Towards Smart Wireless Communications Via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: A Contemporary Survey
Towards Smart Wireless Communications Via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: A Contemporary Survey
Towards Smart Wireless Communications Via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: A Contemporary Survey
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
Abstract—This paper presents a literature review on recent mance improvement of IRS-assisted wireless networks. To exploit
applications and design aspects of the intelligent reflecting sur- the performance gain, we discuss the joint optimization of the
face (IRS) in the future wireless networks. Conventionally, the IRS’s phase control and the transceivers’ transmission control
network optimization has been limited to transmission control in different network design problems, e.g., rate maximization
at two endpoints, i.e., end users and network controller. The and power minimization problems. Furthermore, we extend the
fading wireless channel is uncontrollable and becomes one of discussion of IRS-assisted wireless networks to some emerging
the main limiting factors for performance improvement. The use cases. Finally, we highlight important practical challenges
IRS is composed of a large array of scattering elements, which and future research directions for realizing IRS-assisted wireless
can be individually configured to generate additional phase networks in beyond 5G communications.
shifts to the signal reflections. Hence, it can actively control Keywords- Intelligent reflecting surface, smart radio environ-
the signal propagation properties in favor of signal reception, ment, passive beamforming, IRS-assisted wireless networks.
and thus realize the notion of a smart radio environment. As
such, the IRS’s phase control, combined with the conventional
transmission control, can potentially bring performance gain I. INTRODUCTION
compared to wireless networks without IRS. In this survey, we With the popularizing of user devices constituting the future
first introduce basic concepts of the IRS and the realizations of
its reconfigurability. Then, we focus on applications of the IRS Internet of Things (IoT), we have never stopped our efforts on
in wireless communications. We overview different performance the challenging network optimization problems to improve the
metrics and analytical approaches to characterize the perfor- energy- or spectrum-efficiency (EE/SE) of wireless networks,
with the aim of accommodating the users’ demanding data rate
Manuscript received December 16, 2019; revised February 21, 2020 and and diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements, e.g., [1]
May 10, 2020; accepted June 16, 2020. The work of Shimin Gong was and [2]. Currently, the performance optimization of wireless
supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
under Grant 61972434, Shenzhen Basic Research Program under Grant networks either focuses on the user side or the network
JCYJ20190807154009444, Shenzhen Talent Peacock Plan Program under controller, e.g., the base station (BS) and network operator.
Grant KQTD2015071715073798, and PCL Future Greater-Bay Area Network For wireless network operators, the ever-increasing traffic
Facilities for Largescale Experiments and Applications (LZC0019). The work
of Dusit Niyato was supported in part by the National Research Foundation demand can be fulfilled by deploying energy-efficient small
(NRF), Singapore, under Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA), Ener- cells in a dense network or using multiple antennas at the
gy Resilience, NRF2017EWT-EP003-041, Singapore NRF2015-NRF-ISF001- BS to increase spectrum efficiency [3]. The BS’s transmit
2277, Singapore NRF National Satellite of Excellence, Design Science and
Technology for Secure Critical Infrastructure NSoE DeST-SCI2019-0007, beamforming or power allocation can be optimized to adapt
A*STAR-NTU-SUTD Joint Research Grant on Artificial Intelligence for the to the channel variations. At the user side, multiple users
Future of Manufacturing RGANS1906, Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems can join collaboration, e.g., via device-to-device (D2D) [4]
and Software Program and Nanyang Technological University (WASP/NTU)
under grant M4082187 (4080). The work of Dong In Kim was supported by and relay communications [5]. These features can potentially
the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean provide the benefits of improved link quality and coverage,
Government (MSIT) under Grant 2014R1A5A1011478. The work of Ying- increased EE/SE performance, reduced interference and power
Chang Liang was supported in part by the National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China under Grant U1801261, the Key Areas of Research and Develop- consumption [6]. A joint optimization can be made possible
ment Program of Guangdong Province, China, under Grant 2018B010114001, when the information exchange and coordination between end
the Central Universities Funding under Grant ZYGX2019Z022, and the 111 users and the network controller are available. This is preferred
Project under Grant B20064. Corresponding author: Ying-Chang Liang.
S. Gong is with School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat- as it generally yields a higher performance gain if it is solvable
sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China, and also with Peng Cheng with affordable cost. Hence, numerous research works in the
Laboratory, Shenzhen 518055, China (e-mail: [email protected]). literature have proposed joint system optimizations to improve
X. Lu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). the EE/SE performance of wireless networks by a combination
D. T. Hoang is with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, of different techniques, e.g., [7] and [8]. These may include the
University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia (e-mail: optimization for wireless power transfer, cooperative relaying,
[email protected]). D. Niyato is with School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (e-mail: dniya- beamforming, and resource allocation, etc.
[email protected]). L. Shu is with NAU-Lincoln Joint Research Center of Intel- However, in the current paradigm of wireless network
ligent Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Najing 210095, China (e- optimization, the radio environment itself remains an uncon-
mail: [email protected]). D. I. Kim is with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon, South trollable factor and thus it is not accounted for in the problem
Korea (e-mail: [email protected]). Ying-Chang Liang is with the Center for formulations. Due to randomness in the radio environment, the
Intelligent Networking and Communications (CINC), University of Electronic signal propagation typically experiences reflections, diffrac-
Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China, and also with
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Electronic Science and tions, and scattering before reaching the receiver with multiple
Technology of China, Shenzhen, China (e-mail: [email protected]). randomly attenuated and delayed copies of the original signals
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
(a) IRS-assisted wireless communications (b) Wireless backscatter communications (c) AF-Relay assisted wireless communications
to deliver s[n] from the BS to deliver b[k] from the BTx to deliver s[n] from the BS
Fig. 1: Comparing IRS-assisted wireless communications with the backscatter communications and amplify-and-forward (AF)
relay-assisted wireless communications. The IRS in (a) introduces a phase shift matrix Θ to configure the equivalent reflecting
channel. The AF relay in (c) introduces a power amplifying coefficient β to forward the received signal. The receiver decodes the
n-th source information symbol s[n] for the IRS-assisted and AF relay-assisted communications, while in (b) it aims at decoding
the k-th piggybacked information symbol b[k] from the strong interference s[n] in wireless backscatter communications. The
BS-IRS, BS-receiver, and IRS-receiver channels are denoted by h, f , g, respectively.
in different paths. Such a channel fading effect becomes a active wall is introduced in [15], [16] by using an active
major limiting factor for the maximization of EE/SE perfor- frequency-selective surface (FSS) to manipulate the wireless
mance of wireless networks. Recently, a novel concept of environment. The FSS provides a narrow-band frequency
intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) has been introduced in filtering of incoming signals [24], which can be used to build
the wireless communications research community [9]–[11]. up a cognitive engine that makes the walls intelligent. The
The IRS is a two-dimensional (2D) man-made surface of experiments in [18] demonstrate that, by deploying hybrid
electromagnetic (EM) material, namely metasurface, that is active-passive elements in the walls of a building, we can
composed of a large array of passive scattering elements with expect to 1) mitigate the destructive effect of multiple paths for
specially designed physical structure.1 Each scattering element legacy wireless communications, 2) eliminate poorly condi-
can be controlled in a software-defined manner to change tioned similar channels in a large-scale MIMO system, and 3)
the EM properties (e.g., the phase shift) of the reflection of simultaneously attenuate interference power and increase sig-
the incident RF signals upon the scattering elements. By a nal strength at different receivers. The idea of programmable
joint phase control of all scattering elements, the reflecting wireless channels or environment is proposed in [19], [20] by
phases and angles of the incident RF signals can be arbitrarily using hypersurfaces, i.e., software-controlled metamaterials,
tuned to create a desirable multi-path effect. In particular, the to cover physical objects in the radio environment. Several
reflected RF signals can be added coherently to improve the physical layer building-block technologies for a programmable
received signal power or combined destructively to mitigate wireless environment are implemented and evaluated in [25].
interference. A typical system model of IRS-assisted wireless By controlling the distribution of the current over the hy-
communications is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). By deploying the persurfaces, the incident RF signals can be reshaped with a
IRS in the environment, e.g., coated on walls of buildings desirable response, thus realizing a reconfigurable wireless
and carried by aerial platforms, the IRS can turn the radio environment. By alleviating signal path loss, multi-path fading,
environment into a smart space that can assist information and co-channel interference, the programmable wireless en-
sensing, analog computing, and wireless communications [10]. vironment is capable of improving transmission performance
Along with the optimal control of the legacy RF transceivers, in terms of signal quality, communication range, and EE/SE
IRS-assisted wireless systems will become more flexible to performance. Different from the use of hypersurfaces, the
support diverse user requirements, e.g., enhanced data rate, authors in [21] introduce Ultra-Massive MIMO platforms to
extended coverage, minimized power consumption, and more realize an intelligent communication environment, which en-
secure transmissions [12]–[14]. ables full-wave control with plasmonic arrays deployed at the
The vision of smart radio environment has been demon- transmitter, through the channel, and at the receiver. Although
strated via realistic simulations and experiments to verify its massive MIMO can provide remarkable improvement to the
capability of improving transmission performance in different wireless channel conditions, the EM manipulation of massive
wireless networks leveraging the IRS’s reconfigurability. The MIMO is only feasible at the transceivers, while the wireless
environment remains passive and uncontrollable. As a result,
1 In the literature, we have observed different names referring to a similar the channel model is still a probabilistic process, rather than
concept of using reconfigurable metasurface to assist wireless communica- a software-defined reconfigurable counterpart that is actively
tions, e.g., software-defined hypersurface, large intelligent surface/antenna, participating in the communication process. A summary of
reconfigurable intelligent surface, and holographic MIMO surface. For con- different concepts and realizations for a smart radio envi-
sistence, we use the term of intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) throughout
this paper. ronment is listed in Table I. The application scenarios are
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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TABLE I: Using IRS for Realizing the Vision of Smart Radio Environment
rather diverse, from media sharing Wi-Fi systems to mmWave, consumption for point-to-point communications. Interfer-
THz, and even optical communications, covering a broadband ence suppression also becomes effective by using the
frequency range, while the common observation is that the IRS, which implies a better signal quality for the cell-
IRS can be utilized to create desirable radiation patterns in edge users. For multi-user (MU) wireless networks, the
favor of wireless communications. scattering elements can be partitioned and allocated to
By integrating the smart radio environment into the network assist data transmissions of different users. As such,
optimization problems, IRS-assisted wireless networks are the IRS-assisted wireless network can provide better
envisioned to revolutionize the current network optimization QoS provisioning and potentially improve the sum-rate
paradigm and expected to play an active role in future wire- performance or max-min fairness among different users.
less networks [3], [26]. The specific benefits of IRS-assisted • Exploration of emerging wireless applications: The
wireless communications can be summarized as follows: development of the IRS is expected to pave the way
for new promising research directions. For example, the
• Easy deployment and sustainable operations: The IRS IRS has recently been introduced to be a novel approach
is made of low-cost passive scattering elements embedded for preventing wireless eavesdropping attacks by simul-
in the metasurface. It can be in any shape, thus providing taneously controlling the transmission at the transmitter
high flexibility for its deployment and replacement. It and the reflections at the IRS. Many other emerging
can be easily attached to and removed from facades of research areas also benefit from the use of the IRS such as
buildings, indoor walls, and ceilings, etc. Without the wireless power transfer, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
use of active components for power-consuming signal communications, and mobile edge computing (MEC),
processing algorithms, the IRS can be battery-less and which will be reviewed in this survey.
wirelessly powered by RF-based energy harvesting.
