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5. In a 729 litres mixture of milk and water,
QUESTIONS BASED ON ADDITION/ the ratio of milk to water is 7 : 2. To get a
SUBTRACTION OF SOME QUANTITY new mixture containing milk and water in
the ratio 7 : 3, the amount of water to be
1. A canister holds 36 litres of mixture of added is
milk and water in the ratio 3 : 1. 15 litres
nw/ vkSj ikuh ds ,d 729 yhVj feJ.k esa] nw/ vkSj
of milk is added to the canister. The new
ratio of the mixture is : ikuh dk vuqikr 7%2 gSA nw/ vkSj ikuh dk ,d u;k
,d duLrj esa 36 yhVj nw/ vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k feJ.k 7 %3 ds vuqikr esa çkIr djus ds fy,] fdruk
3%1 ds vuqikr esa gSA duLrj esa 15 yhVj nw/ feyk;kikuh feykuk gS\

tkrk gSA feJ.k dk u;k vuqikr gS% (a) 81 litres (b) 71 litres
(SSC CPO 06/06/2016)(1st Sitting) (c) 56 litres (d) 50 litres

(a) 12 : 5 (b) 14 : 3 6. 300 gram of sugar solution has 40% of

(c) 7 : 4
an by (d) 9 : 4
In a mixture of 25 litres, the ratio of acid
sugar in it. How much sugar should be
added to make it 50% in the solution?
300 xzke phuh ds ?kksy esa 40 izfr'kr phuh gSA blesa

to water is 4 : 1. Another 3 litres of water
is added to the mixture. The ratio of acid fdruh phuh vkSj feykbZ tkuh pkfg, ftlls og bl
to water in the new mixture is
ja ?kksy dk 50 izfr'kr gks tk,\
R s
25 yhVj ds feJ.k esa] vEy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr (a) 60 gms (b) 80 gms
4 %1 gSA feJ.k esa vkSj 3 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gSA (c) 10 gms
a th

(d) 40 gms
u, feJ.k esa vEy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr gS % 7. An alloy contains copper, zinc and nickel
(a) 5 : 2 (b) 2 : 5 in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. The quantity of
(c) 3 : 5 (d) 5 : 3 nickel (in kg) that must be added to 100
ty a

3. In 30 litres mixture of acid, the ratio of kg of this alloy to have the new ratio 5 : 3 : 3
acid and water is 2 : 3. What amount of is :
di M

water should be added to the mixture so

that the ratio of acid and water becomes ,d feJ /krq esa 5 %3 %2 ds vuqikr esa rkack] tLrk
2:5? vkSj fudsy gSA u;k vuqikr%35%3 çkIr djus ds
vEy ds 30 yhVj feJ.k esa] vEy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr fy, 100 fdyksxzke feJ /krq esa fudsy dh ek=kk
2 %3 gSA feJ.k esa fdruh ek=kk esa ikuh feyk;k tkuk(fdyks esa) feykbZ tkuh pkfg,A
pkfg, rkfd vEy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 2%5 gks tk,\ (SSC CGL Tier-1 26/06/2011
(SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 24.02.2002) (a) 8 (b) 10
(a) 10 litres (b) 15 litres (c) 12 (d) 15
(c) 18 litres (d) 12 litres 8. The ratio of milk and water in a vessel is
4. 200 litres of a mixture contains milk and 8 : 5. If we added 44 ltr milk and 44 ltr
water in the ratio 17 : 3. After the addition water then quantity of milk becomes
of some more milk to it, the ratio of milk

28.56% more than water. Find the initial

to water in the resulting mixture becomes quantity of water?
7 : 1. The quantity of milk added to it was
,d crZu esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr%58 gSA ;fn
200 yhVj feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr%17
feJ.k esa 44 yhVj nw/ vkSj 44 yhVj ikuh feyk;k
gSA blesa dqN vkSj nw/ feykus ds ckn] ifj.kkeh feJ.k
esa nw/ dk ikuh ls vuqikr%17 gks tkrk gSA blesa tk;s rks feJ.k esa nw/ dh ek=kk ikuh ls 28-56» vf/
feyk;s x, nw/ dh ek=kk fdruh Fkh\ d gks tkrh gSA feJ.k esa ikuh dh izkjafHkd ek=kk Kkr
(SSC Section Officer Exam. 30.09.2007 djsaA
(a) 20 litres (b) 40 litres (a) 48 ltr (b) 45 ltr
(c) 60 litres (d) 80 litres (c) 40 ltr (d) 60 ltr

9. The ratio of milk and water in a vessel is 13. A jar contains a blend of a fruit juice and
2 : 3 by chemical process if we extract water in the ratio 15 : x. When 4 litre of
some water then ratio becomes 5 : 7 and water is added to 16 litres of the blend the
quantity of mixture reduced to 36 ltr, then ratio of fruit juice to water becomes 1 : 1.
find how much quantity of water was What is the value of x?
extracted? ,d tkj esa iQy dk jl vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k j[kk gS
,d crZu esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr%32 gSA ftldk vuqikr 15 %x gSA tc 16 yhVj ds feJ.k esa
jklk;fud iz;ksx }kjk vxj ge feJ.k ls dqN yhVj 4 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gS rks iQy ds jl vkSj
ikuh fudkyrs gSa rks vuqikr%7 5gks tkrk gS vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 1%1 gks tkrk gSA
x dk eku D;k gS\
feJ.k dh ek=kk 36 yhVj gks tkrh gSA rks irk yxk,¡ SSC CGL Tier II 21 Feb. 2018
fd ikuh fdruh ek=kk esa fudkyk x;k Fkk\ (a) 9 (b) 8
(a) 11 ltr (b) 1.5 ltr (c) 6 (d) 10
(c) 1.25 ltr (d) 1.15 ltr 14. An alloy contains copper and tin the ratio
10. A mixture is composed of 11 parts of pure 3 : 2. If 250 gm of copper is added to this
milk and 2 parts of water. If 35 litres of alloy then the copper in it becomes double
the quantity of tin in it. What is the
water were added to the mixture then the

