EI-013 - e Rev 2 - Fireproofing
EI-013 - e Rev 2 - Fireproofing
EI-013 - e Rev 2 - Fireproofing
EI - 013
Log of Revisions
Rev Date By Pages Approved Observations
0 18.04.05 PCA HLM For Design
1 23.12.05 PCA All HLM General Revision
2 28.6.06 PCA 5 and Annex 3 HLM Page 5 revised; Annex 3 replaced.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 013
PAGE No. : 2
DATE : 23.12.05
1. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 3
4. MATERIALS.......................................................................................................................... 6
5. APLICATION PROCEDURE................................................................................................. 7
ANNEX Nº 1................................................................................................................................ 15
ANNEX Nº 2................................................................................................................................ 16
ANNEX Nº 3................................................................................................................................ 17
This Standard is mandatory for the design and construction of fireproofing protection of
steel structures.
Exceptions or modifications to these requirements are not permitted unless ERBB ex-
pressly authorizes by written.
Materials, workmanship and testing shall conform to the following standards and shall be
the latest issue in effect on the date of the project.
a. API Publication 2218, Second Edition, August 1999: “Fireproofing Practices in Petro-
leum and Petrochemical Processing Plants”.
a. UL 1709 “Standard for Rapid Fire Tests of Protection Materials for Structural Steel”.
b. Fire Resistive Ratings – ANSI/UL 1709, Design XR704. Se adjunta copia en Anexo 1.
c. Fire Resistive Ratings – ANSI/UL 1709. Guide Information. Se adjunta copia en Anexo
c. ASTM C-1063 Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Ex-
terior Portland Cement-Based Plaster.
a. Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) Approval Guide, Fire Protective Coat-
ings for Process Structures.
2.5 Cafco
c. Fendolite – High Density Cementitious Wet Mix Fireproofing - Catalog sheet enclosed in
Annex 2.
i. Fendolite M-II – Material Safety Data Sheet (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200) – Copy en-
closed in Annex 2.
d. At the end of the application the Contractor shall hand over to ERBB a certicate issued
by CAFCO – ISOLATEK backing up the fireproofing protection.
e. The fire resistance of fireproofing shall be in accordance with the publication cited in
f. The UL design to be applied for the protection of steel structures shall be Nº XR 704.
g. The fireproofing product may be Fendolite TG, hand trowel applied or Fendolite M-II,
nozzle sprayed.
h. The product Fendolite TG shall be installed through the “boxed method”. The product
Fendolite M-II may be installed through the “boxed method” or “profile method”.
i. Unless stated otherwise in the contract documents, the fire-resistance rating required
for the fireproofing protection shall be 2.5 hr (two and a half hours) according to stan-
dard UL 1709.
b. The SFRM material shall be Fendolite, an inorganic lightweight cementitious mixture, as-
bestos fiber free, manufactured by Isolatek International, or other approved manufactur-
c. Fendolite type M-II shall be used for spray application. The minimum average dry density
shall be 0.705 kg/dm3 (44 pcf) and the minimum individual dry density shall be 0.641
kg/dm3 (40 pcf). The method of density measurement shall be in accordance with ASTM
d. Fendolite type TG shall be used for hand trowel application. The minimum average dry
density shall be 0.705 kg/dm3 (44 pcf) and the minimum individual dry density shall be
0.673 kg/dm3 (42 pcf). The method of density measurement shall be in accordance with
ASTM E605.
e. The adhesive for bonding shall be SC125, single pack, ready to use water based vinyl
sealer/adhesive based on a modified synthetic latex.
f. The reinforcing mesh shall be 3.4 lbs/yd2 (1.8kg/m2) galvanized expanded metal lath (for
boxed applications) and min. No. 18-20 SWG 1.5 inch (1.2mm x 38mm) galvanized hex-
agonal wire mesh (for profile application).
g. Expanded metal lath shall be fixed to the background with stud welded or powder actuated
fasteners at approx. 12 inch. (300mm) centers along the joints. The minimum diameter of
the fasteners shall be 2 mm.
h. Galvanized wire mesh shall be fixed to the background with stud welded or powder actu-
ated fasteners with retaining washers. The minimum diameter of the fasteners shall be 2
i. The metal lath or the wire mesh shall be secured to the fasteners by means of galvanizad
wire gage SWG Nº 10-20 (1.2 mm diameter).
j. Comer Bead shall be Plastic Nosed as manufactured by Stockton Wire Products of Bur-
bank, CA. or other approved material.
l. Caulking shall be either polysulphide, butyl rubber, silicone rubber or acrylic based. Caulk-
ing must be suitable for use with a cementitious mixture having a pH of 12.5 and be
weather resistant.
m. The surface coating shall be Topcoat 200, a single pack, ready to use water based prod-
uct with an acrylic polymer emulsion binder.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 013
PAGE No. : 7
DATE : 4.09.05
5.1 General
5.1.1 Applicator shall be expected to work around protrusions, attachments and in areas
close to other construction trades and equipment.
5.1.2 Work area shall be maintained in an orderly condition. The applicator shall be responsi-
ble for clean up of the work area, removal of all rebound or castoff and removal of over-
spray on surfaces not intended to be sprayed. Upon completion of the installation, all
debris shall be cleared and removed from the job site.
The SFRM shall be delivered to the job site in unopened bags. Each bag shall be la-
beled as the product’s brand and bear the Underwriters Laboratories Classification
The SFRM shall be stored off the ground and kept dry with waterproof covering until
ready for use.
The applicator shall ensure that adequate services are available on site, e.g. suitable
electrical supply, compressed air, potable water, surplus water and waste disposal fa-
cilities, heating and lighting as required.
