wfm02 01 Rms 20240307
wfm02 01 Rms 20240307
wfm02 01 Rms 20240307
January 2024
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January 2024
Question Paper Log Number P73487A
Publications Code WFM02_01_2401_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2024
General Marking Guidance
2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:
• M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and completing an
• A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M) marks have
been earned.
3. Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark
• ft – follow through
• cao – correct answer only
• cso - correct solution only. There must be no clear errors in this part of the
question to obtain this mark
• isw – ignore subsequent working
• awrt – answers which round to
• SC: special case
• oe – or equivalent
• dM – dependent method mark
• dp decimal places
• sf significant figures
• The answer is given on the paper – apply cso
4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to indicate that
previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread however, the subsequent A
marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded A
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it, deduct
two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected.
7. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer unless the mark
scheme indicates otherwise.
8. Mark question parts separately unless the scheme indicates otherwise.
Usual rules for the method mark for solving a 3 term quadratic:
(Note: There may be schemes where the below does not apply)
If no method is shown then one root must be obtained that is consistent with
their equation.
1. Factorisation
2. Formula
Complete attempt to use the correct formula with values for a, b and c leading to x
= ... (may be unsimplified).
Solving x + bx + c = 0 :
x q c = 0, q 0 , leading to x = ...
January 2024
WFM02 Further Pure Mathematics F2 Mark Scheme
Scheme Notes Marks
1 1
2x + 3
1 − ( x + 2)(2 x + 3)
0 2x2 + 7 x + 5 = 0
x + 2 (2 x + 3)( x + 2)2
( )
( x + 2) 2 x2 + 7 x + 5 = 0 or 2 x3 + 11x 2 + 19 x + 10 = 0
= 2 x + 3 ( 2 x + 3)( x + 2 ) − 1 = 2 x 2 + 7 x + 5 = 0 M1
Uses algebra to obtain a 3TQ, (x + 2) multiplied by a 3TQ or a 4TC. Allow slips and
condone incorrect inequality signs but the first algebraic step should be otherwise
appropriate so do not accept work with e.g., ( 2 x + 3)( x + 2) = 0 . The “= 0” can be
implied by solutions. Graphical attempts require intersections to be found
algebraically. Squaring first is acceptable so allow M1 for obtaining a 5TQ
(4 x 4 + 28x3 + 73x 2 + 84 x + 35 = 0)
e.g., ( 2 x + 5)( x + 1) = 0 Both −1 and − 52 from appropriate work and no extra
5 incorrect cvs. May only be seen in the solution set. A1
x = − , −1
2 Allow solving a 3TQ etc. by calculator.
Identifies −2 as a critical value. May only be seen in
solution set. This is the only mark available if there is no
x = −2 algebraic manipulation seen. Allow from any or no B1
working e.g., from ( 2 x + 3)( x + 2) = 0
( )(
x − , − 2 x −1 or e.g., −, − 2.5 , −2, − 1
M1: For the regions x a, − 2 x b with real cvs a −2 and b −2 but condone
b x −2 as a notational slip for this mark.
Condone any non-strict inequality signs and poor notation for this mark. Not M1 A1
dependent but must follow an attempt at algebraic manipulation.
A1: Correct solution set in any form. Do not isw if the correct inequalities are
subsequently incorrectly amended. Allow all marks even if an incorrect inequality
sign was seen earlier in the working.
5 5
− x or − 2 x −1 M1 A1 x − and − 2 x −1 M1 A1
2 2
(Accept any word between the two correct regions)
x − 52 , − 1 x −2 M1 A0 (notational slip)
5 5
−, − ( −2, −1) M1A0 (incorrect symbol – allow “and”)
2 −, − 2 −2, − 1 M1A0
x − 52 − 2 x x −1 M0 A0 (insufficient)
Total 5
Scheme Notes Marks
( )
2(a) 2
(i) z = 6 − 6 3i z = 62 + 6 3 = 12 +12 only. Accept if just stated B1
6 3
(ii) e.g., arg z = − arctan
6 3
Attempts an expression for a relevant angle. Look for arctan or e.g., tan −1 1
6 3 M1
6 3
If arctan is not seen allow e.g., tan = = with correct for their tan
6 3
If using sin or cos the hypotenuse must be their 12
arg z or arg or argument of z = − ( ) 3
A correct proof with no incorrect work/statements. LHS required. Allow " = " if A1*
consistent, e.g., = − 3 cannot follow "tan = + 3"
z = 12 ( 1
2 − 2
) ( ( ) ( )) or 12e
i = 12 cos − 3 + i sin − 3
− 3 i
or cos = 12 or sin = − 2
[M1] arg z = − 3 [A1*]
M1: Factorises out 12 and writes in trig or exp form or identifies cos = 12 and sin = −
Way 2 2
A1: Acceptable statement with all work correct
( ( )
z = 12 cos − 3 + i sin − 3 ( )) or 12e − 3 i
or 12 ( 1
2 − 2
i = 6 − 6 3i [M1] arg z = − 3 [A1*]
Way 3 M1: Assumes result, writes correctly for their 12 and attempts a + ib form
A1: Obtains 6 − 6 3i and makes acceptable statement with all work correct
− i
z = "12" cos − + i sin − or "12" e 3 [no missing “i” unless recovered]
3 3
Correct trig or exp. form with their 12. Could be implied by their z4 in trig or exp. form e.g., M1
( ) ( ).
