2 Mixture and Alligations
2 Mixture and Alligations
2 Mixture and Alligations
9. Two alloys contain Tin and iron in the ratio 1:2 and 2:3 13. 60 kg of an alloy A is mixed with 100 kg of alloy B. If alloy
respectively. If the two alloys be mixed in the ratio 3:4 A has lead and tin in the ratio 3:2 and alloy B has tin and
according to their weight. Find the ratio of Tin and iron in copper in the ratio 1:4, the amount of tin in the new alloy is
the new mixture. 60 fdxzk- feJ/kkrq A dks 100 fdxzk feJ/kkrq Bds lkFk fefJr
nks feJ /kkrqvksa esa fVu rFkk yksgs dk vuqikr 1:2 rFkk 2:3 gSA fd;k tkrk gSA ;fn feJ/kkrq A esa lhlk vkSj fVu 3:2 ds
;fn bu nksuksa /kkrqvksa dks 3:4 (otu ds vuqlkj) feyk naAs rks vuqikr esa gksa vkSj feJ/kkrq B eas fVu vkSj rkack 1:4 ds vuqikr
ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa fVu rFkk yksgs dk vuqikr Kkr djsa\ esa gks] rks ubZ feJ/kkrq esa fVu dh ek=k fdruh gksxh \
[SSC CGL Mains-2015] [SSC CGL Mains-2015]
(a) 10:21 (b) 13:22 (a) 53 kg (b) 44 kg
(c) 14:25 (d) 12:23 (c) 80 kg (d) 24 kg
10. In two types of brass, the ratios of copper to zinc are 8:3 14. An alloy contains zinc, copper and tin in the ratio 2:3:1
and 15:7 respectively. If the two types of brass be melted and another contains copper, tin and lead in the ratio
and mixed in the ratio 5:2, a new type of brass is obtained. 5:4:3. If equal weights of both the alloys are melted
The ratio of copper to zinc in this new type of brass is? together to form a third alloy then the weight of lead per
nks rjg ds ihry esa rkacs vkSj tLrs dk vuqikr Øe’k% 8:3 vkSj kg of in the new alloy will be ?
15:7 gSA ;fn nksuks rjg ds ihry dks fi?kykdj 5:2 ds vuqikr ,d feJ/kkrq esa ftad] rkack rFkk fVu dk vuqikr 2:3:1 gS vkSj
esa fefJr dj fn;k tk, rks ,d u, izdkj dk ihry cu tkrk nwljh feJ/kkrq esa dkWij] fVu vkSj ysM dk vuqikr 5:4:3 gSA
gSA bl u, izdkj ds ihry esa rkacs vkSj tLrs dk vuqikr ;fn nksuks feJ/kkrqvksa dh cjkcj ek=k ,d lkFk fi?kykbZ tk,
crkb,\ [SSC CGL Mains-2016]
rks ,d u;h feJ/kkrq izkIr gksrh gSA rks u, feJ.k esa ysM dh
(a) 3:2 (b) 2:3
izfr fdxzk ek=k Kkr djsa \
(c) 3:4 (d) 5:2 1 1 3 7
11. Three containers have their volumes in the ratio 3:4:5. (a) kg (b) kg (c) kg (d) kg
2 8 14 8
They are full of mixtures of milk and water. The mixtures 15. There are three bottles of mixture of syrup and water of
contain milk and water in the ratio of 4:1,3:1 and 5:2 ratio 2:3, 3:4 and 7:5. If 10 litres mixture from the first and
respectively. The contents of all these three containers 21 litres of second bottles are taken out. How much
are poured into fourth container. The ratio of milk and quantity from third bottle is to be taken out so that the
water in the fourth container is ? final mixture contain spirit and water in the ratio 1:1 ?
rhu dUVsujksa ds vk;ru dk vuqikr 3:4:5. gSA muesa nw/k vkSj rhu cksryksa esa Øe’k% 2:3, 3:4 rFkk 7:5. ds vuqikr esa flji
ikuh dk feJ.k Hkjk gSA feJ.k esa Øe’k% 4:1,3:1 vkSj 5:2 ds rFkk ty dk feJ.k gSA igyh cksry ls 10 yhVj rFkk nwljh
vuqikr esa nw/k vkSj ikuh gSA bu rhuks dUVsujks ds feJ.k dks ls 21 yhVj feJ.k fudkyk x;k rks flji rFkk ty ds vuqikr
,d pkSFks dUVsuj esa mMsy + fn;k tkrk gSA pkSFks dUVsuj esa dks 1:1 djus ds fy, rhljh cksry ls fdruk feJ.k fudkyk
nw/k vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr crkb, \ [SSC CGL Mains-2016] tk,xk \ [SSC CGL Mains-2016]
(a) 4:1 (b) 151:48 (a) 25 litres (b) 20 litres
(c) 157:53 (d) 5:2 (c) 35 litres (d) 30 litres
12. Three containers whose volumes are in the ratio 2:3:4 are 16. In a mixture of three varieties of tea in the ratio of their
full of mixture of spirit and water. In the 1st container the weight is 4:5:8. If 5 kg tea of first variety, 10 kg tea of
ratio of spirit and water is 4:1. In the 2nd container, the second variety and some quantity of tea of third variety
ratio is 11:4 and in the 3rd container the ratio is 7:3. All the are added to the mixture then the ratio of the weights of
three mixtures are mixed in a big container. The ratio of three varieties of tea becomes 5:7:9. In the final mixture ,
spirit and water in the resultant mixture is ? the quantity ( in kg) of the third variety of tea was ?
rhu crZu ftudk vk;ru 2:3:4 gS] fLifjV vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k rhu izdkj dh pk; ds ,d feJ.k esa muds otu dk vuqikr
ls Hkjs gq, gSA igys crZu esa fLifjV vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 4:1 4:5:8 gSA ;fn igyh izdkj dh 5kg pk;] nwljs izdkj dh
gSA nwljs crZu esa ;g vuqikr 11:4 rFkk rhljs crZu esa ;g 10kg pk; vkSj rhljs izdkj dh dqN pk; feJ.k esa feykbZ
vuqikr 7:3 gSA lHkh feJ.kksa dks ,d cM+s crZu esa feyk;k tkrk tkrh gS rks feJ.k esa rhuks izdkj dh pk; ds otu dk vuqikr
gSA rc ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa fLifjV rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr Kkr 5:7:9 gks tkrk gSA vafre feJ.k esa] rhljs izdkj dh pk; dh
djsa \ [SSC CPO-2016]
ek=k ¼fdxzk esa½ fdruh gksxh \ [SSC CGL Mains-2014]
22. 300 grams of sugar solution has 40% of sugar in it. How
TYPE-II much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the
17. A mixture contains spirit and water in the ratio 3:2. If it solution?
contains 3 litres more spirit than water. The quantity of 300 xzke phuh ds ?kksy esa 40% phuh gSA blesa fdruh phuh
spirit in the mixture is? vkSj feykbZ tkuh pkfg, ftlls og bl ?kksy dk 50% gks
,d feJ.k esa fLifjV vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 3:2 gS ;fn ikuh tk, \ [SSC CGL Mains-2015]
ls 3 yh- T;knk fLifjV j[krk gS rks feJ.k esa fLifjV dh ek=k (a) 60 gm (b) 80 gm
Kkr djsa \ (c) 10 gm (d) 40 gm
(a) 10 litres (b) 12 litres 23. 150 gm of sugar solutions has 20% sugar in it. How much
(c) 8 litres (d) 9 litres sugar should be added to make it 25% in the solution?
18. 49 kg of blended tea contain Assam and Darjeeling tea in 150 xzke phuh ds ?kksy esa 20% phuh gSA blesa fdruh phuh vkSj
the ratio 5:2. Then the quantity of Darjeeling tea is to be
feykbZ tkuh pkfg, ftlls og bl ?kksy dk 25% gks tk, \
added to the mixture to make the ratio as assam to
(a) 10 gm (b) 45 gm
Darjeeling tea 2:1 is ?
(c) 35 gm (d) 40 gm
49 fd-xzk ds pk; ds feJ.k esa vle vkSj nktZfyax dh pk;
24. Petrol pump owner mixed loaded and unloaded petrol in
dk vuqikr 5:2 gSA vc vle vkSsj nktZfyax dh pk; ds such a way that the mixture contains 10% unloaded petrol.
vuqikr dks 2:1 djus ds fy, fdl ek=k esa nktZfyax dh pk; What quantity of loaded petrol should be added to 1 liter
dks feJ.k eas feykuk pkfg, \ [SSC CGL Mains-2016] of mixture so that the percentage of unloaded petrol
(a) 4.5 kg (b) 3.5 kg becomes 5%.
(c) 5 kg (d) 6 kg ,d isVkª y
s iai dk ekfyd lhlk ;qDr ,oa lhlkjfgr isVkª y
s dks
19. The ratio of the volumes of water and glycerine in 240 cc bl izdkj fefJr djrk gS fd feJ.k esa 10% lhlk jfgr isVkª y
of a mixture is 1:3. The quantity of water (in cc) that should gSA rc 1 yhVj feJ.k esa lhlk;qDr isVªksy dh fdruh ek=k
be added to the mixture so that the new ratio of the
feyk;h tk;s rkfd lhlk jfgr isVªksy dh ek=k 5% gks tk;s\
volumes of water and glycerine become 2:3 is ?
(a) 1000 ml (b) 900 ml
240 ?ku lseh ikuh rFkk fXyljhu ds feJ.k esa buds vk;ru dk (c) 1900 ml (d) 1800 ml
vuqikr 1:3 gS blesa fdruh ikuh dh ek=k vksSj feykbZ tk, fd 25. 200 litres of a mixture contains 15% water and the rest is
ikuh rFkk fXyljhu ds vk;ru dk u;k vuqikr 2:3 gks tk, \ milk. The amount of milk that must be added so that the
(a) 55 (b) 60 resulting mixture contains 87.5% milk is ?
(c) 62.5 (d) 64 200 yhVj feJ.k esa 15% ikuh vkSj 'ks"k nw/k gS] feJ.k esa
20. In 80 litre mixture of milk and water the ratio of milk and nw/k dh fdruh ek=k feykbZ tk, ftlls ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa
water is 3:2. How many litres of milk should be added to
87.5% nw/k gks tk,\
the mixture so that milk may become double of the water?