• Flexible reconfiguration via passive beamforming: The Although the IRS’s operation resembles that of a multi-
IRS can bring additional phase shifts to the reflected antenna relay, it is fundamentally different from the existing
signals. By jointly optimizing the phase shifts of all scat- relay communications. By using passive elements, the IRS
tering elements, namely passive beamforming, the signal can realize fully controllable beam steering without dedicated
reflections can be coherently focused at the intended energy supply and sophisticated active circuitry for channel
receiver and nulled at other directions. The number of estimation, information decoding, and amplifying and forward-
reflecting elements can be extremely large, e.g., from ing. Compared to the conventional amplify-and-forward (AF)
tens to hundreds [12], depending on the traverse size of relay that actively generates new RF signals, the IRS does
the IRS. This implies a great potential for performance not use an active transmitter but only reflects the ambient
improvement of wireless networks. The IRS’s phase con- RF signals as a passive array, which incurs no additional
trol, combined with the transceivers’ operational param- power consumption. It also differs from the conventional
eters, e.g., transmit beamforming, power allocation, and backscatter communications, where the backscatter transmitter
resource allocation, can be jointly optimized to explore communicates with its receiver by modulating and reflecting
the performance gain of IRS-assisted wireless networks. the ambient RF signals [27]. The backscattered information is
• Enhanced capacity and EE/SE performance: By us- piggybacked in the ambient RF signals. Despite their differ-
ing the IRS, the wireless channel can be programmed ences, the IRS can also be used to perform wireless backscatter
to support a higher link capacity with reduced power communications due to its capability of manipulating the
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
Toward Smart Wireless Communications via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces
ducing the hardware architectures, classifications, and main
II. THEORY AND DESIGN OF INTELLIGENT REFLECTING characteristics. Several short survey and tutorial papers also
SURFACES appear in the literature, e.g., [11], [14], mainly discussing the
• The IRS' Structure and Control Mechanism recent applications of the IRS in typical wireless scenarios.
• Typical Tunable Functions The tutorial in [11] covers an overview of the IRS technology
• Experiments and Prototypes
to create smart and reconfigurable environment, including
III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF IRS‐ASSISTED WIRELESS its main applications in wireless communication, competitive
advantages over existing technologies, hardware architecture
• IRS‐enhanced Path Loss Models as well as the corresponding new signal model, with the focus
• Using IRS as the Signal Reflector
• Using IRS as the Signal Receiver on the key challenges in designing and implementing the IRS-
• Using IRS as the Signal Transmitter assisted wireless networks. Liang et al. in [14] firstly gave a
tutorial on the evolving from the backscatter communications,
WIRELESS NETWORKS reflective relay, to intelligent reflective surfaces, which are all
relying on the use of inexpensive and passive components to
• SNR or Capacity Maximization
• Power Minimization or EE/SE Maximization realize enhanced wireless information transmission by using
• IRS‐assisted Physical Layer Security EM scattering principles. The tutorial covers a comparison
of the signal models and design aspects of different radio
technologies. Comparing to these works, our survey offers
• Deep Learning for IRS‐assisted Systems a comprehensive study on the theoretical basis of the IRS
• IRS‐assisted Wireless Power Transfer
• IRS‐assisted UAV Communications and a contemporary review on its most recent applications
• IRS‐assisted Mobile Edge Computing in wireless networks. Specifically, our major contributions are
summarized as follows:
• A systematic organization of the literature under exten-
Fig. 2: Survey framework and outline of the main topics.
sive review is provided (as shown in Fig. 2) for readers
with different backgrounds and interests to comprehend
the IRS technology more effectively. We start from the
phases of the reflected signals, e.g., [28]–[30]. The evolving
physical characterization of the IRS and its EM proper-
path from backscatter radios to large intelligent surfaces is
ties, covering both design methodologies and experimen-
revealed in [14]. The difference among three communication
tal prototypes. Then we focus on IRS-assisted wireless
technologies is illustrated in Fig. 1. Such a different feature
networks by classifying different papers according to their
of IRS-assisted wireless networks thus motivates the necessity
design objectives and control variables.
of presenting a comprehensive literature review, which aims
• We provide an extensive review on the stochastic analysis
at providing fundamental knowledge about the IRS’s physical
of performance limit and asymptotic behavior of IRS-
properties and implementations, diverse applications in differ-
assisted wireless networks, which are not covered by
ent network scenarios, and the performance optimizations of
the existing review papers. The pervasive deployment of
IRS-assisted wireless networks.
the IRS will change the random nature of the channel
There are a few review papers in the literature, either
environment, which calls for different analytical tools and
focusing on the physical design and implementations of the
performance metrics to characterize the performance lim-
reconfigurable metasurface, e.g., [31]–[33], or its conceptu-
its. Corroborated by the stochastic analysis, the potential
al applications in wireless communications and networking,
increase in performance gain then motivates the further
e.g., [10], [12], [13]. In particular, the review papers [31]–[33]
optimization of IRS-assisted wireless networks.
mainly focus on the theoretical basis, physics characterization,
• Some common shortcomings of the current literature are
and classification of metasurfaces as well as their applications
analyzed and technical insights are highlighted for future
at different operational frequencies. Motivated by the IRS’s
exploration. For example, the current optimization frame-
appealing EM properties, the authors in [10] discuss the feasi-
works for IRS-assisted wireless networks mainly rely on
bility and methodologies of using the IRS to realize the con-
the alternating optimization method, which implies that
cept of smart radio environments, and also analyze potential
a higher performance gain can be achieved potentially
solutions to some fundamental challenges towards its massive
with a more sophisticated algorithm design. Besides, a
deployment and applications in future wireless networks. Fol-
majority of the papers in the literature focus on joint
lowing on, the review paper in [12] provides a more technical
active and passive beamforming optimization. In fact,
overview with a special focus on the analysis of signal models
the passive beamforming can also be jointly optimized
and the physical layer channel enhancement in IRS-assisted
with other control strategies, e.g., information encoding,
wireless communications. The authors in [13] introduce the
transmission scheduling, access control, and full-duplex
concept of holographic multiple-input multiple-output (MI-
communications. We also notice that the energy con-
MO) surface (HMIMOS) comprising sub-wavelength metallic
sumption of the IRS is usually omitted in the literature,
or dielectric scattering particles, which shares a similar idea
which may lead to over-optimistic conclusions.
with the use of the IRS in wireless communications. An
overview of HMIMOS communications is provided by intro- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
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1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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discrete phase shifts covering the full 2π span. The authors the metasurface. The authors in [74] show the possibility of
in [65] show that perfect phase control can be realized by storage and retrieval of EM waves by introducing varactor
completely eliminating the metasurface’s parasitic reflections diodes to manipulate the metasurface’s structure. The authors
into unwanted directions. The resulting power efficiency of in [75] demonstrate that the slowdown, storage and retrieval of
reflection can be over 90% at 8 GHz. A lossless metasurface multi-mode EM waves can be achieved through active manipu-
is proposed in [66], where the incident wave can be perfectly lation of a control field, which shows the possibility for multi-
received and converted into a surface wave along the surface, mode memory of EM waves and its practical applications in
before it is radiated into space without power loss from a information processing.
different location from the receiving point.
3) Wave Manipulation: Wave manipulation/modulation can
C. Experiments and Prototypes
create multiple reflections in different directions simultaneous-
ly based on perfect phase control of the metasurface. That is, Prototypes of reconfigurable metasurfaces have been devel-
the power of the reflected waves can be temporal-spatially dis- oped to verify the feasibility of different tunable function-
tributed to create an exotic power radiation pattern, as shown in s. Table III summarizes recent experiments and prototypes
Fig. 5, which can be exploited to carry information by spatial developed in the literature for the verification. The authors
modulation [67]. Using PIN diode as binary-state control of in [41] implement a metasurface containing 1600 individually
each scattering element, the authors in [41] optimize the binary controllable cells to demonstrate the feasibility of dynamic
coding matrix and thus create different wave manipulations of wave manipulations. Each cell of the metasurface is integrated
a large metasurface, including anomalous reflection, diffusion, with one PIN diode that can switch between two states. The
beam steering and beamforming. The real-time switch among authors in [55] propose and experimentally verify the use of
these radiation patterns can be achieved by an FPGA-based an acoustic cell architecture to provide enough degrees of
controller. A genetic algorithm is employed in [68] for arbi- freedom for full phase control. Three refractive metasurfaces
trary wave modulations to create desirable radiation patterns are designed to redirect a normally incident plane wave by 60◦ ,
according to application requirements. The effectiveness of the 70◦ , and 80◦ , respectively, with the efficiency up to 90%. The
genetic algorithm is experimentally verified at an operating authors in [82] design a graphene-integrated metasurface to
frequency of 10 GHz, showing that the accuracy of wave induce a tunable phase change to the incident wave, which can
modulation increases with the size of scattering elements. be controlled at an ultra-fast speed. The designed prototype
Different from the aforementioned spatial wave modulations, is shown to change the reflection phase up to 55 degrees.
the authors in [69] verify the possibility of simultaneous The authors in [77] develop a large-scale THz all-dielectric
wave manipulations in both space and frequency domains. The metamaterials with the outer dimension 900 cm × 900 cm
perfect control of the reflection angles and power distribution by using the template-assisted fabrication method. Using such
can be achieved by using a space-time modulated digital metamaterials, the authors implement a broadband reflector
coding metasurface. with a bandwidth of 0.15 THz and demonstrate its reflection
4) Analog Computing: It is also possible for the IRS up to 95%, which implies a wide variety of applications in
to perform more complicated mathematical operations (such low-loss and high-efficiency THz devices.
as spatial differentiation, integration, convolution, and even The development of reconfigurable metasurfaces shares
neural network training) as the impinging wave propagates a similar idea with the classical concept of reconfigurable
through the scattering elements. This is referred to as wave- reflectarrays, in which the resulting radiation pattern of the
based analog computing, achieving a higher energy efficiency signal transmitter is altered as desired by changing the current
compared to conventional digital signal processing paradigms. distribution [12]. Comparing to reconfigurable reflectarrays,
The authors in [70] introduce the concept of metamaterial IRS is featured with the real-time control and reconfigurability
analog computing that uses optical metasurfaces to perform of the radio environment [3]. A reconfigurable reflectarray
mathematical operations in the spatial Fourier domain. This antenna is implemented in [78], consisting of a group of
offers the possibility of miniaturized, potentially integrable, 244 radiating elements phase controlled by PIN diodes. The
wave-based computing systems. Analog computing of acoustic antenna is designed to operate in the band from 10.10 GHz to
metasurfaces is also demonstrated in [71] by using thin planar 10.70 GHz, capable of switching the beam between −5◦ and
metamaterials to perform mathematical operation in spatial do- 5◦ . Different from the PIN diodes in [78], the authors in [79]
main. This is promising for various applications including high implement a 6 × 6 transmitarray controlled by varactor diodes
throughput image processing, ultra-fast equation solving, and to verify its beamforming capability. Experiments demonstrate
real-time signal processing. The authors in [72] experimentally its capability of beam scanning over a 100 × 100-degree
demonstrate that the off-the-shelf wireless infrastructure in window at the operating frequency of 5 GHz. To reduce the
combination with a tunable binary-phase metasurface can size of transmitarray, the authors in [83] design and verify a
perform analog computation with Wi-Fi signals. compact reconfigurable antenna for wireless communications,
Some other exotic tunable functions also appear in the which is capable of generating four different radiation patterns
literature. The authors in [73] use the metasurface directly at the operating frequency of 2.45 GHz.
as advanced sensing devices for diagnostic applications, e.g., VISORSURF is an interdisciplinary program funded by
cancer detection, biological tissue characterization and chem- Horizon 2020 FET-OPEN [49], [84]. Its objective is to develop
ical analysis, based on the interactions of EM waves with a hardware platform for reconfigurable metasurfaces, namely
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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Reference Controller Dimension Phase Control Frequency range Realized Tunable Functions
[41] FPGA 40 × 40 array Binary PIN diodes 9-12 GHz Wave manipulation including anomalous reflection,
diffusion, shaped scattering
[55] – 7 cells – 3.0 GHz Redirecting a normal incident wave to 60◦ , 70◦ , and
80◦ , with efficiency over 90%
[57] FPGA 16 × 16 2-bit IRS element 2.3 GHz, 28.5 21.7 dBi antenna gain obtained at 2.3 GHz, 19.1 dBi
GHz antenna gain achieved at 28.5 GHz mmWave
[64] – 8 cells Traverse length Acoustic Discrete phase shifts covering the full 2π span with
steps of π/4
[68] – 40 × 40 array Cell layout 8.7-11.3 GHz Generating different radiation patterns. Even distri-
bution of reflection phases from 0 to 2π.
