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Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya Ranjan Alligation

1. In a class, the average weight of boys is 70 (a) 14 : 16 (b) 13 : 27

kg and average weight of girls is 60 kg If (c) 17 : 27 (d) None of these
average weight of the whole class is 64 kg 6. The ratio of water and alcohol in two different
Find the ratio of boys and girls. containers is 2 : 3 and 4 : 5. In what ratio we
,d d{kk esa yM+dksa dk vkSlr Hkkj 70 fdxzk rFkk yM+fd;ksaare required to mix the mixtures of two
dk vkSlr Hkkj 60 fdxzk gS ;fn iwjh d{kk dk vkSlr Hkkj 64 containers in order to get the new mixture in
fdxzk gS rks yM+dksa rFkk yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj Kkr which
dhft,A the ratio of alcohol and water be 7 : 5?
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 3 : 2 nks vyx&vyx daVsujksa esa ikuh vkSj vYdksgy dk vuqik
(c) 4 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 2 % 3 vkSj 4 % 5 gSA u, feJ.k dks çkIr djus ds fy,

2. The ratio of the quantities of sugar, in which gesa fdl vuqikr esa nks daVsujksa ds feJ.k dks feykuk
sugar costing Rs.20 per kg and Rs.15 per kg ftlesa vYdksgy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 7 % 5 gS\

in what ratio be mixed so that there will be
(a) 7 : 3 (b) 5 : 3
neither loss nor gain on selling the mixed

an by
(c) 8 : 5 (d) 2 : 7
sugar at the rate of Rs.16 per kg is.
7. Class A has boys to girls in the ratio 2 : 3,
phuhdh ek=kk dk vuqikr ftlesa 20 # çfr fdxzk phuh Class B has girls to boys in the ratio 5 : 3. If

vkSj 15 # çfr fdxzk dh phuh fdl vuqikr esa feykbZ the number of students in Class A is at least
tk, rkfd fefJr phuh dks 16 # çfr fdxzk dh nj ls twice as many as the number of students in

cspus ij u rks gkfu gks vkSj u gh ykHk gksA Class B, what is the minimum percentage of
R s
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 boys when both classes are considered
a th
(c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
3. A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar part of d{kkA esayM+dksa dk yM+fd;ksa ls vuqikr 2% 3 gS] d{
which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at B esayM+fd;ksa dk yM+dksa ls vuqikr 5 % 3 gSA ;fn d{
18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The A esaNk=kksa dh la[;k d{kk
B esaNk=kksa dh la[;k ls de
ty a

Quantity sold at 18% profit is.

ls de nksxquh gS] rks D;k yM+dksa dk U;wure çfr'kr D
,d O;kikjh ds ikl 1000 fdx=zk phuh gS ftlesa ls og
gS tc nksuksa oxks± dks ,d lkFk ekuk tkrk gS\
8» ykHk ij vkSj 'ks"k 18» ykHk ij csprk gSA mls iwjs ij
di M

(a) 33.33% (b) 40%

14» dk ykHk gksrk gSA 18» ykHk ij csph xbZ ek=kk gSA (c) 39.17% (d) 37.5%
(a) 400 kg. (b) 560 kg. 8. 6 kg of Rs.8/kg wheat is mixed with 3 kg of
(c) 600 kg. (d) 640 kg. another type of wheat to get a mixture costing
4. How many kilograms of sugar costing Rs.9 per Rs.10/kg. Find the price of the costlier wheat.
kg must be mixed with 27 kg of sugar costing
Rs.7 per kg so that there may be a gain of 10 #i;s@fdxzk dh ykxr okyk feJ.k çkIr djus ds fy,
10% by selling the mixture at Rs.9.24 per kg? 6 fdxzk 8 #i;s@fdxzk xsgwa dks 3 fdxzk vU; çdkj ds xs
9 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh ykxr okyh fdrus fdyksxzke ds lkFk feyk;k tkrk gSA eagxs xsgwa dh dher Kkr dhft,A
phuh dks 7 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh ykxr okyh 27 (a) Rs.12/kg. (b) Rs.14/kg.
fdyksxzke phuh ds lkFk feyk;k tkuk pkfg, rkfd feJ.k (c) Rs.16/kg. (d) Rs.6/kg.
dks 9-24 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh nj ls cspus ij 10» 9. Ram borrows Rs.4000 on simple interest from
Shyam for a period of 4 years. He borrows a
dk ykHk gks lds\

