8 122
4 authors, including:
Zhaocheng Wang
Tsinghua University
All content following this page was uploaded by Yuanbin Chen on 28 November 2023.
Abstract—Leveraging the concept of the electromagnetic sig- tionalities shared among plethora of newly encountered par-
nal and information theory, holographic multiple-input multiple- ticularities, with critical performance metrics to be placated
output (MIMO) technology opens the door to an intelligent and including but not subject to ultra-wideband, ultra-massive
endogenously holography-capable wireless propagation environ-
ment, with their unparalleled capabilities for achieving high access, ultra-reliability, and low latency [1]–[3]. As a “holly
spectral and energy efficiency. Less examined are the important grail” of wireless technologies, massive multi-input and multi-
issues such as the acquisition of accurate channel information output (mMIMO) has non-trivial capabilities of achieving
by accounting for holographic MIMO’s peculiarities. To fill this unprecedented spectral efficiency, the critical ingredients of
knowledge gap, this paper investigates the channel estimation
arXiv:2311.15158v1 [cs.IT] 26 Nov 2023
tive of propagation channels, another qualitative change in naturally transitioning the discrete antenna aperture to its
holographic MIMO results from its extremely large aperture continuous counterpart, for which EM waves can be manipu-
size. Unlike mMIMO communications that typically employ lated by continuous-to-discrete antenna elements that are sub-
planar wavefront in far-field cases, holographic MIMO can wavelength spaced for a holographic array. Secondly, while
naturally draw the far-field region to its near-field counterpart the sparse representations presented in [26], [28], and [29]
(also known as the Fresnel region) as the aperture size indeed tackle the energy spread effect exposed in the near-
increases. Therefore, holographic MIMO near-field communi- field scenario, their applicability is confined to the uniform
cations have to discriminate not only the angle of a scatterer linear array (ULA) case, in the sense that their extensions
but also its distance information, in contrast to the angle-only- to more complicated uniform planar array (UPA) regimes
aware counterpart in mMIMO systems. are problematic. This is attributed to the intricate coherence
Given that holographic MIMO just plays a basic physical between the two-dimensional (2D) azimuth-elevation angle
role, associated physical-layer technologies are required for pair and distance parameters as well as a more stringent
further implementation of holographic communications. To restrict isometry property (RIP) condition. In [27], although
this end, significant efforts have been devoted to the chan- the UPA case is considered for the near-field codebook design,
nel modeling [17]–[21], channel estimation [19], [22], and a simplified assumption is adopted, in which the UPA case
holographic beampattern design [23]–[25]. In these literatures, is approximatedly pushed to an asymptotic ULA case when
the holographic channel models employed might not arrive at conducting coherence analysis. We thus intend to revisit
a good consensus, which can be roughly classified into two this pressing issue within the context of holographic UPA
categories: i) EM channel based on Fourier planar wavefront configurations in this treatise. As a third consideration, given
representation [17], [20], [21], and ii) parametric physical the beneficial sparsity in facilitating holographic channel es-
channel based on multi-path representation [22], [26]. More timation, it is imperative to account for the overhead induced
precisely, the former goes more deeply into characterizing by channel sparsification and the complexity of algorithm
what kind of channel distributions that could appear in the design. The modeling approaches in [26] and [29] facilitate
radiative near-field and what cannot. The latter is more the relief of heavy overhead to different degrees, but suffer
concentrated on the imposed sparsity in the sense that the from the multiplicative gridding complexity, i.e., the product
received signal contains a sum of a few spherical waves, based of individual complexity associated with discretizing the az-
upon which the compressive sensing (CS) method can be imuth angle, elevation angle, and the distance of holographic
harnessed for facilitating high-efficiency parameter recovery. MIMO channels. This significantly undermines the efficiency
In spite of this, we believe that this pair of somewhat different of pursuing the optimum in the CS procedure, thus in need
channel models for characterizing holographic MIMO may be of more efficient techniques for searching through this three-
aligned to the same ingredients but using different methods dimensional (3D) azimuth and elevation angles plus the dis-
for analyzing the holographic MIMO channels. tance (AED) grid. In a nutshell, a channel estimation strategy
Holographic MIMO’s intriguing features contribute signifi- for holographic MIMO systems has to be tailored in response
cantly to the achievement of holographic radios, yet just a few to these non-trivial challenges, with the goal of encapsulating
fledgling efforts on channel estimation in the true sense of the the potential sparsities for a robust and accurate estimate
term are available to date, e.g., [19], [22]. Even so, we are performance at reduced complexity and overhead.
fortunate to observe, as more attention is drawn to related Geared towards the challenges outlined, the current work
topics, the emergence of pioneering studies with a focus set out with the aim of filling the knowledge gap in the state-
on near-field channel estimation based on the assumption of of-the-art by following contributions:
spherical wavefront utilizing various techniques [22], [26]– • We investigate the uplink channel estimation in the
[29], such as CS-based approaches [26], [29], and learning- holographic MIMO system. For an electromagnetically
based means [28]. In particular, the potential sparsity intrinsic large-scale UPA, a unified array model is exploited in
to the near-field channel has been unveiled in [26], where order for EM waves to be manipulated by the antenna
a polar-domain representation is proposed in lieu of the elements that are sub-wavelength spaced across the holo-
angular-domain counterpart in the far field. Base upon the graphic array of interest. Furthermore, the employed
polar-domain philosophy, the near-field codebook solution is model portrays the variations of signal amplitude, phase,
devised in [27] for multiple access. In [29], a joint dictionary and projected aperture across array positions, based upon
learning and sparse recovery empowered channel estimation which a parametric channel model is presented. By re-
is presented for near-field communications. Furthermore, in a vealing the invalidity of the employment of conventional
distinct approach, a model-based deep learning framework for planar wavefront in holographic MIMO channels, we
near-field channel estimation is showcased in [28], in which evince that the channel estimation has to discriminate
the channel estimation problem is attributed to a CS problem not only the angle of a user/scatterer but also its distance
that is solved by deep learning-based techniques. information, with to-be-determined 3D AED parameters
Despite these impressive initiatives, we evince that the involved.
channel estimation for the holographic MIMO particularly for • To facilitate a sharp detection for the 3D AED pa-
the near-field regime remains still an open issue, as evidenced rameters, we conceive a parametric decomposition and
by the following facts. Firstly, owing to the extremely larger compressed reconstruction (DeRe) framework for holo-
array size and denser element spacing, the conventional ar- graphic MIMO systems. To elaborate, the tightly coupled
ray modeling, which treats the antenna elements as sizeless 3D AED parameters are decomposed by constructing the
points, makes no sense. A generic model is required for one-dimensional (1D) covariance matrix associated with
the azimuth angle, the elevation angle, and the distance, evaluations, along with some useful insights, and finally the
for facilitating their independent estimates. Furthermore, paper is concluded in Section VII.