(a) 30 litres (b) 35 litres
80 yhVj feJ.k esa nw/k rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr 3:2 gS ftlesa (c) 40 litres (d) 45 litres
fdruk vkSj nw/k feyk;k tkuk pkfg, ftlls nw/k ikuh dk 26. A vessel is full of a mixture of kerosene and petrol in
nksxquk gks tk, \ which there is 18% kerosene. Eight litres of mixture is
(a) 16 litres (b) 12 litres replaced with petrol. If the kerosene is now 15%, how
(c) 20 litres (d) 14 litres much does the vessel hold ?
21. 80 litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio ,d crZu tks fd dSjkslhu rFkk isVkª y
s ds feJ.k ls iw.kZr% Hkjk
of 27:5. How much more water is to be added to get a gqvk gS ftlesa 18% dSjkslhu gSA 8 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj
mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 3:1? mldh txg isVªksy dks feyk;k x;kA ;fn vc blesa 15%
80 yhVj feJ.k esa nw/k vkSj ikuh 27:5 ds vuqikr esa gSA fdrus dSjkslhu gks rks crZu dh {kerk Kkr djsa\
yhVj ikuh vkSj feykus ij feJ.k esa nw/k vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr (a) 40 lit (b) 32 lit
3:1 gks tk,xk \ [SSC CHSL - 2014] (c) 36 lit (d) 48 lit
(a) 5 litres (b) 10 litres
(c) 15 litres (d) 20 litres
27. In 2kg mixture of copper and aluminum, 30% is copper. pkj izdkj dh pk; dk ewY; Øe’k% 20 :-] 30:-] 40:- vkSj
How much aluminum powder should be added to the 80:- izfr fdxzk gS ;fn bUgsa Øe’k% 7 % 6 % 5 % 2 ds vuqikr
mixture so that the quantity of copper becomes 20%? esa feyk fn;k tk, rks feJ.k dks fdl ewY; ij cspk tk, fd
rkacs vkSj ,Y;qehfu;e ds 2 fdxzk- feJ.k eas 30% rkack gSA bl 15% dk ykHk gks \
feJ.k esa fdruk ,Y;qehfu;e ikmMj vkSj feyk;k tkuk (a) 40 Rs. per kg (b) 38 Rs. per kg
pkfg, ftlls rkacs dk vuqikr 20% gks tk, \ (c) 39 Rs. per kg (d) 39.10 Rs. per kg
(a) 900 gms (b) 800 gms [SSC CHSL - 2015] 33. Two blends of commodity costing Rs 35 and Rs 40 per kg
(c) 1000 gms (d) 1200 gms respectively are mixed in the ratio 2:3 by weight. if one
28. A sugar solution of 3 litres contain 60% sugar. 1 litre of fifth of the mixture is sold at Rs 46 per kg and the remaining
water is added of this solution. Then the percentage of at the rate of Rs 55 per kg the profit percent is?
sugar in the new solution is ? fdlh oLrq dks Øe’k% 35:- vkSj 40:- izfr fd-xzk- dh ykxr
3 yhVj phuh ds ?kksy esa 60% phuh gSA ;fn bl feJ.k okys nks feJ.kksa dks otu ds vuqlkj 2:3 ds vuqikr esa fefJr
esa 1 yhVj ikuh feyk fn;k tk;sA rc u;s feJ.k esa phuh dk fd;k tkrk gSA ;fn 1/5 feJ.k 46:- izfr fd-xzk- vkSj 'ks"k
izfr’kr Kkr djas \ [SSC CPO (Re. Exam)-2016] feJ.k dks 55 :- izfr fd-xzk- dh nj ls cspk tkrk gS] rks ykHk
(a) 30% (b) 45% izfr’krrk fdruh gS \ [SSC CGL Mains-2015]
(c) 50% (d) 60% (a) 50% (b) 20%
29. 20 litre mixture has 20% alcohol and rest water. If 4 litre (c) 40% (d) 30%
more water is added. Find the percentage of alcohol in
the mixture? TYPE-III
20 yhVj feJ.k esa 20% ,Ydksgy rFkk 'ks"k ty gSA ;fn 34. The ratio of oil and kerosene in a container is 3:2. When
feJ.k esa 4 yhVj ty vkSj feyk nsaA rc ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa 10 lit of mixture is taken out and replaced by kerosene,
,Ydksgy dk izfr’kr D;k gksxk\ [SSC CGL Mains-2014] the ratio becomes 2:3. The total quantity of the mixture in
the container is ?
1 2
(a) 33 % (b) 16 % ,d crZu esa rsy vkSj dSjksflu dk vuqikr 3:2 gSA 10 yhVj
3 3
feJ.k fudkydj tc dSjksflu ls cnyk x;k rks vuqikr 2:3
1 gks tkrk gSA feJ.k dh ek=k Kkr djksA
(c) 25 % (d) 12 %
2 (a) 30 litre (b) 25 litre
30. If 4 litre of water is evaporated from 12 litre solution of (c) 20 litre (d) 35 litre
7% acid, then find the percentage of acid in the new 35. A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 9:4. On
solution ? adding 8 litres of water, the ratio becomes 3:2. Find the
7% vEy okys 12 yhVj ?kksy esa ls 4 yhVj ikuh ok"Ik cudj total quantity of the original mixture .
mM+ tkrk gSA rks u, ?kksy esa vEy dk izfr’kr fdruk gS \ ,d feJ.k esa nw/k vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 9:4.gSA 8 yhVj ikuh
(a) 10.5% (b) 11.7% vkSj feykus ij ;g vuqikr 3:2 gks tkrk gSA feJ.k dh ewy
(c) 12% (d) 13%
31. 4 kg of a metal contains 1/5 copper and rest iron. Another ek=k Kkr djsa \
5kg of metal contains 1/6 copper and rest iron. The ratio (a) 52 litres (b) 26 litres
of copper and iron into the mixture of these two metals? (c) 104 litres (d) 30 litres
4 fdxzk esVy esa 1/5 dkWij gS vkSj 'ks"k vk;ju gS nwljs izdkj ds 36. The ratio of the quantities of an acid and water in a mixture
5 fdxzk esVy esa 1/6 dkWij gS vkSj 'ks"k vk;ju gSS rks bl izdkj is 1:3 . If 5 litres of acid is further added to the mixture, the
ds nksuksa esVy esa dkWij rFkk vk;ju dk vuqikr D;k gksxk \ new ratio becomes 1:2. The quantity of new mixture
(a) 49:221 (b) 39:231 ( in litres) is
(c) 94:181 (d) None of these
,d feJ.k eas vEy rFkk ikuh dh ek=k dk vuqikr 1:3 gSA ;fn
32. The cost of four different varieties of tea is Rs. 20, Rs. 30
, Rs. 40 and Rs. 80 per kg respectively. If they are mixed in 5 yh vEy fQj ls feJ.k esa feyk;k tk,] rks u;k vuqikr 1:2
the ratio 7 : 6 : 5 : 2. Then at what rate should the mixture gks tkrk gSA u;s feJ.k dh ek=k ¼yh esa½ Kkr djsa \
be sold to earn 15% profit ?
(a) 32 (b) 40
(c) 42 (d) 45
37. A mixture contains 80% acid and rest water. How much (a) 75 litres (b) 60 litres
part of the mixture is taken out and replaced with pure (c) 80 litres (d) 70 litres
water for making the ratio of acid and water 4:3? 42. From a 200 litre tank of petrol, the seller replaces each
,d feJ.k esa 80% vEy gS vkSj 'ks"k ty gS vEy rFkk ty time with kerosene . when he sells 40 litres of petrol (or its
dk vquikr 4:3 djus ds fy, feJ.k dk fdruk Hkkx fudkyk mixture). Every time he sells out only 40 litre of petrol
tk, vkSj ty dh mruh gh ek=k feyk nh tk,\ (pure or impure). After replacing the petrol with kerosene
(a) 1/3 (b) 3/7 [SSC CGL Mains-2011] 4th time, the total amount of kerosene in the mixture is ?
(c) 2/3 (d) 2/7 ,d VSd a esa 200 yhVj isVkª y
s gSA ,d vkneh tc 40 yhVj
38. A can is full of mixture of two liquids A and B in the ratio of isVkª y
s ;k mldk feJ.k csprk gS rks VSd a esa 40 yhVj dSjksflu
7:5. when 9 litres of mixture are drawn off from the can and feyk nsrk gSA gj ckj og 40 yhVj isVkª y s gh csprk gSA 4 ckj
replaced by the same quantity of liquid B. The ratio of A
isVkª y
s cspus ds ckn VSd
a esa dSjksflu dh ek=k Kkr djksA
and B in the can become 7:9. The capacity of the can is ?
(a) 118.08 lit (b) 110.5 lit
,d dSu nks izdkj ds rjyksa A vkSj B ds 7:5 feJ.k ls iwjh (c) 120.5 lit (d) 125.6 lit
Hkjh gSA ;fn dSu ls 9 yhVj feJ.k fudky fy;k tk, vkSj 43. A jar is full of milk. A person drawn out 20% of the milk
mlds LFkku ij mruh gh ek=k esa rjy B Hkj fn;k tk, rks from the jar and replaced it with sugar solution, He has
dSu esa A vkSj B dk vuqikr 7:9 gks tk,xkA dSu dh {kerk repeated the same process 4 times and thus there was
only 512 gm of milk left in the jar, the rest part of the jar
fdruh gS\ [SSC CPO-2016]
was filled with sugar solution. The initial amount of the
(a) 21 litre (b) 20 litre milk in the jar was?
(c) 10 litre (d) 36 litre
39. A vessel is full of 80 litres milk, 8 litre milk is taken out and
,d crZu nw/k ls Hkjk gqvk gSA ,d vkneh crZu ls 20%
replaced by water. Again 8 litre milk is taken out and nw/k fudkydj ikuh feyk nsrk gS ;gh dke mlus 4 ckj fd;k
replaced by water. Find the amount of milk in the final vkSj var esa crZu esa flQZ 512 xzke nw/k cpk gS] ckdh crZu ikuh
mixture so formed? ls Hkjk gqvk gSA izkjaHk esa crZu esa fdruk nw/k Fkk\
,d crZu esa 80 yhVj nw/k gSA mlesa ls 8 yhVj nw/k fudkydj (a) 1250 gm (b) 1000 gm
ikuh Hkj fn;k tkrk gSA fQj ls ml feJ.k esa ls 8 yhVj (c) 2000 gm (d) 1500 gm
nw/k fudkydj ikuh Hkj fn;k tkrk gS ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa 44. A bottle is full of dettol. One third of it is taken out and
then equal amount of water is poured into the bottle to
nw/k dh ek=k fdruh gksxh\ fill it. This operation is done four times. Find the final
(a) 64.8 litre (b) 60 litre
ratio of dettol and water in the bottle.