portion of amount at 2% interest and the

(a) 36 kg. (b) 42 kg. remaining at 5%. If the interest Shyam earns
(c) 54 kg. (d) 63 kg. is Rs.480, How much money did Ram borrow
5. The average weight of boys in a class is 30 at 2% interest rate?
kg and the average weight of girls in the same
class is 20 kg. If the average weight of the
jke 4 lky dh vof/ ds fy, ';ke ls lk/kj.k C;kt ij
whole class is 23.25 kg, what could be the 4000 #i;s m/kj ysrk gSA og jkf'k dk ,d Hkkx 2»
possible strength of boys and girls respectively C;kt ij vkSj 'ks"k 5» ij m/kj ysrk gSA ;fn ';ke vftZr
in the same class? C;kt 480 #i;s gS] rks jke us 2» C;kt nj ij fdruk
,d d{kk esa yM+dksa dk vkSlr Hkkj 30 fdxzk gS vkSj iSlk
mlh m/kj fy;k\
d{kk esa yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr Hkkj 20 fdxzk gSA ;fn iwjh
d{kk dk vkSlr Hkkj 23-25 fdxzk gS] rks leku d{kk esa(a) 4000 (b)
Øe'k% yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dh laHkkfor la[;k fdruh 3 3
gks ldrh gS\ (c) 3000 (d) 2000

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 1
Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya Ranjan Alligation

10. What is the ratio in which water should be 'kjkch us nks vyx&vyx rjg dh 'kjkc •jhnhA igys
mixed with a coke concentrate costing Rs.15/ feJ.k esa vYdksgy dk ikuh ls vuqikr 3 % 4 gS vkSj
litre to make a profit of 30% by selling the
resultant drink at Rs.18/litre?
nwljs feJ.k esa ;g 5 % 6 gSA ;fn og fn, x, nksuksa
15 #i;s@yhVj dh ykxr okys dksd dkWUlsaVªsV esa feJ.kksa
ikuh dks feykdj 18 yhVj dk rhljk feJ.k cukrk gS
fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tkuk pkfg, rkfd ifj.kkeh is; ftlesa vYdksgy dk ikuh ls vuqikr 4 % 5 gS rhljs çdkj
dks 18 #i;s@yhVj ij cspdj 30» dk ykHk çkIr fd;k ds feJ.k ds 18 yhVj dks cukus ds fy, igys feJ.k
tk lds\ dh ek=kk (ftldk vuqikr 3 % 4 gS) dh vko';drk gS%
(a) 6 (b) 7
(a) 12 : 1 (b) 11 : 1
(c) 8 (d) 9
(c) 1 : 10 (d) 1 : 12 15. In a mixture, water and milk are in the ratio
11. A mixture contains lemon juice and sugar of 3 : 5. In the second mixture, the ratio of
syrup in equal proportion. If a new mixture water and milk is 9 : 11. If these two
is created by adding this mixture and sugar mixtures be mixed to form anew mixture in
syrup in the ratio 1 : 3, then the ratio of which water and milk are in ratio 5 : 7, then
lemon juice and sugar syrup in the new what is the ratio of these two mixtures in the
mixture is? new mixture?

,d feJ.k esa uhacw dk jl vkSj phuh dh pk'kuh cjkcj ,d feJ.k esa ikuh vkSj nw/ dk vuqikr 3 % 5 gSA nwljs
vuqikr esa gSA ;fn bl feJ.k vkSj phuh dh pk'kuh dks feJ.k esa ikuh vkSj nw/ dk vuqikr 9 % 11 gSA ;fn bu

1 % 3 ds vuqikr esa feykdj ,d u;k feJ.k cuk;k nksuksa feJ.kksa dks feykdj ,d u;k feJ.k cuk;k tk,
tkrk gS] rks u, feJ.k esa uhacw ds jl vkSj phuh dh

an by
ftlesa ikuh vkSj nw/ dk vuqikr gks 5 % 7 gS] rks u,
pk'kuh dk vuqikr D;k gS feJ.k esa bu nksuksa feJ.kksa dk vuqikr D;k gS\