amount (in gm) of tin in the alloy?
new mixture will contain twice as much
pure milk as water, then how many litres ,d feJ /krq esa rkacs vkSj fVu dk vuqikr
3 %2 gSA

of pure milk does the original mixture ;fn bl feJ/krq esa 250 xzke rkack feyk fn;k tkrk
contain? gS rks blesa mifLFkr rkack blesa mifLFkr fVu dh ek=k
an by
,d feJ.k esa 11 Hkkx 'kq¼ nw/ vkSj
2 Hkkx ikuh gSA dk nksxquk gks tkrk gSA bl feJ /krq esa fVu fdruh
;fn bl feJ.k esa 35 yhVj ikuh Mkyk x;k rks u, ek=kk (xzke esa) gS\

feJ.k esa ikuh dh rqyuk esa nks xquk 'kq¼ nw/ gksxk] rks CGL Mains 2018
okLrfod feJ.k esa fdrus yhVj 'kq¼ nw/ gks\
ja (a) 250 (b) 750
R s
CGL Mains 2018 (c) 1000 (d) 500
15. The ratio of milk and water in a mixture
a th

(a) 110 (b) 55

is 1 : 3. We added x ltr of milk to the
(c) 220 (d) 70
mixture then ratio becomes 7 : 15 and we
11. A beaker contains acid and water in the added 50 ltr water to the mixture, then
ratio 1 : x. When 50 ml of water is mixed
ty a

ratio becomes 2 : 5. Find the value of x.

in 300 ml of the mixture the ratio of acid
,d feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr %
13 gSA ;fn
to water becomes 2 : 5. What is the value
feJ.k esax yhVj nw/ feyk;k tk;s rks feJ.k esa nw/
di M

of x?
,d chdj esa ,flM vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 1%x gSA vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr % 715 gks tkrk gSA vc bl
tc 300 feyh ds feJ.k esa50 feyh ikuh dks feyk;k feJ.k esa 50 yhVj ikuh feykus ij vuqikr %25 gks
tkrk gS rks ,flM vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k dk vuqikr tkrk gSAx dk eku Kkr djsaA
(a) 28 ltr (b) 32 ltr
2 %5 gks tkrk gSA
x dk eku D;k gksxk\
(c) 40 ltr (d) 68 ltr
CGL Mains 2018
16. In a vessel milk is 60% less than water.
(a) 2 (b) 1 When x litre milk is added to mixture then
(c) 3 (d) 4 ratio of milk and water becomes 3 : 5. Now
12. A jar contains a blend of a fruit juice and y litre water is extracted from mixture
water in the ratio 5 : x. When 1 litre of then this ratio becomes 7 : 10. Now 30 litre
water is added to 4 litres of the blend the milk is added again then new ratio of milk

ratio of fruit juice to water becomes 1 : 1. and water becomes 4 : 5. Find the value of
What is the value of x? (x + y)?
,d tkj esa iQy dk jl vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k j[kk gS ,d crZu esa nw/ ikuh ls 60» de gSA tc feJ.k esa
ftldk vuqikr 5 : x gSA tc 4yhVj ds feJ.k esa x yhVj nw/ Mkyk tkrk gS rks nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr
1 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gS rks iQy ds jl vkSj 3 %5 gks tkrk gSA vc feJ.k esa
y yhVj ikuh fudkyk
ikuh dk vuqikr 1%1 gks tkrk gSA
x dk eku D;k gS\ tkrk gS rks ;g vuqikr 7%10 gks tkrk gSA vc 30
CGL Mains 2020 yhVj nw/ fiQj ls Mkyk tkrk gS] fiQj nw/ vkSj ikuh
dk u;k vuqikr 4%5 gks tkrk gSA (x + y) dk eku
(a) 3 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 4
Kkr dhft,A

(a) 60 (b) 120
(c) 180 (d) 144 CONCEPT OF EQUAL
17. In a vessel ratio of milk and water is 7 : 3. REPLACEMENT
When x ltr milk is added then ratio of milk
and water becomes 17 : 6 Now in this 20. A vessel full of pure acid contains 10 litres
mixture 3.5 ltr milk and 3 ltr water is of it, of which 2 litres are withdrawn. The
added then ratio of milk and water vessel is then filled with water. Next 2
becomes 5 : 2. Find the value of x. litres of the mixture are withdrawn, and
again the vessel is filled up with water. The
,d crZu esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr%37 gSA tc
ratio of the acid left in the vessel with that
feJ.k esax yhVj nw/ feyk;k tkrk gS rks nw/ vkSj of the original quantity is
ikuh dk vuqikr 17%6 gks tkrk gSA ;fn vc bl 'kq¼ vEy ls Hkjs ,d crZu esa bldk 10 yhVj gS]
feJ.k esa 3-5 yhVj nw/ vkSj 3 yhVj ikuh feyk;k ftlesa ls 2 yhVj fudky fy;k tkrk gSA fiQj crZu esa
tkrk gS rks nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr
%2 5gks tkrk ikuh Hkj fn;k tkrk gSA vxys 2 yhVj feJ.k dks
gSAx dk eku Kkr djsaA fudky fy;k tkrk gS] vkSj fiQj ls crZu esa ikuh Hkj
(a) 4 ltr (b) 6 ltr fn;k tkrk gSA crZu esa cps vEy dk ewy ek=kk ls
(c) 8 ltr (d) 2 ltr
vuqikr gS %

18. The ratio of milk and water in a vessel is
(SSC CGL Tier-I Exam. 19.10.2014)

19 : 7. When a ltr milk is added this ratio
becomes 3 : 1. Again b ltr water is (a) 1 : 5 (b) 4 : 5

an by
subtracted and new ratio is 7 : 2. Now 7.5
ltr milk is added to mixture and 2.5 ltr 21.
(c) 4 : 25 (d) 16 : 25
A vessel contains 20 litres of acid. 5 litres

water is extracted, then ratio of milk and of acid is taken out of the vessel and
water becomes 45 : 11. Find the value of replaced by the same quantity of water.
a3 – b3? Next 5 litres of the mixture are withdrawn,