(c) 64.5 litre (d) 62.5 litre
40. A vessel contains 60 litres of milk. 12 litres milk taken out ,d cksry tks fd fMVkWy ls iw.kZr% Hkjh gqbZ mldk 1/3 Hkkx
from it and replaced by water. Then again from mixture, fudky fy;k tkrk gS vkSj mlesa mruh gh ek=k esa ikuh feyk
12 litres are taken out and replaced by water. The ratio of fn;k tkrk gS] ;fn ;g izfØ;k pkj ckj nksgjkbZ tk, rks cksry
milk and water in the resultant mixture is? esa fMVkWy rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr D;k gksxk \
,d crZu esa 60 yhVj nw/k gSA mlesa ls 12 yhVj nw/k (a) 8:30 (b) 36:44
fudkydj ikuh Hkj fn;k tkrk gSA fQj ls ml feJ.k esa ls (c) 16:65 (d) 32:33
12 yhVj nw/k fudkydj ikuh Hkj fn;k tkrk gS ifj.kkeh 45. A tank was full of pure milk, half of milk was sold and
feJ.k esa nw/k vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\ then the tank was filled with water fully. Again half of
milk (mixture ) was sold and the tank was filled with water
[SSC CHSL-2015]
and now for the third time half of the milk was sold and
(a) 16:9 (b) 15:10 tank was filled with water. At the last what will be the
(c) 16:10 (d) 9:5
percentage of milk ?
41. A vessel is full of milk, 15 litre of milk is taken out and
replaced by water. This process is repeated once more. ,d VSda iwjk 'kq) nw/k ls Hkjk gqvk gSA blesa ls vk/kk nw/k
Find the initial amount of milk in the vessel if at the end the fudkydj csp fn;k tkrk gS rFkk cps gq,s Hkkx dks ikuh ls Hkj
ratio of milk and water becomes 16:9 ? fn;k tkrk gSA nksckjk vk/kk feJ.k fudkydj csp fn;k tkrk gS
,d crZu nw/k ls Hkjk gqvk gSA 15 yhVj nw/k fudkydj ikuh rFkk VSd
a dks ikuh ls Hkj fn;k tkrk gS] ;fg izfØ;k ,d ckj
feyk fn;k x;kA ;gh dke ,d ckj vkSj fd;k x;kA izkjaHk esa vkSj nksgjkbZ tkrh gSA var esa VSd
a esa nw/k dk izfr’kr D;k gksxkA
nw/k dh ek=k Kkr djks ;fn vkf[kjh esa ikuh vkSj nw/k dk (a) 12.5% (b) 40%
vuqikr 16:9 gSA (c) 33.5% (d) 37.5%
46. Several litres of acid were drawn from a 54 litre vessel full feJ.k fudkyk x;k vkSj mruk gh ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA vc
of acid and an equal amount of water was added, again crZu esa ikuh dh ek=k Kkr djas \
the same volume of the mixture was drawn off and replaced (a) 18 litres (b) 10 litres
by water. As a result, the vessel contained 24 litres of (c) 12 litres (d) 15 litres
pure acid. How much of the acid was drawn off initially? 50. A container is filled with pure alcohol The alcohol is
,d crZu tks fd 54 yhVj vEy ls iw.kZr% Hkjk gqvk gS mlesa slowly allowed to run out and when the container is 1/4
ls dqN yhVj vEy ckgj fudkyk tkrk gS vkSj mruh gh ek=k empty, it is replaced with water. Next when the container
esa ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk gSA nksckjk ml feJ.k ls mrus yhVj is half empty, it is again filled with water. Finally when it is
3/4 empty, it is again filled with water. What percentage
feJ.k ckgj fudkyk tkrk gS vkSj mlesa ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk
of container is alcohol now?
gS bl izdkj ml crZu esa 24 yhVj 'kq) vEy cprk gS rks ;g
,d dUVsuj tks fd iw.kZr% 'kq) ,Ydksgy ls Hkjk gqvk gS ftlls
crk,a dh izkjaHk esa fdruk vEy ckgj fudkyk x;k gS\
(a) 12 litre (b) 16 litre
,Ydksgy /khjs&/khjs ckgj fudy jgk gS vkSj tc dUVsuj 1/4
(c) 18 litre (d) 24 litre [kkyh gks tkrk gS rc bls ikuh ls Hkj fn;k tkrk gS vkSj vxyh
47. From a container of beer, a thief has stolen 15 litres of ckj dUVsuj vk/kk [kkyh gks tkrk gS rks bls fQj ls ikuh ls
beer and replaced it with same quantity of water. He again Hkj fn;k tkrk gS var esa tc ;g 3/4 [kkyh gks tkrk gS rks
repeated the same process. Thus in three attempts the nksckjk ikuh ls Hkj fn;k tkrk gSA vc dUVsuj esa fdrus
ratio of beer and water become 343:169. The initial amount
izfr’kr ,Ydksgy gksxk\
of beer in the container was?
ch;j ds ,d daVsuj ls ,d pksj us 15 yhVj ch;j pqjkbZ vkSj 1 3 3 3
(a) 8 % (b) 11 % (c) 9 % (d) 14 %
mruk gh ikuh feyk fn;kA ;gh dke 3 ckj fd;k vkSj vc 2 4 8 8
ch;j o ikuh dk vuqikr 343:169 gSA izkjaHk esa fdruh ch;j
(a) 110 litre (b) 120 litre
51. In a farm, there are Cows and Hens. If heads are counted
(c) 150 litre (d) 135 litre there are 180. If legs are counted there are 420. The number
48. A 25 litre cylinder contains mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. of cows in the farm is ?
In which oxygen is 25% of the mixture some litres of the
,d QkeZ esa dqN xk; rFkk eqfxZ;ka gSA ;fn dqy fljksa dh la[;k
mixture is taken out and replaced by nitrogen and this
process is repeated one more time. At the end oxygen 180 rFkk dqy iSjks dh la[;k 420 gS rc QkeZ esa xk;ksa dh la[;k
remained 9% of the mixture. Find the quantity of mixture fdruh gSa \ [SSC CGL Mains-2015]
taken out at a time. (a) 150 (b) 30
,d 25 yhVj ds flysaMj es avkWDlhtu rFkk ukbVªkstu dk (c) 130 (d) 56
52. There are 65 students in a class. 39 rupees are distributed
feJ.k Hkjk gqvk gS ftlesa vkWDlhtu dk vk;ru dqy vk;ru among them so that each boy gets 80p and each girl gets
dk 25% gS ;fn dqN yhVj feJ.k fudky fn;k tk, vkSj 30p. Find the number of boys and girls in that class ?
mruh gh ek=k dk ukbVªkts u 'kkfey dj fn;k tk, rc leku fdlh d{kk esa 65 fo|kFkhZ gS muds chp 39 :Ik;s dks bl izdkj ckaVk
ek=k dk feJ.k ftruk fd igys fudkyk x;k gS mldh txg tkrk gS fd izR;sd Nk= dks 80 iSls rFkk izR;sd Nk=k dks 30 iSls
nwljh ckj mruk gh ukbVªkt s u feyk nsrs gS vc vkWDlhtu dk izkIr gksa rc d{kk esa yM+ds rFkk yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k Kkr djsa \
dqy vk;ru dk 9% gks tkrk gS rks izR;sd ckj fdruk feJ.k (a) 43, 40 (b) 36, 33
fudkyk x;kA (c) 39,26 (d) 45,42
(a) 15 litre (b) 10 litre 53. The milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio
(c) 18 litre (d) 14 litre 4:3 and 2:3 respectively. In what ratio the liquids in both
49. A vessel is full of milk 63 litres. If 9 litres of milk taken out the vessels be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessels C
and replaced by same amount of water and further 7 litres containing half milk and half water?
mixture is taken out and replaced by same amount of nks crZu A rFkk B ftlesa nw/k rFkk ikuh d vuqikr Øe’k% 4:3
water. Then find at the end of 2nd process the amount of vkSj 2:3 gS rks nksuksa feJ.kkas dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk,A
water in the mixture. rkfd u;s feJ.k esa vk/kk nw/k vkSj vk/kk ikuh gks tk;s\
,d crZu 63 yhVj nw/k ls Hkjk gqvk gSA 9 yhVj nw/k fudkyk [SSC CGL Pre.-2014]
x;k vkSj mruk gh ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA nwljh ckj 7 yhVj (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 3
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 7 : 5
54. The ratio of two liquids in a mixture is 3:5 and that in 59. Two vessels contain mixture of milk and water. In the first
another mixture is 6:1. The ratio in which these two vessel the ratio of milk to water is 8:3 and in the second
mixtures should be mixed so as to make the ratio of the vessel the ratio is 5:1. A 35 lit cask is filled from these
liquids 7:3 is ? vessels so as to contain a mixture of milk and water in the
fdlh feJ.k esa nks nzoksa dk vuqikr 3:5 rFkk nwljs feJ.k esa ratio of 4:1. How many liters due taken from the first
;g vuqikr 6:1 gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa nksuks nzoksa dk vuqikr vessel?
7:3 djus ds fy, nksuks feJ.kksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feykuk nks crZuksa esa nw/k rFkk ikuh dk feJ.k j[kk gSA igys crZu esa
gksxk \ [SSC CGL Mains-2014] nw/k rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr 8:3 vkSj nwljs crZu ess 5:1 gSA 35
(a) 44:71 (b) 44:81 yhVj ds ,d crZu dks nksuks feJ.kksa ls bl izdkj Hkjk tkrk gS
(c) 44:91 (d) 44:61 fd blesa nw/k vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 4%1 gks tkrk gS] rks ;g Kkr
55. Two vessels contain mixture of petrol and kerosene in djsa fd igys crZu ls fdrus yhVj feJ.k fudkyk x;k \
the ratio 4:3 and 3:5 respectively. The ratio of the volumes
of the quantities from the two vessels to be mixed together (a) 11 litres (b) 22 litres
so that the new mixture may contain same volume of petrol (c) 17.5 litres (d) 16.5 litres
and kerosene is ? 60. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school was
nks crZuksa esa isVkª y
s rFkk dsjksflu dk feJ.k Øe’k% 4:3 rFkk 3:5 ds 5:3 some new boys and girls were admitted to the school
in the ratio 5:7. At this, the total number of students in
vuqikr esa Hkjk gSA nksuks feJ.kksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, the school become 1200 and the ratio of boys to girls
fd ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa isVkª ys rFkk dsjksflu leku ek=k esa gksa \ changed to 7:5, the number of students in the school
(a) 7 : 4 (b) 9 : 6 before the new admission was?