The SFRM shall be protected from extremes of weather until initial cure and drying have
occurred, at least 24 hours in cold damp conditions shall be allowed.
5.5 Masking
The surrounding areas shall be masked to protect them from overspray. As a cement-
based material, Fendolite will attack aluminum and aluminum alloys due to its alkaline
nature. Such surfaces shall be protected from overspray.
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DATE : 4.09.05
Equipment piping, electrical wiring, etc. adjacent to the structural steel which is to be
protected shall be adequately covered prior to the application of the SFRM.
A spraying machine based on a rotor/stator pump (e.g. Moyno pump) shall be used. All
machines to be used must be tested by practical trials and approved for use.
Water measuring equipment shall be provided. This may take the form of calibrated
containers or of a more sophisticated water measuring/metering device.
It is the responsibility of the applicator to ensure that all substrates to be treated are in a
suitable condition to accept the fire resistive material. The surfaces to be coated shall
be dry and free from oil, grease, dirt, dust, loose mill scale, incompatible primers/paints
or any other materials likely to impair adhesion.
On vessel skirts and other profile applications, one coat 2-3 mils. (0.05 to 0.08mm)
DFT, of SC125 adhesive shall be applied to the substrate and allowed to fully dry prior
to the application of the SFRM.
Metal lath shall be formed around the structural member in a boxed configuration, over-
lapped 50mm and secured every 400mm with stud welded or powder actuated fasten-
ers. The metal lath shall be bent and formed with 50 mm overlaps. More than three lay-
ers of metal lath shall not be accepted. It shall be fixed and formed so that it lies sub-
stantially in the middle third of the total SFRM thickness.
When web depths exceed 400mm, stiffeners shall be installed under the metal lath to
provide support in accordance with ASTM C-1063.
Plastic nosed corner bead shall be fixed onto the corners of metal lath. Placement of
the corner bead shall allow for the application of the specified thickness of the SFRM.
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PAGE No. : 9
DATE : 4.09.05
Hexagonal mesh shall follow the profile of all surfaces to be protected. Studwelded or
powder actuated fasteners and washers shall be used to secure the reinforcing mesh at
300mm centers staggered pitch. Mesh shall be overlapped a minimum of 50mm at all
joints and no more than three mesh thicknesses are permitted at any one joint. The
mesh shall be secured so that it lies substantially in the middle third of the total SFRM
Hexagonal mesh shall follow the profile of all surfaces to be protected. Studwelded or
powder actuated fasteners and washers shall be used to secure the reinforcing mesh at
300mm centers staggered pitch. Mesh shall be overlapped a minimum of 50mm at all
joints and no more than three mesh thicknesses are permitted at any one joint. The
mesh shall be secured so that it lies substantially in the middle third of the total SFRM
thickness. The minimum diameter of the fasteners shall be 2 mm. The mesh shall be
secured with galvanizad wire gage SWG Nº 18 (1.2 mm diameter).
5.9 Equipment
A spraying machine based on a rotor/stator pump (e.g. Moyno pump) shall be used. All
machines to be used must be tested by practical trials and approved for use.
5.10 Mixing
Fendolite is premixed at the factory and it is only necessary to mix it with water to a
pumpable consistency.
A mechanical mixer, e.g. paddle blade or drum type shall be used. Care shall be exer-
cised to avoid some mixers not suitable for use with lightweight mixes, particularly some
smaller diameter drum mixers which rotate too quickly allowing the Fendolite to ''ball up''
or stick to the side of the mixer. The mixer to be used shall be Paddle bladed or Drum
mixers running at 20-40 r.p.m. being preferred the paddle bladed mixer with rubber-
tipped blades. The applicator shall carry out tests to prove that the mixer is satisfactory
for use before starting application of Fendolite.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 013
PAGE No. : 10
DATE : 23.12.05
Batch sizes shall not be larger than required to give continuity of application. Lumpy
material shall be rejected.
5.11 Application
The SFRM shall be applied in accordance with latest instructions covering method of
handling, mixing, application and curing.
On the top of beams and on the upper side of the lower flange of W and similar shapes
the finished SFRM face shall be formed with a slope of 18% (10º) so that to allow the
flow of water out of the shape.
It shall proceed in accordance with ASTM E605, from where the following requirements
are presented.
a. Certification of the fireproofing product issued by the manufacturer with the date of
manufacturing of the batch.
b. Certification of the sealing product Topcoat 200 issued by the manufacturer with
the date of manufacturing of the batch.
c. Report with the proposed proportioning for the fireproofing materials, which shall
contain at least the following data: water content, description and identification of
the mixing equipment to be used at works, revolving velocity of mixing drum, mix-
ing time, results of wet density tests on the fresh fireproofing and results of dry
density tests of the fireproofing carried out in accordance with ASTM E605.
d. Report with the measured values of wet density obtained during the works. It shall
contain date and identify the element and position, where the density value was
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PAGE No. : 11
DATE : 4.09.05
e. Report with the thickness control of fresh fireproofing material measuments ob-
tained during the works. This report shall contain the date of measuring and iden-
tify the element and position, where the thickness value was measured.
f. Report with the protections to be installed at works for masking a spray applied
g. Report containing the values of thickness and density obtained and if applicable,
the proposed correcting procedure for each case.
h. Required report in accordance with ASTM E605 with the following data:
h.1. Dimensions and dry weight of the samples prepared in accordance with ASTM
h.2. Average, maximum and minimum thickness values of the test specimens, ex-
pressed in millimeters in accordance with ASTM E605.
h.3. Average, maximum and minimum dry density values of the test sample speci-
mens, expressed in kilograms per cubic metre, in accordance with ASTM E605.
h.4.3.3. Detailed drawings of the specimen that provide a description of the physical
characteristics, including dimensions section profiles, and any other pertinent
construction details.
h.4.3.4. Any modification (that is tamping) made on the specimen to obtain the re-
ported values shall be noted.
h.4.3.8. Test location (floor framing members, grid members, or other data), to sub-
stantiate test frequency.
h.4.4. Appendix – Include all observations not specifically required by these test
methods, but of possible usefulness as reference material (for example, physi-
cal condition of sample new data, etc.)
