Organ Reprod Jantan - PPTX - 20240905 - 184633 - 0000

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The Müllerian ducts are paired tubes that grow into female

reproductive organs early in fetal development. The ducts

form the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and upper vagina.
Developmental abnormalities in the ducts can lead to
infertility or other health issues.

The function of the Müllerian ducts is to develop into the female

reproductive system organs. These organs are necessary for a person
to carry a pregnancy. The organs include:
Upper section of the vagina.
Cervix (lower portion of the uterus).
Uterus (organ that houses a developing fetus).
Fallopian tubes (carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus).
The Wolffian ducts — also called the mesonephric ducts —
eventually develop into the male reproductive organs. Females
have Wolffian ducts, too, but they return to a less developed
state. The Wolffian ducts develop into the:
Seminal vesicles (glands that produce semen).
Vas deferens (tubes that carry sperm).
Epididymis (tube that stores sperm).
Testicles - produce spermatozoa (spermatogenesis) &
male hormone (Testosterone) is the male sex hormone
responsible for secondary sex characteristics and sperm
Monorchid - one fertile testicle
Cryptorchid - both testes remain in body cavity (sterile)
Castration - removal of testicles
lack sex drive
gain weight quicker
Accessory Sex Glands
Fungsi :
Prostate gland
Secretes slightly acidic prostate fluid provide medium for
Bulbourethral glands transporting sperm
Secrete alkaline mucus with lubricating properties adds volume
Seminal vesicles provides nutrients
Active secretory gland
Contributes ~60% total volume of semen cleans & flushes
Secretions contain fructose, prostaglandins, fibrinogen. urinary tract
Flexure - "S"
shape in
urethra allows
for extension
of penis
outside of body
(bull, ram, goat,
Organ of
Passage way
for semen.

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