an off-grid basis is utilized to mine potential sparsities
inherent to the covariance matrix constructed, and then
the 3D AED parameters can be reconstructed as their II. S YSTEM M ODEL
respective 1D compressive sensing (CS) problems. To
this end, it is sufficient to estimate the offset vectors A. Scenario
associated with each dimension. Additionally, we evince
that the proposed DeRe paradigm may be a curse when We consider an uplink holographic MIMO system where
concerning the attendant angular index misinterpreta- multiple single-antenna users are served by a base station (BS)
tion induced by the improper stitching of the obtained having N = Ny × Nz antenna elements in the form of a
three 1D parameters, but a blessing when embraced UPA. NRF (NRF ≪ N ) feeds are embedded in the substrate
with regard to significantly reduced gridding complexity, in order to generate reference waves carrying user-intended
followed by the angular index correction as a remedy. signals, with each feed connected to a radio frequency (RF)
• Due to the ill-conditioned sensing matrix (containing off- chain for signal processing. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the UPA
set vectors) and the sparse vectors with imperfect priors, coincides with the y-z plane and centered at the origin, where
the formulated 1D CS problem may differ somewhat Ny and Nz denote the number of antenna elements along
from the standard one, demonstrating a high level of the y- and z-axis, respectively. For notational convenience,
intractability. To tackle this issue, a layered probability Ny and Nz are assumed to be odd numbers. The central
model for unknown parameters is firstly established to location of the (ny , nz )th antennan element is pny ,n oz =
capture the specific structure of sparse vectors, with T
[0, ny δ, nz δ] , in which ny = 0, ±1, ±2, ..., ± y2
N −1
the capability of addressing the uncertainty of imperfect Nz −1
prior information. Based on this, the maximum like- nz = 0, ±1, ±2, ..., ± 2 . Along the y- and z-axis, the
lihood estimation (MLE) of the offset vectors can be physical measurements of the UPA are approximately Ny δ
acquired, along with the minimum mean square error and Nz δ, respectively, with δ representing the inter-element
(MMSE) estimation of the sparse vectors. Then, we spacing.
propose an efficient algorithm, namely DeRe-based vari- In contrast to the conventional array modeling that treats
ational Bayesian inference and message passing (DeRe- each antenna element√as a sizeless
√ point, the size of an antenna
VM) in pursuit of a stable solution in a turbo-like way. element, denoted by A× A, should be explicitly addressed.
The proposed DeRe-VM algorithm is featured by a It is possible to theoretically unify the modeling of continuous
computational complexity that scales proportionally with holographic surface and discrete antenna arrays by adjusting
the number of antenna elements raised to the power of the element size A√ and their inter-element spacing δ [11],
1.5. This is markedly more efficient when contrasted with [17], where δ ≥ A. Particularly, let δA2 ≤ 1 denote the
state-of-the-art schemes, where the complexity exhibits array occupation ratio that indicates the portion of the entire
a quadratic relationship. UPA plate area being occupied by the antenna elements.
• Simulation results underscore the role of DeRe frame- Regarding the extreme case of δA2 = 1, the UPA can be
work as a critical instrument in mitigating false alarms treated as a contiguous surface. Therefore, such a modeling
(misinterpreting the genuine power of the non-significant is imperative to account for the projected aperture of each
paths as their significant counterparts) in the process of antenna element when signals are impinged from various
parameter detection. The proposed DeRe-VM algorithm directions, particularly in the presence of extremely large
exhibits a notable superiority over the state-of-the-art number of antenna elements. Furthermore, we assume in this
angular-domain solutions, primarily attributable to its paper that the effective antenna aperture is A = 4π for the
use of a more accurate Fresnel approximation, without isotropic antenna element.
noticeable increase in gridding complexity. Furthermore,
we demonstrate that the proposed DeRe-VM algorithm
is featured by significant robustness, not only due to B. Channel Model and Communication Protocol
its ability to accommodate various channel conditions
– such as the level of channel sparsity and the near-field We model the channel spanning from the BS to the user
or far-field contexts of the holographic MIMO system – based on path parameters of the system [22], [26]. The as-
but also in its insensitivity agasint perturbations induced sumption of the planar wavefront fails to describe the features
by imperfections in practical implementations, thereby of the link distance falling within the range of Rayleigh
ensuring the accuracy of the parameter recovery. distance as EM waves do not uniformly radiate across dif-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- ferent antenna elements. In this case, the generic spherical-
tion II introduces the system model and the challenges to wavefront model is essential to encapsulate phase variations
be resolved. In Section III, we show the way to achieve the across different
h antenna
√ i h
In particular,
we denote
√ i
parametric decomposition, and in Section IV, we reconstruct Any ,nz = ny δ − 2A , ny δ + 2A × nz δ − 2A , nz δ + 2A
the parameters in each dimension into their own CS problems. by the surface region of the (ny , nz )th antenna element, and
Then, an efficient DeRe-VM algorithm is proposed in Sec- denote ex = [1, 0, 0] by the UPA normal vector, i.e., the
tion V for attaining stable solutions to the formulated CS prob- unit vector along the x direction. By taking into account
lems. Section VI provides numerical results for performance the basic free-space propagations for a theoretical analysis,
N Antenna
(n , n )
y z
N RF RF chains N RF Feeds Waveguide elements
N z Elements
RF chain rl
( n y , nz )
Digital RF chain ql
beamforming ( 0, 0 )
N RF ´ N
Fp Î jl
RF chain y
Holographic beamforming M p Î
N ´N
the channel power gain between the user and the (ny , nz )th in (1), i.e.,
antenna element is given by [30] T
(ny ,nz ) 1 s − pny ,nz ex
f (θl , φl , rl ) ≈ 2 A
4π s − pny ,nz s − pny ,nz
(ny ,nz )
f (θl , φl , rl ) | {z }
Projected aperture
(s − p̄) ex
1 Arl sin θl cos φl
= 2 dp̄, (1) = 3. (3)
Any ,nz 4π∥s − p̄∥ ∥s − p̄∥ 4π s − pny ,nz
| {z } | {z }
Free-space path loss Projection to signal direction
Accordingly, the holographic channel h between the BS and
the user can be modeled as [22]
where rl represents the distance between the user (or scat- L
terer) and the reference antenna element of the UPA (i.e., h= βl a (θl , φl , rl ), (4)
(ny , nz ) = (0, 0)), and (θl , φl ) denotes the azimuth-elevation l=1
angle pair of the lth path, with l = 1 being the line-of- where βl denotes the channel coefficient of the lth path and
sight (LoS) path and l ≥ 2 being non-line-of-sight (NLoS) L is the path number. p Note that for the LoS path, i.e., l = 1,
paths. The user location s is determined by the LoS path, we denote βl = f (ny ,nz ) (θl , φl , rl ), since the LoS path
i.e., s = [rl sin θl cos φl , rl sin θl sin φl , rl cos θl ] , l = 1. is distance-determinate [9], [22]. For the NLoS path, i.e.,
The examination in (1) is applied to each individual antenna l ≥ 2, the channel coefficient βl follows a complex Gaussian
element, taking explicit account of the element size. More distribution, i.e., βl ∼ CN 0, f (ny ,nz ) (θl , φl , rl ) . The array
explicitly, the model in (1) accounts for the projected aperture response vector a (θl , φl , rl ) ∈ CN ×1 is structured by the
of each antenna element, as reflected by the projection of the following entry
UPA normal vector ex to the wave propagation direction at
each local point p̄, in contrast to the conventional model for (ny ,nz ) 2π (ny ,nz )
a (θl , φl , rl ) = exp −ȷ rl − rl , (5)
free-space path loss. In [31]–[33], similar models incorporat- λ
ing the projected aperture of the antenna element have also (n ,n ) (n ,n )
where ∆rl y z ≜ rl y z − rl represents the extra-distance
been considered for communicating with continuous surfaces.
