PM 3401 CMD-2 Final

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Aug 2022

उत्पाद मैनुअल
Textiles — 100 Percent Polyester Spun Grey and White Yarns
IS 17265:2022 के अनसार

FOR Textiles — 100 Percent Polyester Spun Grey and White Yarns

विविन्न उत्पादोों के वलए िारतीय मानक ब्यूरो (अनुरूपता मूल्ाोंकन) विवनयम, 2018 की योजना- I के तहत प्रमाणन
के सों चालन में अभ्यास और पारदवशिता के सों चालन में पारदवशिता सु वनवित करने के वलए इस उत्पाद मैनुअल का
उपयोग सिी क्षे त्रीय / शाखा कायािलयोों और लाइसें सधाररयोों द्वारा सों दिि सामग्री के रूप में वकया जाएगा। दस्तािे ज़
का उपयोग बीआईएस प्रमाणन लाइसें स/प्रमाणपत्र प्राप्त करने के इच्छु क सों िावित आिे दकोों द्वारा िी वकया जा
सकता हैI

This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices &
licensees to ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of certification
under Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment)Regulations,2018 for
various products. The document may also be used by prospective applicants desirous of
obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.

1. उत्पाद : IS 17265:2022
शीर्िक : Textiles — 100 Percent Polyester Spun Grey and
White Yarns -Specification
: 0
सोंशोधनोों की सोंख्या
No.of amendments
2. नमू ना वदशावनदे श
Sampling Guidelines
कच्चा माल No specific requirement
a) :
Raw material
b) समूहीकरण वदशावनदे श : Please refer ANNEX-A
Grouping Guidelines
c) : 2 kg of yarn in cone. For Yarn faults-6 cones x 600g
नमूने का आकार
Other physical parameter: Each 10 cones x 300g
Sample Size
3. परीक्षण उपकरणोों की सूची : Please refer ANNEX –B
List of Test Equipment
4. वनरीक्षण और परीक्षण की स्कीम : Please refer ANNEX –C
Scheme of Inspection
and Testing
5. एक वदन में सोंिावित परीक्षण
Possible tests in a day
a) Mean linear density
b) Elongation, percent, average
c) Single yarn tenacity (RKM)
d) Count strength product, CSP
e) Twist per meter
f) Yarn appearance grade
g) Moisture regain
h) Unevenness Percent and Imperfections of Yarn
i) Classimat Faults
j) Freedom from yarn defects
k) Hairiness Yarn Index
6. लाइसें स का दायरा /Scope of the Licence:
―Licence is granted to use Standard Mark as per IS 17265:2022 with the following

Name of the product 100 percent polyester spun Grey and White yarns

Type of yarn (Based on no. Single and/or Double (Two fold) yarn and/or Multifold
of folds) yarn

Type of yarn (based on Virgin polyester yarn Ring Spun/Air jet/Air vortex
material and process)
Recycled/blended polyester Ring Spun/Air jet/Air vortex
Type of yarn Based on  Cross sectional view - Circular, Profiled i.e.
Cross- Triangular, Lobal (Trilobal), Serrated, Oval (bean
Section/Construction shaped), Ribbon Like etc.
 Cross Sectional Area - Solid or Hollow etc.
 Multi Component Fibres – Concentric Cover-
Core,Matrix, Sheath-Core etc.
Type of Yarn Based on  Full Dull (FD);
Lustre  Semi Dull (SD)/Semi Dull Optically Bright
 Bright (BRT)/Optically Bright (OBRT)
 Super Bright (SBR);
Type of Yarn Based on  Disperse Dyeable [Conventional Dyeable
Dyeing Method (COD)/Stock Dyeable (STD/Easy Dyeable (ED)]
 Cationic Dyeable (CD)/Easy Dyeable Cationic
 Dope Dyed (DD) /Optically White (OW);
Yarn Linear density range - In Ne or Tex
Optional/Additional  Flame Retardant/Non-Flame Retardant;
requirements  Anti-Microbial/Non Anti-Microbial;
 Ultra Violet light Resistant/Non-UltraViolet light
 Moisture Management Yarn/Not Moisture
Management Yarn
Eco Mark With or Without ECO Mark;


NEW DELHI-110002


Based on the classification and identification of Polyester Spun Yarn (PSY), the following grouping
guidelines shall apply for Grant of Licence and Change in Scope of Licence

Based on the number of folds, they are classified into single, double (two fold) and multifold yarn.
Samples of each type of yarn i.e single, double (two fold) and multifold yarn intended to be covered in
the scope shall be tested.