,d crZu esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr% 19
7 gSA ;fn
R s
and again the vessel is filled with the same
feJ.k esaayhVj nw/ feyk;k tkrk gS rks vuqikr%13 quantity of water. The ratio of acid left in
a th

the vessel with the quantity of acid

gks tkrk gSA ;fn feJ.k ls
b yhVj ikuh fudkyk tkrk initially in the vessel is :
gS rks u;k vuqikr % 72 gks tkrk gSA ;fn vc bl ,d crZu esa 20 yhVj vEy gSA crZu ls 5 yhVj vEy
feJ.k esa 7-5 yhVj nw/ feyk;k tk, vkSj 2-5 yhVj fudky fy;k tkrk gS vkSj mlds LFkku ij mruh gh
ty a

ikuh fudkyk tkrk gS rkw nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr ek=kk esa ikuh Mky fn;k tkrk gSA vxys 5 yhVj feJ.k
45%11 gks tkrk agSA
– b3 dk eku Kkr djsaA
dks fudky fy;k tkrk gS] vkSj fiQj ls crZu esa mruh
di M

(a) 875 (b) 189

gh ek=kk esa ikuh Hkj fn;k tkrk gSA crZu esa cps vEy
(c) 504 (d) 1701
dk ewy ek=kk ls vuqikr gS %
19. A vessel contains a 32 litre solution of acid
and water in which the ratio of acid and (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam, 2014 12.04.2015
water is 5 : 3. If 12litres of the solution are (a) 4 : 5 (b) 4 : 25
1 (c) 16 : 25 (d) 9 : 16
taken out and 7 litres of water are 22. A drum contains 80 litres of ethanol. 20
added to it, then what is the ratio of acid litres of this liquid is removed and replaced
and water in the resulting solution? with water. 20 litres of this mixture is
,d crZu esa vEy vkSj ty dk 32 yhVj ?kksy gS] again removed and replaced with water.
How much water (in litres) is present in
ftlesa vEy vkSj ty dk vuqikr 5 %3 gSA tc crZu this drum now?

esa ls 12 yhVj ?kksy fudky fy;k tkrk gS vkSj crZu

,d Mªe esa 80 yhVj bFksukWy gSA bl rjg inkFkZ ds 20
esa7 yhVj ty feyk fn;k tkrk gS] rks izkIr ?kksy yhVj fudky fn, tkrs gSa vkSj mls ikuh ls izfrLFkkfir
2 fd;k tkrk gSA bl feJ.k dh 20 yhVj ek=kk dks fiQj
esa vEy vkSj ty dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
ls fudkyk tkrk gS vkSj ikuh ls izfrLFkkfir fd;k tkrk
SSC CGL Tier II 12 Sept. 2019
gSA vc bl Mªe esa fdruk ikuh (yhVj esa) ekStwn gS\
(a) 4 : 7
CGL Mains 2018
(b) 8 : 11
(c) 4 : 9 (a) 45 (b) 40
(d) 5 : 6 (c) 35 (d) 44

23. A drum contains 165 litres of ethanol. 44 27. A vessel is full of 80L milk. If 10L milk is
litres of this liquid is removed and replaced taken out and replaced by same amount of
with water. 44 litres of this mixture is water and further 16L mixture is taken out
again removed and replaced with water. and replaced by same amount of water and
How much water (in litres) is present in again further 8L mixture is taken out and
this drum now? replaced by same amount of water again
,d Mªe esa 165 yhVj bFksukWy gSA bl rjy inkFkZ ds
further 20L mixture is taken out replaced
by same amount of water then at the end
44 yhVj fudky fn, tkrs gSa vkSj mls ikuh ls
of 4th process the amount of water in the
izfrLFkkfir fd;k tkrk gSA bl feJ.k dh 44 yhVj mixture?
ek=kk dks fiQj ls fudkyk tkrk gS vkSj ikuh ls izfrLFkkfir,d crZu esa 80 yhVj nw/ Hkjk gSA ;fn blesa ls 10
fd;k tkrk gSA vc bl Mªx esa fdruk ikuh (yhVj esa) yhVj nw/ fudkydj ikuh Hkj fn;k x;kA blds ckn
ekStwn gS\ feJ.k esa ls 16 yhVj nzo fudkydj mruk gh ikuh
(a) 80.55 (b) 88.73 Hkj fn;k x;kA iqu% feJ.k ls 8 yhVj nzo fudkydj
(c) 76.26 (d) 71.66
mruh gh ek=kk esa ikuh feyk;k x;kA blds ckn fiQj ls
24. A vessel is full of 90 ltr milk, 18 ltr milk
feJ.k esa ls 20 yhVj nzo fudkydj leku ek=kk esa
is taken out and replaced by water and

again this process is repeated 2 times, the ikuh feyk;k x;kA pkSFks izfrLFkkiu ds ckn feJ.k esa
ikuh dh ek=kk Kkkr dhft,A

amount of milk left after the 3 rd
replacement is? (a) 37.8 L (b) 52.4 L
,d crZu esa 90 yhVj nw/ gSA blesa ls 18 yhVj nw/ (c) 42.2 L
an by
fudkydj mruh gh ek=kk esa ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA bl28. A vessel full of 70 L
(d) 27.6 L
milk. If 16.66% of milk

izfØ;k dks nks ckj vkSj nksgjk;k x;kA rhljs izfrLFkkiu
is taken out and replaced by same amount
of water and further 20% mixture is taken
ds ckn nw/ dgh cph gqbZ ek=kk crkb;sA
out and replaced by same amount of water
(a) 11.52 ltr
ja (b) 46.08 ltr
R s
and again further 33.33% mixture is taken
(c) 23.04 ltr (d) 69.12 ltr out and replaced by same amount of then
a th

