Long Term Evaluation Planning: March 2016

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Long Term Evaluation Planning

Article · March 2016

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3 authors, including:

Khalid Hamid Bilal

University of Sciences & Technology Faculty of Engineering Omdurman-Sudan


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International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

Long Term Evaluation Planning

Daralslam Abdalrheem Hassan1, Dr. Khalid Hamid Bilal2 and Dr. Amin Babiker A/Nabi3
Department of Communication, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan
University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan

Publishing Date: May 05, 2016

Abstract high quality of services, Need for affordable

Mobile phone technology is continuously infrastructure.
evolving, seemingly at an accelerating rate of
innovation and adoption. Examining the strides LTE challenges: The Users look for best
taken from 1G to 4G, the technology has both price, transparent flat rate, full Internet and
created new usage patterns and learned from multimedia. Leads to the operator’s
unexpected use cases. In this paper the Long
challenges reduce cost per bit, provide high
Term Evolution (LTE) Analysis, planning and
used these planning to get high capacity and good data rate and provide low latency. The
Quality of Service. critical challenges such as, fading,
Keywords: LTE, Analysis, Planning, multipath, interference, spectrum limitations
Capacity. are denoted [2].

The development in telecommunication

1. Introduction generations depend on the synergism of
modulation scheme with frequencies, which
The Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard lead to produce new generation with high
represents a major advance in cellular capabilities and flexibility in transmit
technology. LTE is designed to meet carrier information and serve huge number of
needs for high-speed data and media subscribers.
transport along with high-capacity voice LTE technology considered as latest
support well into the next decade. LTE is technology emerged to enhance and fix
also developed to meet the requirements of weakness points in 3G, through
next-generation mobile networks. It is enhancement in architecture; which
anticipated that LTE will allow operators to contributes in optimizing all system
attain high performance, mass-market parameters leading to improve performance.
mobile broadband services, through a Modulation scheme is an effective method
combination of high bit-rates and system concern in mange and packing information
throughput – in both the uplink and in band; eliminating the usage of bandwidth
downlink – with low latency. and saving the capacity of the system. Many
approaches of modulation with differentiate
LTE is first standardized in 3GPP Release 8 in features are used in wireless technologies
to support larger bandwidths [1]. to achieve high data rate and save bandwidth
It considered as great break through for which lead to improve all system
Mobile network generation, it has many parameters. The favorite modulation in LTE
features encourage 3GPP organization to for downlink is Orthogonal Frequency
adopt LTE as 4 G technology. Division Multiplexing OFDM, Single carrier
Motivation for LTE: Need for higher data division multiple access for uplink.
rates and greater spectral efficacy, Need for One of the key elements of LTE is the use of
Packet Switched optimized system, Need for OFDM, Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplex, as the signal bearer and the

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

related access schemes, OFDMA responses of the subcarriers are overlapping

(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) and orthogonal.
and SC-FDMA (Single Frequency Division Application of rectangular pulse in OFDM
Multiple Access). results in a sinc-square shape power spectral
density; this allows minimal subcarrier
Application of rectangular pulse in OFDM separation with overlapping spectra where
results in a sinc-square shape power spectral signal peak for a given subcarrier
density; this enables least subcarrier corresponds to spectrum nulls for the
separation with overlapping spectra where remaining subcarriers [3]
signal peak for a given subcarrier analogue
to spectrum nulls for the remaining LTE Architecture
subcarriers [3]
The LTE network architecture is
OFDM is used in a number of other of characterized by the absence of a circuit-
systems from WLAN, WiMAX to broadcast switched domain and a generally simplified
technologies. OFDM has many advantages access network. It features a non-
including its robustness to multipath fading hierarchical (distributed) structure for
and interference. In addition to this, even increased scalability and efficiency, and a
though, it may appear to be a particularly model optimized to support real-time IP-
complicated form of modulation, it lends based services. The LTE network consits of
itself to digital signal processing techniques. new network elements compared to previous
Available spectrum is divided into multiple standards. LTE architecture can be divided
narrowband parallel channels (subcarriers), into three major sub-sections: Air Interface
Information is transmitted on the subcarriers (OFDMA), RAN (E-UTRAN) and Core
at a reduced signal rate, and Frequency Network (Enhanced Packet Core (EPC)).[4]