It shall proceed in accordance with ASTM E605, from where some excerpts are pre-
Determine the thickness by inserting the penetrating pin of the thickness gage perpen-
dicular to and through the SFRM, to the substrate. When the point of the pin touches
the substrate, move the sliding disk to the SFRM surface with sufficient force on the
disk to register the average plane of the surface. Withdraw the gage to read the thick-
ness in 1 mm increments as shown by the positioning of the sliding clip indicator (see
figure 1 in ASTM E605)
Thickness Testing - a) One bay per floor or b) One bay for each 930 m2, whichever
provides the greater number of tests shall be adopted as the testing criteria. Thickness
determination for the following structural elements shall be conducted in each randomly
selected bay: one column, one beam, one skirt of equipment and as required by the
specification of the Project and ASTM E605. Beams: For each preselected beam, lay
out one 300 mm length and take nine thickness measurements at each end of the 300
mm length as directed in paragraph of ASTM E605 and detailed in figure 2 of
that document. Comuns: For each preselected column, lay out one 300 mm length and
take twelve thickness measurements at each end of the 300 mm length as directed in
paragraph of ASTM E605 and detailed in figures 6 and 7 of that document.
It shall proceed in accordance with ASTM E605, from where some excerpts are pre-
a. An individual measured thickness is more than 6 mm less, or more than 25% less,
than the required fire resistance design thickness.
In case of defficiency it shall proceed according with paragraph 8.1.7 of ASTM E605.
It shall proceed in accordance with ASTM E605, from where some excerpts are pre-
One density test shall be conduted at random on each of the following protected ele-
ments, per floor or per every 930 m2, whichever provides greayest number of tests: the
flat portion of a desk; a beam either the bottom of the beam lower flange or the beam
web; and a column either the column web or the outside of one of the column flanges.
When density falls between the minimum average and minimum individual values of the
fire resistance design, a similar randomly selected element in the same area shall be
tested. If the average density of the two elements is then met, the are passes. If the av-
erage is not met, then those elements in that area must be corrected.
The hold points requiring the authorization to continue from ERBB shall be the follow-
Before proceeding to SFRM application, the Contractor shall hand over to ERBB the re-
ports called for in:
• 6.1.f Each time new protections are required due to works carried out by
other Contractor in a nearby location.
6.5.1. For reception of the SFRM application the Contractor shall receive the approval from
ERBB to reports called for in:
• 6.1.g For each element detected with deficiency in density and/or thick-
ness. The proposed correcting measures shall be indicated.
a. Before proceeding to an SFRM application, if the Contractor does not have re-
sults from a previous application acceptable for the work, 3 test mixtures shall
be carried out so that to establish the SFRM proportioning to be used at works.
b. The control laboratory shall execute the tests called for ASTM E605.
c. The test specimen shall be ready to be tested once they fulfill the moisture con-
tent required by ASTM E605.
e. For acceptance the dry density values of the SFRM shall fulfill the requirements
in paragraphs 4.c; 4.d and 5.11.4.
f. For acceptance the thickness values of the SFRM shall fulfill the requirements in
paragraphs 3.f; 3.g; 3.i; 3.j and 4.c; 4.d and 5.11.2.
a. Tolerance for individual values of SFRM thickness: - 6mm or 25% less, than the
SFRM design thickness.
BYBU.XR704 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709 Página 1 de 2
Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709
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1. Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials* — See table below for appropriate thickness. Prepared by
mixing with water according to instructions on each bag of mixture and spraying in one or more coats, as
necessary, directly to the column or onto the metal lath surfaces, which must be clean and free of dirt, loose
scale and oil. Min avg density of 44 pcf, with min in. value of 40 pcf for Type M-II. Min avg density of 44
pcf, with min ind value of 42 pcf for Type TG . For method of density determination, see Design
Information Section, Sprayed Material.
Rating, Hr Min Thickness, In.(mm) Min Thickness, In. (mm)
Contour Application Boxed Protection
3/4 11/16 (17.5) 11/16 (17.5)
1 13/16 (20.7) 13/16 (20.7)
1-1/2 1-1/16 (27.0) 15/16 (23.9)
2 1-5/16 (33.4) 15/16 (23.9)
2-1/2 1-9/16 (39.7) 1-3/16 (30.2)
3 1-13/16 (46.0) 1-7/16 (36.6)
4 2-5/16 (58.8) 2-1/4 (57.2)
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BYBU.XR704 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709 Página 2 de 2
CAFCO INTERNATIONAL L L C — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
ISOLATEK INTERNATIONAL — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
MOY YUAN INDUSTRIAL LTD — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
NEWKEM PRODUCTS CORP — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
P T HUME CONCRETE INDONESIA — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
PROSTAR CONTRACT SERVICES PTE LTD — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
SHIN SUNG TRADING CO LTD — Type M-II or Type TG, investigated for exterior use .
The thicknesses of Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials shown below are applicable when the protection
of the column flange edges is reduced to one-half.
2. Reinforced Mesh — No. 20 SWG galv steel wire twisted to form 1 or 2 in. hexagons. Mesh embedded in
Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials prior to application of final coat, and wrapped around the column
3. Metal Lath — For boxed type protection. Min 3.4 lb per sq yd expanded steel. Lath lapped 2 in. at
vertical joint on column flange and tied together with No. 18 SWG galv steel wire, spaced vertically 14 in.