25. From a tank of petrol, which contains 200 at the end of process the amount of milk
ltr of petrol, the seller replaces each time in the mixture?
with kerosene when he sells 40 ltr of petrol ,d crZu esa 70 yhVj nw/ Hkjk gSA blesa ls 16-66»
(or its mixture). Every time he sells out
nw/ fudkydj mruh gh ek=kk esa ikuh feyk;k x;kA
ty a

only 40ltr of petrol (pure or impure).After

replacing petrol with kerosene 4th time, a blds ckn feJ.k ds 20» nzo dks fudkydj mlesa
mruk gh ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA iqu% feJ.k esa ls
di M

total amount of kerosene in the mixture

is? 33-33» nzo fudkydj blesa ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA
isVªksy ds ,d VSad esa 200 yhVj isVªksy Hkjk gqvkvcgSA feJ.k esa nw/ dh ek=kk D;k gksxh\
O;kikjh izR;sd ckj 40 yhVj isVªksy csprk gS vkSj VSad (a) 35 L (b) 32.44 L
esa 40 yhVj dsjksflu Hkj nsrk gSA ;fn og ;gh izfØ;k (c) 37.56 L (d) 31.11L
4 ckj nksgjkrk gS rks pkSFks izfrLFkkiu ds ckn 29.feJ.k
A vessel is full of ethanol. 12L of ethanol
esa dsjksflu dh ek=kk Kkr dhft,A is taken out & replaced by water. This
process is repeated further two times. Find
(a) 81.92L (b) 96L
the initial amount of ethanol in the vessel.
(c) 118.08L (d) None If at the end the ratio of water and ethanol
26. A vessel full of 1600ltr milk. A person draw becomes 91:125?
out 25% of milk form the vessel and
,d crZu ,FksukWy ls Hkjk gqvk gSA 12 yhVj ,FksukW

replaced with water. He has repeated the

same process 2 times more. Find the final fudkydj ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA ;gh izfØ;k nks ckj
amount of milk in the vessel? vkSj nksgjkbZ xbZA izkjaHk esa ,FksukWy dh ek=kk Kk
,d crZu esa 1600 yhVj nw/ Hkjk gqvk gSA ,d O;fDr ;fn var esa ikuh vkSj ,FksukWy dk vuqikr %12591
crZu esa ls 25» nw/ fudkydj mlesa mruk gh ikuh gks tkrk gSA
Hkj nsrk gSA ;fn og ;gh izfØ;k nks ckj vkSj nksgjkrk (a) 91 L
gS rks vafre feJ.k esa nw/ dh ek=kk Kkr dhft,A (b) 28 L
(a) 675 L (b) 750 L (c) 125 L
(c) 800 L (d) 1200 L (d) 72 L

30. From a container of vegetable oil 13L of
vegetable oil is taken out and replaced by TYPE-02 (REPLACEMENT )
another type of vegetable oil. This process
33. The ratio of milk and water in a mixture
is repeated 3 times more. find the initial
is 7 : 5. How much part of the mixture
amount of vegetable oil in the container if
should be replaced by water so hat ratio of
at the end the ratio of vegetable oil and milk and water is 2 : 3?
another type of vegetable oil becomes
,d feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 7%5 gSA
feJ.k dk feruk Hkkx ikuh ls izfrLFkkfir fd;k tk,
ouLifr ?kh ls Hkjs crZu ls 13 yhVj ?kh fudkydj
rkfd feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 2 % 3 jg
nwljs izdkj ds ouLifr ?kh ls Hkj fn;k tkrk gSA ;s tk,\
izfØ;k 3 ckj vkSj nksgjkbZ tkrh gSA crZu esa ouLifr
11 11
?kh dh izkjafHkd ek=kk Kkr dhft, ;fn var esa ouLifr (a) (b)
35 25
?kh vkSj nwljs izdkj ds ouLifr ?kh dk vuqikr
13 13
2401%1695 gSA (c) (d)
24 36
(a) 91 L

34. The ratio of milk and water in a mixture
(b) 65 L is 2 : 1. How much part of the mixture

(c) 104 L should be replaced by water so that ratio
(d) 84.5L of milk and water is 5 : 3?
an by
A vessel is full of milk. 23L of milk is taken
out & replaced by water this process is
,d feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr % 21 gSA
feJ.k dk fdruk Hkkx ikuh ls izfrLFkkfir fd;k tk,

repeated two more times. Find the initial rkfd feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr%35 jg
amount of milk in the vessel. If at the end
the ratio of milk and water becomes
R s
1331 : 397. 1 1
(a) (b)
a th

,d crZu nw/ ls Hkjk gqvk gSA 23 yhVj nw/ fudkydj 14 6

ikuh feyk fn;k x;kA ;gh izfØ;k nks ckj vkSj nksgjkbZ 1 1
(c) (d)
xbZA izkjaHk esa nw/ dh ek=kk Kkr dhft, ;fn vkf[kjh esa 8 16
ty a

%397 gks tkrk gSA 35. The

nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 1331 ratio of milk and water is 7 : 3. How
much amount of the mixture should be
(a) 230 L replaced with water so that the amount of
di M

(b) 253 L milk and water becomes equal in the

(c) 460 L vessel?
(d) 276 L ,d crZu esa nw/ rFkk ikuh dk vuqikr
%37gSA feJ.k
32. A vessel contains some milk. 6 litre of the dk fdruk Hkkx fudkydj mruk gh ikuh feyk;k tk;s
milk was taken out of the vessel and rkfd crZu esa nw/ rFkk ikuh dh ek=kk cjkcj gks tk;s\
replaced with 6 litre of water and again 6 2 2
litre of mixture was taken out and was (a) (b)
3 7
replaced with water. Now the ratio of milk
3 5
to water become 100 : 69. Find the initial (c) (d)
quantity of milk in the vessel. 4 7
36. A jar contained a mixture of two liquids A
,d cjru esa dqN nw/ gS ml cjru ls 6 yhVj nw/

