4ma1 1h Rms 20240517
4ma1 1h Rms 20240517
4ma1 1h Rms 20240517
Summer 2024
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Summer 2024
Question Paper Log Number P73990A
Publications Code 4MA1_1H_2406_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2024
General Marking Guidance
Values in quotation marks must come from a correct method previously seen unless clearly stated otherwise.
5 (5 – 2) × 180 (= 540) 4 M1
or NB If angles are on the diagram they
360 5 (= 72) must be from correct working and
correctly assigned
"540" M1
(= 108) or 180 – “72” (= 108)
180 – 96 (= 84)
“72” + “84” M1 for a complete method
360 – (96 + “108”)
180 – (“108” – “84”)
Working required 156 A1 dep on M2
Total 4 marks
6 (a) m2 – 8m + 5m – 40 2 M1 for any 3 correct terms from 4 terms
for 4 out of 4 correct terms ignoring signs
for m2 – 3m … or
for … – 3m – 40
Working not required, so correct answer scores full m2 – 3m – 40 A1
marks (unless from obvious incorrect working)
(b) 9n – 12 = 5n + 6 oe 3 M1 for removal of fraction and
or multiplying out LHS
5 6 or
3n − 4 = n + oe
3 3 separating fraction (RHS) in an equation
9n – 5n = 12 + 6 oe or 4n = 18 or M1 ft (dep on 4 terms) correctly
−18 rearranging their 4 term equation for
–12 – 6 = 5n – 9n oe or –4n = –18 oe or n = terms in n on one side of equation and
or number terms on the other
5 6
3n − n = + 4 oe
3 3
Working required 9 18 1
A1 dep on M2 oe eg or 4.5 or 4
2 4 2
Total 5 marks
7 (a)(i) 23, 24 ,27, 29, 30, 31, 1 B1 in any order with no repeats
(a)(ii) 27, 33 1 B1 in any order with no repeats
(b) eg Yes, there are no 1 B1 for Yes and a statement which
1. Yes, no members/numbers/values in common multiples of 3 in set B indicates correct meanings of
2. Yes, nothing in common intersection and empty set.
3. Yes, no common members/numbers/values
4. Yes, they share no common If no box is ticked, then the ‘Yes’ must
members/numbers/values be stated in the answer
5. Yes, there is not the same
members/numbers/values in both sets
6. Yes, there is no intersection or there is nothing
in B and C
7. Yes, as there are no members/numbers/values
the same (in B and C)
8. Yes, no members/numbers/values in B are in
C or vice versa
9. Yes, there are no members/numbers in B that
are multiples of 3
10. Yes, there are no members/numbers/values
in that empty set
11. Yes, 23, 29, 31 not in C
12. Yes, 24, 27, 30, 33 are not in B
Allow sector for set
This is not an exhaustive list
Allow element(s) for members/numbers/values
(c) 23, 25, 29, 31 2 B2 for the four correct numbers and no
(B1 for three correct values with no
more than one incorrect or for four
correct values with no more than one
Total 5 marks
8 1575 = (area) × 21 oe 3 M1 for finding the area using
or Vol = cross sectional area × height
(area = ) 75 or
or finding r or r2 using vol = πr2h
1575 = π × r2 × 21 oe
or NB r2 and r can be rounded or truncated
r2 =
( = 23.8 ( 732...) ) oe
( = 4.88 ( 602...) ) oe
84 84 84 84
oe or oe or oe M1 for
"75" "4.88"2
"23.8" area of circle
Working not required, so correct answer scores full 1.12 A1 accept 1.06 – 1.121
marks (unless from obvious incorrect working)
Total 3 marks
11 ( CM ) + (12 2 ) = 92 oe or 4 M1 M2 for
2 2
92 − (12 2 ) (= 81 − 36 = 45)
CAM = CBM ( cos ( CAM ) = ) 129 2 = 48.1(896...)