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The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's
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UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide
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Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709
View Listings Page Bottom Print-friendly version Questions? Previous Page
Fire ratings specified in this section of the Directory consist of ratings based upon the test method and
acceptance criteria in Standard ANSI/UL 1709, "Rapid Rise Fire Tests of Protection Materials for
Structural Steel". These ratings are expressed in hours and are applied to steel columns.
Fire ratings in this section of the Directory are similar to the ratings for columns under the category for
Fire Resistance Ratings (BXUV) except for the following two major differences: (1) the rate of
temperature rise of the fire exposure and (2) the inclusion of environmental exposure simulating
potential environments in which the fire resistive assemblies may be located.
The temperature of the fire exposure in which rapid temperature rise ratings are established reaches
2000 degrees F within the first 5 min. of the fire exposure test. The fire temperature is maintained at
2000 degrees F throughout the rating period. This fire exposure was developed to provide a means to
evaluate fire resistive assemblies intended for use in areas such as petrochemical production facilities
which may develop fire temperatures at a more rapid rate than assemblies tested under Standard
ANSI/UL 263.
Systems Classified in this category are subjected to standardized environmental tests, which include
accelerated aging, high humidity, salt spray exposure, cycling effects of water/freezing
temperatures/dryness and exposure to air containing carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. The systems
may also be exposed to optional environmental tests, which simulate environments containing various
solvents and/or acids. These environmental exposures are intended to measure the ability of the fire
resistive assemblies to retain some degree of fire resistance when subjected to conditions that may occur
at production facilities exposed to weathering. A list of the environmental exposures is included in the
Classification information for each material described in this category.
Assemblies Classified in this category are identified by an alphanumeric system. The identification
system is similar to assemblies in the Fire Resistance (BXUV) category except an R is included in the
number. For example, a column coated with a SFRM (Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Material) is
identified as Design No. XR7 _____________ (i.e., X for column, R for rapid temperature rise fire, 7 for
S FRM and _____________ reserved for the sequential numbering of each design).
Unless specifically prohibited in a design, materials identified as Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials
(CHPX) may be applied to primed or similarly painted wide flange steel shapes provided: (A) the
column flange width does not exceed 16 in.; (B) the column web depth does not exceed 16 in.; and (C)
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BYBU.GuideInfo - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709 Página 2 de 3
bond tests conducted in accordance with the Standard Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed
Fire Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members, ASTM E736, shall indicate a minimum average
bond strength of 80 percent and a minimum individual bond strength of 50 percent when compared to
the bond strength of the fire resistive coating as applied to clean uncoated 1/8 in. thick steel plate. The
average and minimum bond strength values shall be determined based upon a minimum of five bond
tests conducted in accordance with ASTM E736.
The bond tests need only be conducted when the fire resistive coating is applied to a primed or similarly
painted surface for which acceptable bond strength performance between the primer or other similar
material and the fire resistive coating has not been measured. A bonding agent may be applied to the
primed or similarly painted surface to obtain the minimum required bond strength where the bond
strengths are found to be below the minimum acceptable values.
As an alternative to the bond test conducted on control samples applied to an uncoated steel plate, the
following method may be used for unknown coatings in existing structures. Sections of painted steel are
to be coated with a bonding agent compatible with the sprayed material being used on the project. The
treated and untreated substrates shall be coated with material, cured and subjected to five bond tests
each, in accordance with ASTM E736. If the failure mode of the sections treated with the bonding agent
is 100 percent cohesive in nature, it will be acceptable to use this bond test value as the control bond
strength. The value obtained on the untreated painted section shall be compared to the control value
using the mininum 80 percent average, 50 percent individual bond strength acceptance criteria
established in ASTM E736.
If condition (C) is not met, a mechanical bond may be obtained by wrapping the structural member with
expanded metal lath (minimum 1.7 lbs per sq yd).
If any of the conditions specified in (A) or (B) are not met, a mechanical break shall be provided. A
mechanical break may be provided by mechanically fastening one or more minimum 1.7 lbs per sq yd
metal lath strips to the flange or web either by weld, screw, or powder actuated fasteners, on maximum
12 in. centers, on each longitudinal edge of the stip, so that the clear spans do not exceed the limits
established in conditions (A) or (B) as appropriate. No less than 25 percent of the width of the oversize
flange or web element shall be covered by the metal lath. No strip of metal lath shall be less than 3-1/2
in. wide.
As an alternative to metal lath, the mechanical break may be provided by the use of minimum No. 12
gauge steel studs with minimum No. 28 gauge galvanized steel disks if such a system is described in a
specific design (usually bottomless trench in an electrified floor design) for the fire resistive coating
being applied. The studs shall be welded to the oversize element in rows such that the maximum clear
span conforms to conditions (A) or (B) as appropriate. The spacing of studs along each row shall not
exceed 24 in. and a minimum one stud 256 sq in. shall be provided. Where metal lath strips or steel
studs and disks are used, acceptable bond strength as described in item (C) shall also be provided. A
bonding agent may be applied to the painted surface to obtain the required minimum bond strength
where bond strengths to a painted surface are found to be below minimum acceptable values.
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The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been
manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed
and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.
UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following
conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-
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ENG. STD. No. : EI - 013
PAGE No. :
DATE : 23.12.05
Standard Value
Properties ASTM Method Tested Value
Thermal Conductivity(R value) E937 Does Not Promote Corrosion Does Not Promote Corrosion
of Steel of Steel
Color C177 N/A 1.32 BTU in/hr
ft2 ° F @ 75°
(0.19 w/mK @
24° C)
Standard performance based on General Services Administration AIA/SC/GSA/07811 except for density,
which is based on UL. Refer to UL design for density requirement.