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 7 : 8 fdlh fo|ky; esa yM+ds rFkk yM+fd;ksa dk vuqikr 5:3 gSA dqN
56. In an alloy zinc and copper are in the ratio 3:4. In the
second alloy, the same elements are in the ratio 4:5. In
u, yM+ds vkSsj yM+fd;k¡a mlesa 5:7 ds vuqikr esa 'kkfey gksrs
what ratio should these alloys be mixed to form a new gSA rc fo|ky; esa dqy fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k 1200 gks tkrh
alloy in which the two elements are in the ratio 7:3 ? gS vksSj yM+ds rFkk yM+fd;ksa dk vuqikr 7:5 gks tkrk gS] rks ;g
fdlh feJ/kkrq esa ftad rFkk dkWij 3:4 ds vuqikr esa gSA rFkk Kkr djsa u, fo|kFkhZ 'kkfey gksus ls igys fo|ky; esa fdrus
fdlh nwljh feJ/kkrq esa ;s 4:5 ds vuqikr eas gSA nksuks feJ.kksa fo|kFkhZ Fks \ [SSC CGL Mains-2015]
dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, fd ifj.kkkeh feJ.k esa ftad (a) 960 (b) 720
rFkk dkWij dk vuqikr 7:3 gksa \ (c) 900 (d) 700
(a) 161:181 (b) 171:181 61. A man purchased two chairs in Rs. 900, he sells the first
(c) 161:171 (d) None of these chair at 4/5 of its cost price and the second chair at 5/4 of
57. Two vessels contains milk and water in the ratio 3:2 and its CP. If during the whole transaction he earns a profit of
7:3 respectively. Find the ratio in which the two vessels Rs. 90. Find the cost price of cheaper chair ?
be mixed so that the resultant mixture contains milk and ,d vkneh nks est 900: esa [kjhnrk gS ;fn og igyh est dks
water in the ratio 2:1 ? blds 4/5 Ø; ewY; vkSj nwljh est dks blds 5/4 Ø; ewY; ij
nks crZuksa esa nw/k rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr Øe’k% 3:2 rFkk 7:3 gSA csp ns rks bl iwjh izfØ;k ds nkSjku mls 90 : dk ykHk gksrk gS
ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa nw/k rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr 2:1 djus ds fy, rks lLrh est dk Ø;ewY; D;k gksxk\
nksuks crZuksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, \ (a) Rs.300 (b) Rs.400
(a) 2:1 (b) 1:2 (c) Rs.600 (d) Rs.500
(c) 4:1 (d) 1:4 62. Lala has lent some money to Arun at 5% p.a. and Bhatia
58. Two alloys contain zinc and copper in the ratio of 2:1 and 4:1 at 8% p.a. At the end of the year he has gained an overall
. In what ratio the two alloys should be added together to interest of 6%. In what ratio has he lent the money to
get as new alloy having zinc and copper in the ratio of 3:1 ? Arun and Bhatia?
ykyk us v:.k dks 5% vkSj HkkfV;k dks 8% izfr o"kZ ds
nks /kkrqvksa esa ftad vkSj dkWij dk vuqikr 2:1 rFkk 4:1 gSA nksuks
vk/kkj ij dqN iSls m/kkj fn,A o"kZ ds var esa] og 6% C;kt
/kkrqvksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, rkfd u;h /kkrq esa vftZr djrk gSA rks mlus v:.k vkSj HkkfV;k dks fdl vquikr
ftad rFkk dkWij dk vuqikr 3:1 gks tk, \ esa iSls m/kkj fn,\ [SSC CPO (Re-exam)-2016]
(a) 7:5
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(b) 5:7
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 3 : 1
(c) 3:5
(d) none of these/buessa ls dksbZ ugha
63. The average of the marks of a test of a class of m students 68. In what proportion must a grocer mix sugar at Rs. 12 a kg
is 70 and that of n students is 91. When the scores of and Rs 70 a kg so as to make a mixture worth Rs. 80 a kg?
both the classes are combined. The average is 80. What dksbZ nqdkunkj fdl vuqikr esa 12 : izfr fd-xzk okyh vkSj
is n/m?
7 : izfr fd-xzk okyh phuh dks fefJr djs a fd feJ.k dk ewY;
fdlh d{kk ds m fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr Ldksj 70 rFkk nwljh d{kk 8 : izfr fd-xzk cu tk, A [SSC CGL Mains-2016]
ds n fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vkSlr Ldksj 91 gSA ;fn nksuks d{kkvksa dks (a) 7 : 12 (b) 1 : 4
feyk nsa rc vkSlr Ldksj 80 gks tk,xkA rc n/m Kkr djsa \ (c) 2 : 3 (d) 12 : 7
(a) 10/13 (b) 10/11 69. The ratio of the quantities of Sugar in which Sugar costs
(c) 11/10 (d) 13/10 Rs.20 per kg and Rs. 15 per kg should be mixed so that
64. The average age of a class is 15.8 years. The average age there will be neither loss nor gain on selling the mixed
of the boys in the class is 16.4 years while that of the girls sugar at the rate of Rs. 16 per kg is ?
is 15.4 years. The ratio of boys to girls in the class is ?
nks izdkj dh phuh ftlesa phuh dk ewY; 20 : izfr fdxzk vkSj
fdlh d{kk esa vkSlr vk;q 15-8 o"kZ gSA d{kk esa yM+dks dh 15 : izfr fdxzk dks feyk;k tkrk gSA bl feJ.k dks 16 :
vkSlr vk;q 16-4 o"kZ gS tcfd yM+fd;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q izfr fdxzk ij cspus ij u gh ykHk u gh gkfu gksrh gS rks phuh
15-4 o"kZ gSA d{kk esa yM+dksa ,oa yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k dk dh ek=kvksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
vuqikr D;k gSA [SSC CGL Pre.-2015] (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(a) 3:5 (b) 2:3 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
(c) 3:4 (d) 1:2 70. Sandeep Sharma purchased two steel factories, one in
65. A bartender stole beer from a bottle that contained 40%of india and onther one in China for total Rs. 72 crore. Later
spirit and he replaced what he had stolen with beer having on he sold the Indian factory at 16% profit and Chinese
16% spirit. The bottle then contained only 24% spirit, factory at 24% profit. Thus he gained a total profit of
How much of the bottle did he steal? 19%. The selling prices of Indian factory is ?
,d cSjk ,d cksry ls ch;j pqjkrk gS ftlesa fLifjV dh ek=k lanhi 'kekZ us Hkkjr RkFkk phu esa 72 djksM+ :Ik;s esa nks LVhy
40% gS vkSj og mldks 16% fLifjV okyh ch;j ds lkFk cny dh QSDVfj;k¡ [kjhnhA ckn esa mUgksus Hkkjrh; QSDVjh dks 16%
nsrk gS tc cksry esa flQZ 24% fLifjV gks rks mlus cksry ls ykHk ij rFkk phuh QSDVjh dks 24% ykHk ij cspkA bl izdkj
fdruh ch;j pqjkbZ \ mUgsa dqy feykdj 19% dk ykHk gqvkA rks Hkkjrh; QSDVjh dk
(a) 66.66% (b) 60% foØ; ewY; Kkr djks\
(c) 65% (d) 63.33% (a) 45 crore (b) 52.2 crore
66. A butler stole wine from a bottle that contained 50% of (c) 8.55 crore (d) can not be determined
spirit and he replaced what he had stolen with beer having 71. A part of sum of Rs 10000 is lent at 8% and the remaining
20% spirit. The bottle then contained only 25% sprit. sum at 10% per annum. If the average rate of interest is
How much of the bottle did he steal ? 9.2%, then the two parts are ?
,d ukSdj ,d cksry ls ch;j pqjkrk gSa ftlesa fLifjV dh 10000 : ds ,d Hkkx dks 8% izfro"kZ dh nj ls vkSj 'ks"k Hkkx
ek=k 50% gS rFkk og mldks 20% fLifjV okyh ch;j ds lkFk dks 10% izfro"kZ dh nj ls m/kkj fn;k tkrk gS ;fn ml ij
cny nsrk gS tc cksry esa flQZ 25% fLifjV gks rks mlus vkSlr nj ls C;kt 9.2% gks rks og nksuksa Hkkx Kkr djsa\
cksry ls fdruh ch;j pqjkbZ\ (a) Rs.5500, Rs.4500 (b) Rs.4000, Rs.6000
(a) 80% (b) 83.33% (c) Rs.6000, Rs.5500 (d) Rs.5000, Rs.5000
(c) 88.88% (d) 85.71% 72. 12500 students appeared in an exam 50% of the boys and
67. A vessel of 120 litres is filled with milk and water. 80% of 70% of the girls cleared the examination. If the total
milk and 40% of water is taken out of the vessel. It is percentage of students qualifying is 60%. How many girls
found that the vessel is vacated by 65%. What is the appeared in the exam ?
ratio of milk to water ? 12500 fo|kFkhZ ,d ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gq,A 50% yM+dksa vkSj
120 yhVj {kerk dk ,d crZu ftlesa nw/k vkSj ikuh Hkjk gS bl 70% yM+fd;ksa us ijh{kk mRrh.kZ dhA ;fn mRrh.kZ gksus okys
crZu esa ls 80% nw/k vkSj 40% ikuh fudkyus ij ;g ik;k x;k dqy fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr’kr 60% gS] rks ijh{kk esa fdruh
fd crZu 65% [kkyh gks tkrk gSA crZu esa nw/k ls ikuh dk yM+fd;k¡ lfEefyr gqbZ \
vuqikr D;k gksxk? (a) 6500 (b) 6200
(a) 6:5 (b) 3:5 (c) 5500 (d) 6250
(c) 4:3 (d) none of these
73. A merchant has 1000 kg sugar, a part of which he sells at (a) 25 kg (b) 20 kg
8% profit and the rest at 18% profit . Thus he gains 14% (c) 30 kg (d) 35 kg
on the whole . The quantity sold at 8% profit is ? 79. A mixture of certain quantity of milk with 25 litres of water
,d O;kikjh ds ikl 1000 kg phuh gS ftldk ,d Hkkx og 8% is worth Rs. 2 per litres. If pure milk be worth Rs 12 per litre
. How much milk is there in the mixture ?
