighted a number of specific challenges and opportuni-
dar and communication systems. The move to arrays with ties, ultimately suggesting that advanced calibration and
digitization at the element level comes with a number of networking schemes should seek to make maximal use of
practical risks associated with signal processing, data man- the inherent flexibility in these digital architectures to en-
agement, and the complexity of increasingly integrated hance system-level performance through novel calibration
electronics. The ultimate goal for future systems will be to and digital beamforming techniques. h
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Daniel Thompson (Student Member, IEEE) re- Adam Mitchell (Student Member, IEEE) was
ceived the B.S. degree in computer engineering born in Bartlesville, OK, USA, in 1991. He re-
and the M.S. degree in electrical and computer ceived the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical en-
engineering from the University of Oklahoma gineering from the University of Oklahoma (OU),
(OU), Norman, OK, USA, in 2010 and 2011, respec- Norman, OK, USA, in 2013 and 2014, respectively.
tively, where he is currently working toward the He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree
Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer in electrical engineering at the Ohio State Uni-
engineering. versity, Columbus, OH, USA.
He is currently a Research Assistant with the From 2012 to 2014, he was a Graduate Re-
Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC), OU. His search Assistant for the Advanced Radar Re-
research interests include real-time, high-performance signal process- search Center (ARRC), OU, where he studied mutual-coupling-based
ing and devices, direct conversion transceivers, and phased array radar calibration methods for digital phased array radar systems. Since 2014,
calibration. he has been a Graduate Research Assistant at the ElectroScience Labo-
Mr. Thompson has received an ARRC Outstanding Student Paper ratory, Ohio State University. His current research interests are cogni-
Award in 2015. tive radar systems and cognitive radar imaging.