[69] FPGA 8 × 8 array Binary PIN diodes 8-10 GHz Simultaneous wave manipulations in both space and
frequency domains
[76] DC voltage 22 × 22 array PIN switches and var- 11.5-13.5 GHz Dynamical beam deflection, splitting, and polariza-
source actor diodes tion. 180◦ reflection phase difference
[77] – 900 × 900 cm Geometric parameters 0.6-0.9 THz Broadband reflector with a bandwidth of 0.15 THz
and efficiency up to 95%
[78] – 244 cells Binary PIN diodes 10.10-10.70 GHz Beam switching between −5◦ and 5◦
[79] – 6 × 6 array Varactor diodes 5 GHz Beam scanning over a 100◦ × 100◦ window
[80] Bias network 21 × 21 cm Binary PIN diodes 2.75-4.0 GHz Switching between total reflection and absorption
[81] MEGA 2560 14 × 16 array Binary relay switches 60 GHz (IEEE Robust link between transceivers can be established
micro-controller 802.11ad) by steering the incident signal to the desired receiver
hypersurface, featured with programmable EM behavior by radio environment, such as the walls and ceilings, or even
controlling a network of switches. A prototype of the re- carrying IRS in aerial platforms, such as floating balloons and
configurable metasurface is implemented in [76] to achieve UAVs [85]. This implies that the IRS’s scattering elements
multi-functional control of EM waves, e.g., beam splitting, are distributed in nature relating to the spatial distribution
deflection, and abnormal reflection at microwave frequencies. of the environmental objects. Therefore, the modeling and
This is achieved by controlling the PIN switches and varactor performance analysis of IRS-assisted wireless networks ne-
diodes associated with each scattering element. The real-time cessitate analytical models that take into account i) the spatial
switch between different EM functionalities is controlled by a locations of IRS units, ii) the IRS’s EM properties, and iii) the
computer-controlled voltage source. Realizing wave manipula- wave manipulations adopted by the coexisting IRS units in the
tions in both space and frequency domains, the authors in [69] environment. In this part, we first review two typical channel
design a space-time modulated digital coding metasurface models for IRS-assisted wireless communications, and then
to control the propagation direction and power distribution present the analytical studies on performance limit of IRS-
simultaneously in the frequency range of 8-10 GHz. The assisted wireless networks, including performance bounds and
experimental results demonstrate a good performance for beam asymptotic behaviors that are hard to obtain from simulations.
steering, beam shaping, and scattering-signature control. The Such a theoretical performance analysis can provide design
authors in [57] develop an IRS prototype with 256 reflecting insights on the deployment and configuration of IRS-assisted
elements and verify its performance gains in wireless commu- wireless networks without the need for extensive simulations.
nications, i.e., a 21.7 dBi antenna gain can be obtained at 2.3
GHz and a 19.1 dBi antenna gain can be achieved at 28.5 GHz A. IRS-enhanced Path Loss Models
mmWave frequency. The power consumption by using the IRS The potential performance gain of using IRS in wireless
can also be reduced significantly. Reference [81] implements a networks can be verified by developing a path loss model
60 GHz reconfigurable reflect-arrays to assist IEEE 802.11ad- to analyze the received signal power and SNR performance.
based mmWave communications, creating additional reflection The authors in [12] derive a simplified path loss model based
links when there exist no line-of-sight (LOS) links. on the conventional two-way channel model for wireless
In the following, we focus on the applications of the IRS in communications. As shown in Fig. 6, in addition to the direct
wireless communications. We first introduce the recent works path, each IRS’s reflecting element provides a second path
discussing the novel concept of a smart/programmable wireless from the transmitter to the receiver, constituting a two-way
environment, which is envisioned to change the wireless signal propagation model. Combining the signals from all
networking paradigm by using the IRS in wireless communi- paths, the received signal power can be formulated as follows:
cations. As such, we review the system modeling, performance 2
2 N
analysis, and optimizations of IRS-assisted wireless networks. λ 1 X Rn e−j∆φn
Pr = Pt + , (1)
4π ` d + d2,n
n=1 1,n
where N denotes the number of IRS’s reflecting elements
and ` denotes the distance of direct path, which can be
The vision of the smart radio environment can be realized approximated by the distance d between the transceivers. d1,n
by coating IRS to the facades of physical objects in the and d2,n denote the distances of two segments in the reflected
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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Distance 𝑑
physics and EM nature, the authors in [86] propose a more
reliable free-space path loss model for IRS-assisted wireless
communications. Extensive simulation results validate that the
proposed channel model matches well with the experimen-
tal measurement results conducted in a microwave anechoic
ℎ chamber. In particular, given the transmit power and the
𝑑 , 𝑑 , Receiver ℎ
positions of transceivers, the optimal received signal power
in the far-field can be characterized as follows:
2 2
Transmitter IRS 2 λ ρ F (θt , φt )F (θr , φr )
IRS controller
Pr ∝ Gc N Pt , (3)
4πd1 d2 4π
Fig. 6: Two-way channel model for IRS-assisted wireless
communications. where d1 , d2 denote the distance from the transmitter to
the center point of the IRS, and from the center point to
the receiver, respectively. The function F (·, ·) determines
the antennas’ power radiation pattern at the transceivers. In
path via the n-th reflecting element. The summation term in (1)
particular, F (θt , φt ) returns the normalized power level when
denotes the signal reflections via different paths. The phase
the transmitter has the elevation and azimuth angles given by
difference ∆φn is determined by the distances of the direct
(θt , φt ), with respect to the IRS’s center point. The constant ρ
path and the reflected path via the n-th reflecting element.
denotes that all reflecting elements use the same magnitude of
Rn denotes the reflection coefficient depending on the EM
reflection coefficients. From the analytical results in [86], the
properties of the reflecting object, which is conventionally
coefficient Gc depends on the antenna gains at the transceivers,
uncontrollable without using IRS.
the dimension and power radiation pattern of the unit reflecting
For each reflecting element on the IRS, we can proactively
element. Similar to (2), the path loss model in (3) implies
control its phase shift Rn = ej∆φn such that the reflected
that in both cases the received signal power is proportional
signal can be coherently aligned with the direct path. Normal-
to N 2 . A different observation is that the far-field received
ly, we can assume d ≈ ` ≈ d1,n + d2,n , which leads to the
signal power in (3) depends on the product-distance, i.e., it
following approximation of the received signal power in (1).
is proportional to 1/(d1 d2 )2 , instead of the sum-distance
2 1/(d1 + d2 )2 in (2). However, the analytical results in [86]
Pr ∝ (N + 1) Pt . (2) reveal that the sum-distance rule can hold for the received
signal power in the radiative near-field. A similar result has
If there is no direct link or the size N of reflecting elements been revealed in [87].
becomes large, the above path loss can be simply rewritten The signal model of IRS-assisted wireless communications
λ 2
as Pr ≈ N 2 Pt 4πd . Compared to the free-space path loss can be established based on the two-way channel model. Con-
model, the IRS-assisted path loss in (2) introduces additional sidering a simple case with single antenna at the transceivers,
gain to the received signal power, i.e., the received power is let f1,n and f2,n denote the complex channels before and
proportional to N 2 . For an IRS with 100 reflecting elements, after the reflection point, g be the complex channel for the
the power gain amounts to a significant 40 dB. The authors direct link, the IRS-assisted channel from the transmitter to
in [12] also derive the SNR performance in a single-antenna the receiver is thus given by
point-to-point system under flat fading channel conditions. For N
a large number of scattering elements with optimal phase g̃ = g + ρn exp (jφn )f2,n f1,n = g + f1H Θf2 ,
configuration, the compound channel from the transmitter n=1
to the receiver can be viewed as a Gaussian distributed
where ρn and φn represent the magnitude and complex phase
random variable with the mean and variance proportional to
of the reflection coefficient at each reflecting element, which
N . This implies that the average received SNR will increases
can be tuned properly such that the reflected signal is aligned
proportionally to N 2 . The distribution of SNR can also be
with the direct channel g. f1 and f2 denote the channel
characterized and used to derive the symbol error probability
vectors of f1,n and f2,n . The matrix Θ has the diagonal vec-
of IRS-assisted wireless communications. The upper bound
tor given by [ρ1 exp (jφ1 ), ρ2 exp (jφ2 ), . . . , ρN exp (jφN )]H ,
of the symbol error probability is shown to have a waterfall
which denotes the reflecting coefficients of each reflecting
region when SNR is low while fall into a slowly-decaying
element. For a multi-antenna case, the IRS-assisted channel
region for higher SNR. In both regions, the error probabilities
can be characterized in a similar form. Most of the existing
can be decreased significantly by using a larger IRS.
analytical works are built based on the above path loss and
The simplified path loss model in (2) fosters basic un- signal models, which are basis for the following performance
derstanding of IRS’s superiority in wireless communication- analysis and optimal design of IRS-assisted wireless systems.
s, however omits complex physical details during the IRS-
assisted signal propagation, e.g., the size and dimension of
the reflecting elements, the angles of incident and reflected B. Using IRS as the Signal Reflector
signals, and the anisotropic radiation pattern of antennas at The performance metrics of interest mainly include the
the transceivers. Based on a detailed study on the IRS’s probabilistic metrics to characterize the uncertainty in wireless
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
RF communications
transmissions of individual transceivers, as well as the ergodic Signal receiver
metrics to characterize the averaged network performance,
considering the randomness in network topology, the dis- Reflections
tribution of reflectors, channel conditions, and interference
variations, etc. Typical performance metrics proposed for IRS-
assisted wireless systems include the following aspects.
• Reflection probability: The probability that an IRS can transmitter
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to conventional massive MIMO, a large-scale IRS can achieve communications. This may lead to a higher data rate and
a better reliability in terms of expectation and variance of larger transmission distance. In [113], the IRS is used to
capacity. Imperfect channel estimation is taken into account simultaneously enhance the legacy RF communications and
in [106], where multiple IoT devices are connected to multiple send its private data to a receiver by spatial modulation. The
non-overlapping IRS units in an IRS-assisted uplink system. information from both the RF transmitter and the IRS can be
The asymptotic sum-rate distribution with Rician fading can retrieved by a two-step decoding scheme. Similar to [113],
be derived in closed form and used for the analysis of outage the authors in [29] and [114] use IRS to perform backscatter
probability. Numerical results verify that the IRS can provide communications to deliver its own data and simultaneously
reliable communications in terms of outage probability. The enhance the primary communications. An approximation is
authors in [107] investigate the performance of IRS with derived in [114] for the probability of the backscatter channel
hardware impairments which induce a higher effective noise gain greater than the direct link, which is a useful performance
level. A closed-form expression is derived to characterize the measure to determine the number of the IRS’s reflecting
capacity of the uplink transmission to the IRS. To mitigate the elements. The analysis and numerical results show that the
negative effects of hardware impairments, the analytical and use of IRS can achieve high capacity even without the LOS
simulation results suggest a splitting of a large-scale IRS into link. The authors in [115] integrate the IRS’s backscatter com-
an array of smaller IRS units. Different from the previous munications into a cognitive radio network (CRN), promoting
works focusing on capacity performance, reference [108] spectrum sharing between the secondary and primary users.
explores the potential of using an IRS with a large number The IRS on one hand assists the primary user’s RF commu-
of scattering elements for terminal positioning. The analysis nications, on the other hand backscatters its own information.