(a) 1 : 6 (b) 1 : 4 (a) 1 : 2 (b) 3 : 2
(c) 1 : 5 (d) 1 : 7 (c) 4 : 5 (d) 4 : 7
12. In what ratio should two varieties of tea, one 16. A milk merchant buys 50 litres of milk at the

R s
costing at Rs.27 per kg and the other costing rate of Rs.40 per litre and mixes 5 litres of
Rs.32 per kg be mixed to produce a mixture water in it. If he sells this mixture at the rate
a th
of tea worth Rs.30 per kg? How much should of Rs.42 per litre, then what is the profit
be the quantity of second variety of tea, if the percentage for the dealer?
first variety is 60 kg? ,d nw/ O;kikjh 40 #i;s çfr yhVj dh nj ls 50 yhVj
fdl vuqikr esa pk; dh nks fdLesa] ,d dh dher 27 nw/ •jhnrk gS vkSj mlesa 5 yhVj ikuh feykrk gSA ;fn
ty a

#i;s çfr fdyks vkSj nwljh dh dher 32 #i;s çfr fdyks og bl feJ.k dks 42 #i;s çfr yhVj dh nj ls csprk
gS] dks feykdj 30 #i;s çfr fdyks dh pk; dk feJ.k gS] rks Mhyj ds fy, ykHk çfr'kr D;k gS\
di M

rS;kj fd;k tk,\ nwljh fdLe dh pk; dh ek=kk fdruh (a) 17.2% (b) 14.4%
gksuh pkfg,] ;fn igyh fdLe 60 fdxzk gS\ (c) 16.6% (d) 15.5%
(a) 90 (b) 45 17. In two types of brass, the ratios of Copper to
(c) 30 (d) 60 Zinc are 8 : 3 and 15 : 7 respectively. If the
13. Avinash covered 150 km distance in 10 hours. two types of brass be melted and mixed in the
The first part of journey he covered by car, ratio 5 : 2 a new type of brass is obtained. The
then he hired a ricksaw. The speed of car and ratio of Copper to Zinc in this new type of
rickshaw is 20 km/hr and 12 km/hr brass is.
respectively. The ratio of distances covered nks çdkj ds ihry esa] dkWij ls ftad dk vuqikr Øe'k%
by car and the rickshaw respectively are: 8 % 3 vkSj 15 % 7 gSA ;fn nks çdkj ds ihry dks
fi?kykdj 5 % 2 ds vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, rks ,d u,
vfouk'k us 10 ?kaVs esa 150 fdeh dh nwjh r; dhA ;k=kk
dk igyk Hkkx mUgksaus dkj ls r; fd;k] fiQj mUgksaus çdkj
,d dk ihry çkIr gksrk gSA bl u, çdkj ds ihry esa

fjD'kk fdjk, ij fy;kA dkj vkSj fjD'kk dh xfr Øe'k% dkWij vkSj ftad dk vuqikr gSA
20 fdeh@?kaVk vkSj 12 fdeh@?kaVk gSA dkj vkSj (a) fjD'kk
3:2 (b) 2 : 3
}kjk r; dh xbZ nwfj;ksa dk vuqikr Øe'k% gS% (c) 3 : 4 (d) 5 : 2
18. In what ratio should coffee powder costing
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 4 : 5
Rs.2500/kg be mixed with coffee powder
(c) 1 : 1 (d) None of these
costing Rs.1500/kg so that the cost of the
14. The drunkard sold two different kinds of
liquor. In the first mixture the ratio of alcohol mixture is Rs.2250/kg?
to water is 3 : 4 and in the second mixture it 2500 #i;s@fdxzk dh dher okys dkWiQh ikmMj dks 150
is 5 : 6. If he mixes the two given mixtures #i;s@fdxzk dh dher okys dkWiQh ikmMj ds lkFk fdl
and makes a third mixture of 18 litres in vuqikr esa feyk;k tkuk pkfg, rkfd feJ.k dh dher
which the ratio of alcohol to water is 4 : 5, 2250 #i;s@fdxzk gks tk,\
then the amount of the first mixture (whose
ratio is 3 : 4) required to make 18 litres of (a) 1 : 4 (b) 4 : 1
the third mixture is: (c) 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 3