ykHk ij rFkk 'ks"k Hkkx 18% ykHk ij csprk gS bl izdkj og
dqy feykdj 14% dk ykHk izkIr djrk gS rc 8% ykHk ij ,d feJ.k esa fdlh fuf’fpr ek=k esa nw/k rFkk 25 yhVj ikuh
gS] ftldh dher 2:@yhVj gSA ;fn 'kq) nw/k dh dher 12
csph xbZ phuh dh ek=k crkb,\ [SSC CHSL-2015]
:@yhVj gS] rks feJ.k esa fdruk nw/k gS\
(a) 600kg (b) 640 kg
(a) 5 litre (b) 7 litre
(c) 400kg (d) 560 kg
(c) 6 litre (d) 4 litre
74. A trader has 40 kg of rice , a part of which he lent at 28%
80. A group of 19 people has average monthly salary Rs.
profit and rest at 12% loss. On the whole his loss is 8%.
16000. If a new member of Rs. 20000 monthly income is
What is the quantity sold at 28% profit and that at 12% included in the group. Find the new average monthly
loss ? salary of the group ?
,d O;kikjh ds ikl 40 fdxzk pkoy gS og mudk dqN Hkkx 28% 19 yksxksa ds ,d lewg dk vkSlr osru 16000 :Ik;s gSA ;fn
ykHk ij ,oa cpk gqvk Hkkx 12% gkfu ij csprk gS bl izdkj mls lewg esa ,d u;k lnL; ftldk osru 20000 :Ik;s gSa vk tkrk
ml ij 8% dh gkfu gskrh gS] rks mlus 28% ykHk vkSj 12% gkfu gS rc lewg dk u;k vkSlr Kkr djks \
ij pkoy dh fdruh ek=k csph \ (a) Rs. 18250 (b) Rs. 16200
(a) 4kg and 36 kg (b) 36 kg and 4 kg (c) Rs. 18000 (d) Rs. 16250
(c) 15 kg and 20kg (d) 20 kg and 15 kg 81. The average salary per head of all employees of an
75. Ritu buys a pen at 4% discount and a book at 12% industry is Rs.60. The average salary of 120 officers is
discount, She overall gets a discount of 10%. If the marked Rs. 400. If the average salary per head of the rest of the
price of both are Rs. 180, then find the price of book? employees is Rs 56. Find the total number of workers in
fjrq ,d isu 4% NwV ij vkSj ,d fdrkc 12% NwV ij [kjhnrh the industry ?
gS bl izdkj og dqy 10% dh NwV izkIr djrh gS ;fn nksuksa dk fdlh m|ksx esa lHkh deZpkfj;ksa dh izfr O;fDRk vkSlr vk; 60 :
vafdr ewY; 180 : gks rks fdrkc dk ewY; D;k gksxk\ gS vkSj 120 deZpkfj;ksa dh vkSlr vk; 400 : gSA ;fn 'ks"k
(a) Rs 135 (b) Rs 145 deZpkfj;ksa dh izfr O;fDr vkSlr vk; 56 : gks rks deZpkfj;ksa dh
(c) Rs 140 (d) Rs 130 dqy la[;k Kkr djs\a [SSC CGL Pre.-2014]
76. A seller sells two watches at 8% and 15% discount each. (a) 10200 (b) 10320
Total marked price of both the items are Rs. 2800 find the (c) 10500 (d) 10680
difference between marked price of both items. If total 82. A man travelled a distance of 80 km in 7 hours partly on
discount is of 12% ? foot at the rate of 8 kmph and partly on bicycle at 16
,d O;kikjh nks ?kfM+;ksa dks 8% vkSj 15% NwV ij csprk gS ;fn kmph. The distance travelled on the foot is ?
nksuksa dk vafdr ewY; 2800 : gks] rks nksuksa ?kfM+;ksa ds vafdr ewY; ,d O;fDr 80 fd-eh- dh nwjh 7 ?kaVs esa r; djrk gS ftleas
dk varj D;k gksxk ;fn dqy NwV 12% gks\ ls dqN nwjh og iSny 8 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh pky ls rFkk cph
(a) Rs. 500 (b) Rs. 400 gqbZ nwjh lkbZfdy }kjk 16 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh pky ls r; djrk
(c) Rs. 600 (d) Rs. 800 gSA rc iSny }kjk r; dh xbZ nwjh Kkr djks \
77. Out of the 40 boys in a class, average weight of 30 boys is [ SSC CGL Mains-2013]
60 kg and the average weight of the remaining 10 boys is (a) 32 km (b) 48 km
56 kg. The average weight ( in kg) of the whole class is? (c) 36 km (d) 44 km
40 Nk=ksa dh ,d d{kk esa 30 Nk=ksa dk vkSlr otu 60 fdyks 83. A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He
gS rFkk cps gq, 10 Nk=ksa dk vkSlr 56 fdyks gSA rc iwjh d{kk travelled partly on foot at the rate of 4km per hour and
partly on bicycle at the rate of 9kmph. The distance
dk vkSlr otu ¼fd-xzk esa½ fdruk gSa A travelled on foot is ?
(a) 58.5 (b) 59
,d O;fDr 61 fdeh- ;k=k 9 ?kaVs esa nks fgLlksa esa r; djrk
(c) 57 (d) 55
78. In a class, the ratio of number of girls to boys is 1:2. If the gSA ;k=k ds igys Hkkx esa og iSny 4 fdeh@?kaVs dh xfr ls
average weight of boys is 40 kg and the average weight of ;k=k djrk gS ,o nwljs Hkkx esa og lkbZfdy }kjk 9 fdeh@?kaVs
boys and girls is 35 kg, then the average weight of girls ? dh xfr ls ;k=k djrk gSA mlus iSny fdruh nwjh r; dh\
,d d{kk esa yM+fd;ksa rFkk yM+dksa dk vuqikr 1 : 2 gSA ;fn yM+dksa (a) 14 km (b) 15 km
dk vkSlr Hkkj 40 fdxzk vkSj yM+ds rFkk yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj (c) 16 km (d) 17 km
35 fdxzk gks] rks yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj gksxk\
84. A person travels 245 km in 6 hours in two stages. In the 89. 10kg of wheat priced at Rs. 8 mixed with 15 kg of wheat
first part of the journey, he travels by bus the speed of priced at Rs.10. What is the average price of whole
30kmph. In the second part of the journey, he travels by mixture ?
train at the speed of 50kmph. How much distance did he 8 : dher okyh 10 fdyksxkz e xsg¡w dks 10 : dher okys 15
travel by train ?
fdyks xsg¡w ds lkFk feyk;k tkrk gSA lEiw.kZ feJ.k dh vkSlr
,d O;fDr 245 fdeh- ;k=k 6 ?kaVs esa nks fgLlksa esa r; djrk
dher fdruh gksxh\ [SSC CPO ( Re-exam)-2016]
gSA ;k=k ds igys Hkkx esa og cl }kjk 30 fdeh@?kaVs dh xfr
(a) Rs. 9.5 kg (b) Rs. 9.2 kg
ls ;k=k djrk gS ,o nwljs Hkkx esa og Vªus }kjk 50 fdeh@?kaVs
(c) Rs. 7.5 kg (d) Rs. 8.5 kg
dh xfr ls ;k=k djrk gSA mlus Vªus }kjk fdruh nwjh r; dh\ 90. A shopkeeper bought 30 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 70
(a) 162.5 km (b) 82.5 km per kg and 20 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 70.75 per kg. If
(c) 164 km (d) 83 km he mixed the two brands of rice and sold the mixture at
85. Two types of tea costing Rs 180/kg and Rs. 280/kg. In Rs. 80.50 per kg his gains is ?
what ratio should these be mixed so that the obtained
mixture sold at Rs. 320/kg to earn a profit of 20% is ?
,d nqdkunkj us 30 fdxzk- pkoy 70 :- izfr fdyks ds fglkc
180 :@fdxzk vkSj 280:@fdxzk ykxr okyh nks fdLe dh ls rFkk 20 fdxzk- pkoy 70-75 :- izfr fdyks ds fglkc ls
pk; fdl vuqikr esa feyk nh tk, fd izkIr feJ.k dks 320 [kjhns A ;fn og nksukss pkoyksa dks feykdj feJ.k dks 80-50
:@fdxzk dh nj ij cspus ij 20% dk ykHk vftZr gks\ :- izfr fdyks ds fglkc ls csps rks mls fdrus :Ik;s dk ykHk
[SSC CGL Mains-2015] gksxk \ [SSC CGL Pre.-2015]
(a) 3:13 (b) 4:13 (a) Rs. 450 (b) Rs. 485
(c) 1:13 (d) 2:13 (c) Rs. 510 (d) Rs. 525
86. How many kg of sugar at Rs. 42 paise per kg must a man 91. Average run per wicket of a bowler is 11.5. In his next
mix with 25 kg of sugar at 24 paise per kg so that he may inning bowler took 5 wickets and conceded 40 runs.
on selling the mixture at 40 paise per kg gain 25% on the Thereby he reduced his bowling average by 0.5. Find
outlay ? total number of wickets taken by him ?
fdrus fdxzk phuh dks] ftldk ewY; 42 iSlk izfr fdxzk gS mls ,d xans ckt dk vkSlr ju izfr fodsV 11.5 gSA og xsna ckt vxyh
24 iSls izfr fdxzk dh 25 fdxzk phuh ds lkFk feyk;k tk,] ikjh esa 40 ju nsdj 5 fodsV ysrk gS] ftlls mldk xsna ckth vkSlr
fd mlds feJ.k dks 40 iSlk izfr fdxzk cspus ij 25% dk 0.5 de gks tkrk gS rks mlds }kjk fy, x, fodVksa dh dqy la[;k
ykHk gks \ Kkr djsa \
(a) 25kg (b) 15kg (a) 35 (b) 30
(c) 20kg (d) 10kg (c) 40 (d) 45
87. A milk seller pays Rs. 500 per kilolitre for his milk. He 92. The average marks obtained by 40 students of a class is
adds water to it and sells the mixture at 56 paise a litre, 86. If the 5 highest marks are removed, The average
thereby making altogether 40% profit. Find the proportion reduces by one marks. the average marks of the top 5
of water to milk which his customers receive ? students are?