− i
("12" e 3 4
) Allow equivalent values of e.g. 5
3 and use of e.g., sin − 3 = − sin
Condone poor bracketing. Allow this mark if +2k , − 2k , 2k appears with argument
4 4 4 4 4
− i
z 4 = 20736 cos − + i sin −
or 20736 cos − + i sin − or 20736 e 3
3 3 3 3
Correct z in any form. 124 evaluated and arg. of − 43 ( not just 4 − 3 ) or 23 only although
may use e.g., sin − ( ) = − sin ( ) . No “k”s. Condone an “unclosed” bracket.
( ) ( )
- i
w = z2 = "12" cos 3 + i sin 3 or e.g., " 2 3 " e 6
2 2
[no missing “i” unless recovered]
Correct use of de Moivre’s theorem with − 3 and their 12 to attempt one square root. M1
Allow work with argument of
3 for −
3 ( )
and use of e.g., sin − 6 = − sin ( ) . Condone
poor bracketing.
M0 if z4 used for z. Allow this mark if +2k , − 2k , 2k appears with argument
w = 3 − 3i, − 3 + 3i oe
A1ft: One correct exact root in a +ib or c(a +ib) form (a, b, c may be unsimplified but not
numerical trig expressions) ft their 12 only i.e. ( ) "12" 23 − 12 i ( ) A1ft
A1: Both exact roots (no others) correct in a +ib form – a and b may be unsimplified (but A1
not numerical trig expressions) e.g. accept
3 36 12 2 3
a = ( ) 12 , () b=( ) ,( )
2 2 2 2
( )
Accept 3 − 3i but just 3 − 3i is A1 A0. Just 3 ( )
3 − i is A1 A0
Note: w2 = r 2 ( cos 2 + i sin 2 ) = z r , , w = ... is an acceptable approach (3)
w2 = z ( a + ib ) = a 2 − b 2 + 2abi = 6 − 6 3i a 2 − b 2 = 6, 2ab = −6 3
a 2 − 2 = 6 a 4 − 6a 2 − 27 = ( a 2 − 9 )( a 2 + 3) = 0 a 2 = 9, a = 3, b = 3
3 3 27
a a
M1: From a correct starting point, expands and equates real and imaginary parts to form
two equations in a and b and obtains at least one value for both a and b
w = 3 − 3i, − 3 + 3i
A1: One correct exact root in a +ib or c(a +ib) form (a, b, c may be unsimplified)
A1: Both exact roots (no others) correct in a +ib form – a and b may be unsimplified
Total 8
Scheme Notes Marks
3(a) r r (r + 1) − r (r − 1) A correct multiplier to rationalise
the denominator seen or implied by M1
r (r + 1) + r (r − 1) r (r + 1) − r (r − 1) correct work
r ( r (r + 1) − r (r − 1) 1 )= r (r + 1) − r (r − 1)
or A =
r (r + 1) − r (r − 1) 2 2 A1
Correct expression or correct value for A. Condone poor notation if intention clear.
There must be (minimal) correct supporting working.
r r r r 1
A= = A=
( )( )
or or
r (r + 1) + r (r − 1) r (r + 1) − r (r − 1) ( ) (
r r +1 − r r −1 ) r 2 + r − r 2 + r 2r 2
M1: Correctly makes A the subject A1: Correct completion with one intermediate fraction
1 2 − 1 0 = 2 (−0) ( )
( )
r + 2 3 − 2 1 = 6 − 2 + ...
r (r + 1) + r (r − 1) = " "
r =1 ... +
( n − 1) (n − 1 + 1) − ( n − 1) (n − 1 − 1) = n ( n − 1) − ( )( )
n −1 n − 2
+ n(n + 1) − n(n − 1)
M1: Applies the method of differences for r =1 and r = n in the given expression with or
without their A and obtains one correct row of these 2.