Based on the material, they are classified into virgin and recycled/blended yarn. Separate samples of
virgin and recycled/blended yarn shall be tested. However, the samples may be of any type process i.e.
Ring Spun/Air jet/Air vortex based on which the remaining process types may be covered.

Based on linear density range of resultant yarn, PSY shall be classified into five groups as follows


Group I 6s Ne to 16s Ne (37 tex to 98 tex)
Group II 16s Ne to 32s Ne (18.5 tex to 37 tex)
Group III 32s Ne to 50s Ne (12 tex to 18.5 tex)
Group IV 50s Ne to 75s Ne (7.9 tex to 12 tex)
Group V Above 75s Ne (Below 7.9 tex)

One Sample of PSY of any Linear Density shall be drawn and tested from each group to cover the entire
linear density range in that group intended to be covered in the scope of licence.

One sample of FDY of any type of yarn based on cross section/construction ( Cross sectional view,
Cross Sectional Area, Multi Component Fibres) shall be tested to cover all types of yarn based on cross
section/construction intended to be covered in the licence

However, samples of each type of yarn based on lustre, dyeing method and optional/additional
requirements shall be tested to cover the respective types.

In order to cover ECO mark in the scope of licence, sample of each variety intended to be covered in the
licence with ECO mark shall also be tested for the additional requirements for ECO mark.

The firm shall declare the types of PSY intended to be covered within the scope of their licence. The
scope of the Licence may be restricted based on the Manufacturing capability and Testing facilities of the

During the operation of the Licence, BO shall ensure that all the Varieties covered in the Licence are
tested in rotation to the extent possible.

List of Test Equipment
Major Test Equipment required to test as per Indian Standard

Sl. No. Tests used in with Clause Test Equipment

1. Identification and Cross Microscopic and dissolution test given in IS 667:
Section (Cl. 5.2) Compound Microscope (100X-500X), Dissecting Needles,
glass slides, cover glasses, and cross sectioning device
and laboratory reagents as per IS 667
Staining Test as per IS 667: Mixture of dyestuffs (e.g.
Shirlastain A, Detex, Fibre Stain etc.), Known Dyed
Determination of Melting Temperature as per Annex J
of IS 16481: Differential Scanning Colorimeter (DSC),
Balance, capable of weighing to ± 10 μg
2. Mean Linear
Density(Denier/Tex)(Clause For the purpose of this test any of the following
6.1, Table 3) apparatus may be used depending upon the

Any Special Balance

Pan Balance - capable of measuring to an accuracy of 1


Wrap Reel — having 1 372 m ( 1.5 yd ) or 1 m girth

andcapable of reeling known lengths of yarn

Yarn Tensioning Device

- Skein Gauge - The sensitivity of the skein gauge shall

be sufficient to permit rejection of skeins falling
outside ± 0.25percent tolerances.
3. Twist Per metre, (Clause Twist counter, Dissecting needle, Means for magnifying
6.1, Table 3) the specimen being tested., quipment for reeling laboratory
sample skeins (optional) as per IS 832 (Part 1)
Twist counter or twist tester as per IS 832 (Part 2)
4. Single Yarn tenacity and As per IS 1670:1991:- A single-strand tensile testing
Elongation (Clause 6.1, machine working on one of the following principles: a)
Table 3) Constant-rate-of-traverse ( CRT ), b) Constant-rate-of
loading ( CRL ), and c) Constant-rate-of-extension ( CRE ),
with clamps to grip the sample and means for adjusting the
distance between the clamps and for application of pre-
tension Distilled Water

5. Count Strength Product, Skein breaking load testing machine working on constant-
(Clause 6.1, Table 3) rate-of-traverse (CRT) principle, with clamps to grip the
sample and means for adjusting the distance between the
clamps. Wrap-Reel - having a girth of l-372 m (1.5 yd) or 1
m and capable of reeling known length of yarn. Yarn
Tensioning Device Skein Gauge - The sensitivity of the
skein gauge shall be sufficient to permit rejection of skeins
falling outside ± 0.25 percent tolerances.