traveled by the wave to arrive at the (ny , nz )th antenna
Hence, a two-dimensional integration over the surface of each
element with respect to the reference one, and it can be
element is required for a precise evaluation of (1).
unfolded as
Owing to the fact that each antenna element (not the entire "
2 1/2 #
array) in A is on the wavelength scale, there may be typically (n ,n ) r (ny ,nz ) (ny ,nz ) (n ,n )
∆rl y z = rl 1+ rl − 2 r rl gl y z −1 ,
marginal variations in the wave propagation distance ∥s − p̄∥
and projection direction ∥s−p̄∥ across different points p̄ ∈ q (6)
(ny ,nz )
Any ,nz . Hence, in light of the fact in [30], we have where r ≜ δ + n2y
herein represents the n2z
distance between the (ny , nz )th antenna element and the
(n ,n )
reference one, and gl y z = cos ϑ(ny ,nz ) sin θl sin φl +
1 1 sin ϑ(ny ,nz ) cos θl = √ 21 2 (ny sin θl sin φl + nz cos θl ) is
2 ≈ 2, ny +nz
4π∥s − p̄∥ 4π s − pny ,nz n
T a geometry term, with ϑ(ny ,nz ) = arctan nyz indicating the
(s − p̄) ex s − pny ,nz ex azimuth angle of the (nz , ny )th antenna element with respect
≈ , ∀p̄ ∈ Any ,nz , (2) to the reference one.
∥s − p̄∥ s − pny ,nz
For uplink channel estimation, it is assumed that the users
transmit mutual orthogonal pilot sequences to the BS, e.g.,
which facilitates the approximation of the channel power gain by employing orthogonal frequency or time resources for
C. Challenges
y = Fh + n, (8)
where β̄l2 ≜ E βl2 and (a) holds owing to the orthog-
iT onal assumption between two independent paths. Although
in which n = nT1 (F1 M1 ) , ..., nTP (FP MP ) ∈ V represents a part of the covariance matrix, we refer to
P NRF ×1 it as the covariance matrix throughout of this paper. As
hC is the noise i matrix, and F =
(F1 M1 ) x1 , ..., (FP MP ) xP
∈ CP NRF ×N delivers observed in (9), vny ,nz is dependent on the distance difference
(n′ ,n′ ) (n ,n )
the overall observation matrix. ∆rl y z − ∆rl y z with respect to the antenna elements
(ny , nz ) and (n′y , n′z ). Using the Fresnel approximation [34], We let the antenna element spacing be δ = λ4 , and the
(6) can be further recast to (ny , nz )th entry of the θ-based covariance matrix Wθ takes
the form of
2 q
(n2y +n2z )δ2
(ny ,nz ) (ny ,nz ) 2 2 (ny ,nz ) L
∆rl ≈ 1 − gl − ny + nz δgl , X
wnθ y ,nz = 2β̄l2 cos (πny sin θl sin φl ) exp (ȷπnz cos θl ) .
(10) l=1
in which the first term involves both the angular and distance (13)
information, while the second term pertains exclusively to the Note that δ = λ4 conveys double implications, that is, it not
(n ,n )
angular information, i.e., gl y z . This property is paramount only indicates a denser antenna spacing in the holographic
since it inspires the subsequent parametric deconstruction. MIMO of interest, but it also complies with the Nyquist
In the subsections that follows, tailored tricks are presented sampling theorem under the DeRe framework for acquiring
for effectively decomposing the tightly coupled 3D AED statistical characteristics of θ (i.e., θ-based covariance ma-
parameters. trix Wθ ). To be explicit, it is evident from (12) that the
estimation of θ is equivalent to identifying all L spectral
power peaks with the frequency index {cos θl , l = 1, ..., L}
A. Angular Decomposition given the sequences wnθ y ,nz with the time index nz . The phase
term in (12), i.e., exp ȷ 4π λ δn z cos θ l , can be structured as a
The structure of (10) inspires a potential technique to select standard Fourier-like form, namely exp ȷ2πn z · λ cos θ l .
the index of the n′y , n′z th entry of the conjugate channel The frequency component 2δ
λ cos θl has to follows Nyquist
h∗n′y ,n′z with extra care for ensuring that vny ,nz is determined sampling theorem, yielding that 2δ 2δ
λ cos θl ≤ λ ≤ 2 , and
exclusively by the angular information. The index selection we thus have δ ≤ λ4 . Additionally, as for the constructed
(n′ ,n′ ) (n ,n ) 2 θ Ny ×Nz
strategy needs to satisfy gl y z = −gl y z and n′y + θ-based covariance θ matrix W ∈ C , the row vectors
′ 2 2
(nz ) = ny + nz . This pair2 thereof, i.e., W , are independent of one another. Each
′ ′
of restrictions can be readily independent vectornydelivers ,:
an observation indexed by ny
addressed by letting ny , nz = (−ny , −nz ), and thus vny ,nz
in (9) can be trimmed to for the estimate of θ, i.e., θ̂ ny
, in which these N y estimates
θ̂ny , ny = 1, ..., Ny , contribute in collaboration to a faithful
vny ,nz (θl , φl ) θ̂, as elaborated on later.