shows that deploying multiple IRSs in a distributed manner is The design objective is to maximize the secondary user’s data
effective to improve the coverage for terminal positioning. rate, subject to a QoS requirement at the primary user, by
jointly optimizing the secondary user’s transmit power and
the IRS’s passive beamforming in the alternating optimization
D. Using IRS as the Signal Transmitter framework. Simulation results show that the IRS-assisted
Besides using IRS as a reflector or a receiver, it is also CRN is efficient for secondary transmissions, even under a
possible to use IRS as a source signal transmitter, similar challenging scenario where the secondary transmitter is much
to wireless backscatter communications that adapt the an- closer to the primary receiver.
tenna’s reflection coefficients by load modulation [12], [27]. Summary: Table IV summarizes and compares the existing
By controlling the phase shifts of the IRS’s scattering ele- literature reviewed in Section III. The majority of these
ments, the outbound waves generated by the IRS can create research works studies the performance of a standalone IRS
different radiation patterns, which can carry information if system, i.e., either point-to-point communications or multiple
these radiation patterns can be sensed and differentiated at the communication pairs. References [88] and [91] analyze the
receiver. This is the main design principle of spatial modula- performance of deploying the IRS reflectors in large-scale
tion, which is conventionally realized by using reconfigurable systems, however, under unrealistic assumptions such as the
antennas [109]–[111]. The IRS’s superior reconfigurability and fixed-length model for random environmental reflectors [88]
capability of reshaping the wireless environment make it much and LOS links for all the reflectors [91]. Besides, the channel
easier for its applications in spatial modulation [12]. Along information is mostly assumed to be known for the IRS’s
this research direction, the authors in [112] design spatial phase control, e.g., [92]–[96]. Hence, there is a need for more
modulation methods for the IRS, which can be realized by realistic models to analyze the performance of using the IRS
either creating exotic scattering pattern to enhance end-to-end in practical large-scale communications systems. Moreover,
transmissions or utilizing the index modulation of multiple the above-mentioned literature hardly takes the user mobility
receive antennas to render improved spectrum efficiency. Nu- into account, neither for indoor nor outdoor scenarios. User
merical results demonstrate that IRS-based spatial modulation mobility introduces not only handoffs among different IRS
methods provide a large capacity with ultra-low BER. The units but also a spatial correlation in user distribution that
authors in [12] derive the error probability in closed form may cause non-negligible impacts on the system performance.
by using IRS to transmit M-ary phase modulated symbols. Hence, it becomes a critical research direction in the future
It shows that the IRS can transmit information with high to incorporate different mobility models into the performance
reliability, similar to using it as a reflector. analysis of IRS-assisted wireless systems. Additionally, the
The authors in [28] use IRS to perform wireless backscatter performance metrics currently under investigation are also
communications leveraging its capability of manipulating the limited in the literature. The theoretical performance of IRS-
phases of the reflected signals. The authors in [30] similarly assisted wireless systems can be more thoroughly understood
use an IRS as the backscatter transmitter and propose a general from the potential aspects as follows:
system model for the IRS-based ambient backscatter com-
munications. Considering a large size of reflecting elements, • Pairwise error probability which measures the probability
we expect that the IRS-based backscatter communications that the decoded signal is a certain symbol given the
will have higher flexibility than the conventional wireless transmitted signal.
backscatter communications, as the IRS is able to generate • Average area spectral efficiency which is the sum of the
more exotic reflection patterns that can be used for information capacity of all the communication channels normalized
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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over spectral bandwidth and spatial area. in [116] focus on an IRS-assisted multiple-input single-output
• Energy efficiency which measures the capacity normal- (MISO) system, where one IRS with N passive scattering
ized over the energy consumption of IRS systems. elements is deployed to assist the downlink information
• Handoff rate which is the frequency of occurrences that transmission. A joint beamforming problem is formulated to
a user handoffs to another IRS. maximize the received signal power at the user, by jointly
The stochastic performance analysis for IRS-assisted optimizing the AP’s transmit beamforming and the continuous
wireless systems mainly investigates the potential of the phase shift of each scattering element. Semidefinite relaxation
information-theoretic performance gain. For a specific net- (SDR) is firstly proposed to obtain an approximate solution as
work design problem, the maximization of performance gain a performance upper bound. Then, the alternating optimization
requires a joint optimization of the active transceivers and the is employed to update the active and passive beamforming
IRS’s passive scattering elements. The joint phase control of strategies iteratively. Given the fixed passive beamforming,
scattering elements can be regarded as passive beamforming, the AP’s optimal beamforming is easily obtained by the
which is closely coupled with the control variables of the ac- maximum-ratio transmission strategy. Given the AP’s beam-
tive transceivers. This not only makes the performance analysis forming, the IRS’s optimal passive beamforming can be simply
of IRS-assisted wireless systems more complicated, due to aligned with the direct channel to enhance the received signal
randomness and ubiquity of the scattering elements in the radio power. Compared to the non-IRS-assisted MISO system, the
environment, but also results in new optimization problems SNR of the IRS-assisted MISO system can be improved by
that require novel solutions to account for the interactions around 10 dB using an IRS with 100 scattering elements.
between active and passive devices. Another important finding in [116] is that the SNR at the
receiver increases in the order of N 2 . This power scaling law
IV. A PPLICATION AND O PTIMIZATION OF IRS-A SSISTED is further studied in [117] and compared with the massive
W IRELESS N ETWORKS MIMO system. Analytical results show that a large number of
reflecting elements are required to obtain the SNR comparable
By smartly adjusting the phase shifts of all scattering
to massive MIMO systems. The authors in [118] consider
elements, as illustrated in Fig. 1, the reflected signals can
a similar IRS-assisted MISO downlink system. The joint
be combined coherently at the intended receiver to improve
optimization of the AP’s transmit beamforming and the IRS’s
the received strength or combined destructively at the non-
phase shifts is solved by fixed point iteration and manifold
intended receiver to mitigate interference. This can be verified
optimization techniques, respectively, which are shown to be
by the experimental demonstration and channel measurements
effective in tackling the IRS’s unit modulus constraints. These
in [86], which pave the way for further theoretical studies and
two algorithms not only achieve a higher data rate but also
system optimization. In the sequel, we review the main opti-
have a reduced computational complexity.
mization formulations and solutions proposed for IRS-assisted
wireless systems. The typical design objectives include SNR
The above IRS-assisted MISO downlink model and the
or rate maximization, transmit power minimization, EE/SE
heuristic alternating optimization in [116] provide a general
performance maximization, and physical layer security issues.
framework for the optimized design of IRS-assisted systems,
and thus can be extended to an upsurge of different network
A. SNR or Capacity Maximization scenarios. The IRS-enhanced MISO OFDM downlink system
1) IRS-assisted Point-to-Point Communications: Consid- is studied in [119]. To maximize the downlink achievable rate,
ering a point-to-point communication scenario, the authors a joint optimization of the BS’s transmit power allocation
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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and the IRS’ s passive beamforming follows the alternating phase shift of each scattering element can be fully controllable.
optimization framework. The MISO cognitive radio system However, this is difficult for practical implementation and
is studied in [120], where multiple IRSs are employed to also complicated for designing exact phase control algorithms.
maximize the data rate of the secondary receiver, subject to the Moreover, full CSI is generally required for the IRS controller
interference constraints at the primary receivers. The authors to make perfect phase control. This implies that the overhead
in [121] also use multiple IRSs to assist mmWave MISO com- of information exchange can be prohibitively high, especially
munications. Through joint active and passive beamforming for self-sustainable IRS via wireless energy harvesting.
optimization, the IRS can provide enhanced paths of reflection Ideally, the reflection amplitude is constant and assumed
for mmWave signals, and thus can maximize the received to be independent of the phase shift. Based on experimental
signal power and extend the network coverage. Both of the results, the authors in [127] notice the non-ideality in control-
phase shifts and transmit beamforming are derived optimally ling the IRS’s phase shifts, and thus propose a practical phase
in closed forms for the single-IRS case. This is achieved shift model that captures the nonlinear dependence between
by exploiting the characteristics of mmWave channels, i.e., phase and amplitude. Employing this new model in an IRS-
assuming a rank-one channel matrix between the BS and assisted MISO system, a joint beamforming design problem is
the IRS. The analysis and simulation results reveal that the formulated to maximize the achievable rate in MISO downlink
received signal power increases quadratically with the number transmissions, which can be solved in the alternating opti-
of reflecting elements, which verifies the power scaling law mization framework. The capacity degradation is evaluated
revealed in [116]. in [128] by considering different levels of quantization in
Different from the MISO systems in [118], [119], [121], the IRS’s discrete phase control. Based on statistical CSI, a
the authors in [122] characterize the capacity limit of an tight approximation of the ergodic capacity is derived for an
IRS-assisted MIMO system, by jointly optimizing the IRS’s IRS-assisted MISO system, and maximized by optimizing the
reflection coefficients and the MIMO transmit covariance ma- IRS’s phase shift matrix. Numerical results show that a 2-bit
trix. The capacity maximization for broadband transmissions phase quantizer is sufficient to ensure capacity degradation
is considered in frequency-selective fading channels, where of no more than 1 bit/s/Hz. This greatly simplifies the prac-
transmit covariance matrices can be optimized for different tical implementation, design costs, and applications of IRS
OFDM sub-carriers. Based on convex relaxation, the alter- in wireless communications. In [120], the imperfect CSI is
nating optimization algorithm used in [116] is modified to modeled by a norm-based uncertainty set and a worst-case
find a high-quality sub-optimal solution. Numerical results robust optimization is formulated to optimize the joint active
show that the IRS-assisted MIMO system achieves substantial and passive beamforming strategy. Considering the channel
capacity improvement compared to traditional MIMO systems estimation errors and training overhead, the authors in [129]
without IRS, e.g., the improvement is over 45% in the high formulate an optimization problem to maximize the achievable
SNR regime when using an IRS with 80 scattering elements. data rate by designing the IRS’s discrete phase tuning strategy.
The point-to-point mmWave MIMO OFDM system is studied A low-complexity successive refinement algorithm is devised
in [123]. The hybrid MIMO beamforming matrices and the to achieve a high-quality sub-optimal solution with proper
IRS’s phase shift matrix are separately optimized to achieve algorithm initialization. Similarly, considering discrete phase
better BER and spectrum efficiency performance than the shift and unknown CSI in [130], a tight lower bound is derived
conventional approaches. Considering a similar IRS-assisted for the user’s asymptotic rate in IRS-assisted MISO downlink
MIMO system, the authors in [124] derive an upper bound for communications. Numerical results reveal the discrete phase
the ergodic capacity with Rician fading channel. To maximize design with moderate to high phase resolutions can asymptot-
the capacity upper bound, the IRS’s phase shift matrix is ically approach that of the optimal continuous phase control
optimized by SDR and Gaussian randomization methods. with perfect CSI.