6. Yarn Hairiness Index Hairiness Index tester as per Annex B of IS 17265

(Clause 6.1, Table 3)
7. Whiteness index of polyester a) Colorimeter instrument;
spun yarn (Clause 6.1, Table 3) b) Square standard tiles (white, blue, yellow, pink,
grey and green) with the instruments;
c) Working standard white square plate;
d) Pressure device;
e) Source of air at 2.10 kg/cm2 ± 0.35 kg/cm2
f) Sample holder with glass cover plate and clear
plastic disc; and
g) Air blender.
8. Moisture regain (Clause 6.1, - Precision Balance(L.C. – 0.1mg)
Table 4) - Stainless Steel Vessels
- Hot Air Oven Capable of Maintaining at 110 ± 5°C
- Forceps
- Wrap Reel
9. Isophthalic acid content - PPE’s like safety goggles, apron, surgical hand gloves
(Clause 6.1, Table 4) - Gas chromatograph,
- capillary column
- Dispensette or pipette
- Volumetric Flask
- Beaker, Funnel, 50ml flask,
- Heating Mental
- AR grade Dimethyl Isophthalate, Benzyl Alcohol,
Chloroform, Isopropyl Titnate, Dimethyl Suburate
10. Water Soluble Matter (Clause - Water Cooled Condensor
6.1, Table 4) - Distilled Water
- Hot Air Oven
- Flat Bottom Flasks
11. Phosphorus Content(for flame - Sulphuric Acid
retardant Yarn Only) (Clause - 2000ml Beaker
6.1, Table 4) - Demineralized Water
- 1000ml flask
- Ammonium Molybdate
- 500ml and 100ml Volumetric Flask
- Hydroquinone
- Sodium Sulphite
- Zinc Oxide
- Whatman Filter Paper No. 1
- Di-sodium Hydrogen Ortho Phosphate Dihydrate
- Weighing Balance(LC- 1mg)
- Hot Plate
- Silica Crucible
- Muffle Furnace
- Pipettes-10ml and 05ml
- UV Spectro-photometer
12. UV Resistance(For UV - Conditioning Chamber
Resistance Yarn Only) Clause - Xenon Arc Type Apparatus equipped with inner and
6.1, Table 4) outer borosilicate filter glass
- Tensile Testing m/c
13. Anti-Microbial Activity Apparatus/Equipments as per IS/ISO 20743:-
Value (For anti-microbial - Spectrophotometer
yarn only) (Clause 6.2, - Incubator
Table 4) - Water baths
- Mixer
- Stomacher
- Clean Bench
- Washing Machine

- Humidity chamber
- Luminescence Photometer
- Printing Apparatus
- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Balance
- Filtering Apparatus
- Pipette, Vials, Glass Bottles
- Petri Dishes
- Glass Rod
- Anti Bumping Granules
- Erlenmeyer Flask
- Cutting template
- Disposable Plastic Bag
- Tweezers
- Stainless Steel Cylinders
- Metal Wire Basket
- Aluminium Foil
- Reciprocal Incubation Shaker
- Autoclave
- Reagents and Culture media as per clause 6
- Reference Strains as per clause 7
14. Wettability of woven or knitted An apparatus consisting of a base on which are
fabrics (about 150 gsm) made fixed:
from the yarn, (For moisture a) an arm which carries:
management yarns only) 1) a boss holding a small burette which is
provided preferably with a metal edge, that is,
a tip of external diameter 1.2 mm; and
2) a housing containing an electrical lamp.
b) a viewing ring which is adjustable for height
corresponding to the length of the specimen to be
Wooden Embroidery Frame — 15 cm in diameter.
Stop-Watch — reading correct to one-tenth of a
Distilled water
15. Wicking characteristic of woven  Woven fabric made out from 100 percent polyester
or knitted fabrics (about 150 spun yarns 2/30s Ne, plain weave, 150 g per
gsm) made from the square meter. Knitted fabric made out from 100
yarn, (for moisture management percent polyester spun yarns, 1/30s Ne, single
yarns only) jersey, 150 g per square meter.
 Vertical Wicking Apparatus
 Measuring Glass Beaker
 Measuring Scale
 Metallic Clip, about 3g of weight to hold the
 specimen straight in water.
 Vertical Stand, with clamp and platform
 Distilled Water 
 Conditioning chamber 
16. Resultant count of yarn and CV Pan balance and weights accurate to 0.1 mg Drying oven
percentage capable of maintaining temperature of 105±3°C Wrap reel