L 2) Extraction of φ: The same technique can be applied
2 4π q 2 2 (ny ,nz ) to construct the φ-based covariance matrix Wφ , but using a
= β̄l exp ȷ ny + nz δgl
λ different index-selection strategy, i.e., n′y , n′z = (ny , −nz ),
L hence yielding
2 4π
= β̄l exp ȷ δ (ny sin θl sin φl + nz cos θl ) . (11) wnφy ,nz = vny ,nz (θl , φl ) + vn′y ,n′z (θl , φl )
The physical significance behind this index selection trick is = 2β̄l2 cos (πnz cos θl ) exp (ȷπny sin θl sin φl ) .
to allow the indices of the antenna elements corresponding
∗ (14)
to the channel hny ,nz and its conjugate copy hn′y ,n′z to be
symmetrical to the origin, as illustrated in Fig. 3. As a result, As shown in (14), both the amplitude and phase of φ
vny ,nz (θl , φl ) retains only the angular information of the contains the information of θ, which implies that an estimate
original channel structure. To facilitate the reduced searching of θ̂ is a prerequisite for the determination of φ. The φ-
space in the estimation process, the decomposition can be based covariance matrix W φ
∈ CNy ×Nz incorporates Nz
further refined to trim the 2D model at hand into a pair of 1D independent vectors with vector size Ny . In other words, the
quantities consisting exclusively of θ or φ. n z th column vector of W serves as an observation that can
be used for the CS process to attain φ̂nz , nz = 1, ..., Nz ,
1) Extraction of θ: We aim to retain the θ-associated term
the Nz estimates of which can be appropriately fused by
in the phase of vny ,nz (θl , φl ), i.e., nz cos θl , by constructing
θ a sophisticated design for the robust recovery of φ. Further
a θ-based covariance matrix W . Particularly, the (ny , nz )th
θ θ details appear in Sec. V.
entry in W can be calculated bywny ,nz = vny ,nz (θl , φl ) +
vn′y ,n′z (θl , φl ). By letting n′y , n′z = (−ny , nz ), we have B. Distance Decomposition
The distance decomposition can be achieved by construct-
wnθ y ,nz = vny ,nz (θl , φl ) + v−ny ,nz (θl , φl ) ing the r-based covariance matrix Wr that strips out the
angular information for retrieving the distance information.
= β̄l2 exp ȷ δ (ny sin θl sin φl + nz cos θl ) Specifically, we use the same trick when constructing Wr .
l=1 As illustrated in Fig. 3, we employ the channel hny ,nz and
L its conjugate copy corresponding to the origin of the UPA,
X 4π
+ β̄l2 exp ȷ δ (−ny sin θl sin φl + nz cos θl ) namely h∗0,0 , as a pair of inputs for wnr y ,nz , i.e.,
wnr y ,nz ≜ E hny ,nz h∗0,0
X 4π 4π
= 2β̄l2 cos δny sin θl sin φl exp ȷ δnz cos θl . L
λ λ X
2 2π (ny ,nz ) (0,0)
l=1 = β̄l exp ȷ ∆rl − ∆rl . (15)
(12) λ
Angular decomposition
matrix V
hny ,nz Index
vny ,nz + v- ny ,nz = wnqy ,nz
(n , n )
y z
éë Wq ûù
{ hny ,nz h-*ny ,- nz } vny ,nz
n y , nz
Construct r-based cova-
Distance decomposition
Coordinate transformation
hny ,nz riance matrix
(n , n )
y z
nz > 0
rl ( nz > 0 )
( 0, 0 )
y {h n y , nz
h0,0 } wnr y ,nz d nz
rl ( nz = 0 )
éë W r ùû nz = 0
n y , nz
1j h0,0 rl ( nz < 0 )
nz < 0
coordinate transformation. Nevertheless, the true AoAs do not coincide exactly with
Thus far, we have achieved the decomposition of the 3D the grid points. To capture the attributes of mismatches
AED parameters (θ, φ, r) by constructing their associated between the true angles and the grid points, the off-
covariance matrices, each of which retains fully knowledge grid basis is harnessed for its sparse representation [35].
that can be explored. In light of the closed structures in (13), More precisely, we introduce the θ-based offset vector
(14) and (17), we are inspired to conduct the CS procedure on ∆θ = ∆θ1 , ..., ∆θÑz , in which ∆θnz is given by
each parameter to ensure their accurate and robust recoveries. (
θnz − θ̃nz,q , if nz = nz,q , q = 1, ...L,
Therefore, the following of this treatise moves on to describe ∆θnz = (19)
in great detail the CS-based reconstruction, along with an ef- 0, otherwise,
ficient algorithm proposed for resolving CS-related setbacks. in which nz,q indicates the index of the AoA grid point nearest
to the AoA of the lth path. Thus, wnθ y can be structured as
A. CS Formulation of θ wnθ y = Ψθny (∆θ) uθny + nθny , (20)
θ Ny ×Nz
The constructed θ-based covariance matrix W ∈ C
where uθny ∈ CÑz ×1 is an L-sparse vector, nθnz ∈ CÑz ×1
encompasses Ny vectors with vector size Nz , in which the
ny th vector can be drawn out from Wθ given by wnθ y ≜ is the noise vector, and Ψθny ∈ CNz ×Ñz is the dictionary
T matrix. The design of the dictionary matrix is required to
Wθ ny ,: ∈ CNz ×1 . The vector wnθ y is actually an ob- satisfy the RIP condition in order to facilitate the accurate
servation interpreted as a linear combination of all L steering sparse signal recovery. As a necessity for accurate sparse
" #!
X ȷπ n2y + n2z δ
(ny ,nz )
wnr y ,nz = β̄l2 exp 1 − gl − 2 (ny sin θl sin φl + nz cos θl ) . (16)
4 rl
" #!