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 2
Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya Ranjan Alligation

19. An alloy is made by mixing metal A costing 24. How many kg of custard powder costing
Rs.2000/kg and metal B costing Rs.400/kg Rs.42 per kg must be mixed with 16 kg of
in the ratio A : B = 3 : 1. What is the cost custard powder costing Rs.60 per kg so that
(in Rs) of 8 kilograms of this alloy? 20 % may be gained by selling the mixture
2000 #i;s çfr fdxzk dh ykxr okyh /krqA vkSj 200 at Rs.60 per kg?
#i;s dh ykxr okyh /krq B dks feykdj ,d feJ/krq 42 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh ykxr okys fdrus fdyksxzke
cukbZ tkrh gSA
A % B ¾ 3 % 1 ds vuqikr esa 400@fdxzkA dLVMZ ikmMj dks 60 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh ykxr okys
bl feJ/krq dh 8 fdyksxzke dh dher (#i;s esa) D;k gS\ 16 fdyksxzke dLVMZ ikmMj ds lkFk feyk;k tkuk pkfg,
(a) 1600 (b) 9800 rkfd feJ.k dks 60 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke ds fglkc ls
(c) 6400 (d) 12800 cspdj 20» ykHk çkIr fd;k tk lds\
20. If a dairy mixes cow’s milk which contains (a) 11 kg. (b) 14 kg.
10% fat with buffalo’s milk which contains
(c) 12 kg. (d) 20 kg.
20% fat, then the resulting mixture has fat
25. A solution of ‘Cold Sharbat’ has 15% sugar.
120  Another solution has 5% sugar. How many

  % of fat. What ratio was the cow’s milk

liters’ of the second solution must be added
 7 
to the 20L of first solution to make a solution

mixed with buffalo’s milk?
of 10% sugar?
;fn ,d Ms;jh xk; ds nw/ esa 10» olk okys HkSal ds nw/
ds lkFk feykrh gS ftlesa 20» olk gksrk gS] rks ifj.kkeh BaMk 'kjcr ds ?kksy esa 15» phuh gSA nwljs ?kksy esa 5

gSA 10» phuh dk ?kksy cukus ds fy, igys ?kksy ds 20

an by
120 
feJ.k esa olk dk 
 
 % Hkkx gksrk gSA xk; ds nw/ yhVj esa fdrus yhVj nwljs ?kksy dks feyk;k tkuk pkfg,\
 7  (a) 10 L (b) 5 L
dks HkSal ds nw/ esa fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k x;k Fkk\

(c) 15 L (d) 20 L
(a) 2 : 5 (b) 1 : 5 26. How many kilograms of rice of Rs.5.4 per kg

(c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 1 should be mixed with 10kg of rice of Rs.4.5
R s
21. The milk and water in two vessels are in the per kg, such that there may be gain of 20%
ratio of 3 : 1 and 7 : 11 respectively. In what by selling the mixture at Rs.5.94 per kg.
a th
ratio should the liquid in both the vessels 5-4 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke ds fdrus fdyksxzke pkoy dks 4-
be mixed to obtaina new mixture containing
half milk and half water? 5 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke ds 10 fdyksxzke pkoy ds lkFk
nks crZuksa esa nw/ vkSj ikuh Øe'k% 3 % 1 vkSj 7 % 11 feyk;k
ds tkuk pkfg,] rkfd feJ.k dks 5-94 #i;s çfr
ty a

vuqikr esa gSaA vk/k nw/ vkSj vk/k ikuh okyk ,d u;k fdyksxzke ds fglkc ls cspus ij 20» dk ykHk gksA
feJ.k çkIr djus ds fy, nksuksa crZuksa esa rjy dks fdl (a) 10 (b) 12
di M