,d nw/k foØsrk vius nw/k ds fy, 500:@fdyksyhVj izkIr fdlh d{kk ds 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds izkIrkadks dk vkSlr 86 gSA ;fn
djrk gSA og blesa ikuh feykrk gS vkSj feJ.k dks 56 5 loZJ"s B izkIrkad gVk nsa rks vkSlr 1 vad de gks tk,xkA
iSls@yhVj ds fglkc ls csp nsrk gS vkSj dqy feykdj 40% rc Js"B 5 Nk=ksa ds izkIrkdksa dk vkSlr crkb,\
ykHk izkIr djrk gSA rc miHkksDrk }kjk izkIr feJ.k esa ikuh [SSC CGL Pre.-2015]
dk nw/k ls vuqikr Kkr djsa\ (a) 92 (b) 96
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 93 (d) 97
(c) 1 : 5 (d) 4 : 1 93. A cricket player after playing 10 tests scored 100 runs in
88. 7 kg tea costs Rs. 280 per kg is mixed with 9 kg of tea the 11th test. As a result, The average of his runs is
costs Rs. 240 per kg. The average price per kg of the increased by 5. The present average of runs is ?
mixed tea is ? ,d f[kykM+h us 10 VsLV eSp [ksyus ds ckn X;kjgosa eSp ess 100
280 : izfr fdxzk dh 7 fdxzk pk; dks 240 : izfr fdxzk dh 9 ju cuk, ftlls mldk vkSlr 5 ju c<+ x;kA rc mlds juksa
fdxzk pk; ds lkFk feyk;k tkrk gSA fefJr pk; dk vkSlr ewY; dk orZeku vkSlr fdruk gSaA
izfr fdxzk- crk,¡A (a) 45 (b) 40
(a) Rs. 255.80 (b) Rs. 257.50 (c) 50 (d) 55
(c) Rs. 269.20 (d) Rs. 267.50
94. The price of a Pen and a pencil is Rs. 35. The Pen was fd pkanh vkSj rkacs ds 2:1 vuqikr okyh ,d u;h fefJr
sold at 20% profit and the pencil at 10% loss. If in the /kkrq izkIr gksa \
transaction a man gains Rs. 4. How much is the cost price (a) 2:1 (b) 1:2
of the pen ? (c) 3:4 (d) 4:3 (e) None of these
,d dye rFkk ,d isfa ly dk ewY; 35 : gS ;fn dye dks 20% 2. Vessel A contains x ml of mixture of milk and water in the
ykHk ij vkSj isfa ly dks 10% gkfu ij cspk tk, rFkk bl iwjh izfØ;k ratio 3:2 and vessel B contains x ml of milk and water in
ds nkSjku 4 : dk ykHk gks rks dye dk Ø; ewY; Kkr djs\a the ratio 4:1. The two vessels are mixed together . If in the
(a) Rs.10 (b) Rs.25 resultant mixture milk was 84 ml then find the value of x ?
(c) Rs.20 (d) None of these ,d crZu A esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dk x feyh yhVj feJ.k Øe’k%
95. Babulal purchased 200 pens and 100 pencils in Rs.4200 3:2 ds vuqikr esa gS nwljs crZu B esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dk x feyh
He sells each pen at the profit of 20% and each pencil at yhVj feJ.k Øe’k% 4:1 ds vuqikr esa gS ftls crZu A esa feyk
8% loss, If during the whole transaction he earns a profit
of Rs.420. Find the cost price of each pen and each
fn;k tkrk gSA ;fn crZu esa A ds ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa nw/k dh
pencil? ek=k 84 feyh yhVj gksa] rks ‘x’ dk eku D;k gSa\
ckcwyky 200 isu vkSj 100 isafly 4200 : esa [kjhnrk gSA (a) 120 ml (b) 80 ml
izR;sd isu ij 20% ykHk vkSj izR;sd isafly ij 8% dh gkfu (c) 72 ml (d) 81 ml (e) 60 ml
3. Martina has two kinds of juice worth Rs. 52 per litre and
gksrh gS ;fn og bl nkSjku iwjh izfd`;k esa 420 : dk ykHk Rs 74 per litre. In what ratio she should mix these two
dekrk gS rks izR;sd isu vkSj izR;sd isafly dk Ø;ewY; Kkr juicers so that after selling the mixture at Rs.71.28 per
djsa\ litres she will get 8% profit ?
(a) Rs. 15, Rs.13.50 (b) Rs.13.50, Rs.15 ekfVZuk 52 :Ik;s izfr yhVj ,oa 74 :Ik, izfr yhVj ewY; ds
(c) Rs.12, Rs. 12.50 (d) Rs.10, Rs.15 twl ds nks fdLeksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk, rkfd feJ.k dks
96. A man buys 3 type - I cakes and 6 type- II cakes for Rs 900.
He sells type- I cakes at a profit of 15% and type - II cakes
71-28 :Ik;s izfr yhVj dh nj ls cspus ij mls 8% dk ykHk
at a loss of 10%. If his over all profit is Rs 30, the cost price izkIr gksa \
(in Rs) of a type - I and of a type-II cakes is. [SBI 15.02.2016]
dksbZ O;fDr VkbZi- I ds 3 dsd vkSj VkbZi - II ds 6 dsd 900 (a) 6:7 (b) 3:7
(c) 5:8 (d) 4:7 (e) 3:8
: esa [kjhnrk gSA og VkbZi - I ds dsd dks 15% ykHk ij vkSj 4. Pure milk is worth Rs 16 per litre. A milk man after mixing
VkbZi- II ds dsd dks 10% gkfu ij csprk gS ;fn mls dqy 30 water in it sells the mixture at Rs. 15 per litre and earns a
: dk ykHk gqvk gks] rks VkbZi- I vkSj VkbZi- II ds dsd dk Ø; profit of 25%. In what proportion he added milk and
ewY; (: es) crkbZ;\s [SSC CGL Mains-2016] water ?
(a) 100,100 (b) 160,70 'kq) nw/k dk ewY; 16 :i, izfr yhVj gSA ikuh fefJr dj ,d
(c) 180, 60 (d) 120, 90 nw/kokyk nw/k ds feJ.k dks 15 :i;s izfr yhVj dh nj ls csprk
97. Two liquids X and Y are mixed in the ratio 3:2 and the gS ,oa bl izdkj 25% dk ykHk vftZr djrk gSA mlus fdl
mixture is sold at Rs 11 per litre at a profit of 10% if the
liquid X costs Rs. 2 more per litre than Y, the cost of X
vuqikr esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dks feyk;k \
litre is ( in Rs.)? [IBPS Bank Clerk CWE, 01.02.2013]
nks nzo X vkSj Y 3 : 2 ds vuqikr esa feyk;s tkrs gSa vkSj bl feJ.k (a) 3:1 (b) 4:3
(c) 3:2 (d) 5:3 (e) 4:1
dks 10% dk ykHk ysdj 11 : izfr yhVj dh nj ls cspk tkrk 5. Two types of rice (Type-I and Type-II) are mixed in the
gSA ;fn X nzo dh dher Y ls 2 : izfr yhVj vf/kd gks] rks nzo ratio 1:3. The mixture was sold at Rs. 75.60 per kg at a
X dh izfr yhVj dher Kkr djs\a [SSC CHSL-2015] profit of 20%. If the cost of Type-I rice was Rs 75 per kg
(a) 9.50 (b) 10.80 what was the cost of Type-II of rice ?
(c) 11.75 (d) 11 nks fdLe ds pkoy ¼fdLe&A ,oa fdLe&AA ½ Øe’k% 1:3 ds
BANKING QUESTIONS vuqikr esa feyk, tkrs gSaA 20 izfr’kr ykHk izkIr djus ds fy,
feJ.k dks 75-60 :i, izfr fdxzk dh nj ls cspk x;kA
1. Two different mixtures of silver and gold are in the ratio
3:1 and 5:3 respectively. In what ratio the two mixtures be fdLe&A dh pkoy dh dher 75 :i, izfr fdxzk gSA fdLe&AA
mixed to get the ratio of silver and gold in the ratio 2:1 in dh pkoy dh dher izfr fdxzk D;k gS \
the resultant mixture? [IBPS Bank Clerk CWE-IV, 14.12.2014]
pkanh vkSj rkacs dh nks fefJr /kkrq 3:1 vkSj 5:3 ds vuqikr esa (a) Rs 55 (b) Rs 53
gSA nks feJ/kkrqvksa dks fdl vuqikr esa ,d lkFk feyk;k tk, (c) Rs 59 (d) Rs 57 (e) Rs 62
. Deepak has some hens and some goats. If total heads are 90 c<+ tkrh gS] rks Ldwy A, B vkSj C esa Nk=ksa dk Øe’k% vuqikr
and total legs are 248. Find the number of goats? fdruk gksxk \
nhid ds ikl dqN eqfxZ;k¡ vkSj dqN cdfj;ka¡ gS ;fn tkuojksa (a) 5:5:7
ds dqy fljksa dh la[;k 90 gS vkSj tkuojksa ds dqy iSjksa dh (b) 30 : 25 : 42
la[;k 248 gS rks nhid ds ikl dqy fdruh cdfj;kaa gSa\ (c) 30 : 20 : 49
(a) 32 (d) Can not be determined/Kkr ugha fd;k tk ldrk
(b) 36 (e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(c) 34
11. Four glasses of volume 3l , 4l , 6l and 7l contains
(d) Can not be determined/Kkr ugha fd;k tk ldrk
mixtures of milk and water in the ratio 2:1, 5:3, 6:3 and 9:5.
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha If these glasses are mixed together. Find the ratio of milk
7. 2 kg of a metal contain 1/3 zinc and rest copper. Another 3 kg and water in the mixture ?
of the same metal contain 1/4 zinc and rest copper. The ratio
pkj fxykl ftudk vk;ru Øe'k% 3 yh- 4 yh-] 6 yh- rFkk
of copper and zinc into the mixture of these two metals?