πn2y λ
(n ,n ) π
wnr y ,nz = β̄l2 exp ȷ 1− gl y z − ny sin θl sin φl . (17)
16rl 2
h i
signal recovery, the dictionary matrix has to satisfy the RIP (Wr ) ∈ CNz ×1 . To facilitate the gridding over dis-
condition [35] for eliminating the grid coherence, which tance, we likewise introduce a uniform grid of discrete points
adversely impacts the estimation performance. To be specific, of r, i.e.,
the RIP condition can be interpreted as two arbitrary columns 2
(n ,n )
h the (nz , inz )th entry
being (approximately) orthogonal, where r̃nz : r̃nz = nZz +1
1 − gl y z , nz = 0, ..., Ñz − 1 ,
θ Nz ×Ñz θ
of Ψny ∈ C is crafted by Ψny (∆θ) =
(nz ,n′z ) (25)
n o λ
Ny2 δ= 4 Ny2
exp ȷπnz cos θ̃ny + ∆θny . Thus, (18) can be recast to where Z∆ = 2 →
is the minimum value to ensure
2 λ
8β∆ δ 2β∆
a CS form with uncertain dictionary matrix (containing the the approximate orthogonality of the dictionary matrix with
to-be-determined ∆θ) and sparse vector uθny , i.e., β∆ representing the orthogonality controlling factor in order
to make sure the grid coherence being below 12 [26]. Taking
ynθ y = Bθny Ψθny (∆θ) uθny + Bθny nθny . (21)
into account the
q and lower bounds of the Rayleigh
D 3 2D 2
distance, i.e., 0.5 λ , λ (D is the array aperture), the
B. CS Formulation of φ
The CS reconstruction for φ can be executed using similar number of the grid points can be determined in accordance
Z∆ (ny ,nz )
tactics to those employed in θ’s. However, the phase term in with r̃nz = nz +1 1 − gl ≥ Dmin (Dmin =
(14) includes the θ-associated part, which may preclude the q
direct gridding over φ. To resolve this hiccup, we introduce 0.5 Dλ ), and the maximum of Ñz takes the value of
an intermediate variable ζ = {ζ1 , ..., ζL } for satisfying $ %
sin ζl = sin θl sin φl , l = 1, ..., L. Next, an arbitrary vector
(ny ,nz )
Ñz = 2 λD 1 − gl . (26)
indexed by nz can be extracted from the φ-based covariance max 2β∆ min
matrix Wφ , i.e., wnζ z ≜ [Wφ ]:,nz ∈ CNy ×1 . A wide
measurement matrix Bζnz ∈ CNRF ×Ny is left-multiplied by Furthermore,
the r-based offset vector ∆r =
the vector wnζ z for confining its size with the number of RF ∆r1 , ..., ∆rÑz is specified with its ñz th entry given by
chains, thus yielding ynζ z = Bζnz wnζ z . To perform gridding (
rnz − r̃nz , if nz = nz,q , q = 1, ...L,
over ζ, a uniform grid of Ñz angles ζ is introduced,o i.e., ∆rnz = (27)
2 Ñy −1
0, otherwise,
ζ̃ny : sin ζ̃ny = Ñ ny − 2 , ny = 0, ..., Ñy − 1 .
Regarding the mismatches between the true angles and the where nz,q indicates the index of the distance grid point
n grid points,o ζ-based offset vector is defined as
prescribed nearest to the distance of the lth path. Then, denoting ynr y
∆ζ = ∆ζ1 , ..., ∆ζÑy , with ∆ζny given by and urny by the r-based observation vector and the sparse
( vector, respectively, we can likewise structure wnr y as its CS
ζny − ζ̃ny,q , if ny = ny,q , q = 1, ...L, form
∆ζny = (22)
0, otherwise,
ynr y = Brny Ψrny (∆r) urny + Brny nrny , (28)
in which ny,q indicates the index of the AoA grid point nearest
to the AoA of the lth path. Thus, wnζ z can be structured as a where Brny ∈ CNRF ×Nz is the size-reducing measurement
CS form matrix, nrny is the noise vector, and Ψrny (∆r) ∈ CNz ×Ñz ,
wnζ z = Ψζnz (∆ζ) uζnz + nζnz , (23) Ψrny (∆r) ∈ CNz ×Ñz is the dictionary matrix, whose
in which uζnz ∈ CÑy ×1 is an L-sparse vector, nζnz ∈ (nz , ñz )th entry is given by
CÑy ×1 is the noise vector, and Ψζnz ∈ CNy ×Ñy represents
Ψl ∆rny nz ,ñz
the dictionary matrix, whose ny , n′y th entry isogiven by " #!
ζ n n2y 1
Ψnz (∆φ) n ,n′ = exp ȷπnz sin ζ̃nz,q + ∆ζnz . There- = exp ȷπ − ny sin θl cos φl . (29)
y y r̃nz + ∆rnz 2
fore, the ζ-based observation ynζ z can be recast to
ynζ z = Bζnz Ψζnz (∆ζ) uζnz + Bζnz nζnz . (24) D. Discussion
Our goal is to obtain the offset vectors ∆θ, ∆φ and
C. CS Formulation of r ∆r from the 3D AED parameter-based CS problem given
An arbitrary vector indexed by nz can be drawn out in (21), (24), and (28), respectively. Then, the 3D AED
from the r-based covariance matrix Wr , i.e., wnr y = parameter can be recovered by θ̂l = θ̃nz,q + ∆θnz , φ̂l =
sin(ζ̃ny,q +∆ζny )
arcsin sin θ̂l
, and r̂l = r̃nz,q + ∆rnz , q = 1, ..., L.
The way to accurately acquire the offset vectors will be
elaborated in the next section. Let us look first at a pair of two
issues, in which how the proposed DeRe paradigm is a curse
when concerned in terms of angular index misinterpretations
but a blessing when embraced with regard to significantly
reduced gridding complexity.
1) Angular Index Correction: The outputs of the DeRe
framework, i.e., θ, φ, and r, just play separate roles on
a significant path, which can be referred to as the partial
information. When recovering the original holographic chan-
nel using the obtained independent partial information, there
typically exist the angular index misinterpretations which
significantly deteriorate the estimation performance. To elab-
orate, in examination of case L = 3, Fig. 4(a) portrays the
genuine angular power scattered in relation to the azimuth-
elevation angle pair (θ, φ) after DeRe filtering, as well as
the misinterpretation between the attained angular indices and
the true indices of the significant angles when used with
partial information.h There i exist three zero-entries in each of
the sparse vectors uθny and uζnz ny,q . By retrieving the
indices of the non-zero entries for this pair of sparse vectors,
the true index of the lth significant angle pair (θl , φl ) may
be adversely misinterpreted for that of other significant angle
pairs. For example, having retrieved the index q = 2 for
θ̃nz ,2 and ζ̃ny ,2 , we may obtain a significant angle pair θ̃nz ,2
and ζ̃ny ,2 (with red marker □ in Fig. 4(b)). However, this
results in a false index for the genuine significant angle pair
associated with the path whose true index is l = 3. Such a
misinterpretation significantly erodes the estimation accuracy.