M1: Applies the method of differences for r =1, r = n and either r = 2 or r = n – 1 in the
given expression with/without their A and obtains 2 correct rows of these 4.
When considering how many rows are correct, if A has been clearly applied to any term
then assess all rows as if A has been applied throughout. M1
Condone missing bracket if their A is applied to a row e.g., “ 12 6 − 2 ” if it is M1
recovered but e.g., 26 − 2 is an incorrect row. Ignore a row for r = 0. Condone
equivalent work with r or e.g., k used for n.
Both marks can be implied by a correct final expression with or without their A
provided there are at least any two correct rows of differences
i.e., " "
( n(n + 1) − 0 or ) n(n + 1) − 0
Note: row 3 is " 12 "( 12 (or 2 3) − 6) , row 4 is " 12 "( 20 (or 2 5) − 12(or 2 3))
If 12 is fully applied the rows are:
, 2
− 2
, 12
2 (or 3) − 2
, 20
2 (or 5) − 12
2 (or 3),...
( n − 2)( n −1) ( n − 2)( n −3) n ( n −1) ( n −1)( n −2) n ( n +1) n ( n −1)
..., 2 − 2 , 2 − , − 2
2 2
( )
n n + 1 e.g., sight of k ... =
n(n + 1)
States or uses the correct
summation formula for integers
( )
2 cos cos ( ) 3x
2 3x
2 cos ( ) sin ( ) + cos ( ) sin ( )
3 3x
2cos ( ) sin ( )
2 9sin ( )
3 3x
y '' = or or
cos ( ) 4 3x
2 cos ( ) 2 cos ( ) 4 3x
3 3x
y ''' =
4 cos8 ( ) + 27 cos ( ) sin ( ) +
6 3x
2 3x
4 cos 4 ( ) sin ( ) = 27 + 27 tan
4 3x
2 3x 81 4 3x
+ tan
cos ( ) 8 3x
4 2 4 2
Scheme Notes Marks
y = 1 + 3 − + − + 9 −
4 6 2 4 6 4 6
2 3
or 1 + 3 + + 9
12 2 12 12
Substitutes into their expression for y of the correct form with at least the first
4 M1
three terms (series about 6 ). Must have values (not unevaluated trig expressions).
If only a decimal value is given then it must be the correct awrt 2.26 to score M1
If there is no working they must obtain an expression with at least a + b + c 2 and
correct exact ft a, b and c for their series or 1 + + c 2 with correct exact ft c
Correct answer or values for A
2 3 1 1 2 1 3 (32) and B (192). Can be awarded
= 1+ + + or 1 + + + A1
4 32 192 4 32 192 if full marks were not scored in
Total 9
Scheme Notes Marks
5 r 2 = 100cos2 + 20cos tan + tan 2 Any correct expression for r2 B1
Attempts formula for the area
with their r2 which may not
( )
1 3
1 3
be expanded
r 2 d = 100 cos 2 + 20sin + tan 2 d M1
2 0 2 0 Condone missing 12 and limits
not required
1 1
M1: Uses cos 2 = cos 2 or tan 2 = sec 2 1 in their r2
2 2
1 1
M1: Uses both cos 2 = cos 2 and tan 2 = sec 2 1 in their r2
2 2 M1
Both M marks can be scored without the integral and the 12 . M1
Condone mixed variables. A1
1 1
A1: Correct integral following cos 2 = + cos 2 and tan 2 = sec 2 − 1 . The
2 2
cos tan must be written as sin (implied if appropriately integrated later).
The is required (it may be seen later) but limits/ d are not needed. Allow mixed
variables if subsequent work recovers this.
1 49 25 1 3
= 49 + 25sin 2 − 20 cos + tan 3 or + sin 2 − 10 cos + tan
2 2 2 2 0
CF examples:
( x =) e−3t ( A cos 2t + B sin 2t ) Correct complementary function
in any form, allow if the “x =” is
or ( x =) Ae−3t cos ( −2t ) + Be−3t sin ( −2t ) missing or wrong and accept for A1
or ( x = ) Pe ( −3+ 2i )t
+ Qe ( −3− 2i )t this mark if the CF is given fully
in terms of x instead of t.
or ( x = ) e−3t ( Pe2it + Qe−2it )
Correct form for the particular
integral selected. Must include
e −3t but accept with any extra
PI: x = e−3t terms that correctly disappear B1
when coefficients found. Accept
“PI=”. If e pt is used p = –3 must
be seen later.