7 yh- gSA buesa nw/k vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k Øe’k 2:1, 5:3. 6:3
;fn 2 fdxzk- /kkrq dks] ftlesa 1/3 ftad vkSj 'ks"k dkWij gS
vkSj 9:5 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn bu pkjksa fxyklksa ds feJ.k dks]
1/4 ftad vkSj 'ks"k dkWij okyh vU; 3 fdxzk- /kkrq ds lkFk
,d cM+s ik= esa Mkyk tk,] rks vc bl u, feJ.k esa nw/k vkSj
feyk;k tkrk gSA fefJr /kkrq esa ftad rFkk dkWij dk vuqikr
ikuh dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,A
Kkr dhft,A
(a) 13:8 (b) 13:7
(a) 13:42 (b) 17:43
(c) 11:7 (d) 7:13
(c) 19:43 (d) 15:42
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
12. Aniket deposited the amount of 25,000 in two different
8. A person has 60 pens in which he sold some pens at 12%
banks partly at the rate of 15% and 18% annually and get
profit and rest at 8% loss and gains 11% profit overall. Find
an interest of Rs 4050. What was the amount deposited
the number of pens sold at 12%?
at 18%?
,d O;fDr ds ikl 60 isu gS og muesa ls dqN dks 12% ykHk
vfudsr 25,000 :Ik;s dh ,d jkf’k ds nks Hkkxksa dks vyx&vyx
ij vkSj 'ks"k dks 8% gkfu ij csprk gSA mls dqy feykdj 11%
cSadks esa Øe’k% 15% vkSj 18% dh okf"kZd nj ij tek djrk
dk ykHk izkIr gksrk gSA 12% ykHk ij csps x;s isuksa dh la[;k
gSA ,d o"kZ esa mls dqy C;kt ds :Ik esa 4050 :Ik;s izkIr gksrs
Kkr dhft, \
gSa izfro"kZ dh C;kt nj ij tek dh x;h jkf’k Kkr dhft,A
(a) 47 (b) 52
(a) 10,000 (b) 18,000
(c) 53 (d) 57
(c) 15,000 (d) 12,000
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
9. Tea worth Rs 126 per kg and Rs 135 per kg is mixed with a
13. A mixture contains wine and water in the ratio 3:2 and another
third variety in the ratio 1:1:2. If the mixture is sold worth
in the ratio 4:5. How much litres of the second be mixed with
Rs 153 per kg. Find the price (per kg) of third variety?
3 litres of first in order to make the ratio of wine and water
126 :- izfr fdyks vkSj 135 :- izfr fdyks ewY; dh pk; dks equal?
,d rhljh fdLe dh pk; ds lkFk 1:1:2 ds vuqikr esa feyk;k ,d feJ.k esa okbu rFkk ty dk vuqikr 3:2 gSa vkSj ,d vU;
tkrk gSa ;fn feJ.k dk ewY; 153:- izfr fdyks gS] rhljs fdLe feJ.k esa okbu rFkk ty dk vuqikr 4:5 gSA ,d u;s feJ.k
dh pk; dk izfr fdyks ewY; Kkr dhft,A esa okbu vkSj ty dh ek=k leku cukus ds fy, igys feJ.k
(a) 169.5 (b) 170
ds 3 yhVj esa fdruk yhVj nwljk feJ.k feykuk gksxkA
(c) 175.5 (d) 180.0
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha 2 2
(a) 1 litre (b) 5 litre
10. The ratio of students in school A, B and C is 5:4:7. If the 3 5
number of students are increased by 20%, 25% and 20%
respectively. Find the new ratio of students in school A, B 1 1
(c) 4 litre (d) 4 litre
and C ? 2 5
Ldwy A, B vkSj C esa Nk=ksa dh la[;k dk vuqikr Øe’k% 5:4:7 (e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
gSA ;fn Ldwy esa Nk=ksa esa la[;k Øe’k% 20%, 25% vkSj 20%
14. A vessel contains 68 litres of milk and water in the ratio fudkydj crZu A ds feJ.k esa feyk fn;k tk,] rks crZu esa
15:2. If 34 litres of mixtures was taken out and 2 litres fdrus yhVj ikuh gks tk,xk \
water was added to it . then what was the percentage of [SBI
water in the mixture ? 25.01.2015]
,d crZu esa Øe’k% 15:2 ds vuqikr esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dk 68 (a) 21.4 (b) 19.8
yhVj feJ.k gSaA 34 yhVj feJ.k fudkyk tkrk gS ,oa crZu (c) 17.6 (d) 20.4
esa 2 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gS rks ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa ikuh (e) 18.8
dh izfr’krrk D;k gSa \ [RBI 18. A vessel contains milk and water in the ratio 14:3. After
taking 17 litres mixtures, 9 litres pure milk was filled in it.
08.08.2015, ]
Then the resultant mixture contains 15% water. What was
1 2 the initial quantity of mixture in the vessel ( in litres) ?
(a) 14 % (b) 18 %
3 3 ,d crZu esa ,d fuf’pr ek=k ds feJ.k esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dk
1 2
vuqikr Øe’k% 14:3 ds vuqikr eas gSA crZu esa ls 17 yhVj
(c) 15 % (d) 16 % feJ.k fudkydj mlds LFkku ij 9 yhVj 'kq) nw/k feyk fn;k
3 3
tkrk gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k es 15% ikuh 'ks"k jgrk gSA crZu esa
2 feJ.k dh vkajfHkd ek=k D;k Fkh \ ¼yhVj esa½
(e) 12 %
3 [
15. A vessel contains 60 litres milk. After taking 6 litres mixture 15.11.2015]
it was replaced with water. the process was repeated once (a) 68 (b) 64
again. After this what was the concentration of milk and (c) 65 (d) 70
water in the mixture now ? (e) 72
,d crZu esa 60 yhVj nw/k gSA mlesa ls 6 yhVj nw/k fudkydj 19. A jar contains milk and water in the ratio 5:1. After taking
mlds LFkku ij 6 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gSA iqu% 6 yhVj out 18 litres mixture 6 litres water was added to it . The
resultant mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 3:1
feJ.k fudkydj mlds LFkku ij 6 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk what was the quantity (in litres) of mixture in the vessel
gSA bl izfØ;k ds ckn crZu ds ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa nw/k ,oa ikuh before replacement ?
dk Øe’k% vuqikr gSA [SBI ,d tkj esa nw/k ,oa ikuh esa feJ.k dk vuqikr Øe’k% 5:1gSA
23.08.2014] tkj ls 18 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj mlesa 6 yhVj ikuh feyk
(a) 81:19 (b) 71:29
(c) 61:39 (d) 61:29
fn;k tkrk gS ftlls tkj esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dk vuqikr 3:1 gks
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
tkrk gSA foLFkkiu ds iwoZ tkj esa feJ.k dh vkjafHkd ek=k D;k
16. A milkman mixes 20 litre pure water with 80 litre pure milk. Fkh ¼yhVj esa½ \ [RBI
He sells a quarter of the mixture and mixes the same 01.08.2015]
quantity of water in the mixture what is the ratio of water (a) 72 (b) 84
and milk in the resultant mixture ? (c) 60 (d) 68
(e) 80
,d nw/kokyk 20 yhVj ikuh 80 yhVj nw/k esa feykrk gSA bl
20. A vessel has 80 litres of pure milk16 litres was taken out
feJ.k dk ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx cspdj og mlh ek=k esa ikuh feyk and replaced with water. Again from the mixture 16 litres
nsrk gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa ikuh ,oa nw/k dk Øe’k% vuqikr gSAa was taken and 24 litres of water was added what was the
[IDBI 11.07.2015] ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture ?
(a) 2:3 (b) 1:2 ,d crZu esa 80 yhVj 'kq) nw/k gSA 16 yhVj 'kq) nw/k fudkydj
(c) 1:3 (d) 2:1
mldh txg leku ek=k esa ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk gSA u, feJ.k
(e) 3:4
17. Vessel A contains 36 litres mixture of milk and water in the esa ls 16 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj feJ.k esa 24 yhVj ikuh feyk
ratio 3:2 and vessel B contains 80 litres of the mixture in fn;k tkrk gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dh laxr ek=k
the ratio 7:3. If 18 litres of B was taken out and poured in ds e/; Øe’k% D;k vuqikr gSa \
A then what will be the amount of water in vessel A ? [NICL 26.05.2015]
crZu A esa nw/k ,oa ikuh dk feJ.k 36 yhVj ,oa crZu B esa 80 (a) 34:23 (b) 34:21
yhVj gSA nw/k ,oa ikuh dk vuqikr crZu A esa Øe’k% 3:2 ,oa (c) 28:23 (d) 32:21
(e) 32:23
crZu B esa Øe’k% 7:3 gSAs ;fn crZu B ls 18 yhVj feJ.k
21. From a container 6 liters milk was drawn out and was 25. Ratio of the income of A and B is 8:9. If the income of A
replaced by water. Again 6 liter mixture was drawn out increases by 50% and that of B increases by 25% then the
and was replaced by the water. Thus the quantity of milk new ratio becomes 16:9. What is A’s income ?
and water in the container after these two operations is A vkSj B dh dekbZ dk vuqikr Øe’k% 8:9 gSA ;fn A dh dekbZ
9:16. The quantity of mixture is 50% c<+ tkrh gS rFkk B dh dekbZ dk 25% ?kV tkrh gS mudh
okbu ls Hkjs gq, ,d crZu ls 6 yhVj okbu fudkydj ikuh dekbZ dk u;k vuqikr Øe’k% 16:9 gks tkrk gS] A dh vk;
ls Hkj fn;k x;kA iqu% 6 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj crZu dks fdruh gSa ?