To address this hiccup, it is crucial to conduct the angular Fig. 4. (a) Normalized power of the azimuth-elevation angle pair (θ, φ), and
index correction after attaining the estimates of θ̃l and ζ̃l . their independent partial information projected on the xoz and yoz plane. (b)
Misinterpretations between the attained angular indices and the true indices
Regarding the nz th entry in the θ-based sparse vector uθny , of the significant angles.
we denote q by its index of the non-zero entry, whose qth
non-zero entry is given by
Nz [uζnz ]ny,q
h i = , q = 1, ..., L.
uθny = 2β̄l2 cos (πny sin θl sin φl ) , q = 1, ..., L. (30) ny,q Nz
nz =1
2 cos(πnz cos(θ̃nz,q +∆θnz ))
Similarly, the non-zero entry in the φ-based sparse vector uζnz The idea of the angular index correction is straightforward,
indexed by q is given by that is, identifying the two entries with the closest power, and
ζ matching their indices to the index of the path. Therefore,
unz ny,q = 2β̄l2 cos (πnz cos θl ) , q = 1, ..., L. (31)
we can accurately retrieve the exact index of the lth path
Since there are L paths in total, there will be L! misinter- associated with the azimuth-elevation angle pair (θl , φl )
pretation combinations. We are trying to identify the true 2
eθ − eζ
indices of the azimuth and elevation angles associated with q̂ = arg min nz,q ny,q
. (34)
the lth path. To this end, a pair of variables eθ and eζ are 2
Having identified the true index q̂,
the power gain β̄l can be
introduced to represent the power gain of the lth path (i.e., β̄l2 ) 2 θ ζ
obtained by β̄l = e n = e n , q̂ = 1, ..., L.
associated with the decomposed θ and ζ, respectively. Given z,q̂ y,q̂
is relaxed to its additive counterpart, significantly lowering implementation and the intended design. Accordingly, (37)
the computational burden in practice. can be recast as
ynθ y = E F̄ + ∆F̄ diag (hτ ) Eh→V h∗,τ
E. Robustness of DeRe Framework = E F̄ + ∆F̄ E {diag (hτ ) Eh→V h∗,τ }
Given the potential adverse effects of hardware imperfec- = F̄ + E ∆F̄ E {diag (hτ ) Eh→V h∗,τ } . (38)
tions, such as deviations between the practical and theoretical
designs of the combining matrix F and holographic pattern The form in (38) is appealing since it is analytically tractable.
M, this subsection aims for examining the robustness of the This implies that the resultant error can be mitigated through
DeRe framework against such perturbations in the context skillful designs of the combining matrix and holographic pat-
of channel estimation. Note that ynθ y is actually a fictitious tern. Specific design details are beyond the scope of this paper,
vector for ease of analysis (as are wnθ y and V), so before and interested readers may refer to [36], [37] for inspiration
proceeding to unveiling DeRe’s robustness, let us establish in transceiver design within the context of holographic scope.
a critical bridge between the physical signal received from The robustness performance of the DeRe framework will be
the BS and the observation ynθ y utilized in the CS procedure. evaluated later in Sec. VI.
Subsequently, we shall take θ as an illustrative instance.
Let yτ , τ ∈ {1, ..., T } denote an arbitrary sample
of the received signal at the BS. We define fa→b (a) In pursuit of an accurate and robust channel estimation
as the mapping from a to b. For an arbitrary obser- for holographic MIMO systems, we intend to recover the
vation sampled at τ , we obtain ynθ,τ = Bθ,τ wnθ,τ , sparse vectors uθny , uζny and urny , as well as their associated
y ny y
offset vectors ∆θ, ∆ζ and ∆r, as presented in (21), (24),
whose mapping relation is given by fw→y wnθ,τ =
y and (28), respectively. Albeit the seeming straightforwardness
fw→y (fV→w (V)) = fw→y (fV→w (fh→V (hτ ))). The of that kind of parameter-recovery problem, it poses arduous
mapping fw→y (fV→w (Vτ )) can be recast by means of a challenges due to a pair of peculiarities: i) the uncertainty of
matrix manipulation given by the sensing matrices including the offsets to be determined,
fV→w (Vτ ) = CV→w (IN + EV→w ) Vτ , (35) i.e., Ψθny (∆θ), Ψζny (∆ζ), and Ψrny (∆r), as well as ii)
the imperfect priors of the sparse vectors induced by the
where EV→w = ẽ1 ; ...; ẽTN ∈ CN ×N , with the nth vector
unavailability of the exact distributions for uθny , uζny , and urny .
ẽn given by ẽn = en′ and en′ ∈ RN ×1 representing the basis Therefore, targeting the twofold issues, a layered probability
vector whose n′ th entry is non-zero. The matrix CV→w ∈ model is leveraged to provide appropriate prior distributions
CNz ×N is constituted by [c1 , ..., cN ], whose nth vector is for the sparse vectors, followed by an efficient and robust
crafted by algorithm design.
Nz ×1 ei , n = (ny , i) , i = 1, ..., Nz , A. Layered Probability Model
cn ∈ R = (36)
0, others. For the sake of brevity, we take θ as an example to
It thus holds that fw→y (fV→w (fh→V (h ))) τ
= explicate the way to harness the structured sparsity un-
θ,τ τ
Bny CV→wθ (IN + EV→wθ ) (diag (h )) Eh→V h , ∗,τ
in derlying w ny . Concerning that Ny estimates of θ can be
which the implementation of Eh→V is similar to EV→w ’s, attained by resolving Ny θcopies θof problem θ
(21), we can
just using different index selection strategy shown in (9). group the sparse vectors u 1 , ..., u n y
, ..., u Ny into Ñz blocks
As a result, the received signal at the BS that serves as an h with block size N y , in which the n z th block is given by
i h iT
θ θ θ θ θ θ θ
observation yny can be given by u1,nz , ..., uny ,nz , ..., uNy ,nz . Let ρ = ρ1 , ..., ρNy rep-
o resent the precision vector, in which 1/ρθ
ny ,nz denotes the
ynθ y = E Bθ,τ τ
ny CV→wθ (IN + EV→wθ ) diag (h ) Eh→V h variance of uθny ,nz . Furthermore, a support vector denoted by
= Bθny CV→wθ (IN + EV→wθ ) E {diag (hτ ) Eh→V h∗,τ } . αθ ∈ {0, 1}Ñz is introduced, whose nz th entry αθ indicates
(37) whether the nz th block is active (αnθ = 1) or not (αnθ = 0).
z z
θ θ θ
In practical systems, the linear transformation in (37), i.e., Therefore, the joint distribution of u , ρ , and α is in the
Bθny CV→wθ (IN + EV→wθ ) can be achieved by appropri- form
ately designing the combining matrix and the holographic pat- p uθny , ρθny , αθ = p αθ p ρθny |αθ p uθny |ρθny , (39)
tern. The remnant expectation term E {diag (hτ ) Eh→V h∗,τ } | {z } | {z }| {z }
Support Precision Sparse vector
can be realized by an output of the Hadamard product whose
inputs take the signal received at the BS and its conjugate Then let us move on to describe in greater detail the prior
counterpart. distribution of each layer.