Tested values represent independent laboratory tests under controlled conditions.
http://www.cafco.com/product_char.asp?ProductID=4 29/12/2005
Passive Fire Protection
Corrosion resistance Does not promote corrosion of steel. However, a primed substrate is
recommended for long term corrosion resistance, particularly when the
structure is to be fully exposed to the elements. See ‘preparation’.
Fire resistance Steel and concrete structures protected with Fendolite MII have undergone
fire resistance tests in approved independent laboratories to recognised
standards throughout the world including:
UK (to BS 476: Parts 20-21: 1987 Appendix D)
Germany (to DIN 4102)
Holland (Fire Test Procedures for Tunnels GT-98036-1a)
USA (to ASTM E119 UL 263 and UL 1709 - Design No. XR704).
The fire resistance test results relate solely to the constructions tested and
test conditions imposed.
Cafco International provides computer based thickness calculations to meet
specific fire ratings on receipt of details.
Typical substrates Steel and concrete.
Substrate preparation The substrate shall be clean, dry and free from dust, loose millscale, loose
rust, oil and any other condition preventing good adhesion.
Fendolite MII can be applied to unprimed or primed steelwork.
Prior to the application of Fendolite MII, primed steel should be prepared by
the application of PSK 101.
Mesh reinforcement Most fire tests conducted have been carried out without mesh
reinforcement, to demonstrate the ability of Fendolite MII to stay in place
under the most severe fire conditions. However, for maximum long term in-
service durability, the use of lightweight mesh reinforcement is
recommended for exterior work and for interior use where vibration or
mechanical damage and the possibility of subsequent de-bonding exist.
Initial steps Application of Fendolite MII must be carried out by an applicator recognised
by Cafco International and applied in accordance with the Installation Guide
available from Cafco International.
Methods Mix Fendolite MII with potable water in a suitable mixer and apply by a
spraying machine approved by Cafco International.
Fendolite MII may be float or roller finished or left with a spray texture.
A hand applied patching mix is available for minor repairs.
Limitations Fendolite MII may be applied when the substrate and air temperatures are at
least 2ºC and rising, but should not be applied if the substrate or air
temperatures are less than 4ºC and falling. Maximum air and substrate
temperatures is 50ºC.
Substrate temperature should be at least 2ºC above dewpoint temperature.
General considerations Under certain circumstances, Topcoat 200 and/or FT 201 Primer may be used
as protection from frequent wash down, long term chemical spills, or for
improved resistance to fungal, algal and bacterial growth.
Storage Off the ground and kept dry until ready for use.
Cafco International’s activities are conducted with due regard to all statutory
Health and safety requirements with appropriate safeguards against exposing employees and
the public to health and safety risks.
A full copy of Cafco International’s Health, Safety and Environment Policy
document is available on request.
See Safety Data Sheet (including COSHH Regulations) Code Reference Saf-6.
Further information Bluebell Close 3 Rue de L’Industrie, L-3895 Foetz
Clover Nook Industrial Park G.D. Luxembourg
Alfreton Tel: +352 55 17 17
Derbyshire DE55 4RA. UK Fax +352 55 27 99
Tel: +44 (0) 1773 837 900
Fax +44 (0) 1773 836 710 13, rue Champeau - ZAE Capnord
F-21850 St Apollinaire
P.O. Box 33725 France
Sharjah Tel: +33 3 80 7887 30
United Arab Emirates Fax: +33 3 80 7341 26
Tel: +971 6 558 3448
Fax: +971 6 558 2475
Topcoat 200 is a single pack, water based acrylic polymer for use
as a water vapour permeable topcoat with excellent adhesion. It
may be applied by spray, roller or brush..
Topcoat 200 is applied over vermiculite and Portland cement-
based fire resistant coatings that protect steel and concrete
substrates. Because of its water vapour permeability, Topcoat
200 does not blister when used on these substrates.
Topcoat 200 may also be used on masonry, brickwork and
blockwork, whether dry or damp.
Topcoat 200 protects against ingress from salt spray, washdown
water, chemical spills, rainfall and sprinkler deluge systems. It is
flexible, flame retardant, mould resistant, and helps reduce the
carbonation rate of cement-based products.
A wide range of applications will benefit from Topcoat 200.
Thickness per coat Wet film thickness 150 - 200 microns. Dry film thickness 68 - 90 microns.
Number of coats/recoating Normally two coats. It is recommended that the first coat is a different
colour from the second coat for identification purposes.
Water vapour transmission To BS 3177: 1959, 25/m² over 24 hours for 150 microns.
Substrates preparation Surfaces to be coated must be free from oil, grease, visible moisture
(including condensation), dirt, dust and mould.
Cafco International’s ‘cementitious’ coatings should be surface dry before the
application of Topcoat 200.
Methods Stir Topcoat 200 before use (do not thin) and apply with an industrial type
airless spray, or lambswool roller (the latter not recommended on heavily
textured surfaces). Topcoat 200 may also be applied with a wide nylon or
bristle brush in small (maximum 1m²) areas only.
Limitations Topcoat 200 may be applied when the substrate and air temperatures are at
least 5ºC and rising. Maximum air and substrate temperature is 40ºC.
Substrate temperature should be at least 2ºC above dewpoint temperature.
Protect from rain, hail, etc., until dry.
Storage Protect from frost, excessive heat (above 45ºC) and strong radiant sunlight.
Cafco International’s activities are conducted with due regard to all statutory
Health and safety requirements with appropriate safeguards against exposing employees and
the public to health and safety.
A full copy of Cafco International’s Health, Safety and Environmental Policy
document is available on request.