16. Freedom from Yarn - Packing Table UV Light(Clause 6.3.4 and 6.3.7)
Defects(Clause 6.3) - Vernier Calliper
- Eye Piece Lens(Clause 5.3.15)
- Bottom weights(1g to 15g)
- Stop watch

17. Yarn Unevenness and Yarn Capacitance-Type Unevenness Testing Instrument with
Imperfections (Clause 6.4) following accessories provided-
- Package, Holders, Guides, Tension Devices and Take-up
- Recorder
- Pretwisting arrangement
18. Objectionable Faults (Clause 6.5)  Electronic Measuring Device — A capacitance
or optical unit with guide alignment of the yarn in a
straight path through the measuring zone.

 Control Unit — A device that supplies the signal to

operate the measuring device, and, also in turn
receive the registration signal from the measuring
device, stores the information received, responds
to this information according to a predetermined
setup and outputs computed data at the end of the

 Winder — A power driven take-up device equipped

with a winding drum of uniform diameter and
capable of operating at constant take-up speed.
 Yarn Tensioning Device — A unit for control of the
yarn in the measuring zone so that the yarn travels
in a straight path, free from kinks, without stretching
the yarn
19. Commercial Mass, Clause 6.6. - Balance/Weighing instruments
- Air tight vessels/Desiccator
- Hot air oven/Ventilated air oven
- Laboratory Reagents (for cleaning specimens)

15. Colour Fastness - For Colour Fastness to Daylight(as per IS/ISO

Properties of PSY 105-B01 : 2014(Superseding IS 686 : 1985)
• Source of Daylight
• Reference materials
• Exposure Rack
• Opaque Cardboard
• Grey Scale for Measuring change in

- For Colour Fastness to artificial light (as per
- IS/ISO 105-B02 : 2014(Superseding IS 2454 :1985))
- Reference materials
- Humidity test control fabric
- Light Source (xenon arc lamp)
- black-standard thermometer or a black-
panel thermometer
- Humidity chamber
- Covers
- Colour matching lamps
- Assessment cabinet
- Sample mounting card
- Assessment mask

- For Colour Fastness to Washing(as per IS/ISO 105-

C10 : 2006 superseding IS 3361)
• Suitable Mechanical Laundering Device
• Weighing Balance with LC 0.01 grams
• Mechanical Stirrer
• Non-Corrodible (Stainless Steel) Balls, 6 mm dia
• Hot plate
• Polyester & Cotton Fabric
• Standard Soap & Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate
• Soap Solution  Grade 3 Water
• Adjacent Fabric (Multifibre and Two Single Fibre)
• Non-Dyeable Fabric  Sewing Machine
• Grey Scale for Colour & Staining
• Viewing Cabinet

- For Colour Fastness to Dry heat treatments as per IS

• Conditioning Chamber
• Aluminium Foil, Thickness 0.001 to 0.002cm
• Two Adjacent Fabric
• Grey Scale for Colour & Staining  Graduated
• Hot pressing Machine
• Loading Arrangement as per Fig 2 of IS 4636

- For Colour Fastness to perspiration as per IS/ISO

105-E04:2008(superseding IS 971)
• Test Devices as per Clause 4.1 of IS/ISO 105-
• Oven maintained at (37±2) ºC
• Alkaline Solution as per Clause 4.3 of IS/ISO
• Acid Solution as per Clause 4.4 of IS/ISO 105-