In [125], the data rate maximization of an IRS-assisted MIMO To reduce the overhead in channel estimation, the authors
system is formulated into a mixed integer problem. Based on in [131] propose an element grouping method to exploit
the alternating optimization framework, the ADMM algorithm the channel spatial correlation in an IRS-assisted OFDM
is leveraged to find the phase shifts of individual scattering system. By estimating the combined channel of each group,
elements, and then the active beamforming is obtained by the training overhead can be substantially reduced. The al-
classic singular value decomposition and water-filling solu- ternating optimization method is also used to maximize the
tions. Focusing on a two-way full-duplex IRS-assisted MIMO achievable rate by optimizing the BS’s power allocation and
system, the authors in [126] maximize the sum rate by a the IRS’s passive beamforming with a customized algorithm
joint optimization of the precoders at two transmitters and initialization. A significant performance improvement on the
the IRS’s phase shift matrix. The iterative solution follows a link rate can be observed compared to the cases without
similar alternating optimization framework as that in [116], IRS. The authors also show that there exists an optimal size
[122]. Comparing to conventional relay-assisted full-duplex for grouping to maximize the achievable rate. The authors
MIMO system, the performance of the IRS-assisted system in [132] focus on the phase error in channel estimation, which
is comparable to that of a relay with transmit power at around brings the ambiguity in the IRS’s phase tuning. The composite
−40 dBm to −35 dBm. We note that all aforementioned channel assisted by an IRS with N reflecting elements can
research works in [118], [119], [121]–[124], [126] rely on the be modeled as Nakagami fading channel. Theoretical analysis
ideally designed IRS with infinite phase resolution, i.e., the reveals that the average received SNR still grows with N 2 and
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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the error probability performance is robust against the phase updates of the optimization variables. Hence, the proposed
errors. The authors in [133] quantify the negative effect of algorithm can significantly reduce the channel training over-
pilot contamination in channel estimation due to intra/inter- head, computational time and complexity for optimizing the
IRS interference. An asymptotical analysis on the spectrum IRS’s passive beamforming. Our previous observation in [100],
efficiency of multi-IRS-assisted uplink transmissions reveals [101] reveals that the capacity gain using IRS becomes more
that the achievable spectrum efficiency is limited by the significant for asymmetric user rates. In particular, the capacity
effect of pilot contamination and intra/inter-IRS interference gain can be achieved by deploying IRS to assist NOMA
even with infinite reflecting elements. The above analyses transmissions to cell-edge users simultaneously with the other
with finite phase resolution [128], inexact CSI [129]–[131], users closer to the BS [138]. Hence, we expect that the IRS-
estimation and quantization errors [132], [133] verify that the assisted sum-rate maximization will greatly improve the users
practical imperfections can be generally counteracted by using with weak channel conditions. However, it usually leads to
a larger-size IRS. The previous analyses in [106], [107] reveal a non-convex design objective due to the interference and
another countermeasure, i.e., dividing larger IRS into multiple couplings among different users.
smaller IRSs, to enhance reliability and fight against channel The design objectives of sum-rate maximization in different
estimation errors. All these studies provide useful guidelines network scenarios are intrinsically fighting against the resource
for the IRS’s practical implementations in wireless systems. competition or interference among different users. The use
2) Multi-user or Multi-cell Coordinated Communications: of the IRS can make the wireless propagation channels more
The previous part reviews and verifies the potential perfor- flexible to control and thus easier for interference suppression.
mance enhancement of point-to-point wireless communica- Considering a typical MU MIMO system, the authors in [139]
tions by deploying IRS in the propagation environment. The show the feasibility of constructing multiple interference-free
SNR or capacity maximization problems can be naturally beams by using the IRS with a large number of passive
extended to the MU scenarios. However, the solution methods elements. Analysis shows that a single set of optimal beam-
will become more involved due to the resource competition forming weights can form multiple interference-free beams
and interference among different users. for multi-stream MIMO transmissions. The authors in [140]
The authors in [134] present an efficient design for sum- investigate users’ interference in a more complicated multi-
rate maximization in IRS-assisted downlink MISO communi- cell multi-cast downlink system. The information destined
cations, subject to the AP’s power budget constraint. Each to different groups of users are independent and different.
user is given a minimum data rate requirement. The sum- Hence, there exists inter-group and inter-cell interference.
rate maximization problem is firstly simplified by using the To maximize the sum-rate of all groups, a concave lower
zero-forcing (ZF) transmission scheme and then following bound of the objective function is firstly derived and then the
an iterative procedure to optimize the transmit power and alternating optimization is employed to update iteratively the
the phase shift matrix. This is achieved by combining the BS’s precoding matrix and the IRS’s passive beamforming.
alternating maximization with the majorization-minimization To reduce the computational complexity, the MM method
(MM) method. The sum-rate maximization in a similar model in [134] is adopted to derive a closed-form solution in every
is also studied in [135] and solved heuristically by the alter- iteration. The simulation results demonstrate that the sum-rate
nating optimization framework. In the ideal case with infinite can be improved by more than 100% when assisted by an
phase resolution, the authors in [134] show that the system IRS with only 8 scattering elements, comparing to a massive
throughput can be increased by at least 40%, without addi- MIMO system with 256 antennas at the BS. To mitigate inter-
tional energy consumption. The optimal solution to the sum- cell interference, the authors in [141] deploy the IRS at the
rate maximization relies on the exact CSI, which is difficult to cell boundary of a multi-cell system to assist the downlink
obtain for large-size IRS. Considering a similar IRS-assisted MIMO transmissions to cell-edge users. The maximization
MU MISO system, the authors in [136] extend the sum- of weighted sum-rate is solved with a similar alternating
rate maximization problem with perfect CSI to the case with optimization as that in [140]. The BS’s active precoding and
imperfect CSI. For perfect CSI case, the active and passive the IRS’s passive beamforming are iteratively optimized by
beamforming strategies can be obtained by using the fractional using the block coordinate descent (BCD) algorithm. Note that
programming technique, which can be extended to the case it is difficult to guarantee individual users’ rate requirements
with imperfect CSI based on a stochastic successive convex in a sum-rate maximization problem. Though we can add in-
approximation (SCA) method. Simulation results reveal that dividuals’ rate constraints as that in [134], [135], an improper
the proposed algorithm performs quite well when the channel or uneducated setting for the users’ minimum rate requirement
uncertainty is smaller than 10%. To avoid frequent channel may drastically bring down the sum-rate performance, or even
estimation, the authors in [137] propose a two-timescale make the design problem infeasible.
algorithm to maximize the sum-rate for an IRS-assisted MU The difficulties in sum-rate maximization can be resolved
MISO downlink system. The IRS’s phase shift matrix is firstly by considering user fairness as the critical performance metric
optimized based on the slow-varying statistical CSI, while for performance maximization in MU networks, which in
the AP’s transmit beamforming is then optimized according general can be formulated as max-min problems. The authors
to the instantaneous CSI. Besides, different from the popular in [142] maximize the minimum signal-to-interference plus
SDR-based algorithms [116], the authors in [137] leverage noise ratio (SINR) of all users in an IRS-assisted NOMA
the penalty dual decomposition technique that allows parallel system by jointly optimizing the BS’s power allocation and
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the IRS’s passive beamforming. Simulation results show that Similarly, the authors in [147] employ the low-resolution IRS
the IRS with 1-bit phase resolution improves the max-min to enhance the sum-rate in MU MISO downlink system. A
rate by 20% compared to that of traditional NOMA. Similarly, good sum-rate performance gain can be achieved by using the
the authors in [143] maximize the minimum user-rate in the IRS with a reasonable size and a small number of discrete
wireless system assisted by a set of distributed IRS units. phase shifts. Considering weighted sum-rate maximization in
Each IRS unit has a separate signal processing unit and is a similar MU MISO system, the authors in [146] propose
connected to a central processing unit that coordinates the three iterative methods to optimize the discrete phase levels
behaviors of all the IRS units. A user assignment scheme of the IRS’s scattering elements in addition to the BS’s
between each user and the IRS is proposed to improve the beamforming optimization, based on the fractional program-
minimum user-rate. The optimal user assignment scheme can ming method. Numerical results show that the IRS with 2-
be effectively found by solving classical linear assignment bit phase resolution achieves sufficient capacity gain with
problems defined on a bipartite graph. Numerical results only a small performance degradation. Similar observations
show that the proposed user assignment scheme is close to and implications are also made in [128], [130]. Note that the
optimum both under LOS and scattering environments. The aforementioned works all assume perfect or static CSI of all
maximization of the minimum weighted SINR in a multi-cell users. In fact, the channel estimation involving passive IRS
MISO downlink system is studied in [144], where an IRS is becomes more complicated than before due to a large size of
dedicatedly deployed to suppress inter-cell interference and as- passive reflecting elements. Besides, the channel estimation
sist information transmission of cell-edge users. With the fixed in a dynamic environment is inevitably contaminated by error
passive beamforming at the IRS, the BSs’ transmit powers are estimates and thus leading to channel uncertainty, which has
optimized by second-order-cone programming (SOCP). The not been fully investigated for the IRS-assisted MU scenarios
update of the IRS’s passive beamforming can be achieved by in the current literature.
using SDR and SCA methods. Numerical results show that Summary: In this part, we have reviewed the potentials of
the proposed algorithm can achieve significant performance using the IRS to improve transmission performance in terms
gain, i.e., the minimum SINR can be increased by over 150% of SNR or data rate for both point-to-point communications
with the BS’s transmit power at 35 dBm, compared to the and multi-group/multi-cell MU cases. A summary of existing
conventional case without IRS. The common observation from works on SNR or capacity maximization is listed in Table V.
the above works in [134], [135], [137]–[144] is that they all In particular, we have discussed the applications of the IRS
consider interference constrained systems, where the spectrum under different communication models, e.g., MISO, MIMO,
access of different users introduces mutual interference to each OFDM, NOMA, mmWave, and multi-cell systems. Different
other and thus limits the sum-rate performance. This also system models are illustrated and compared in Fig. 9. The
complicates the algorithm design due to the users’ couplings. performance maximization of IRS-assisted wireless systems
Different from the above interference-limited networks, the in different scenarios is typically formulated into a joint
authors in [148] integrate IRS to an orthogonal frequency divi- optimization problem of the IRS’s passive beamforming and
sion multiple access (OFDMA) based MU downlink system. the BS’s transmit beamforming or power allocation strategy.
A joint optimization of the IRS’s passive beamforming and Along this main line of research, some special cases are
OFDMA resource block (RB) as well as power allocations also discussed, including the phase shift optimization for the
is proposed to maximize the minimum user rate. By using non-ideal IRS with low phase resolution, or with incomplete
a dynamic passive beamforming scheme, the IRS’s reflection or uncertain channel information. We notice that the main
coefficients are allowed to dynamically change over different solution methods are based on a simple alternating opti-
time slots. In each time slot, only a subset of the users will be mization framework, which can guarantee the convergence
selected and served simultaneously, thus achieving a higher to sub-optimal solutions. However, comparing the optimum,
passive beamforming gain. Numerical results show that the the performance loss by using the alternating optimization is
dynamic passive beamforming outperforms the fixed passive not known exactly and seldom characterized in literature. By
beamforming scheme. The performance improvement becomes developing more sophisticated algorithms in the future work,
larger as the size of scattering elements increases. To this point, we envision that the IRS-assisted wireless systems can achieve
all the above works assume continuously controllable phase a higher performance gain than that in the current literature.
variables at the IRS. The analysis of performance degradation
with practical low-resolution IRS is desirable for evaluating
the robustness and reliability in practice. B. Power Minimization or EE/SE Maximization
The authors in [145] use a low-resolution IRS and de- Besides SNR and rate maximization, the IRS-assisted wire-
sign a symbol-level precoding scheme for MU MISO/MIMO less networks can also help minimize the BS’s transmit power
downlink system to minimize the worst-case symbol-error- or maximize the overall EE/SE performance. The IRS can con-
rate (SER). The discrete phase shifts are firstly relaxed as figure wireless channels in favor of information transmission
continuous design variables and optimized by the Riemannian between transceivers. This results in a more energy-efficient
conjugate gradient algorithm. Then, the low-resolution pre- communication paradigm, e.g., the BS can maintain the same
coding vector is obtained by direct quantization. As a special transmission performance with a reduced power consumption.
case, the branch-and-bound method is proposed to reduce the As such, IRS-assisted communications can be envisioned as a
quantization error for the 1-bit symbol-level precoding vector. green technology for future wireless networks.