See Safety Data Sheet (including COSHH Regulations) Code Reference Saf-16.
http://www.cafcointl.com/Web%20Site_Eng/_contacts/licencees.htm 29/12/2005
Cafco International - Contacts for Licencees and Distributors Página 2 de 2
UK Firestopit.com
Tel: +44 (0) 1283 229022
Fax: +44 (0) 1283 222219
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.firestopit.com
Back to top
http://www.cafcointl.com/Web%20Site_Eng/_contacts/licencees.htm 29/12/2005
Material Safety Data Sheet Date : 08/01/03 Page 2 of 4
Reference No. : saf-6
Revision No. : 0
Material / Trade Name : Fendolite Range / Mandolite HS3 Range
5 – Fire-Fighting Measures
a) Suitable extinguishers : Non-combustible material
Use in well Wear approved Wear eye Avoid skin Avoid skin Wear
ventilated areas respirator EH149 goggles BS2092 contact contact waterproof
FFP1 Impact and Dust gloves
11 – Toxicological Information
Chronic effects : Dry non-productive cough
b) Risk & Safety : R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin
R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes
Note Wet premix is alkaline, harmful to skin
S36/39 Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection
S22 Do not breathe dust
S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes
S26 In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of
S28 After skin contact, wash immediately with plenty of water
and soap
c) Other regulations : UK Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
UK Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994
UK Environmental Protection Act 1990
HSE Guidance Note EH26
HSE Guidance Note EH40
Construction Industry Advisory Committee Hazard Information Sheet 1
Directive 91/155/EEC
UK Special Waste Regulations 1996
d) Transport information : UN/SI Number : n/a
IMO : n/a Packing Grp : n/a
Marine Pollutant : No
IATA/ICAO : n/a Packing Grp : n/a
ADR/RID : n/a Item : n/a
Transport name : UK Road : Non-hazardous
Hazchem/Kemler Code : n/a
16 – Other Information
Compiled according to the CHIP Regulations 1994 / Amendments 1997.
n/a = not applicable
n/d = not determined
Further information is available from Cafco International.
This datasheet is compiled to be of assistance but is without guarantee. Users are responsible for safe working.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 013
PAGE No. :
DATE : 28.06.06
A hydrocarbon fire inflicts initial damage by directly heating metal beyond its limits and destroying the
equipment or building. Even more damage occurs when the fire spreads due to the collapse or
rupture of vessels caused by metal failing under the initial fire exposure. One way to mitigate this
damage is to install fireproofing. Fireproofing is discussed in Section 6, Chapter 5 of the NFPA
Handbook.1 This GE GAP Guideline outlines the position of GE Global Asset Protection Services
(GE GAP Services) on fireproofing for hydrocarbon fire exposures.
Fireproofing of structural steel exposed to hydrocarbon fires has been used for many years with
varying degrees of success. Conventional concrete, lightweight concrete and brick gave a satisfactory
degree of protection with little concern for the exact time-protection rating beyond the stipulation that
designated thicknesses of these materials be installed. In the past 25 years, proprietary fireproofing
products were developed. The protection times for these new materials needed to be determined.
Building materials or systems are tested for performance under fire conditions in a carefully controlled
furnace. The standard time-temperature curve is defined in ASTM E-1192 and represents a wood fire
that does not reach 3400°F (1870°C) for 4 hrs (see Figure 1). Since hydrocarbon fires reach that
temperature almost instantly, the ASTM E-119 curve does not adequately predict the performance of
fireproofing materials under hydrocarbon fire exposure. Underwriters Laboratories developed the
UL 17093 test procedure based on hydrocarbon fire exposure. Listings for many proprietary products
are based on this test.
Use fireproofing tested in accordance with UL 1709 for hydrocarbon fire exposures. Determine the
need for fireproofing as part of the hazard evaluation for every new or existing property. When
designing a new process or modifying an old one, minor changes to the process itself or to its
physical layout can significantly reduce the need for extensive (and expensive) fireproofing. With
existing plants, fewer choices are available.
Fireproof all major load-bearing structural steel supports for buildings, outdoor process structures,
process equipment and important pipe racks where exposed by liquefied flammable gases,
flammable or combustible liquids, or molten salt heat transfer mediums. In facilities handling
flammable gases only and having no flammable or combustible liquid hold-up, provide fireproofing for
high valued, easily damaged or “long replacement time” equipment. The following guidelines explain
the time ratings required and the installation locations for fireproofing.
85 Woodland Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06102-5010 Copyright 2000, GE Global Asset Protection Services
GE Global Asset Protection Services and its affiliated organizations provide loss prevention surveys and other risk management, business continuity and facility asset
management services. Unless otherwise stated in writing, our personnel, publications, services, and surveys do not address life safety or third party liability issues. The
provision of any service is not meant to imply that every possible hazard has been identified at a facility or that no other hazards exist. GE Global Asset Protection Services
and its affiliated organizations do not assume, and shall have no liability for the control, correction, continuation or modification of any existing conditions or operations. We
specifically disclaim any warranty or representation that compliance with any advice or recommendation in any document or other communication will make a facility or
operation safe or healthful, or put it in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. If there are any questions concerning any recommendations, or if you have alternative
solutions, please contact us.
June 1, 2000
2400 1300
2200 UL 1709
ASTM E - 119
400 200
200 100
0 0
0 2 4 6 8
Time - Hours
• Fireproof supports for all horizontal, vertical and spherical storage tanks.
• Fireproof supports for all fired heaters elevated above grade. Also, protect high stacks, convection
sections and common breaching that is wholly or partially supported by an external structure.
GE GAP Guidelines
2 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
• Fireproof tower skirts, anchoring rings and bolts on the outside. Fireproof tower skirts on the inside
if any of the following conditions exist:
° There is more than one access opening in the skirt, or if a single opening exceeds 18 in.