(c) 15 (d) 8
vuqikr esa feyk;k tkuk pkfg,\
(a) 5 : 7 (b) 4 : 9 27. A jar full of whiskey contains 40% alcohol. A
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 4 : 7 part of this whisky is replaced by another
containing 19% alcohol and now the
22. In what ratio must two kinds of sugar at
percentage of alcohol was found to be 26%.
Rs.1.15 and Rs.1.24 per kg be mixed so
The quantity of whisky replaced is.
that by selling at Rs.1.50 per kg, 25% may
be gained? fOgLdh ls Hkjs ,d tkj esa 40» vYdksgy gSA bl fOgLdh
1-15 #i;s vkSj 1-24 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh nj ls nks ds ,d fgLls dks 19» vYdksgy okys nwljs ls cny fn;k
çdkj dh phuh dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tkuk pkfg, tkrk gS vkSj vc vYdksgy dk çfr'kr 26» ik;k x;kA
rkfd 1-50 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke dh nj ls cspus ij 25» çfrLFkkfir fOgLdh dh ek=kk gSA
ykHk gks lds\ 4 3
(a) 4 : 5 (b) 5 : 4 (a) (b)

3 4
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 2 : 3
23. An alloy of copper and nickel contains 65% 2 2
copper. A second alloy contains copper and (c) (d)
3 4
nickel in the ratio 17 : 3. In what ratio
28. A person has 60 pens. He sells some of these
should the two alloys be mixed so that the
at a profit of 12% and the rest at 8% loss. On
new mixture contains 4 times as much
the whole, he gets a profit of 11%. How many
copper as nickel?
pens were sold at 12% profit?
dkWij vkSj fudy dh ,d feJ/krq esa 65» dkWij gSA ,d
nwljh feJ/krq esa dkWij vkSj fudsy dk vuqikr 17 % 3 gSA ,d O;fDr ds ikl 60 isu gSaA og buesa ls dqN dks 12» ykHk
nksuksa feJ/krqvksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, fd u, ij vkSj 'ks"k dks 8» gkfu ij csprk gSA dqy feykdj mls 11»
feJ.k esa fudy dh rqyuk esa 4 xquk vf/d dkWij gks\ dk ykHk gksrk gSA 12» ykHk ij fdrus isu csps x,\
(a) 4 : 5 (b) 5 : 4 (a) 50 (b) 59
(c) 1 : 3 (d) 2 : 3 (c) 57 (d) 60

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 3
Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya Ranjan Alligation
29. A dishonest milkman professes to sell his (a) 24 (b) 28
milk at cost price but he mixes it with water (c) 32 (d) 36
and there by gains 25%. Find the percentage 33. The average salary of all the staff in an office
of water in the mixture is. of a corporate house is Rs.5000. The average
,d csbZeku nw/okyk vius nw/ dks ykxr ewY; ij cspus salary of the officers is 14,000 and that of the
dk nkok djrk gS ysfdu og bls ikuh ds lkFk feykdj rest is 4000. If the total number of staff is
25» dk ykHk çkIr djrk gSA feJ.k esa ikuh dk çfr'kr 500, the number of officers is:
Kkr dhft,A ,d dkWikZsjsV ?kjkus ds dk;kZy; esa lHkh deZpkfj;k
(a) 4% (b) 10% vkSlr osru 5000 #i;s gSA vf/dkfj;ksa dk vkSlr osru
(c) 20% (d) 40% 14]000 vkSj ckdh dk 4000 gSA ;fn deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy
30. Two vessels A and B contain spirit and water la[;k 500 gS] rks vf/dkfj;ksa dh la[;k gS%
mixed in the ratio 5 : 2 and 7 : 6 respectively. (a) 10 (b) 20
Find the ratio in which these mixture be mixed (c) 15 (d) 50
to obtain a new mixture in vessel C containing 34. A can of water and milk mixture contains 60%
spirit and water in the ratio 8 : 5? milk. A part of this mixture is replaced by
nks crZuA vkSj B esa fLçV vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k Øe'k% another mixture containing 50% milk and the
5 % 2 vkSj 7 % 6 ds vuqikr esa gSA C crZu
esa fLçV vkSj

percentage of milk was found to be 52%. The
ikuh dk 8 % 5 ds vuqikr esa u;k feJ.k çkIr djus ds quantity of mixture replaced is:

fy, bu feJ.kksa dks fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk,\ ikuh vkSj nw/ ds feJ.k ds ,d fMCcs esa 60» nw/ gSA
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 3 : 4 bl feJ.k ds ,d Hkkx dks nwljs feJ.k ls cny fn;k

an by
(c) 5 : 6 (d) 7 : 9 tkrk gS ftlesa 50» nw/ gksrk gS vkSj nw/ dk çfr'kr
31. A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk. The first 52» ik;k tkrk gSA çfrLFkkfir feJ.k dh ek=kk gS%

contains 25% water and the rest milk. The
SSC CGL 13/12/2022 (Shift- 02)
second contains 50% water. How much milk

should he mix from each of the containers so 1 3
R s
as to get 12 litres of milk such that the ratio (a) (b)
5 5
of water to milk is 3 : 5?
a th
,d nw/okys ds ikl 2 dSu nw/ gSA igys esa 25» ikuh (c) 4 (d)
5 5
vkSj ckdh nw/ gSA nwljs esa 50» ikuh gSA mls çR;sd ik=k
35. How many kilogram of rice costing Rs.60 per
ls fdruk nw/ feykuk pkfg, rkfd 12 yhVj nw/ çkIr gks kg must be mixed with 24 kg of rice costing
lds] ftlls ikuh dk nw/ ls vuqikr 3 % 5 gks tk,\
ty a

Rs.42 per kg so that there may be a gain of

(a) 4 litres, 8 litres 12% by selling the mixture at Rs.56 per kg?
(b) 6 litres, 6 litres
60 :i;s çfr fdxzk okys fdrus fdxzk pkoy dks 42 :i;s
di M

(c) 5 litres, 7 litres

(d) 7 litres, 5 litres çfr fdxzk okys 24 fdxzk pkoy esa feyk;k tkuk pkfg,
32. A sum of Rs.6.40 is made up of 80 coins rkfd feJ.k dks 56 :i;s çfr fdxzk ij cspus ij 12»
which are either 10-paise or 5-paise coins. dk ykHk gks
How many are coins of 5-paise? SSC CGL TIER- II 07/03/2023
6-40 #i;s dh jkf'k 80 flDdksa ls cuh gS tks ;k rks 10 (a) 22 kg (b) 20 kg
iSls ds gSa ;k 5 iSls ds gSA 5 iSls ds flDds fdrus gSa\ (c) 19.2 kg (d) 21.2 kg

Answer Key
1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(b) 10.(d)

11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(c) 16.(d) 17.(d) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(a)

21.(b) 22.(a) 23.(c) 24.(d) 25.(d) 26.(a) 27.(c) 28.(c) 29.(c) 30.(d)

31.(b) 32.(c) 33.(d) 34.(c) 35.(c)

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 4
Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya Ranjan Alligation

1. (a) B G 6. (b) LCM (5, 9, 12) = 180
70 60 2 4
5 9

72 80
4 : 6
2 : 3
2. (d) Since, there is neither loss nor gain
SP = CP = Rs.16 per kg.
20 15

16 3
5 :
7. (c) Class  A Class  B

an by
B:G  2:3 G:B  5:3
1 : 4

3. (c) 8% 18% 2
% of Boys in class A = × 100 = 40%

R s
% of Boys in class B = × 100 = 37.5%
14% 8
a th
40 – x 1
 =  x = 39.17
x – 37.5 2
4 : 6 8. (b) Let the price of costlier weight be x
ty a

2 : 3
3 68  3 x
Quantity sold at 18% profit = × 1000 = 600 kg = 10
di M

4. (d) SP  110%  9.24 48 + 3x = 10 × 9
9.24 48 + 3x = 90
CP  100%   100 = 8.4 3x = 42
9 7 x = 14
9. (b) Total interest = × 100 = 12%
4, 000
8.4  for 1 year = 3%
2% 5%
1.4 : 0.6

7 : 3
3 unit  27
1 unit  9
7 unit  9 × 7 = 63 kg. 3%
5. (b) B G
30 20

2 : 1
23.25 Ram borrowed at 2% rate
2 8, 000
=  4, 000 = Rs
3 3
3.25 : 6.75 10. (d) CP = per litre
13 : 27 13