• Adjacent Fabrics as per Clause 4.5 of IS/ISO
• Non-Dyeable Fabric
• Grey Scale for Assessing Change in
Colour &Staining
• Spectrophotometer or Colorimeter

- For Colour Fastness to Rubbing as per IS/ISO 105-

X12:2016 superseding IS 766
- Suitable Testing Device as per Clause 4.1 of IS/ISO
105 X12
- Cotton Rubbing Cloth
- Soft-back waterproof abrasive paper
- Grey Scale for Staining
16. General Lab Conditions - AC
- Thermometer-Hygrometer(optional)
- Humidity chamber with provisions to control
temperature and relative humidity
- Other required glasswares and accessories
The above list is indicative only and may not be treated as exhaustive.


Scheme of Inspection And Testing

1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped (as per
the requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given in the
specification shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the specification.

The manufacturer shall prepare and implement a calibration plan for the test equipments.

2. TEST RECORDS – The manufacturer shall maintain test records for the tests carried out
to establish conformity.

3. PACKING AND MARKING – The Standard Mark as given in the Schedule of the licence
shall be printed indelibly on each carton/package of polyester spun yarn provided always
that the material somarked conforms to each requirement of the specification. The declared
parameters as per Table 3 shall be provided in the form of a technical data sheet by either
pasting on the package or provided separately linking it with lot/batch/merge no. on request
for domestic supplies. Instructions for transportation and handling of the material shall also
be provided by the manufacturer for proper care of the product

The spun yarn shall be wound over paper/plastic cones/bobbins/cheeses in any mass as
agreed between the buyer and the seller. All packages shall be to be packed in pallets or
cartons, properly strapped using polypropylene/PET straps. Packing materials should
beroadworthy/airworthy/sea worthy as agreed to between the buyer and the seller. All
woodenpallets are to be heat treated. All wooden/paper packing should be free from
infestation/fungalgrowth (Container fumigation for domestic supply should be optional.)

Each carton/pallet of polyester spun yarn shall be marked with indelible ink, the following information:
a) Name and description of the material (see 5.2);
b) Designation of the material (see 5.1);
c) Commercial mass of each carton/pallet;
d) Manufacturer’s name, address and trade-mark
(if available);
e) Lot/batch/merge number;
f) Month and year of manufacture; and
g) BIS Licence No. CM/L --.
h) BIS website details i.e. –―For details of BIS certification please visit
i) Any other information required by the law in force..

4. CONTROL UNIT – For the purpose of this scheme, a control-unit is defined as the entire
quantity of 100 Percent polyester spun gray and white yarn, of each type and variety
processed under similarconditions in a single day.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of
control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory which
is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with paragraph 2

6. REJECTIONS – Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to

ensure that there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016. Such material shall in no
case be stored together with that conforming to the specification


(1) (2) (3)

Test Details Levels of Control
Test Method Test equipment
requirement R:
required (or)S:
Cl. Requirement No. of Sample Frequency Remarks
Clause Reference Sub- contracting

Samples of each type and

Each consignment (in case variety to be drawn and
4.1, 4.2 Cross-Section 4.1,4.2 IS 17265 S 6 fibre is procured from outside) tested.
Or Each shift

In addition, each
IS 667, Annex consignment of raw
Identification and
5.2 J of IS 16481 S 06 Bobbins Each month material shall be
accompanied by test
certificate of supplier
Requirements of
Polyester Spun
Yarn (Table 3)
R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit Samples of each type and
variety to be tested
i) Mean linear density IS 1315