(457 mm) in diameter. As an alternative, close all except one 18 in. (457 mm) diameter
access opening with !/4 in. (6 mm) steel plate.
• Fireproof supports for vessels, such as receivers, accumulators, reboilers, reactors, heat
exchangers and other vessels with liquid hold-up capacity, to the full load-bearing height. This
includes vessels installed in elevated structures, above pipe racks or attached to towers or other
vessels. Where vessels are supported on load cells, provide intermediate or secondary fireproofed
supports to catch the vessel if the load cells fail.
• Fireproof all major load-bearing structures or buildings which support vessels such as receivers,
accumulators, reboilers, reactors and heat exchangers to the full load-bearing height when
exposed by flammable or combustible material spills.
• Design fireproofing for pipe rack supports as follows:
° Fireproof both the vertical and horizontal members of the first level of a pipe rack located
within 25 ft (7.6 m) of heaters, pumps, towers and major vessels handling flammable or
combustible materials. Fireproof pipe rack supports located 25 ft (7.6 m) to 50 ft (15 m) from
such major equipment for 1!/2 hr. Pipe rack supports over 50 ft (15 m) away from major
equipment normally do not require fireproofing unless unusual conditions of exposure or
loading, such as inadequate drainage, exist.
° Do not locate pumps and compressors handling flammable or combustible materials under
equipment or pipe racks. Fireproof pipe rack levels above pumps and compressors handling
these materials.
° If air-cooled heat exchangers are installed above pipe racks, fireproof pipe rack levels above
the first level and the legs of heat exchangers to the full load-bearing height.
° Do not install vessels with large liquid hold-up above pipe racks. If such vessels must be
installed above pipe racks, fireproof them to the full load-bearing height of the vessel
supports and all levels of the pipe rack supports.
• Protection is not generally needed for exposed pipe rack supports above the first level unless they
support air-cooled exchangers, vessels with liquid hold-up or large piping carrying flammable
liquids. Under such conditions, extend fireproofing to the upper levels.
• Fireproof the legs of air-cooled exchangers in flammable liquid service that are installed at grade
level. Protection is not needed for air-cooled heat exchangers in other than flammable liquid
service, installed at grade level and located over 50 ft (15 m) from process equipment and from a
gas or spill hazard.
• Fireproof supports for compressors, turbines and turboexpanders to the full load-bearing height.
• Fireproof exposed, important grouped power, control and instrumentation cables; tubing or
conduit; and fire-sensitive thermal insulation on critical equipment. The fireproofing for this
application only needs a 30 min protection rating to allow sufficient time for shutdown of the
process unit.
• Evaluate the processes and equipment and arrange the valves and controls to fail in the safe
position. Then fireproofing of the cables would be unnecessary. In some cases, the safe position of
a valve or control depends upon the location of the fire. In such cases, fireproof the cables to retain
control for the first 30 min of the fire.
GE GAP Guidelines
3 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
Because most fireproofing materials are now proprietary and vary widely in their design properties,
use fireproofing listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory to meet UL 1709 for the duration
required, and apply them precisely according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Include inspection of fireproofing in the plant maintenance program. Repair any defects found in
accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.
Fire Tests
Historically, companies handling large quantities of hydrocarbons and their insurers recommended
concrete and brick for the fireproofing of structural steel. The following specifications provided
adequate protection:
These specifications were based on experience, not on the results of any fire endurance test.
During the 1960s, proprietary fireproofing products were introduced with a number of advantages
over the traditional concrete and brick materials. Recommendations were developed for applying
these products. An examination of available data led to the conclusion that the previously listed
specifications were equivalent to materials which had a 3 h rating by ASTM E-119 (UL 263,
NFPA 251.4)
ASTM E-119 is a fire test first published in 1918. It is based on a standard time-temperature curve
that was established from burnout tests in structures incorporating materials having potential heat
release values comparable to wood and paper. The time-temperature curve reaches a temperature of
1000°F (538°C) in 5 min, 1700°F (927°C) in 1 h, 2000°F (1093°C) in 4 h and 2300°F (1260°C) in 8 h.
The ASTM E-119 time-temperature curve is shown in Figure 1.
It was generally recognized that ASTM E-119 did not adequately represent the fire exposure
experienced in oil and chemical facilities. The ASTM E-5 Committee worked to develop a fire test that
subjects fireproofing materials to an environment simulating a hydrocarbon fire exposure. In
September 1983, Underwriters Laboratories circulated an “Outline of Proposed Investigation of
Structural Steel Protected for Resistance to Rapid-Temperature-Rise Fires, UL 1709.” This proposed
test was based on the ASTM draft standard in effect at that time and was comparable to the draft
standard tentatively published by ASTM. The UL 1709 time-temperature curve is also shown in
Figure 1.
Since September 1983, UL has tested and listed fireproofing materials on the basis of UL 1709. The
standard, in addition to characterizing the material for fire endurance, also requires tests to determine
the weatherability of the material.
GE GAP Guidelines
4 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
GE GAP Services contracted with Underwriters Laboratories to investigate the response of concrete-
encased columns to the fire severities represented by ASTM E-119 and UL 1709. Eight columns were
fire tested. Four were exposed to the rapid rise UL 1709 fire and four to the ASTM E-119 fire. The
constructions tested represented traditional concrete fireproofing used in industry and were thought to
be adequate to give 2 h and 3 h protection by ASTM E-119. Two concrete aggregates were used:
sand and gravel, giving a concrete density of 143 lb/ft3 (2290 kg/m3); and vermiculite, giving a
concrete density of 45 lb/ft3 (721 kg/m3). Each concrete was applied in two thicknesses on 9 ft (2.7 m)
long 10W × 49 steel columns. Reinforcing was used on all constructions. Table 1 gives construction
data on the test samples.