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

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14. (b) LCM of 7, 9 and 11

Coke Water I II
15 0 5
7 11
180  7  9  11
13 4
180 180
–0 15 – 297 315
13 13
12 : 1

Hence water : coke = 1 : 12

11. (d) L : S in mixture = 1 : 1
Addding in this ratio 1 : 3 Let mixture = 1
unit and sugar = 3 unit

1 1 7 : 11
Lemon = 1  0 =

2 2 Quantity of Ist mixture =  18 = 7 litres
1 1 7

an by
Sugar = 1  3 =  3 = 15. (c) LCM of 8, 20 and 12 = 120
2 2 2

1 7 3 9
L:S = :  1:7
2 2 8 20

× 120
R s
12. (a) 5
27 32
a th

45 54

ty a

di M

2 : 3
×30 ×30
60 kg. : 90 kg. 4 : 5
16. (d) CP = 50 × 40 = Rs. 2,000
13. (c) Distance = 150, Time = 10 SP = (50 + 5) × 42 = 55 × 42 = Rs.2310
D 150 (2310 – 2000)
Speed = = = 15 km/hr. Profit% =  100 = 15.5%
T 10 2000
17. (d) LCM of 11, 22 and 7 = 154
20 12 I II
3 7

11 22
× 154
15 2
42 49

3 : 5
Time ratio = 3 : 5
Speed ratio = 5 : 3 44

20 12
Distance ratio = :
5 3
Required ratio = 1 : 1 5 : 2
Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS
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18. (c) 2,500 1,500 I II
7 3
20 20
2,250 1
7 3
750 : 250
3 : 1
2000  3  1  400 6400
19. (d) cost = = = 1600 4
4 4
cost of 8 kg. of this alloy = 8 × 1600 = Rs.12800
20. (a)
20 1 : 3
×7 24. (d) SP  120%  Rs.60

7 CP  100%  × 100 = Rs.50
70 140

42 60

an by


20 : 50

R s
2 : 5
21. (b) 10 : 8
a th
5 : 4
3 7 4 unit  16
4 18 1 unit  4
×36 5 unit  20 kg.
ty a

25. (d) I. II.

15% 5%
di M

27 14


5 : 5
1 : 1
4 : 9 Solution I  1 unit  20 litre
22. (a) SP  125%  Rs.1.50
Solution II  1 unit  20 litre
1.50 26. (a)
CP  100%   100 = 1.20
125 SP  120%  Rs.5.94

1.15 1.24
CP  100%  Rs  100 = Rs.4.95
5.40 4.50

0.04 : 0.05
4 : 5
23. (c) C N 0.45 : 0.45
I  65 1 : 1
13 7
×10 ×10
II  17 : 3
Final  4 : 1 10 kg. 10 kg.

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

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Join Telegram- Maths by Aditya Ranjan Alligation

27. (c) Original Replaced 640

40% 19% 32. (c) Average value per coin = = 8p
10 5


7 : 14
1 : 2
2 2
Quantity of whisky replaced = =
1 2 3 3 : 2
28. (c) Profit Loss 80
+12% –8% 5 paise coins = × 2 = 32
33. (d)
Others Officers
Rs.4,000 Rs.14,000


an by
19 : 1

No. of pens sold at 12% profit =  19 = 57

1  Water 9,000 : 1,000
29. (c) Gain% = 25% =
R s
4  Milk 9 : 1
10 unit  500
a th
% of water = 1 × 100 = 20% 1 unit  50
5 34. (c)
30. (d) A B Using allegation:-
6 60% 50%
ty a

7 13
× 7 × 13
di M

13 52%
26 42

2 8
1 : 4
 Mixture replaced =
35. (c) S.P = 56
7 : 9 56
C.P =  100 = 50
3 112
31. (b) = 37.5%
8 By allegation:

I. II. 60 42
25% 50%


8 10
12.5 : 12.5
1 : 1  2 unit  12 litres 4 : 5
×6 ×6 1 unit  6 litres 5 unit  24
6 litres 6 litres 4 unit  19.2 kg

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 8

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