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Focusing on an IRS-assisted MISO downlink scenario as order of 1/N 2 without compromising the SNR at the receiver.
that in [116], the authors in [149] minimize the AP’s transmit Numerical results verify that the AP’s transmit power can be
power under individual users’ SINR constraints by jointly reduced by more than 55% for the users far away from the AP
optimizing the AP’s transmit beamforming and the IRS’s (e.g., 50 meters). The authors in [150] focus on an IRS-assisted
passive beamforming strategies. Following SDR procedure MISO broadcasting system and derive a lower bound of the
and alternating optimization, the AP’s transmit beamforming BS’s minimum transmit power, which is much lower than the
can be efficiently optimized by solving SOCP, and the opti- cases without IRS. Moreover, the BS’s transmit power can
mization of the IRS’s passive beamforming is degenerated to approach the lower bound as the number of scattering elements
a conventional relay beamforming optimization problem. By increases. Transmit power minimization is also considered
an asymptotic analysis with an infinite number of scattering in an IRS-assisted NOMA downlink system [151]. The joint
elements, the AP’s transmit power can be scaled down in the optimization the active and passive beamforming is a highly
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intractable bi-quadratic program, which is firstly relaxed via assisted system and the conventional decode-and-forward (DF)
SDR and then solved by the difference-of-convex (DC) algo- relay communications. The achievable rates for both cases are
rithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the AP’s transmit maximized by optimizing the transmit power and the size of
power can be reduced by more than 8 dB when using an IRS the IRS. The main observation is that a large-size IRS is
with 50 scattering elements. It is obvious that [149]–[151] needed to achieve better performance than that of DF-relay
focus on point-to-point scenarios with simplified assumptions, communications, in terms of EE/SE performance. Though a
e.g., fully controllable phase shifts, static and known CSI. power consumption model is proposed for the IRS, the IRS’s
The proposed design problems are expected to consider more power budget constraint is not considered in the optimization
general cases with multiple users in a dynamic environment. framework. Instead, the IRS is implicitly assumed to be always
The transmit power minimization for MU MISO downlink online and capable of phase tuning.
system is investigated in [152], where the users are grouped Prior works mostly assume infinite phase resolution for the
into different clusters and NOMA is employed in each cluster IRS, which however is practically difficult to realize due to
to enhance information transmission. An effective SOCP- the hardware limitation. Considering a more practical case,
based alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is the authors in [156] and [158] minimize the AP’s transmit
proposed to optimize the BS’s transmit beamforming and the power in a downlink MISO system, assisted by an IRS with
IRS’s passive beamforming. A ZF-based sub-optimal algorith- finite phase resolution. The feasible discrete phase shifts can
m is also proposed to reduce the computational complexity. be obtained by quantization projection from the optimized
The simulation results demonstrate significant performance continuous phase values, similar to [145]. Analytical results
gain over the conventional SDR-based algorithms, e.g., [116], show that a practical IRS with discrete phase shifts can still
[124], [144], [151]. To compare multiple access scheme for achieve the same power scaling law as that with continuous
MU downlink systems, the authors in [153] evaluate the phase shifts, the finding similar to [116]. More interestingly,
minimum transmit powers required by different schemes. the performance loss due to quantization errors is shown to be
Assuming perfect CSI, the transmit power in either scheme irrelevant to N , the number of reflecting elements, while only
is minimized by alternating optimization. The comparison dependent on the IRS’s phase quantization level b. Numerical
reveals that the IRS-assisted NOMA may perform worse than results reveal that the discrete phase shifts with b = 2 or b = 3
that of the IRS-assisted time division multiple access (TDMA) are sufficient to achieve the close-to-optimal performance,
for users closer to the IRS. To achieve NOMA gain over which is consistent with the former observation in [128], [130],
TDMA, it is preferred to pair users with asymmetric rates [146]. The optimization solutions to the single-user MISO
for NOMA downlink transmissions. Note that the BS in MISO system in [156] can be extended to an MU case in [158].
downlink systems typically has constant power supply. Hence, However, the quantization projection used in [156] may lead
the minimization of BS’s transmit power may not be an urgent to higher performance degradation in the MU case due to
need. In fact, the BS’s energy efficiency can be a more critical the severe co-channel interference. A special case with the
design objective, which represents the transmission capability 1-bit phase resolution is studied in [157]. The optimization of
of the network. phase shift matrix and power allocation for each user follows
Instead of minimizing transmit power, the authors in [154] a similar alternating optimization method. The IRS’s perfect
maximize the energy efficiency by jointly optimizing the phase control for both infinite and finite phase resolutions
IRS’s passive beamforming and the AP’s power allocation depends on the knowledge of exact CSI, which however is
over different users, subject to the AP’s maximum power practically challenging to obtain due to the lack of signal
and the users’ minimum QoS constraints. The total power processing capability at the IRS and the large size of passive
consumption includes the transmit power, the constant circuit scattering elements.
power, as well as the IRS’s power consumption, which relates Summary: In this part, we have reviewed the use of the
to the size and implementation of the reflecting elements. IRS in wireless networks to minimize the transmit power
In particular, a finer phase resolution or a larger size of or maximize the energy efficiency. The literature reveals an
scattering elements implies a higher power consumption. Let important power scaling law showing that the BS’s power
PIRS denote the IRS’s power consumption. The authors consumption can be scaled down in the order of 1/N 2 without
in [154] present a simple linear power consumption model, compromising the SNR at the receiver. The similar power
i.e., PIRS = N P (b), where N denotes the number of scaling law still holds for a practical implementation of the
scattering elements and P (b) is the power consumption of each IRS with low phase resolution. The power saving of IRS-
phase shifter with b-bit resolution. Typical power consumption assisted systems becomes more significant for wireless users
values of P (b) are 1.5, 4.5, 6, and 7.8 mW for 3-, 4-, 5-, far away from the transmitter. Though significant performance
and 6-bit resolution phase shifting, respectively. A gradient improvement can be verified by numerical results and simula-
descent method is firstly used for optimizing the IRS’s phase tions, we observe that the research focuses of almost all papers
control, and then the transmit power allocation is optimized in literature are limited to the joint optimization of active and
by a fractional programming method. The simulation results passive beamforming under different network scenarios. In
in a realistic environment show that the IRS-assisted system fact, the overall performance gain can be better explored in
can provide up to 300% higher energy efficiency than that of the future work if the size of the IRS’s scattering elements,
the conventional multi-antenna AF-relay communications. The the orientation of the IRS tiles, their partitions and grouping
authors in [155] compare the performance between the IRS- strategies, etc., are all taken into account, in combination with
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the transceivers’ access control, user association, information C. IRS-assisted Physical Layer Security
encoding, transmit scheduling, QoS provisioning, etc.
The IRS’s wave manipulation has the flexibility of simulta-
neously creating enhanced beams to an intended receiver and
suppressed beams to unintended receivers. This can be used to
enhance physical layer security in wireless communications.
More specifically, we notice that there are a few potential The authors in [160] use IRS to defend against eavesdroppers.
research problems that are not fully explored in the current lit- In particular, a single-antenna eavesdropper is located in
erature and thus can be left for future study. Firstly, the power the communication range between a multi-antenna legitimate
budget constraint of a practical IRS is barely mentioned in the transmitter (LT) and a single-antenna legitimate receiver (L-
literature. The EE/SE performance maximization relies on the R). To prevent the eavesdropper from eavesdropping by, the
characterization of total power consumption in IRS-assisted IRS placed near the LR can control the reflected signals to
wireless networks. The power consumption of a practical IRS maximize the achievable secrecy rate at the LR, which is
is not negligible and can be modeled by a linear function of its defined as the amount of information per time unit that can
size and tuning resolution [154]. However, most of the current be securely sent over a communication channel [161]. The
researches consider self-sustainable IRS with sufficient energy joint optimization of the LT’s transmit beamforming and the
supply, which may lead to over-optimistic conclusions. A IRS’s phase shift matrix is approximately solved by BCD and
preliminary work in [159] introduces the IRS’s power budget MM algorithms, similar to that in [134], [140]. Simulation
constraint in a simple point-to-point MISO downlink system, results verify a significant improvement on the secrecy rate
which can be fulfilled by RF energy harvesting from the comparing to the cases without IRS. Besides, it is shown that
AP’s signal beamforming. It is worthy further investigation it can be more efficient to enhance secrecy rate and energy
in future research due to the importance of energy budget efficiency by deploying large-scale IRSs instead of increasing
constraint in energy constrained IoT networks. Secondly, we the size of active antenna array at the transmitter. This idea
may expect more research effort dedicated to performance has been extended in the recent research works by considering
maximization of MU systems under different multiple access multiple antennas at the LR/eavesdropper [162], [163], rank-
schemes. The majority of current research works focus on one/full-rank communication channels [164], and secure THz
interference-limited MU systems, where IRS is employed to communications [165]. Besides secrecy rate maximization, the
assist spectrum sharing among different users and improve authors in [166] minimize the transmit power subject to the
spectrum efficiency. The research of IRS-assisted multi-user secrecy rate constraint at the LR, by optimizing transmit power
access and performance maximization in different MAC proto- allocation and the IRS’s phase shift matrix in the alternating
cols is very limited and should be explored more in the future. optimization framework. The above research works assume
For example, we only observe one work in [148] focusing on implicitly that the eavesdropper is distant to the LR, or the
IRS-assisted RB allocation in an OFDMA system. Besides, we eavesdropper has a worse channel condition, which is required
notice that IRS-assisted systems face the common challenges to ensure the effectiveness of secure communications.
of channel estimation and the design approaches under incom- Considering a similar IRS-assisted secure wireless system
plete or uncertain channel information. The authors in [137] to that in [160], the authors in [167] focus on a more
show their effort along this research direction by designing a challenging scenario in which the eavesdropping channel is
two-timescale sum-rate maximization algorithm that reduces better than the legitimate channel and they are also highly
the need for channel estimation. While a large majority of the correlated in space. This makes the achievable secrecy rate of
existing works assume perfect channel information and focus the system very limited. To maximize the achievable secrecy
on static maximization problems. rate, the optimal solution requires that the IRS’s reflections
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exchange IRS controller
End user d1 d1 dK
(a) IRS-assisted MISO downlink communications (b) IRS-assisted MU downlink communications
Distributed IRS
d1 dK d1 dK
(c) IRS-assisted MU MIMO downlink communications (d) MU downlink communications assisted by
distributed IRSs
Group g1 gK
(e) IRS-assisted multi-group multi-cast downlink (f) IRS-assisted downlink communications to
communications cell-edge users
Fig. 9: Different system models for IRS-assisted wireless networks. (a) Basic model of IRS-assisted downlink transmission from
multi-antenna BS to one receiver, which can be a single-antenna end user, e.g., [116], [118], [119], [121], [128], [130], [149],
[151], [154], [156], or equipped with multiple receiving antennas, e.g., [122]–[124], [131]. (b) The IRS-assisted MU MISO
downlink transmissions, e.g., [134], [135], [137], [138], [146]–[148], [150], [157]. The special case with single-antenna BS
is studied in [131], [142], [153]. (c) The IRS-assisted downlink transmissions to multi-antenna receivers (MIMO), e.g., [139],
[145]. (d) Multiple-IRS-assisted MISO/MIMO downlink transmissions, e.g., [100], [106], [107], [120], [121], [143]. (e) IRS-
assisted multi-group multi-cast downlink transmissions, e.g., [140], [152]. (f) IRS-assisted downlink transmissions to cell-edge
users, e.g., [141], [144].
and the LT’s beamforming signals are destructively added allow the LT to actively inject noise-like jamming signals to
at the eavesdropper. This idea is then extended to a more the channel, and further optimize the LT’s jamming signals to
general scenario in which multiple eavesdroppers and LRs enhance the achievable secrecy rate. By incorporating jamming
coexist in the system [168], where the authors maximize the signals into transmit beamforming, the secrecy rate is shown
users’ minimum-secrecy-rate considering both continuous and to be significantly improved compared to the conventional
discrete phase shifts at the IRS. This problem is approximately methods without using the IRS and/or jamming beamforming.
solved by the alternating optimization and path-following The authors in [170] consider a similar model and optimize the
algorithms in an iterative manner. In practice, it is generally covariance matrix of artificial noise to deliberately impair the
difficult to know the number, location, and channel conditions eavesdropper’s channel, along with optimization of the BS’s
of eavesdroppers, and thus more practical solutions based on signal beamforming and the IRS’s phase shift matrix based
incomplete environmental information can be studied in future on SCA and SDR techniques. The numerical results show
work. Another drawback of the above works is that the LT that the average secrecy rate can be improved by over 20%,
has very limited space to fight against the eavesdropper. It is compared to the case without using dedicated artificial noise.
