PM 15748
PM 15748
PM 15748
October 2024
उत्पाद मैन्यअ
ु ल
Protective clothing –
Clothing to Protect Against Heat and Flame
– Minimum performance requirements
IS 15748:2022 के अनस
ु ार
FOR Protective clothing –
Clothing to Protect Against Heat and Flame
– Minimum performance requirements
IS 15748:2022
विभिन्न उत्पादों के भलए िारतीय मानक ब्यूरो (अनुरूपता मूलयाांकन) विननयम, 2018 की योजना -I के
तहत प्रमाणन के सांचालन में एकरूपता और पारदभशिता के भलए इस उत्पाद मैनुअल का उपयोग सिी
क्षेत्रीय / शाखा कायािलयों और लाइसेंसधाररयों द्िारा सांदिि सामग्री के रूप में ककया जाएगा। दस्तािेज़
का उपयोग बीआईएस प्रमाणन प्राप्त करने के इच्छुक सांिावित आिेदकों द्िारा िी ककया जा सकता
है I
This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices &
licensees to ensure uniformity of practice and transparency in operation of certification
under Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards(Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for
various products. The document may also be used by prospective applicants desirous of
obtaining BIS certification.
: 01
सांशोधनों की सांख्या
No. of amendments
2. नमूना ददशाननदे श
Sampling Guidelines
कच्चा माल No specific requirement
a) :
Raw material Note: This section indicates the requirements for raw
material(if specified in the IS)for which compliance is to be
established during Grant of Licence/Change in Scope of
Licence/Factory Surveillance.
October 2024
1. Samples of each variety Protective clothing – Clothing to Protect Against Heat and Flame of
shall be tested considering the following:
2. The following relaxation may be given when a variety is tested for all the requirements:
3. The Firm shall declare the Varieties Protective clothing – Clothing to Protect Against Heat and
Flame they intend to cover in the Licence. The Scope of Licence may be restricted based on
the Manufacturing and Testing capabilities of the Manufacturer.
4. During operation of licence, samples of each variety covered in the scope of licence, shall be
tested in rotation, to the extent possible.
October 2024
Tensile strength and tear Digital tensile testing machine with variable speed drive
strength and seam strength (cl. and with tear attachment , thickness gauge, press knife
6 6.5.1, cl. 6.5.2 and cl.
Burst strength for knitted Burst test apparatus
7 materials and seams (Cl. 6.5.3)
Fat Content of Leather (Cl. 6.6) Soxhlet extraction apparatus, Filter paper thimbles, of
suitable sizes, or suitable glass filter bells, Oven,
capable of being maintained at (102 ± 2) °C, Analytical
8 balance, capable of weighing to an accuracy of 0,1 mg.,
Desiccator, Glass wool or cotton wad, or something
1.1 It is expected that manufacturers (licensees/applicants) will implement a Quality Assurance Plan
i.e. a plan of regular testing and in-process controls, designed to ensure that the product bearing the
Standard Mark conforms to all requirements of the Indian Standard.
1.2 The manufacturers shall define a Quality Assurance Plan defining the control unit (i.e. lot/batch
etc.) and the levels of control (i.e. the frequency and number of samples for conducting the different
tests as per the Indian Standard) and submit the same to BIS Branch Office for information. The
manufacturer shall comply with the same and maintain test records in accordance with para 2.4.
1.3.1 For the guidance of manufacturers, the recommended definition of control unit is: entire
quantity of garments of one type/variety (A1 or A1 + A2, B(X), C(X), D(X), E(X), F(X)) manufactured
from the same consignment of fabric and hardwares.
1.3.2 For the guidance of manufacturers in preparing the Quality Assurance Plan, recommended
levels of control are given in Table 1.
1.3.3 The manufacturer shall ensure inspection and testing as per the Quality Assurance Plan
submitted by them on the whole production of the factory which is covered by this plan. Alternatively,
the manufacturer has the option of adherence to the quality plan as per levels of control
recommended in column 3 of Table 1.
1.4 However, all manufacturers shall ensure compliance of their products to all the requirements
of the Indian Standard.