R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-

IS 832 (Part 1)
ii) Twist per metre, or IS 832 (Part

R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-

Single yarn tenacity
iii) IS 1670

R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-

iv) Elongation IS 1670

R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-

Count strength
v) IS 1671
product (CSP),

S 6 bobbins Once in 3 months

vi) Yarn hairiness index Annex B IS 17265 -do-

S 06 bobbins Once in 3 months

Whiteness index of
vii) Annex J IS 17263 -do-
polyester spun yarn

Requirements of
Table 4
Polyester Spun

R 2 bobbins Each Control Unit Samples of each type and

variety tobe drawn
i) Moisture regain, Annex C IS 17265

S 06 Bobbins Each month -do-

Isophthalic acid
ii) Annex C IS 16481
(IPA) content

S 06 Bobbins Once in a month

Water soluble
iii) IS 3456 -do-

S 6 bobbins Once in a month

Phosphorus content
iv) (For fire retardant Annex D IS 17265 -do-
yarn only)

Ultraviolet S 6 bobbins Once in a month

resistance, 500 h
IS 13162 (Part
v) Percent retained -do-
strength (For UV
resistant yarn only)
Anti-microbial S 6 bobbins Once in a month
activity value (For
vi) IS/ISO 20743 -do-
anti-microbial yarn
Wettability of woven S 6 bobbins Once in a month
or knitted fabrics
(about 150 gsm)
vii) made from the yarn IS 2349 -do-
(For moisture
management yarns
Wicking S 6 bobbins Once in a month
characteristic of
woven or knitted
fabrics (about 150
viii) gsm) made from the Annex E IS 17265 -do-
yarn, height in cm,
Min (for moisture
management yarns
resultant count of R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-
yarn and CV
6.2.2 IS 1315
percentage of
resultant count
R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-
breaking strength of
6.2.3 IS 1671
folded yarn

R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-

count strength
6.2.3 product of 6.2.3 IS 17265
folded yarn

R 6 bobbins Each Control Unit -do-

Tolerance on ply
6.2.4 IS 832
twist in folded yarn

R Each Bobbins Each Control Unit

Freedom from Yarn
6.3 6.3 IS 17265 -do-

R 06 Bobbins Each control unit

Yarn Unevenness
IS 7703 (Part
6.4 and Yarn -do-

S 06 Bobbins Once in a month

6.5 Annex F IS 17265 -do-

IS 7703 (Part
6.6 Commercial Mass R Each consignment -do-

Colour Fastness
Properties of PSY

IS/ISO 105- S 06 Bobbins Once in a Year*(See Note-3) Sample of each type and
Light Change in B01 or variety to be drawn and
i) tested
colour IS/ISO 105-

Washing test 2 R 06 Bobbins Once in a week -do-

Change in colour IS/ISO 105-
Staining C10

R 06 Bobbins Once in a week -do-

IS/ISO 105-
iii) Dry

Perspiration (acidic R 06 Bobbins Once in a week -do-

and alkaline)
IS/ISO 105-
iv) Change in colour

Requirements for
S One Once a year Only for Eco marked
IS 14563 (Part material
Free and releasable
i) 1) and IS
14563 (Part 2)

S One Once a year -do-

Extractable heavy
ii) metals by artificial Annex A IS 15651
Acidic sweat/saliva

S One Once a year -do-

iii) Pentachlorophenol Annex B IS 15651

S One Once a year -do-

Pesticides (sum
iv) Annex D IS 15651

S One Once a year -do-

v) Banned pesticides Annex D IS 15651

S One Once a year -do-

Banned azo
vi) IS 15570

Note-1: Whether test equipment is required or sub-contracting is permitted in column 2 shall be decided by the Bureau and shall be mandatory. Sub-
contracting is permitted to a laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government laboratories empaneled by the Bureau.

Note-2: Levels of control given in column 3 are only recommendatory in nature. The manufacturer may define the control unit/batch/lot and submit his own
levels of control in column 3 with proper justification for approval to BO head.

*Note-3:In the first instance, samples for each colour and shade shall be drawn and tested either in laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government
laboratories empaneled by the Bureau or in the in-house lab of manufacturer, in case if facility exists. Those colours and shades shall be marked only if they
conform to the relevant requirement of the specification. Afterwards, an undertaking to the effect that there shall be no change in brand, colour, shade and
processing conditions shall be obtained from the manufacturer. However, two samples drawn from each colour & shade shall be got testedonce a year in an
independent laboratory or in laboratory of manufacturer, in case if facility exists.

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