ikuh ls Hkjk x;kA vc crZu esa okbu rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr (a) 37,000
9:16 gSA rc crZu dh /kkfjrk Kkr djsa \ (b) 28,500
(a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 22,000
(c) 25 (d) 31 (d) Can not be determined/Kkr ugha fd;k tk ldrk
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha (e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
22. A milkman buys two cows for Rs. 750. He sells the first 26. A vessel contains a mixture of grape, pineapple & banana
cow at a profit of 22% and the second cow at a loss of juices in the ratio of 4:6:5. 15 litre of this mixture was
8%. What is the CP of second cow if in the whole taken out and 8 litre of grape juice and 2 litre of pineapple
transaction there is no profit no losses. juice is added to the vessel. If the resultant quantity of
,d nwf/k;k 750 :Ik;s esa nks Xkk; [kjhnrk gSA ;fn og igyh grape juice is 10 litre less than the resultant quantity of
xk; dks 22% ykHk ij rFkk nwljh xk; dks 8% gkfu ij csps pineapple juice. What was the initial quantity of mixture
in the vessel ?
rks bl lkSns esa mls u rks ykHk u gkfu gksrh gS rc nwljh xk;
,d crZu esa vaxjw ] ikbZu,IIky rFkk dsys ds jlksa dk feJ.k
dk Ø; ewY; Kkr djsa \
4 : 6 : 5 ds
vuqikr esa gSA blesa ls 15 yhVj feJ.k dks fudkyk
(a) Rs.312 (b) Rs.506
(c) Rs.484 (d) Rs.532
x;k RkFkk 8 yhVj vaxwj dk jl rFkk 2 yhVj ikbZu,Iiy dk
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
jl feyk;k x;kA ;fn ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa vaxwj dk jl
23. A container contains mixture of milk & water in which ikbZu,Iiy ds jl ls 10 yhVj de gks rc 'kq:vkr esa crZu
milk is 80%. 75% of the mixture is taken out & 10 lit water esa fdruk feJ.k Fkk\
is added. Now the concentration of milk in the mixture is (a) 120 litre
60%. Find the quantity of milk initially ? (b) 130 litre
,d crZu nw/k vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k ls Hkjk gS ftlesa 80% (c) 135 litre
nw/k gSA blesa ls 75% feJ.k fudkydj 10 yhVj ikuh feyk;k (d) 150 litre
tkrk gS ftlls feJ.k esa nw/k dh l?kurk 60% gks tkrh gSA rc (e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
27. Raju sells two types of books, national books and
'kq:vkrh feJ.k esa nw/k dh ek=k fdruh Fkh\ international books. He sells national books at Rs 18 per
(a) 80 litre (b) 75 litre book and incurs a loss of 10% where on selling the
(c) 96 litre (d) 90 litre international books at Rs 30 per book he gains 20%. In
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha what proportion should the national books and
24. A Bucket contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the international books be mixed such that he can gain a
ratio 4:1. If 45 litres of this mixture is replaced with 45 profit of 25% by selling the combined books at Rs. 27.5
litres of B. Then the ratio of A and B becomes 2:5. Find per book ?
the quantity of liquid B and capacity of bucket? jktw jk"Vªh; o varZjk"Vªh; nks rjg dh fdrkcsa csprk gS og
,d ckYVh esa nks rjy A vkSj B dk vuqikr 4:1 feJ.k gSA ;fn jk"Vªh; fdrkcas 18 : izfr fdrkc dh nj ls csprk gS rc 10%
bl feJ.k dk rjy B ls cny fn;k tk;s rc nksuks rjyksa dk dh gkfu gksrh gS tcfd varZjk"Vªh; fdrkcksa dks 30: izfr
vuqikr 2:5 gks tkrk gSA ckYVh esa rjy B fdruk gS] ckYVh dh fdrkc cspdj 20% dk ykHk dekrk gS nksuksa rjg dh fdrkcksa
dqy {kerk fdruh gSaA dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, rkfd og 27-5 : izfr fdrkc
(a) 56l , 70l (b) 14 l, 70 l cspdj 25% dk ykHk dek ldsA
(c) 65l, 72 l (d) 18 l, 90 l (a) 3:2 (b) 2:3
(e) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha (c) 2:5 (d) 3:5
28. At the centre of a square room of side 10 meter there is a 32. A vessel has a milk solution in which milk & water are in
square carpet and the rest of the floor is covered with the ratio 4:1. By addition of water to it the ratio of milk &
cloth. If the cost of covering the full floor is Rs 1338.50 water becomes 4:3. On replacing 12 lit of this solution
and the price of carpet and cloth is Rs 15/m2 and Rs 6.50 with pure milk the ratio of milk & water changed to 5:3.
/m2 respectively. Find the width of the cloth borders. What was added quantity of water approximately?
10 eh- Hqktk okys fdlh oxkZdkj dejs ds e/; esa ,d oxkZdkj ,d crZu esa nw/k vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k 4:1 ds vuqikr esa gSaA
dkyhu fcNk gS vkSj 'ks"k Q’kZ diM+s ls <dk gSA vxj iwjs Q’kZ blesa ty feykus ij ;g vuqikr 4:3 gks tkrk gSA vc bl
dks <dus dk [kpZ 1338-50 : gks vkSj dkyhu o dIkMs+ dk ewY; feJ.k ds 12 yhVj dks 'kq) nw/k ls cny fn;k tkrk gSA ftlls
Øe’k% 15 :- izfr ehVj2 o 6-50 : izfr ehVj2 agks] rks diMs+ nw/k rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr 5:3 gks tkrk gSA rc feJ.k esa yxHkx
ds ckWMZj dh pkSM+kbZ Kkr djksA fdruk ikuh feyk;k x;k Fkk \
(a) 1 m (b) 1.5 m (a) 24 litre (b) 20 litre
(c) 0.5m (d) 2m (c) 27 litre (d) 25 litre
29. Sharabi chand purchased two different kinds of alcohol. 33. If in a group, when 15 nurses leave then the ratio between
In the first mixture, the ratio of alcohol to water is 3:4 and the doctor and nurse become 2:1. Afterwards when 45
in the second mixture it is 5:6. If he mixes the two given Doctors also left then ratio becomes 1:5. Find the number
mixtures and make a third mixture of 18 litre in which the of nurses initially?
ratio of alcohol to water is 4:5. The quantity of first mixture ,d lewg esa tc 15 ulsZ pyh tkrh gS] rks MkWDVj ls ulksZ dh
(whose ratio is 3:4) is required to make the 18 litres of the la[;k dk vuqikr 2:1 gks tkrk gSA mlds ckn tc 45 MkWDVj
third kind of mixture is.
Hkh pys tkrs gS] rks vuqikr 1:5 gks tkrk gSA lewg esa ewy:Ik
'kjkch pUnz us nks rjg dh 'kjkc [kjhnhA igyh esa fLifjV o
ls ulksZ dh la[;k fdruh FkhA
ikuh dk vuqikr 3:4 rFkk nwljh esa 5:6 gSA vxj og nksuksa dks (a) 40 (b) 42
feyk ns vkSj 18 yh- dk rhljk feJ.k rS;kj djs ftlesa fLifjV (c) 45 (d) 48
o ikuh dk vuqikr 4:5 gSA 18 yhVj dk rhljk feJ.k rS;kj 34. 6 l are drawn from a cask full of wine and it is then filled
djus esa igys feJ.k ls fdruh ek=k yh xbZA with water. 6 l of the mixture are drawn and the cask is
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 9 again filled with water. The quantity of wine now left in
(d) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha the cask is to that of the water in it is 121:23 . How much
does the cask hold ?
30. Deepak mixes 3 qualities of tea priced Rs74 /kg, Rs 68 /
kg and Rs63/kg in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 4. He added some okbu ls Hkjs gq, ,d crZu ls 6 yhVj okbu fudkydj ikuh
more quantity of first to 4 kg of this mixture. He sold this ls Hkj fn;k x;kA iqu% 6 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj crZu dks Hkjk
new mixture at Rs 84 /kg, thereby making a profit of 20%. x;kA vc crZu esa okbu rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr 121:23 gSA rc
How much of did he mix with the mixture? crZu dh /kkfjrk Kkr djsa \
nhid us rhu izdkj dh pk;, ftudk ewY; Øe’k% 74 :Ik;s izfr (a) 54 l
fdyks] 68 :Ik;s izfr fdyks] rFkk 63 :Ik;s izfr fdyks gS dks (b) 62 l
1 : 2 : 4 ds vuqikr esa feyk;kA ckn esa mlus bl feJ.k ds 4 (c) 72 l
fdyks esa dqN ek=k esa igyh pk; dks feyk;k bl feJ.k dks 84 (d) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
:Ik;s izfr fdyks] cspus ij mls 20% dk ykHk gqvk rks mlus 35. A vessel contains mixture of milk and water in the ratio
feJ.k esa igyh pk; dh fdruh ek=k feykbZ Fkh \ 14:3. Now 25.5 litres of mixture is taken out from the vessel
(a) 4 kg (b) 5 kg and 2.5 litre of pure water and 5 litre of pure milk is added
(c) 6 kg (d) 10 kg to the mixture. If the resultant mixture contains 20% water.
31. The weight of a container completely filled with water is What was the initial quantity of mixture in the vessel
2.25 kg. The Container weights 0.77 kg when it’s 0.2 part before replacement.
is filled with water. The weight (in kg) of the container ,d crZu nw/k vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k ls Hkjk gS ftlesa nw/k vkSj
when 0.4 part of it is filled with water is ? ikuh 14:3 ds vquikr esa gSA ;fn blesa ls 25.5 yhVj feJ.k
ikuh ls iwjh rjg Hkjs gq, crZu dk otu 2-25 fdyks gSA ;fn ;g fudkydj 2.5 yhVj 'kq) ty rFkk 5 yhVj 'kq) nw/k feyk;k
0-2 Hkkx Hkjk gks rc bldk otu 0-77 fdyks gSA rc crZu dk x;kA ;fn ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa 20% ikuh gSA rc 'kq:vkrh
otu ¼fd-xzk-es½a Kkr djsa tc ;g 0-4 Hkkx Hkjk gSa \ feJ.k dh ek=k fdruh FkhA
(a) 0.40 kg (b) 0.74 kg (a) 68 litre (b) 65 litre
(c) 1.88 kg (d) 1.14 kg (c) 60 litre (d) 70 litre
1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (c)
6 (c) 7 (b) 8 (d) 9 (c) 10 (b)
11 (b) 12 (a) 13 (e) 14 (d) 15 (a)
16 (a) 17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (a) 20 (e)
21 (a) 22 (e) 23 (c) 24 (b) 25 (d)
26 (c) 27 (a) 28 (c) 29 (b) 30 (a)
31 (d) (c) (d) 33 (c) 34 (a) 35 (a)