M1 and
92 − (12 2 ) oe
x > 2 or x < 2 or x ≥ 2 or x ≤ 2
2 with another number eg 2 & 3
(b) y ( x − 2 ) = 3x + 1 oe or x ( y − 2 ) = 3 y + 1 oe or 3 M1
yx − 2 y = 3x + 1 oe yx − 2 x = 3 y + 1 oe
x ( y − 3) = 1 + 2 y oe y ( x − 3) = 1 + 2 x oe M1 for factorising correctly
Working not required, so correct answer scores full 1+ 2x −1 − 2 x
A1 oe eg (must be in terms of x)
marks (unless from obvious incorrect working) x−3 3− x
Total 4 marks
16 15 14 5 35 5 4 15 5 4 M1 for RRY or YYR in M2 for
= oe or = oe any order RY and YR
20 19 18 228 20 19 18 114
RRR or YYY 15 5 15
15 14 13 91 5 4 3 1 = oe and
= oe or = oe 20 19 76
20 19 18 228 20 19 18 114 Allow equivalent
5 15 15
decimals to 2 dp = oe
truncated or rounded 20 19 76
Products must be
correct (may not be
15 14 5 5 4 15 M1 for (3 × RRY) or
3 oe or 3 oe (3 × YYR)
20 19 18 20 19 18
or or
15 14 13 5 4 3 RRY and YYR (any
oe and oe order)
20 19 18 20 19 18
15 14 5 5 4 15 M1 for a complete method using correct
3 + 3 oe
20 19 18 20 19 18 products
15 14 5 5 4 15 15 5 5 15
+ + + oe
20 19 18 20 19 18 20 19 20 19
15 14 13 5 4 3
1 − + oe
20 19 18 20 19 18
Working not required, so correct answer scores full marks 45 A1 oe
(unless from obvious incorrect working) 76 0.59(21..) to 2 dp truncated or rounded or
59.(21..)% to 2 sf truncated or rounded
Total 4 marks
17 1+ 5 3 + 5 3 M1 for rationalising the denominator by
oe or multiplying numerator and denominator
3− 5 3+ 5
1 + 5 −3 − 5 by 3 + 5 (or −3 − 5 )
3 − 5 −3 − 5
3+ 5 +3 5 + 5 5 M1 numerator correctly expanded and
oe or may be simplified to at least 2 terms and
9+3 5 −3 5 − 5 5 denominator correctly expanded and may
3+ 5 +3 5 + 5 5 be simplified to 1 term
oe or
9− 5 5
3+ 5 +3 5 +5
oe or
9+3 5 −3 5 −5
8+ 5 +3 5
oe or
3+ 4 5 +5
oe or
8+ 4 5
Working required 2+ 5 A1 for 2 + 5 from correct working
dep on M2
Total 3 marks
18 3 x 2 or − 40 5 M1 for differentiating one of the first two
terms correctly
3 x 2 − 40 A1 for both terms correct and no
“ 3 x 2 − 40 ” = 8 M1ft dep on M1 for equating their
quadratic derivative with 8
( r = ) 38 − (= 20.4(81…))oe
6 4
M1 for using the value of r to find arc
"20.4 ( 81...) " 2 (= 21.4(48…)) oe or
6 length
Working not required, so correct answer scores full marks 41.9 A1 allow 41 - 42
(unless from obvious incorrect working)
Total 4 marks
21 (i) (‒2, ‒4) 1 B1
(ii) (5, ‒10) 1 B1
Total 2 marks
22 eg 3 M1 for finding the frequency density
14 ÷ 5 (= 2.8) or
or for finding the number of adults for squares
a correct value on the FD scale or
or use of counting squares or blocks
10 small squares =1 adult oe
1 large square = 2.5 adults oe
51 and 8 assigned to correct bars (distances)
eg M1 for a method to find the area of the bars
14 + (15 × “3.4”) + (20 × “0.4”) (= 73) oe or given
100 – [14 + (15 × “3.4”) + (20 × “0.4”)] (= 27) oe or
for a method to find the missing area
14 + 51 + 8 (= 73) oe or
100 – [14 + 51 + 8] (= 27) oe or
−3 ( x − 2 ) − ( 2 ) ........... oe
2 2
Working not required, so correct answer 29 − 3 ( x − 2 ) A1 oe eg −3 ( x − 2 ) + 29
2 2