and B in the ratio 4 : 1. When 10 litres of

fudkydj 6 yhVj ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk gS vkSj nksckjk the mixture was taken out and 10 litres of
6 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj mlesa ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk liquid B was poured into the jar, this ratio
became 2 : 3. The quantity of liquid A
gS ftlesa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr %100
69 gks tkrk contained in the jar initially was
gS] rks cjru esa nw/ dh vkjafHkd ek=kk crkb,\ ,d tkj esa nks rjy inkFkZ
A vkSjB dk feJ.k 4%1
(a) 28 litre ds vuqikr esa gSA tc 10 yhVj feJ.k fudkyk tkrk
(b) 26 litre gS vkSj 10 yhVj rjyB tkj esa Mkyk tkrk gS] rks
(c) 36 litre ;g vuqikr 2 %3 gks tkrk gSA rjy dh ek=kk 'kq: esa
(d) 46 litre tkj esa fufgr Fkk %
(SSC CGL Prelim Exam.27.07.2008 12 yhVj nw/ feyk;k tkrk gSA vc u, feJ.k esa nw/
(a) 4 litres (b) 8 litres vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,\
(c) 16 litres (d) 40 litres (a) 64 : 21 (b) 35 : 22
37. A can contains a mixture of two liquids A (c) 64 : 23 (d) 65 : 21
and B in the ratio 7 : 5.When 9 litres of 41. In a mixture of 90 ltr, the ratio of milk and
mixture are drawn off and the can is filled water is 8 : 7. If some amount of the
with B, the ratio of A and B becomes 7 : 9. mixture is removed in which 7 ltr was
Litres of liquid A contained by the can
water and 1 ltr of water is added afterwards
initially was
into the remaining mixture, then find the
A esa nks rjy inkFkZ
A vkSj B dk feJ.k 7 % 5 ds new ratio of milk : water?
vuqikr esa gSA 9tc yhVj feJ.k fudkyk tkrk gS 90 yhVj ds ,d feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr
vkSj dSu dksB ls Hkj fn;k tkrk gS] rks
A vkSj B 8%7 gSA ;fn feJ.k dh dqN ek=kk dks fudkyk tkrk
dk vuqikr 7% 9 gks tkrk gSA vkjaHk esa dSu esa fdruk
gS ftlesa 7 yhVj ikuh Fkk vkSj blds ckn cps gq,
yhVj nzoA Fkk\
feJ.k esa 1 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gSA u, feJ.k esa
(SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam. 26/06/2011
nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,A

(a) 10 (b) 20
(a) 10 : 9 (b) 9 : 10
(c) 21 (d) 25

(c) 8 : 9 (d) 9 : 7
38. A container contains two liquids A and B
42. 75 l of a mixture contains milk and water
in the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 litres of mixture
an by
are drawn off and the container is filled
with B, the ratio of A and B becomes 1:1.
in ratio 11 : 6. 15 L of mixture is taken
out and replaced by 20 L of water. From

How many litres of liquid A was in the current mixture 10 L of the current
container initially? mixture is taken out and replaced by 40 L

,d daVsuj esa nks rjy inkFkZ
A vkSj B dk vuqikr
of water in the current mixture. Then what
R s
is the current ratio of milk and water in
7%5 gSA tc 9 yhVj feJ.k fudkyk tkrk gS vkSj daVsuj the mixture?
a th

B ls Hkj tkrk gS] rks

A vkSj B dk vuqikr 1%1 gks ,d 75 yhVj feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr
tkrk gSA çkjaHk esa daVsuj esa fdrus A
Fkk\rjy 11 %6 gSA feJ.k esa ls 15 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj
1 mlesa 20 yhVj ikuh feyk;k tkrk gSA blds ckn orZeku
ty a

(a) 26 (b) 16
2 feJ.k esa ls 10 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj mlesa 40 yhVj
3 3 ikuh feyk;k tkrk gSA vc ?kksy esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk
di M

(c) 36 (d) 26
4 4 vuqikr Kkr dhft,A
39. The ratio of milk and water in a vessel is (a) 21 : 47 (b) 23 : 25
13:11. If 48ltr of mixture is taken out and (c) 18 : 17 (d) 105 : 59
81 ltr water is added then ratio of milk and
43. 70 L of a solution contains milk and water
water becomes 7:8. Find quantity of milk
in the ratio 5 : 4. 10 L of mixture is taken
in initial mixture.
out and 40 L of water is added in current
,d crZu esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 13%11 gSA ;fn solution then 15 L of the current solution
feJ.k esa ls 48 yhVj nzO; fudkydj blesa 81 yhVj is taken out and 45 L of water is added in
ikuh feyk;k tkrk gS rks nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr the current solution. Then what is the
7%8 gks tkrk gSA izkjafHkd feJ.k esa nw/ dh ek=kkcurrent
Kkr ratio of milk and water in the
djsaA solution?

(a) 301 ltr (b) 325 ltr 70 yhVj ds ?kksy esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr
%4 5
(c) 295 ltr (d) 299 ltr gSA feJ.k esa ls 10 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj mlesa 40
40. A vessel contains 64 liter of mixture of yhVj ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk gSA blds ckn orZeku feJ.k
milk and water in the ratio 7 : 3 esa ls 15 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj mlesa 45 yhVj ikuh
respectively. 8L of mixture is replaced by
feyk fn;k tkrk gS rks ?kksy esa vc nw/ vkSj ikuh dk
12 liter milk. What is the ratio of milk and
water in the resulting mixture? D;k vuqikr gS\
,d crZu esa 64 yhVj feJ.k gS ftlesa nw/ vkSj ikuh (a) 22 : 150 (b) 57 : 78
dk vuqikr 7%3 gSA 8 yhVj feJ.k fudkydj blesa (c) 31 : 91 (d) 17 : 61