UL dried the samples to the 75% maximum relative humidity required by ASTM E-119 and UL 1709.
Humidity-measuring instrumentation wells were mounted on the columns before pouring the concrete.
The normal weight concrete samples required drying at 120°F (49°C) and 20% to 25% relative
humidity for up to 351 days to achieve the required degree of dryness. The samples were 347 to
382 days old at the time they were tested. Table 1 gives the drying times and relative humidity of the
The fire exposure tests showed that the concrete protection specified was considerably better than
expected when the test program was developed. Both the normal weight and lightweight concrete in
the traditional 3 h thickness gave over 6 h of protection in both ASTM E-119 and UL 1709 exposures.
The lightweight concrete traditional 2 h protection gave over 4 h protection in both tests. The normal
weight concrete traditional 2 h thickness gave 2!/2 h performance in the UL 1709 test and almost 3 h in
the ASTM E-119 exposure. The test results are shown in Table 1.
Underwriters Laboratories Test Program
Days Of Days Of Age RH End- End-
Thickness Drying At Drying At At Test At Test Point Point
Column No. Fire exposure in. 120°F 70°F Days Percent h/min min
Normal Weight Concretes
1 UL 1709 03.00 323 049 372 44 6:33* 393*
2 ASTM E-119 03.00 351 029 380 62 6:34* 394*
3 UL 1709 1.25 323 050 373 51 2:39 159
5 ASTM E-119 1.25 323 059 382 51 2:58 178
Lightweight Concretes
4 UL 1709 1.75 029 322 361 69 6:10* 370*
6 ASTM E-119 1.75 029 323 352 73 6:07* 367*
7 UL 1709 01.00 000 347 347 70 4:02 242
8 ASTM E-119 01.00 000 354 354 69 4:16 256
SI Units: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; F = (C × 1.8) + 32
*Estimated end point
GE GAP Guidelines
5 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
Comparisons Of ASTM E-119 And UL 1709 Ratings
E-119 Rating (min)
30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 360
Material Corresponding Rating For UL 1709 (min)
Intumescent Epoxy 1 39 52 72 125
Ceramic mat 98 154
Magnesium Oxychloride 35 60 90 150 240
Intumescent Epoxy 2 62 90 115 138 240
Filled Portland Cement 148
GE GAP Services 158 350
Normal Wt Concrete
GE GAP Services 225 355
Light Wt Concrete
Time/Temp Curve Basis 15 30 42 69 96 120 150 210 273 360
Recommended 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 240 300 360
Fire test data conducted in both the ASTM E-119 and the UL 1709 tests on proprietary fireproofing
materials were examined to extend the data from the GE GAP Services-sponsored tests at UL. In
most cases, data was not available on the same thickness of material in both tests. Straight line log-
log graphs of thickness versus time ratings for both tests were constructed. Comparable ratings were
chosen from these graphs. The time ratings for UL 1709 corresponding to ASTM E-119 ratings are
shown in Table 2.
The area under the time-temperature curve was calculated for UL 1709 and compared to the area
published in ASTM E-119. The time ratings for UL 1709 corresponding to ASTM E-119 ratings are
shown in Table 2. The severity of the fire exposure in UL 1709 is not totally based on the time-
temperature curve. The test criteria states that after 5 min the fire exposure will develop a total heat
flux of 65,000 Btu/ft2/hr (205 kW/m2). At this time the convective heat flux is 10,000 Btu/ft2/hr
(32 kW/m2). No comparison with the heat flux developed in the ASTM E-119 exposure was made;
however, the comparison based on the area under time-temperature curves is considered a valid
check against the comparisons based on the actual test data.
GE GAP Guidelines
6 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
exposed on all sides of the member, the more stringent column rating should be used. In the UL 1709
listing criteria, only column configurations are tested, therefore, this distinction is not important.
Exterior Ratings
UL will give listings based on ASTM E-119 test criteria and will indicate if the product has been
“investigated for exterior use.” Formerly, GE GAP Services recommended that products in this
category be used for oil and chemical properties. However, since all products listed under UL 1709
are tested for weatherability, this distinction is no longer important.
Manufacturers have specified the procedures and conditions for applying all of the listed
proprietary-mix materials. If these procedures are not followed by the applicator, the material may not
properly protect the steel or may not remain in place or properly weather. Follow fireproofing
applications closely.
1. NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, 17th edition, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
2. ASTM E-119, Method For Fire Tests Of Building Construction And Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA.
3. UL 1709, Rapid Rise Fire Tests Of Protection Materials For Structural Steel, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Northbrook,
4. UL 263, Fire Tests Of Building Construction And Materials, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Northbrook, IL.
NFPA 251-1999, Fire Tests Of Building Construction And Materials, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
GE GAP Guidelines
7 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
Non-Fire Potential
Equipment l
Fire Potential
Fireproofed Member
Nonfireproofed Member Fireproofed Member
Nonfireproofed Member
Figure 1. Structure Supporting Equipment In Fire Exposed Area. Figure 2. Pipe Rack With No Pumps Beneath.
GE GAP Guidelines
A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services
June 1, 2000
Vertical Loads
Nonfireproofed Member
Fireproofed Member
Figure 4. Pipe Rack Supporting Finned Tube Air Cooler (Side View).
Hanger Support
"Catch" Member
Knee Brace
Nonfireproofed Member
Fireproofed Member
Nonfireproofed Member
Fireproofed Member
Figure 5. Pipe Rack Supporting Finned Tube Air Cooler Figure 6. Small Pipe Racks.
(End View).
GE GAP Guidelines
2 A Publication of GE Global Asset Protection Services