2. ENSURING COMPLIANCE THROUGH TESTING- It is expected that manufacturers
(licensees/applicants) will establish a suitably equipped and staffed in house laboratory (In house
testing facility) for testing at least those parameters of the Indian Standard which require routine
testing for ensuring quality of the product. This includes in-process controls as may be defined
and put in place by the manufacturer and testing parameters/requirements which can only be
performed in the factory.
2.1 For the guidance of manufacturers, Table 1 giving the recommended levels of control is given
below. Column 2 of Table 1 indicates routine tests where test equipment is required in house as
“R” or other tests which can be subcontracted as “S”. Subcontracting is permitted to BIS
recognized/empanelled laboratory or any other laboratory having valid NABL accreditation as per
IS/ISO/IEC 17025.
2.2.1 MSME manufacturers may utilize common cluster based facilities as per guidelines for the
utilization of cluster based test facilities by MSMEs or the provisions of Sharing of testing facilities
or get testing done from BIS recognized/empaneled laboratory or any other laboratory having valid
NABL accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025.
October 2024
2.3 Large Scale manufacturers shall maintain an in-house laboratory equipped at least with test facilities for routine tests (indicated as
“R” in Column 2 of Table 1), where different tests given in the specification shall be carried out in accordance with the method given in the
specification. They shall also implement a calibration plan for the in-house test equipment.
2.3.1 Alternatively, in lieu of an in-house laboratory, large scale manufacturers can also utilize the provisions of Sharing of testing facilities as per
the Guidelines for Grant of Licence available on BIS website (Under Conformity Assessment>Product Certification Process).
Even for subcontracted tests, provisions for sharing of testing facilities can be utilized.
2.4 TEST RECORDS- The manufacturers maintaining an in-house laboratory or utilizing common cluster based facilities or shared test facilities
shall maintain test records for the tests carried out to establish conformity. For the tests being subcontracted to BIS recognized/empanelled
laboratory or any other laboratory having valid NABL accreditation as per IS/ISO/IEC 17025, test reports issued by the laboratories shall be
available for inspection by BIS.
3. PACKING AND MARKING - The Standard Mark as given in the Schedule of the licence shall be incorporated legibly and indelibly on the
garment and/or on its label provided always that the material so marked conforms to each requirement of the specification.
3.1 Packing and Marking shall be done as per the Indian Standard.
3.2 Additional Marking requirements: The material shall also be marked with the following additionalrequirement on the garment and/or on its label:
4. REJECTION - All the production which conforms to the Indian Standard and covered under the scope of this licence shall be marked with the
Standard Mark. Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to ensure that there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act,
October 2024
R 1
4.1 General ISO 13688 Each control unit
ISO 13688 R 1
4.2 4.2.2, IS 15748 Each control unit
designation and
4.2.3 IS 15748
R 1
Pockets and
4.3 6.2, 6.3 IS 15748 Each control unit
R 1
4.4 Hardwar e 4.4 IS 15748 Each control unit
Additional design
requirements for R 1
4.5 molten splash 4.5 IS 15748 Each control unit
Heat resistance IS 17468 : Each consignment of
6.2.1 at a temperature 2020 R 1 material and hardware As per 6.2.1 Materials
of (180 ± 5) °C /ISO 17493 OR can be either tested
separately or as
Each control unit assembled in the
(garment and/or
garment and/or
component assembly)
component assembly.
October 2024
Each consignment of
Optional IS 17468 : material or hardware
6.2.2 requirement — 2020 1 OR
Heat resistance /ISO 17493 S Each control unit
at a temperature (garment and/or
of (260 ± 5) °C component assembly)
(or as agreed between
purchaser and supplier)
Limited IS 15758 R 1
6.3 flame (Part 4) : Each Control Unit
/ISO 15025
Dimension al
change of
6.4 ISO 5077 R 1 Each Control Unit
IS 1969 (Part
Tensile 1) : 2018 1 Each Control Unit
6.5.1 R
strength /ISO 13934-
1/ ISO 3376
IS 6489 (Part
Tear strength 2) : 2011
6.5.2 /ISO 13937- R 1 Each Control Unit
2/ ISO
Burst strength IS 1966 (Part 1)
for knitted : 2022/ISO Each Control Unit
6.5.3 R 1
materials and 13938-1/ ISO
seams 13938-2
IS 1966 (Part 1)
Seam strength Each Control Unit
6.5.4 : 2022/ISO R 1
October 2024