Figure)1(: LTE Network Architecture [5]

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

2. Methodology and Structure separation between planning inputs, system

inputs (e.g. link and system level results),
LTE dimensioning tool is excel-based working section and results. It consists of
software developed to carry out four sheets:
dimensioning of LTE networks. The
dimensioning tool is designed to carry out  Site Count.
both coverage and capacity calculations for  Traffic and Signaling.
the dimensioning of the Long Term  Configuration Details.
Evolution (LTE) Network. It performs the  Interfaces.
required calculations, providing the site
count on the basis of traffic forecast as the
final result. 3. Result
Excel was chosen over MATLAB as the
implementation software for the Site Count:
dimensioning tool.
The workbook (Excel-based dimensioning Based on Khartoum area, site count should
tool) is structured so that there is a clear be as follow:

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

Figure 2: Network Dimensioning for Long Term Evolution

Traffic & Signaling:

It consists of six general calculations as following:

1- Number of subscribers, smart phones and Data cards:

Figure 3: Number of Subscribers, Smart Phones and Data Cards.

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

2- Data Session Profile for a Smartphone:

Figure 4: Data Session Profile for a Smartphone

3- Data Session Profile for a Data Card

Figure 5: Data Session Profile for a Data Card

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

4- Total traffic in the BH for Internet & Office VPN (DL&UL)

Figure 6: Total traffic in the BH for Internet & Office VPN (DL & UL)

5- Total traffic in the BH for DL Internet & Office VPN

Figure 7: Total traffic in the BH for DL Internet & Office VPN

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608


Figure 8: Signaling


Figure 9: Configurations

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

Required Nodes:

Figure 10: Required Nodes


1- Required Interface Capacity in DL (Mbps) for phase 1

Figure 11: Required Interface Capacity in DL (Mbps) for phase 1

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

2- Required Interface Capacity in DL (Mbps) for phase 2

Figure 12: Required Interface Capacity in DL (Mbps) for phase 2

3- Required Interface Capacity in DL (Mbps) for phase 3

Figure 13: Required Interface Capacity in DL (Mbps) for phase 3

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 35, Issue 01
Publishing Month: May 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

4. Conclusion [5] https://www.google.com/search?q=lte+

With the multiple new technologies, LTE is 657&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&s
well positioned to meet the requirements of a=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjEj4irs6rM
next generation mobile network from both AhWhL8AKHSEyCFsQsAQIGw#imgr
the users and the operators. LTE is destined c=o9G8MCBTdthIaM%3A.
to provide greatly improved user experience, [6] MATLAB help directory.
delivery of new revenue generating mobile
services and will remain a strong advantage
to other wireless technologies in the next
decade. It will also enable the operators to
offer higher performance, mass-market
mobile broadcast services, through a
combination of high bit-rates and system
throughput with low latency in both uplink
and downlink directions.

[1] 3GPP, TS 36.201 V8.3.0, “Evolved
Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(EUTRA); LTE Physical Layer -
General Description,” Rel. 8, Mar.
[2] Performance Analysis of LTE Physical
Layer based on Release 8&9 through
SIMULINK Environment; A
Manikandan, V. Venkataramanan, M.
Kavitha, S.Parvathi; International
Journal of Advanced Technology &
Engineering Research (IJATER) ISSN
No: 2250-3536 Volume 2, Issue 6, Nov.
[3] F. Khan, LTE for 4G Mobile
Broadband, ISBN 978-0-521-88221-7).
[4] Ali Hassan Mohammed1, Dr. Khalid
Hamid Bilal2 and Dr. Mustafa Ahmed
Hassan3. LTE Network Performance
Requirements, International Journal of
Engineering, Applied and Management
Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 28, Issue 01
An Indexed and Referred Journal ISSN
(Online): 2320-6608 www.ijeam.com.


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