The structure in (37) indicates that the signal received 1) Layer I: Probability Model for Support Vector αθ :
at the BS can be crafted to attain the observation yny Due to the limited scatterers in the physical propagation
embracing θ-associated statistical characteristics. Regard- environment, the birth-death process of αθ can be modeled
ing the error induced by hardware imperfections, we let as a Markov prior
ny CV→wθ (IN + EV→wθ ) = F̄ + ∆F̄, where F̄ denote Ñz
the intended design of the combining matrix and holographic p αθ = p αnθ z
p αnθ z |αnθ z −1 ,
pattern, while ∆F̄ captures the deviation between the actual nz =2
with the transition probability p αnθ z |αnθ z −1 given by Layer III Layer II Layer I
1−αθnz αθ T
U1,1 T
( u
θ θ
(1 − p0→1 ) (p0→1 ) nz , αnθ z −1 = 0, p u1T | y1T u1,1 f 1,1
p αnz |αnz −1 =
1−αθnz αθ unTy ,1 f nuy ,1 U nT ,1 f1ȡ D1T
(p1→0 ) (1 − p1→0 ) nz , αnθ z −1 = 1, y
(41) uTN y ,1 f Nuy ,1 U TN
A group of N y
y ,1 estimates of Tˆ
where p0→1 represents the transition probability of entries in
p u ny | y ny
u1,T nz f1,unz U1,T n
the sparse vector uθny shifting from 0 to 1, and vice versa for z
p0→1 . T
u n y , nz f u
n y , nz
U nT ,n y z
f nȡz D nT z
uTN y ,nz f Nuy ,nz UN T
ρθ of the support vector αθ u1,T N z f1,uN z U1,T N z
Ñz Ny Ñz p uTN y | yTN y T
un y , N z f u
Un T
f Nȡz D NT
Y Y Y n y , N z y ,Nz
uN y , N z f u
nz =1 ny =1 nz =1 N y , N z y ,Nz
the event of αnθ z ̸= 1, in which case the variance of uθny ,nz after scaling. Furthermore, the uncertain grid offset ∆θ̂ can
tends to be zero when the associated path is inactive. be attained by MLE as
3) Layer III: Probability Model for Sparse Vector uθ :
∆θ̂ = arg max ln p yθ ; ∆θ = arg max ln p yθ , v θ ; ∆θ ,
The conditional probability for sparse vector uθ is considered ∆θ ∆θ vθ
to follow a non-stationary Gaussian prior distribution with (46)
distinct precision ρθ
in which v θ = uθ , ρθ , αθ represents the collection of
Ny Ñz
Y Y variables associated with the probability model. We thus attain
p uθ |ρθ = p uθny ,nz |ρθny ,nz
the MMSE estimate of uθny ,nz by figuringout the MLE of∆θ̂
ny =1 nz =1
| {z } and the conditional marginal posterior p uθny ,nz |yθ ; ∆θ .
fny ,nz Recall that Ny estimates of θ can be attained by solving
Y Ñz
Y Ny copies of problem (21), and the associated sparse vectors
= CN uθny ,nz ; 0, 1/ρθny ,nz , (43) uθ1 , ..., uθny , ..., uθNy have been grouped into Ñz blocks with
ny =1 nz =1 block size Ny , as illustrated in the factor graph in Fig. 5. Such
Additionally, in the presence of the complex Gaussian noise, a grouping facilitates an appropriate fusion of Ny beliefs,
we have i.e., messages passing via the path uθny ,nz → fnuy ,nz →
ρθny ,nz → fnρz , ny = 1, ..., Ny . To be explicit, in light of the
p ynθ y |uθny = CN ynθ y ; Bθny Ψθny uθny , κθ INRF , (44) belief propagation [38], the message νfnρz →αθn is calculated
by taking the product of all messages received by the factor
where κθ = σ −2 represents the noise precision
that follows a node fnρz on all other edges, i.e.,
Gamma hyperprior p κθ = Γ κθ ; aκ , bκ . The tunable aκ
νfnρz →αθn αnθ z
and bκ tend to zero, i.e., aκ , bκ → 0, for approximating a
more general hyperprior. X YNy
ρ θ θ θ
4) Channel hRecovery Problem Formulation: Given obser- ∝ θ
f nz αnz , ρ1,nz , . . . , ρ Ny ,nz ρθny ,nz .
i −αnz ny =1
Ny Nz ×1
vations yθ = y1θ ; ...; yN
∈ C , our objective is to (47)
h i
estimate the sparse vector u = uθ1 ; ...; uθNy ∈ CNy Nz ×1 This implies that each block nz contains partial priors of
and the grid offsets ∆θ. More precisely, we intend to the Ny sparse vectors, and priors of Ñz blocks function
compute the MMSE estimates of uθny ,nz , i.e., ûθny ,nz = collaboratively on the channel support vector αθ .
It is still arduous to obtain the precise estimates of ûθny ,nz approximate message passing (AMP)-based algorithms, e.g.,
and ∆θ̂, since the conditional marginal posterior in (45) is Turbo-AMP [40] and Turbo-CS [41], easily get entrapped into
unavailable due to the complex integration, and the dense their poor local optimum due to the ill-conditioned dictionary
loops in the factor graph exacerbate matters. Additionally, the matrix Ψθ (∆θ) induced by the indeterminate ∆θ. To facil-
non-concave nature of problem (46) hinders the pursuit of its itate the practical implementation, two entities are specified
stationary solution even if one uses some plain optimization in the DeRe-VM-E Step, namely Entity A and Entity B as
approaches. Therefore, the subsection that follows proceeds exemplified in Fig. 6, in support of the sparse VBI estimates
to present beneficial techniques for clearing up the above and forward-backward message passing. Furthermore, this
hindrances, as well as an effective algorithm for facilitating pair of entities need to interact with each other to eliminate
the efficient estimation of θ. the self-reinforcement during the update procedure.