obvious that the achievable secrecy rate is constrained by the The authors in [20] consider different approach to maximize
network topology and channel conditions. the secrecy rate, by optimizing the number of IRS tiles (namely
hypersurface tile) and their orientations to create desirable
Besides the LT’s transmit beamforming, the authors in [169]
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configuration in offline training is still achieved by exhaustive the TDMA protocol. To maximize the minimum throughput,
search or the alternating optimization method. the authors in [184] propose a joint optimization of the users’
The authors in [176] propose a novel deep reinforce- time and power allocations, as well as the IRS’s passive
ment learning (DRL) approach to address the secrecy rate beamforming in wireless energy and information transfer. The
maximization problem. DRL provides a mechanism to build numerical results reveal that on average the IRS-assisted case
knowledge from scratch and make autonomous decisions to can achieve over 74% throughput increase compared to the
improve network performance by continuously interacting case without IRS. The authors in [185] consider a more general
with the environment [177]. It can be very effective for MU MISO scenario, where the IRS firstly assists downlink
complicated systems with diverse user requirements and time- energy transfer to the users and then enhances the users’ uplink
varying channel conditions. However, a training process is still information transmissions in the TDMA protocol. A sum-rate
required to attain the decision intelligence. The DL approaches maximization problem is formulated by jointly optimizing the
is also applied to the IRS’s channel estimation problem, which user’s transmission scheduling, the IRS’s phase shift matrices
typically incurs huge training overhead due to the large number for energy and information transfer. Simulation results verify
of reflecting elements. The authors in [178] focus on channel that the proposed scheme can improve the sum-rate by 350%
estimation of an IRS-assisted massive MIMO system and compared to the case without IRS. The authors in [186] use a
propose a DL solution to learn how to optimally interact with set of distributed IRSs to assist SWIPT from a multi-antenna
the incident signal. The authors in [179] construct an inter- AP to multiple IRs and ERs. Instead of sum-rate maximization,
pretable neural network for learning the optimal configuration the authors in [186] focus on the AP’s transmit power mini-
of reconfigurable reflecting elements, which are modeled as mization by jointly optimizing the AP’s transmit beamforming
the neural nodes in different layers of a back-propagating and the IRSs’ passive beamforming, subject to the IRs’ SINR
neural network. By a training period, the neural network can constraints and the ERs’ energy constraints. Simulation results
learn the propagation characteristics and adapt to facilitate the demonstrate the significant performance gains achieved over
signal transmissions. Numerical evaluation shows that it can benchmark schemes, e.g., the AP’s transmit power can be
minimize the number of IRS tiles required for serving one reduced by more than 50% with only 30 scattering elements
transceiver pair. Practically, the training of DL approaches in the demonstrated setup.
can be time consuming and unreliable, which may prevent
its implementations in real systems. C. IRS-assisted UAV Communications
The capacity maximization problems in [122] and [131]
B. IRS-assisted Wireless Power Transfer can be extended to the emerging UAV networks. In [187],
The IRS’s passive beamforming can be designed to enhance the authors introduce an IRS-assisted UAV communication
the received signal strength at an information receiver (IR). network in which the on-building IRS is used to enhance
This approach can also improve the efficiency of wireless communication quality from UAV to the ground user. A joint
power transfer to an energy receiver (ER). The authors in [180] optimization of the UAV trajectory and IRS’s passive beam-
consider a point-to-point MISO system for wireless energy forming is formulated to maximize the average achievable
transfer. The power beacon station’s active beamforming and rate. Given the UAV trajectory, the IRS’s phase shift is firstly
the IRS’s passive beamforming are jointly optimized to max- derived in a closed form. Then, with the fixed phase shifts,
imize the signal power at the receiver. This incurs a trade- the local-optimal trajectory solution can be derived by using
off between the size of active antenna array at the beacon the SCA method. The authors in [188] employ the wall-
station and the size of passive reflecting elements at the IRS. mounted IRS to enhance the channel between cellular BS
Considering multiple ERs, the authors in [181] maximize the and UAVs, which previously suffers from poor signal strength
weighted sum power at the ERs by jointly optimizing the BS’s as the BS’s signal beamforming is generally optimized to
transmit beamforming and the IRS’s phase shifts. A similar serve ground users. By controlling the IRS’s reflecting phase,
model is studied in [182]. The design objective is to maximize the signal gain at the UAV is characterized based on the
the ERs’ minimum power subject to the IRs’ SINR constraints 3GPP ground-to-air channel models as a function of various
and the AP’s power constraint. A high-quality solution is deploying parameters, including the UAV’s height, the IRS’s
obtained by SDR and alternating optimization. size, altitude, and distance to the BS. Thus, the maximum
The authors in [183] consider an IRS-assisted simultaneous signal gain can be achieved by optimizing the IRS’s location,
wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) system, in altitude, and distance to BS. Numerical results show that a
which a multi-antenna BS communicates with several multi- significant signal gain can be achieved for UAVs even with a
antenna IRs, while guaranteeing the ERs’ energy harvesting small-size IRS, e.g., the signal gain quickly jumps to 20 dB
requirements. The authors firstly formulate a weighted sum- when UAVs fly over 30 meters above the BS.
rate maximization problem by jointly optimizing the BS’s The authors in [85] deploy aerial IRS to enjoy full-angle
transmit precoding and the IRS’s phase shifts. The classic reflection and LOS channel conditions. The aerial IRS can
BCD algorithm is adopted to find a near-optimal solution, be carried by balloons or UAVs and used to enhance signal
which is much better than those of baselines, i.e., with fixed coverage of a cellular network. The maximization of the worst-
phase or without using the IRS. A special case of the IRS- case SNR in a coverage area on the ground is formulated
assisted SWIPT is studied in [184], where two users firstly har- as an optimization of the transmit beamforming, the place-
vest energy and then transmit information to an AP following ment, and phase shift matrix of the aerial IRS. A similar
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scenario is studied in [189] where the UAV-carried IRS is there are more potential applications that can be enhanced by
used to enhance the transmission performance of mmWave using the IRS, which can be studied further in the future work,
communication networks. The UAV-carried IRS is also capable such as vehicular and maritime communications, satellite and
of energy harvesting from the mmWave signals to sustain next-generation mobile networks.
its operations. A reinforcement learning (RL) approach is
proposed to find the optimal policy, i.e., the best location of VI. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE RESEARCH
UAV, that maximizes the average throughput of the downlink DIRECTIONS
transmissions. The simulation results show that the RL-based Different approaches reviewed in this survey evidently show
approach can improve the network performance by 65% that IRS-assisted wireless networks can effectively enhance the
compared to conventional schemes without learning capability. received signal power, extend the network coverage, increase
the link capacity, minimize the transmit power, suppress the
D. IRS-assisted Mobile Edge Computing interference, and enable better security and QoS provisioning
to multiple users, etc., compared to non-IRS-assisted counter-
MEC allows data and computation offloading to resource-
parts. However, there still exists some challenges, open issues,
rich MEC servers. As such, the energy consumption and
and new research directions which are discussed as follows.
processing delay can be potentially reduced at the end users
with insufficient computing capability. However, the benefit
of MEC is not fully exploited, especially when the link for A. Challenges and Open Issues
data and computation offloading is hampered. As the use of 1) Energy-efficient Channel Sensing and Estimation: The
IRS can enhance both the EE/SE performance, it can be a IRS is composed of a large array of passive scattering ele-
promising technology to improve the MEC performance. ments which are typically interconnected and controlled by a
The authors in [190] propose an IRS-assisted MEC sys- centralized controller, e.g., [40], [41], [51]. The superiority of
tem where multiple users report individuals’ data to the using the IRS relies on its reconfiguration of each scattering
AP for data aggregation. The offloading process is assisted element’s phase shift, according to the channel conditions from
by the IRS’s passive beamforming to enhance the channel the transmitter to its receiver. This requires the capability of
conditions. The design target is to minimize the worst-case channel sensing and signal processing, which becomes very
mean-squared-error in data aggregation, which is solved by challenging without dedicated signal processing capability at
a novel alternating difference-of-convex (DC) programming the passive scattering elements. The channel estimation of an
algorithm. The authors in [191] use the IRS in a green edge IRS-assisted system is typically performed at one end point
inference system, where the computation tasks at resource- of the communication process, e.g., the BS with higher com-
limited user devices can be offloaded to multiple resource- putation capability. Existing approaches for the IRS’s channel
rich BSs. To minimize the network power consumption in estimation generally assume that only one scattering element
both computation and uplink/downlink data transmissions, the is active each time, while all the other elements are inactive,
authors in [191] propose a joint optimization of the task e.g., [30], [180]. Such an element-by-element ON/OFF-based
allocation among different BSs, each BS’s transmit and receive channel estimation scheme is practically costly for a large-
beamforming vectors, the users’ transmit power, and the IRS’s scale IRS with massive scattering elements. In particular, the
passive beamforming strategies. The authors firstly propose IRS is not fully utilized as only a small portion of the scatter-
a reformulation by exploiting the group sparsity structure of ing elements is active in each time. This degrades the channel
the beamforming vectors, and then decouple the optimization estimation accuracy and produces a long estimation delay. The
variables by a block-structured optimization approach. Instead authors in [192] propose the optimal activation pattern for the
of the widely used SDR approach, a novel DC-function based IRS’s channel estimation, which achieves one order lower esti-
three-stage framework is introduced to solve the original prob- mation variance compared to the ON/OFF-based methods. The
lem with enhanced network performance. Numerical results authors in [193] and [194] assume that all reflecting elements
reveal that the proposed approach can reduce the overall power are switched on. By setting specially designed phase shift
consumption by around 20% compared to the conventional at each reflecting element, the IRS-enhanced uplink channel
SDR-based approach. can be estimated efficiently with the reduced length of pilot
Summary: The IRS is a cutting-edge technology possessing sequence. More sophisticated signal processing algorithms
outstanding features expected to open new promising research are also designed for channel estimation, e.g., [195]–[197],
directions, which have never been seen before in wireless aiming at achieving better accuracy or lower training overhead,
communication networks. In this section, we have reviewed however they generally demand higher power consumption for
some emerging applications of the IRS in wireless networks information exchange, signal processing, and computation. A
including wireless power transfer, UAV communications, and practically efficient and sustainable channel estimation is still
MEC. It can be clearly seen that by using the IRS, energy, one of the key enabling technologies for IRS-assisted wireless
communications and computing efficiency of conventional systems.
wireless networks can be significantly enhanced. However, all 2) Practical Protocols for Information Exchange: General-
results obtained so far are based on simplified models and ver- ly, the IRS’s channel sensing and estimation can be achieved
ified through simulations. More proof-of-concept prototypes by overhearing a training sequence sent by the active transceiv-
are required to validate the IRS’s practical efficiency. Besides, er. Thus, information exchange between IRS and the active
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
transceiver is required to synchronize the overhearing and the transmit control of the active transceivers. This makes it
pilot training. Information exchange also happens when a more challenging for the design of an agile and light-weight
transmission scheduling protocol is employed to coordinate phase control algorithm with minimum energy consumption
MU’s data transmissions. In this case, the IRS also needs to and communication overhead. In the current literature, most
synchronize with different transmission frames and reconfigure of the phase control algorithms are based on alternating
its passive beamforming schemes according to different users’ optimization method, that decouples the IRS’s phase control
channel conditions. A practical protocol is thus required for and the conventional transmit control (e.g., power allocation,
the IRS to talk with the conventional transceivers. Information transmit beamforming, and precoding matrix design) in sep-
exchange can be made easy for conventional transceivers arated sub-problems. Though this simplification can provide
using a dedicated control channel. However, without sufficient a convergent solution to a sub-optimum, it inevitably incurs
energy supply, it becomes more challenging for the passive large communication overhead and processing delay. It is also
IRS to detect and decode the information from other active very challenging to characterize the performance loss of the
transceivers. Hence, the design of an information exchange convergent solution compared with the optimum.
protocol firstly has to be of extremely low power consumption
such that it is sustainable by wireless energy harvesting.