44. 105L of a mixture contains milk and water 47. Two equal vessels are filled with the
in the ratio 3:4. 25L of mixture is taken mixtures of water and milk in the ratio of
out & 15L of water is added in current 3 : 4 and 5 : 3 respectively. If the mixtures
mixture then 5L of the current mixture is are poured into a third vessel, the ratio of
taken out & 10 L of water is added in the water and milk in the third vessel will be
current mixture then again 24L of the nks leku crZuksa esa ikuh vkSj nw/ dk feJ.k Øe'k%
current mixture is taken out and 32 litre
water is added in the current mixture. 3%4 vkSj 5%3 ds vuqikr esa Hkjk x;k gSA ;fn feJ.k
Then what is the current ratio of milk and dks rhljs crZu esa Mkyk tkrk gS] rks rhljs crZu esa
water in the mixture? ikuh vkSj nw/ dk vuqikr gksxk %
nw/ vkSj ikuh dk feJ.k 105 yhVj gS rFkk nw/ vkSj (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam 19.06.2011
ikuh dk vuqikr 3%4 gSA orZeku feJ.k esa ls 25
(a) 15 : 12 (b) 53 : 59
yhVj feJ.k fudkydj mlesa 15 yhVj ikuh feyk fn;k
(c) 20 : 9 (d) 59 : 53
tkrk gSA blds ckn u, feJ.k esa ls 5 yhVj feJ.k
48. In two types of brass, the ratios of Copper
fudkydj mlesa 10 yhVj ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk gSA to Zinc are 8:3 and 15:7 respectively. If the
mlds ckn iqu% orZeku feJ.k esa ls 24 yhVj feJ.k two types of brass be melted and mixed in
fudkydj 32 yhVj ikuh feyk fn;k tkrk gS] rks feJ.k

the ratio 5:2 a new type of brass is
esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk orZeku vuqikr D;k gS\ obtained. The ratio of Copper to Zinc in

(a) 4 : 9 (b) 17 : 35 this new type of brass is
(c) 8 : 27 (d) 27 : 36 nks çdkj ds ihry esa] dkWij ls ftad dk vuqikr Øe'k%
an by
CONCEPT OF MIXING DIFFERENT 8 %3 vkSj 15%7 gSA ;fn nksuksa çdkj ds ihry dks

fi?kykdj 5 %2 ds vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, rks ,d u,
MIXTURE TO FORM A SINGLE çdkj dk ihry çkIr gksrk gSA bl u, çdkj ds ihry
ja esa dkWij ls ftad dk vuqikr gS %
R s
45. A and B are two alloys of gold and copper (SSC CGL Tier-II 30.11.2016)
a th

prepared by mixing metals in ratios 7 : 2 (a) 3:2 (b) 2:3

and 7 : 11 respectively. If equal quantities
(c) 3:4 (d) 5:2
of the alloys are melted to form a third
alloy C, the ratio of gold and copper in C 49. The ratios of copper to zinc in alloys A and
ty a

will be; B are 3 : 4 and 5 : 9, respectively. A and B

are taken in the ratio 2 : 3 and melted to
A vkSj B lksus vkSj rkacs dh nks feJ/krq,¡ gSa tks /
di M

form a new alloy C. What is the ratio of

krqvksa dks Øe'k%
%2 vkSj
7 7%11 ds vuqikr esa feykdj copper to zinc in C?
rS;kj dh tkrh gSaA ;fn feJ/krqvksa dh leku ek=kk dksfeJ/krq AvkSjB esa rkacs vkSj tLrk ds vuqikr Øe'k%
fi?kykdj ,d rhljk feJ/krq C cuk;k tk,] rks C esa 3%4 vkSj 5%9 gSA A vkSjB dks 2%3 ds vuqikr
lksus vkSj rkacs dk vuqikr gksxk %
esa fy;k tkrk gS vkSj ,d u, feJ/krqC dks cukus
(a) 7 : 5 (b) 5 : 9
ds fy, fi?kyk;k tkrk gSAC esa rkacs vkSj tLrk dk
(c) 9 : 5 (d) 5 : 7
46. A and B are two alloys of gold and copper
vuqikr D;k gS\
prepared by mixing metals in the ratio 5 : 3 SSC CGL Tier II 11 Sept. 2019
and 5 : 11 respectively. Equal quantities of (a) 27 : 43 (b) 8 : 13
these alloys are melted to form a third (c) 3 : 5 (d) 9 : 11
alloy C. The ratio of gold and copper in the
50. Alloy A contains copper and Zinc in the

alloy C is
ratio of 4:3 and alloy B contains copper and
A vkSjB lksus vkSj rkacs dh nks feJ/krq,¡ gSa tks Øe'k%
zinc in the ratio of 5: 2. A and B are taken
5 %3 vkSj 5%11 ds vuqikr esa /krqvksa dks feykdj in the ratio of 5 : 6 and melted to form a
rS;kj dh tkrh gSaA bu feJ/krqvksa dh leku ek=kk dksnew alloy. The percentage of zinc in the
fi?kykdj ,d rhljk feJ/krq C cuk;k tkrk gSA feJ/ new alloy is closest to:
krqC esa lksus vkSj rkacs dk vuqikr gS % feJ/krq A vkSjB esa rkacs vkSj tLrk ds vuqikr Øe'k%
(SSC CPO S.I. Exam. 09.11.2008) 4%3 vkSj 5%2 gSA A vkSjB dks 5%6 ds vuqikr
(a) 25 : 33 (b) 33 : 25 esa fy;k tkrk gS vkSj ,d u, feJ/krq dks cukus ds fy,
(c) 15 : 17 (d) 17 : 15 fi?kyk;k tkrk gSA feJ/krq esa izfr'kr yxHkx fdruk gS\

SSC CGL Tier II 12 Sept. 2019 rhu daVsuj ftuds vk;ru 2%3 %4 ds vuqikr esa gSa]
(a) 54 (b) 34.2 fLçV vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k ls Hkjs gq, gSaA igys daVsuj
(c) 36.8 (d) 35 esa] fLçV vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr %1 4gS] nwljs daVsuj
51. The proportion of acid and water in three esa vuqikr 11
%4 gS vkSj rhljs daVsuj esa vuqikr
%3 7
samples is 2 : 1, 3 : 2 and 5 : 3. A mixture
containing equal quantities of all three
gSA rhuksa feJ.kksa dks ,d cM+s daVsuj esa feyk;k tkr
samples is made. The ratio of water and gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa fLçV vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr gS%
acid in the mixture is: SSC CAPFs (CPO) 20.03.2016
rhu uewuksa esa vEy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr
%1] 3 2%2 (a) 4 : 9
vkSj 5%3 gSA rhuksa uewuksa dh leku ek=kk okyk feJ.k (b) 11 : 4
cuk;k tkrk gSA feJ.k esa ikuh vkSj vEy dk vuqikr gS% (c) 5 : 10
(SSC CAPFs SI & CISF ASI 23.06.2013) (d) 9 : 5
(a) 120 : 133 (b) 227 : 133 55. Three vessels whose capacities are 3 : 2 : 1
(c) 227 : 120 (d) 133 : 227 are completely filled with milk mixed with
52. Three utensils contain equal quantity of water. The ratio of milk and water in the
mixtures of milk and water in the ratio 6 : mixture of vessels are 5 : 2, 4 : 1 and 4 : 1