• Entity A: By capitalizing sparse VBI [42], this entity
Dθ +i(
q = 1,..., L
n c ®a q ¶Dθ
r qN y , nz
Sparse VBI estimation message passing
C. Computational Complexity -5
-20 -20
0 -5
Angular-domain representation
-40 -35
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
SNR (dB)
(a) (a)
0 -10
Angular-domain representation
-15 NMSE (dB) -20
Angular-domain representation
-30 4.03 dB
3.32 dB
Performance gap
-40 -35
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
SNR (dB)
(b) (b)
Fig. 9. NMSE performance versus SNR with different BS-user distances. Fig. 10. NMSE performance versus the pilot number P with different BS-
(a) The BS-user distance is taken from rl ∼ U (1 m, 20 m) for the near-field user distances. (a) The BS-user distance is taken from rl ∼ U (1 m, 20 m)
region. (b) The BS-user distance is taken from rl ∼ U (30 m, 50 m) for the for the near-field region. (b) The BS-user distance is taken from rl ∼
far-field region. U (30 m, 50 m) for the far-field region.
-5 10-2
Fig. 11. NMSE performance versus the number of NLoS paths (L − 1). Fig. 12. NMSE performance at different error ratios εF̄ .
VM reveals significant robustness in accommodating diverse significant paths. Interestingly, both cases demonstrate a slight
channel conditions at varying distances in the context of a decline in NMSE when P > 40, in contrast to a precipitous
holographic MIMO system. drop when P < 40, which implies a potential compromise
In Fig. 9, we investigate the impact of varying SNR on between the pilot number and NMSE, that is, favorable
the NMSE performance for different BS-to-user distance NMSE performance can be achieved given an appropriate P ,
configurations, where the 26-meter Rayleigh distance is taken while a large P may incur heavy pilot overhead for systems.
as the dividing line for the near-field and far-field regions. Additionally, the performance gap can still be spotted in
Firstly, as expected, an increase in SNR boosts the NMSE per- Fig. 10(b), e.g., 3.32 dB when P = 40, between DeRe-
formance and the proposed DeRe-VM algorithm is superior VM and On-grid schemes, owing to a more accurate Fresnel
to the benchmark schemes adopted, regardless of the distance approximation in (10) than its far-field counterpart.
configurations. This is made possible by the fact that DeRe- Fig. 11 demonstrates the variation of NMSE performance
VM offers the capability of capturing, via their independent with respect to the number of NLoS paths among different
decompositions, potential structured sparsities in relation to schemes. Since L = 1 represents the LoS path, the number
3D AED parameters in holographic MIMO channels. On the of NLoS paths is denoted by L − 1. As spotted in Fig. 11,
other hand, the scatterers in the physical environment can be the NMSE performance achieved by all the schemes being
characterized by Markov prior for the channel support αθ , considered exhibits a slight degradation with an increased
which also explains the reason why DeRe-VM is superior number of NLoS paths, albeit to different degrees. As the
to DeRe-VBI. Secondly, the NMSE performance achieved number of NLoS paths increases, an augmentation occurs in
by on-grid and off-grid schemes significantly enhances when the quantity of non-zero entries within each sparse vector. This
the examined settings shift to the far-field case. For instance, without a doubt increases the dimensionality of the solution
as SNR = 5 dB, the performance gap resulted from DeRe- space, rendering the CS-based algorithm more susceptible
VM and off-grid schemes falls from 15.48 dB in the near- to becoming ensnared in local optima in the pursuit of the
field case to 4.03 dB in the far-field case. Additionally, one optimal value. As a result, figuring out the LoS path becomes
interesting finding is that in the far-field configuration, higher more challenging. Fortunately, due to the “turbo” nature
SNR draws the NMSE performance achieved by Without AIC of DeRe-VM, with which the updates of parameters and
to a great level, in stark contrast to the pale efforts made by the posteriors mutually reinforce each other, it can be ensured
increased SNR for the marginal improvement of NMSE in the that the algorithm will eventually converge to a stationary
near-field context. This is because a high SNR can compensate point [46], [47].
for the erroneous estimation caused by the absence of the To evaluate the robustness of the proposed DeRe frame-
angular index correction when just estimating the 2D azimuth- work, Fig. 12 plots the NMSE curves versus the sample
elevation angle pair. number T . In conjunction with (38), we define εF̄ =
Fig. 10 plots the NMSE curves in relation to the pilot n
o n
length P for various distance cases, as in Fig. 9. With more E ∆F̄ /E F̄ + ∆F̄ as the error ratio to quan-
pilots inserted, holographic MIMO channels can be better tify the level of hardware imperfections induced by for
characterized, resulting in a diffing degree of improvement example, the limited resolution of phase shifters and am-
for NMSE with various schemes. To be specific, regarding plitude controllers. As it transpires, the NMSE performance
rl ∼ U (1 m, 20 m) showcased in Fig. 10(a), an increment in is expected to improve with an increase in the number of
P boost NMSE performance marginally in the near-field case samples. An eye-catching observation pertains to the existence
while considerably in the far-field case. This can be attributed of gaps in NMSE performances across various εF̄ in the
to the fact that on- and off-grid schemes based on the angular- presence of a small number of training samples, while the
domain representation suffer from a performance bottleneck NMSE performance achieved by all cases, as T grows larger,
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approximation for bayesian inference,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., on Digital and Mobile Communication and published by Wiley-IEEE Press.
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[43] W. Wang and W. Zhang, “Joint beam training and positioning for in- He holds 60 U.S./EU granted patents (23 of them as the first inventor).
telligent reflecting surfaces assisted millimeter wave communications,” His research interests include wireless communications, millimeter wave
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2021. Institution of Engineering and Technology. He was a recipient of the ICC2013
[44] Y. Li, C. Tao, G. Seco-Granados, A. Mezghani, A. L. Swindlehurst, Best Paper Award, the OECC2015 Best Student Paper Award, the 2016 IEEE
and L. Liu, “Channel estimation and performance analysis of one-bit Scott Helt Memorial Award, the 2016 IET Premium Award, the 2016 National
massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 65, no. 15, Award for Science and Technology Progress (First Prize), the ICC2017 Best
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[45] P. Wang, J. Fang, H. Duan, and H. Li, “Compressed channel estimation and the 2020 IEEE ComSoc Leonard G. Abraham Prize. He was an Associate
for intelligent reflecting surface-assisted millimeter wave systems,” Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS from
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 27, pp. 905–909, May 2020. 2011 to 2015 and IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS from 2013 to 2016.
[46] A. Liu, L. Lian, V. Lau, G. Liu, and M.-J. Zhao, “Cloud-assisted He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C OM -
cooperative localization for vehicle platoons: A turbo approach,” IEEE MUNICATIONS , IEEE S YSTEMS J OURNAL , and IEEE O PEN J OURNAL OF
Trans. Signal Process., vol. 68, pp. 605–620, Jan. 2020. V EHICULAR T ECHNOLOGY.
[47] Y. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Guo, Z. Han, and P. Zhang, “Location tracking
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