B. Future Research Directions
Secondly, it has to be cost-effective by minimizing the conflict
with or the alteration of the existing systems. A potential Based on extensive literature review and the analysis of
design idea can be incurred by the IRS’s inherent sensing common shortcomings of the current literature, we highlight
capability [10]. In particular, it can be more energy-efficient a few potential research directions for future exploration.
for the IRS to sense physical layer information, instead of 1) Learning Approach for Passive Beamforming: Different
decoding MAC layer information bit streams. Therefore, the from the alternating optimization commonly used in the liter-
information exchange can be made possible by modulating ature, machine learning approaches can be more appealing for
the packet length or transmit power, so that the passive IRS the IRS to realize agile and light-weight phase control based
can sense the variations of signal power with low-power on locally observed information of the radio environment [26],
consumption. [175], [198]. This can help minimize the overhead of infor-
3) Reflection as a Resource for IRS-assisted HetNets: In mation exchange between the IRS and active transceivers.
the future smart radio environment, the wireless networks The large number of scattering elements and their sensing
can be assisted by a distributed IRS system with individually capabilities further imply that rich information can be collected
controlled IRS units due to the pervasive deployment of during channel sensing, providing the possibility for data-
reconfigurable metasurfaces on different objects. This implies driven DL approaches [10], [174], [175], [199]. Furthermore,
a challenging situation for the real-time allocation and op- the potential analog computation can be also envisioned to
timization of different IRSs to serve multiple data streams realize ANNs via multi-layer metasurfaces [70], [179], which
in dynamic and heterogeneous networks (HetNets). Conven- potentially make the learning approach agile in computation
tionally, individual transceivers can independently adapt their and light-weight without the need for information exchange.
operational parameters to the channel condition, which follows However, current DL approaches are still facing many prac-
some stochastic model and can be predicted or estimated via tical challenges, including the training overhead, stability and
a training process. However, with the IRS’s reconfigurability, adaptability issues. The design of DL approaches has to meet
the radio environment itself becomes controllable and non- the hardware constraints of IRS-assisted wireless systems,
stationary. Hence, it becomes more difficult for individual such as limited computation and communication capabilities
transceivers to understand the CSI via training. This implies of the passive scattering elements. For example, leveraging
a centralized coordination for the IRS-assisted networks, at RL approaches, a decision-making agent can be employed
least for the distributed IRS units. This makes the wireless at the IRS controller to adapt its phase configuration, solely
environment tractable and controllable. Specifically, a joint based on the observed system state (e.g., the perceived CSI
control mechanism is required for efficient allocation and via its sensing capability) and the receivers’ feedback of its
association of IRS units to serve multiple users simultaneously. phase configuration, e.g., [176], [189]. The system state can
4) Agile and Light-weight Phase Reconfiguration: The be estimated by the IRS via sensing or overhearing the ACK
phase control of an individual scattering element has to be packets from the receiver to the transmitter. With specially
coordinated with each other for effective beam steering. The designed ACK packets, e.g., the ACK packets with different
large size of the IRS’s scattering elements can make the overall time durations or transmit power, the channel sensing of IRS
phase tuning more flexible, even with limited phase shifts at an can be made easier without energy consumption on decoding
individual scattering element, e.g., [128], [130], [146], [156]. the ACK packets. A similar idea has been used for information
Such a flexibility comes with a cost. In particular, an efficient exchange in wireless backscatter communications [200].
algorithm is required to jointly control the phase shifts of 2) IRS-assisted D2D Communications: D2D communica-
all scattering elements in a timely manner, according to the tions technology is envisioned to connect billions of low-power
dynamics of the radio environment. The increase in the size user devices. Different from the typically downlink transmis-
of scattering elements also imposes great pressure to channel sions from multi-antenna AP to receivers, D2D communica-
estimation, making it even harder for efficient phase control. tions become more decentralized and diverse, which brings
Besides, the IRS’s phase control is strongly coupled with new research problems for IRS-assisted D2D communications.
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
In one aspect, The IRS can be dynamically reconfigured thanks to no noise addition when N reflecting elements
to enhance individual data link of D2D communications. are employed. In addition, if the reflecting element is of
This requires highly efficient channel sensing and estimation sufficiently large size (e.g., 10λ × 10λ for the wavelength λ),
protocols, as well as agile phase reconfiguration algorithms. the IRS can act as the specular reflector like lens in which
The insufficiency of energy supply for the IoT devices implies case the path loss follows the “sum-distance" path loss, unlike
another difficult situation that demands minimized interactions the active relay whose antenna size is on the order of λ,
between the IRS and the IoT devices. In another aspect, the resulting in the severe “product-distance" path loss. Therefore,
distributed IRS units can be used to understand the system there exists a crucial trade-off between achieving a larger array
profile by learning from a large amount of IRS-assisted trans- gain and guaranteeing the minimal LOS path loss because the
missions in a spatial-temporal region [201]. The system profile number of reflecting elements varies per unit area depending
may include the information about the potential bottleneck on the size of the reflecting elements. Namely, to assure the
devices, the time-varying traffic pattern, the energy distribution LOS path loss, we have to sacrifice the array gain whereas
over the entire network, and the information for predicting and the largest array gain can be achieved while compromising the
diagnosing network failures. Such information can be further LOS path loss. The latter is due to the minimum physical size
used by the D2D networks to optimize the deployment and of a reflecting element (like lens) that focuses the energy onto a
settings of the IRS units, the IoT devices’ transmission control, focal point depending on the distance between the IRS and the
the placement of relay nodes, and the power beacon stations. receiver (i.e., focal point). Future research for characterizing
3) IRS-assisted mmWave and THz Communications: One the trade-off, considering the 3D deployment of IRSs, will be
of the promising applications of the IRS is in the extended of paramount importance, in that the smart radio environment
coverage of 5G and beyond 5G communications. We expect can be fully utilized in terms of the density of IRSs and their
that mmWave 5G communication and future THz beyond 5G sum gain, normalized by the implementation cost.
communication will face with a critical issue of dead-spots 6) Environment AI for Smart Wireless: IRS can be used
which will not be covered well because of the severe blocking as one of the following three functions: 1) Passive Relay, 2)
loss of such short-length waveforms. In such situations, the Passive Transmitter, 3) both of them, where the quality of
IRS’s two salient EM properties of reflection and refraction primary signal is enhanced by passive beamforming via relay
can be exploited to resolve the critical issue of dead-spots and at the same time, the secondary information generated
when IRSs are deployed in between the base stations and end from the IRS itself can be embedded in the primary signal
users. For example, a user is located in the same side of the (like ambient backscatter), e.g., [28], [30], [113], [115]. For
serving BS, in which case the incident EM wave on the IRS example, the IRS may be equipped with sensors monitoring
can be reflected toward the user, whereas if a user is in the environments, which generate such secondary information to
opposite side, then the incident EM wave can be refracted be reported to the IoT gateway in the uplink. Therefore,
through the IRS to reach the user with enhanced signal quality. the mode switching at IRS will need to be intelligently and
It is envisioned that the 3D deployment of IRSs with 5G and remotely performed by the control center through the IoT
beyond 5G wireless systems for eliminating such dead-spots gateway, e.g., edge node, considering the user objectives and
will be cost-effective, and the current massive MIMO and device positions. Moreover, if a large number of IRS is
mmWave technologies evolving will be integrated with the deployed in a certain area to assist the primary transmission
IRS technology for the extended coverage eventually. while transmitting their own secondary information (from IoT
4) Using IRS in Smart Wireless Sensing: The current re- sensors), the global control of these IRSs will need to be
search typically uses the IRS as an auxiliary way for enhancing handled by the control center by gathering the user objectives
transmission performance of the existing transceivers. In fact, and device positions, so as to assure the optimal routing of
each scattering element of the IRS can be individually phase- air routes of IRSs in conjunction with the mode switching.
tuned and thus showing different sensitivities to the incident However, due to the latency and privacy issues, the global
signals from different directions. This implies that the IRS can control by the control center may not be feasible. Instead, the
be employed as an array of sensor devices that are configured collaborative (federated) learning will play a crucial role to
to passively monitor the radio environment [10]. Given wired intelligently perform the required global control through the
or wireless connections to a centralized IRS controller, all the cooperation with the edge nodes, which perform the learning
sensing information from different scattering elements can be locally and upload their model parameters to the control center.
collected and analyzed jointly in an energy-efficient way. From This way we can resolve the latency and privacy issues.
this view point, the use of the IRS as an array of smart sensors
will have rich applications in wireless sensing, e.g., indoor
positioning [96], [108] and human pose understanding [202].
As such, IRS-assisted wireless systems will not only enhance This paper has presented a comprehensive survey on the
communications but also bring the possibility of human- design and applications of the IRS to wireless communication
network interactions, i.e., the communication performance and networks. Firstly, we have presented an overview of the meta-
user satisfaction can be even better by using IRS to understand surface and its reconfigurability to realize the vision of IRS.
the human behavior or intention in wireless networks [203]. Then, we have focused on its applications in wireless networks
5) Trade-off between Array Gain and LOS Path Loss: and reviewed different network scenarios that can benefit from
Using the IRS as passive relay provides the array gain N 2 its reconfigurability. Afterwards, we have provided detailed
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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Communications Surveys & Tutorials
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Communications Surveys & Tutorials
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
Shimin Gong (M’15) received the B.E. and M.E. Lei Shu (M’07-SM’15) received the B.S. degree in
degrees in Electronics and Information Engineering computer science from South Central University for
from Huazhong University of Science and Tech- Nationalities, China, in 2002, the M.S. degree in
nology, Wuhan 430074, China, in 2008 and 2012, computer engineering from Kyung Hee University,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer En- South Korea, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from
gineering from Nanyang Technological University, the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National
Singapore, in 2014. He was an associate researcher University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, in 2010.
with the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Tech- Until 2012, he was a Specially Assigned Researcher
nology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, with the Department of Multimedia Engineering,
China. He is currently an Associate Professor with Graduate School of Information Science and Tech-
the School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun nology, Osaka University, Japan. He is currently a
Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. His research interests include wireless Distinguished Professor with Nanjing Agricultural University, China, and a
powered communications, Internet of Things (IoT), low-power backscatter Lincoln Professor with the University of Lincoln, U.K. He is also the Director
communications, and machine learning in wireless communications. He was of the NAU-Lincoln Joint Research Center of Intelligent Engineering. He
a recipient of the Best Paper Award on MAC and Cross-layer Design in IEEE has published more than 400 articles in related conferences, journals, and
WCNC 2019. He has been the Lead Guest Editor of the IEEE TRANSAC- books in the areas of sensor networks and Internet of Things. His current
TIONS ON COGNITIVE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, a H-index is 55 and i10-index is 210 in Google Scholar Citation. His current
special issue on Deep Reinforcement Learning on Future Wireless Commu- research interests include wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things.
nication Networks. He has also served as a TPC member for more than 150 conferences,
ISCC. He was a recipient of the 2014 Top Level Talents in Sailing Plan
of Guangdong Province, China, the 2015 Outstanding Young Professor of
Guangdong Province, and the GLOBECOM 2010, ICC 2013, ComManTel
2014, WICON 2016, SigTelCom 2017 Best Paper Awards, the 2017, 2018,
and 2020 IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Awards, the 2017 Journal of
Network and Computer Applications Best Research Paper Award, and the
Xiao Lu received the Ph.D. degree in the University Outstanding Associate Editor Award of 2017, and the 2018 IEEE Access.
of Alberta, Canada, the M.Eng. degree in computer
engineering from Nanyang Technological University,
and the B.Eng. degree in communication engineering
from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommu-
nications. His current research interests are in the
area of stochastic modeling and analysis of wireless
communications systems.
1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2020.3004197, IEEE
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1553-877X (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 24,2020 at 08:08:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.