1, 5 : 2 and 3 : 1 respectively. If all the 1 1
respectively. Taking of first, of

solutions are mixed together, the ratio of 3 2
milk and water in the final mixture is : 1
second and of third mixtures, a new
rhu crZuksa esa nw/ vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k dh leku ek=kk
an by
Øe'k% 6%1 5 %2 vkSj 3%1 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn
mixture kept in a new vessel is prepared.
lHkh foy;uksa dks ,d lkFk feyk fn;k tkrk gS] rks The percentage of water in the new

mixture is
vafre feJ.k esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr gS %
rhu crZu ftudh {kerk 3%2%1 gS] iwjh rjg ls ikuh ls
(SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam, 30.08.2015)
R s
Hkjs nw/ ls Hkjs gq, gSaA crZuksa ds feJ.k esa nw/ v
(a) 65 : 28 (b) 65 : 19
ikuh dk vuqikr Øe'k% 5%2] 4%1 vkSj 4%1 gS- igys
a th

(c) 19 : 65 (d) 19 : 28
1 1
53. Three containers have their volumes in the feJ.k dk ] nwljs dk vkSj rhljs feJ.k dk
ratio 3 : 4 : 5. They are full of mixtures of 3 2
milk and water. The mixtures contain milk 1
ysdj] u, crZu esa j•k x;k ,d u;k feJ.k rS;kj
ty a

and water in the ratio of (4 : 1), (3:1) and 7

(5 : 2) respectively. The contents of all fd;k tkrk gSA u, feJ.k esa ikuh dk çfr'kr
di M

these three containers are poured into a gS %

fourth container. The ratio of milk and
SSC CAPFs SI, CISF, 21.06.2015
water in the fourth container is :
rhu daVsujksa dk vk;ru%43%5 ds vuqikr esa gSA os (a) 28 (b) 32
nw/ vkSj ikuh ds feJ.k ls Hkjs gq, gSaA feJ.k esa nw/(c) 30 (d) 24

vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr Øe'k% % (41)] (3 %1) vkSj MISCELLANEOUS

(5 %2) gSA bu rhuksa daVsujksa dh lkexzh dks pkSFks daVsuj
esa Mkyk tkrk gSA pkSFks daVsuj esa nw/ vkSj 56. ikuh
Thedk ratio of spirit and water in two
vuqikr gS % mixtures of 20 litre and 36 litre is 3 : 7
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam.01.12.2016 and 7 : 5 respectively. Both the mixtures
are mixed together. Now the ratio of the
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 151 : 48 spirit and water in the new mixture is

(c) 157 : 53 (d) 5 : 2

20 yhVj vkSj 36 yhVj ds nks feJ.kksa esa fLçV vkSj
54. Three containers whose volumes are in the
ratio of 2 : 3 : 4 are full of mixture of spirit ikuh dk vuqikr Øe'k% 3%7 vkSj 7%5 gSA nksuksa feJ.k
and water. In the 1st container, the ratio ,d lkFk feyk, tkrs gSaA vc u, feJ.k esa fLçV vkSj
of spirit and water is 4 : 1, in the 2nd ikuh dk vuqikr gS %
container the ratio is 11 : 4 and in the 3rd (a) 25 : 29
container ratio is 7 : 3. All the three
(b) 9: 10
mixtures are mixed in a big container. The
ratio of spirit and water in the resultant (c) 27 : 29
mixture is: (d) 27 : 31

57. 60 kg of an alloy A is mixed with 100 kg pk; dh rhu fdLeksa ds feJ.k esa] muds Hkkj dk vuqikr
of alloy B. If alloy A has lead and tin in the 4 %5 %8 gSA ;fn igyh fdLe dh 5 fdxzk pk;] nwljh
ratio 3 : 2 and alloy B has tin and copper
fdLe dh 10 fdxzk pk; vkSj rhljh fdLe dh pk;
in the ratio 1 : 4, the amount of tin in the
new alloy is dh dqN ek=kk feyk nh tkrh gSA feJ.k] pk; dh rhu
feJ /krq A ds 60 fdxzk dks 100 fdxzk feJ /krq
B fdLeksa ds Hkkj dk vuqikr%7 %
59 gks tkrk gSA vafre
ds lkFk feyk;k tkrk gSA ;fn feJ /krq
A esa lhlk
feJ.k esa] rhljh fdLe dh pk; dh ek=kk (fdyks esa)
vkSj fVu dk vuqikr 3 % 2 gS vkSj feJ /krqB esa
SSC CGL Tier-II 2014 12.04.2015
1%4 ds vuqikr esa fVu vkSj rkack gS] rks u, feJ /krq
esa fVu dh ek=kk gS % (a) 42
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam, 25.10.2015 (b) 45
(c) 48
(a) 53 kg (b) 44 kg
(d) 40
(c) 80 kg (d) 24 kg
61. In a mixture of water and milk the ratio
58. In two alloys A and B, the ratio of zinc to
of milk and water is in the ratio of 5 : 1.
tin is 5 : 2 and 3 : 4 respectively. Seven
What part of this mixture is replaced with

kg of the alloy A and 21 kg of the alloy B
another mixture in which milk and water
are mixed together to form a new alloy.
are in the ratio of 3 : 2 so that ratio of

What will be the ratio of zinc and tin in the
water and milk in the resulting mixture
new alloy?
become 1 : 3 ?
an by
nks feJ/krqA vkSj b esa ftad ls fVu dk vuqikr
Øe'k% 5%2 vkSj 3%4 gSA feJ/krq
A ds lkr fdyksxzke
ikuh vkSj nw/ ds feJ.k esa nw/ vksj ikuh dk vuqikr
5%1 gSA bl feJ.k esa fdl Hkkx dks nwljs feJ.k ls

vkSj feJ/krqB ds 21 fdyksxzke dks ,d lkFk feykdj cnyk tk;s ftlesa nw/ vkSj ikuh 3%2 ds vuqikr esa gSa
,d ubZ feJ /krq cukbZ tkrh gSA u, feJ/krq esa ftad rkfd ikuh vkSj nw/ dk vuqikr ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa
R s
vkSj fVu dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\ 1 % 3 gks tk;s\
SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 10.11.2013
a th

(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
3 5
(a) (b)
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 1 : 1 14 14
59. There are three bottles of mixture of syrup
ty a

1 2
and water of ratios 2 : 3, 3 : 4 and 7 : 5. (c) (d)
10 litres of the first and 21 litres of the 2 3
di M

second bottles are taken. How much 62.

There are two vessels of equal capacity one
quantity from third bottle is to be taken full of milk and the second one-third full
so that final mixture from three bottles will
of water. The second vessel is then filled
be of ratios 1 : 1.
up by the first, the contents of the second
2 %3 ] 3 %4 vkSj 7%5 ds vuqikr esa flji vkSj are then poured back into the first till it
ikuh ds feJ.k dh rhu cksrysa gSaA igyh cksry ds 10 is full and then again the contents of the
yhVj vkSj nwljh cksry ds 21 yhVj fy, tkrs gSaA first are poured in the second till it is full.
rhljh cksry ls fdruh ek=kk ysuh gS fd rhu cksryksa What is the proportion of milk in the
dk vafre feJ.k 1%1 ds vuqikr esa gksA second vessel?
(SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) Exam. 12.01.2017) nks leku vk;ru okys ik=k gSaA ,d ik=k nw/ ls iwjk
(a) 25 litres (b) 20 litres Hkjk gS vkSj nwljk ,d&frgkbZ ikuh ls Hkjk gSA rc nwlj

(c) 35 litres (d) 30 litres ik=k esa igys ik=k dk feJ.k Hkjk tkrk gSA fiQj nwljs
60. In a mixture of three varieties of tea, the ik=k esa feJ.k feyk;k tkrk gS rc rd fd igyk ik=k
ratio of their weights is 4 : 5 : 8. If 5 kg iwjk u Hkj tk;sA fiQj ls igys ik=k ls feJ.k nwljs ik=k
tea of the first variety, 10 kg tea of the esa Hkjk tkrk gS tc rd fd nwljk ik=k iwjk u Hkj
second variety and some quantity of tea of
the third variety are added to the mixture,
tk,A rc nwljs ik=k esa nw/ dk vuqikr fdruk gksxk\
the ratio of the weights of three varieties (a) 21 : 26
of tea becomes as 5 : 7 : 9. In the final (b) 25 : 27
mixture, the quantity (in kg) of the third (c) 20 : 27
variety of tea was (d) 29 : 20

63. If x beakers of 100 ml containing 1 : 4 acid ,d feJ.k esa] ikuh vkSj vYdksgy 7 % 3 ds vuqikr
water solution are mixed with y beakers of esa gSA feJ.k dk 25 yhVj ,d nwljs feJ.k ls cny
200 ml containing 3 : 17 acid-water fn;k tkrk gS ftlesa 'kjkc dk 25 yhVj ,d&nwljs
solution then the ratio of acid to water in
feJ.k ls cny fn;k tkrk gS ftlesa 'kjkc vkSj ikuh
the resulting mixture becomes 19 : 91.
Find x : y. 9%11 ds vuqikr esa gSA ifj.kkeh feJ.k esa ikuh vkSj
vYdksgy 3 % 2 gS] rc feJ.k dh izkjafHkd ek=kk D;k
;fn 1 % 4 vEy&ikuh ds ?kksy ds 100 feyh okys x
chdj dks 3 : 17 vEy&ikuh okys ?kksy 200ds feyh
(a) 32.5 liter (b) 37.5 liter
okysy chdj esa feyk;k tkrk gS rks ifj.kkeh feJ.k (c) 45 liter (d) 42 liter
esa vEy vkSj ikuh dk vuqikr 19%91 gks tkrk65. gSAA drink of chocolate and milk contains 8%
x : y Kkr djsa\ pure chocolate by volume. If 10 liters of
CGL Mains 2018 pure milk are added to 50 liters of this
drink, the percentage of chocolate in the
(a) 5 : 3 new drink is :
(b) 3 : 5
pkWdysV vkSj nw/ dk ,d is; esa 8» 'kq¼ pkWdysV
(c) 7 : 13
gksrk gSA ;fn bl is; ds 50 yhVj esa 10 yhVj 'kq¼
(d) 13 : 7 nw/ feyk;k tkrk gS] rks u, is; esa pkWdysV dk izfr'kr
64. In a mixture water and alcohol are in the gksrk gS %
ratio of 7 : 3. 25 liter of the mixture is
CGL 2019 Tier-II (16/10/2020)
withdrawn and it is replenished with the
another mixture in which alcohol and 1 1
water is in the ratio of 9 : 11. Now if the (a) 5 (b) 6
3 3
ratio of water and alcohol in the resulting
2 2
mixture is 3 : 2, then what was the initial (c) 6 (d) 5
volume of the mixture? 3 3

Answer Key

1. (b) 2.(a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)

11.(a) 12.(a) 13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(c) 16.(c) 17.(b) 18.(a) 19.(d) 20.(d)

21.(d) 22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(b) 25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(c) 28.(d) 29.(d) 30.(c)

31.(d) 32.(b) 33.(a) 34.(d) 35.(b) 36.(c) 37.(c) 38.(c) 39.(d) 40.(a)

41. (a) 42.(a) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (a) 50. (a)

51.(d) 52.(b) 53.(c) 54.(b) 55.(d) 56.(c) 57.(b) 58. (d) 59. (d) 60. (b)

61. (b) 62.(c) 63. (a) 64.(b) 65. (c)

[ 10 ]

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