Differentiates a PI of any form
twice (provided it has at least one
dx d 2
x constant and is a function of t)
= −3 e−3t ; 2 = 9 e−3t
dt dt and substitutes into the equation.
9e + 6 −3e + 13e = 8e
) −3t −3t Allow only sign/coefficient errors
only in the differentiation.
Their PI must lead to non-zero
Proceeds to find the value of the
constant following use of a PI of
9 − 18 + 13 = 8 = ... 2 () the correct form. Any dM1
unnecessary extra terms in the PI
must be found to be zero
Correct general solution ft on
their CF only – any CF provided
it has at least one constant and is
( )
x = " e−3t A cos 2t + B sin 2t " + 2e−3t in terms of t.
Must have x = …
Do not allow if their CF is
miscopied or mathematically
Work with a PI of the form t e −3 t
is B0M1dM0A0 max even if 2e −3t is obtained.
Only condone incorrect variables if they are recovered but refer to the note for the (6)
first A1.
Scheme Notes Marks
6(b) 1
at t = 0 Uses the initial condition for x in their GS
2 to find a linear equation in one or two
1 3 constants. Allow for GS = CF or CF + PI
= A + 2 A = − and the constant may come from the +PI
2 2
x = e−3t A cos 2t + B sin 2t + 2e−3t)
( ) (
= e−3t −2 A sin 2t + 2 B cos 2t − 3e−3t A cos 2t + B sin 2t − 6e−3t )
Uses the product rule to differentiate their real GS obtaining an expression in
terms of t of the correct form for their GS (sign and coefficient errors only – so do M1
not allow e.g., ...e pt → ...eqt ). Allow for GS = CF or CF + PI and does not have to
include constants.
If they work with a complex function e.g., x = Pe( −3+ 2i )t + Qe( −3− 2i )t + 2e−3t progress
is unlikely.
This mark is not scored for work in (c)
dx 1 1
t = 0, = = 2 B − 3 A − 6 B = ... = 1
dt 2 2
( )
Uses both initial conditions to find values for the 2 constants (no others) in their ddM1
GS = (CF with 2 constants) + PI(no constants). One constant must be found to
be non-zero.
Requires both previous M marks.
Examples: Correct particular
3 solution in any form in
x = e−3t − cos 2t + sin 2t + 2e−3t
terms of t.
Must be x = ... unless
or x = e−3t − cos 2t + sin 2t + 2 this was the only reason
2 for final A0 in part (a)
−3t 3 −3t −3t due to omission or e.g,
or x = 2e − e cos 2t + e sin 2t
2 “y = ...” was used
(c) 3
( )
= e−3t 3sin 2t + 2cos 2t − 3e−3t − cos 2t + sin 2t − 6e−3t = 0
dt 2 M1
dx dx
Sets an expression for = 0. Accept with any unfound constants provided = f (t )
dt dt
(3sin 2t + 2cos 2t ) − 3 − 32 cos 2t + sin 2t − 6 = 0
Achieves an equation of the form a sin bt + c cos bt + d = 0 or equivalent with dM1
terms uncollected. One of a and c non-zero and b and d non-zero.
Must follow a GS = CF + PI where two constants were found for the CF and
one for the PI. Requires previous M mark.
12 1 12
cos 2t = t = 0.1973955598... x or a = e−3(0.1973...) 4 − 3 + 2sin(2 0.1973...) = ..
13 2 13
Finds a value of t from cos kt = c ( k 1, − 1 c 1) and uses their positive (or made ddM1
positive) value of t to find a value of x (or a) via their PS. Accept a pair of stated values.
Requires both previous M marks.
x or a = 0.553(1164729...) awrt 0.553 A1
Total 14
Scheme Notes Marks
7(a) z −3 Attempts to make z the
w= 2iw − wz = z − 3 z = ... subject and obtains any M1
Way 1 2i − z f(w)
3 + 2iw −3 − 2iw Any correct expression
z= or A1
w +1 −w − 1 for z in terms of w
3 + 2iu − 2v u + 1 − iv
u + iv + 1 u + 1 − i v M1
Applies w = u + iv and a correct multiplier for their z seen or implied by a correct
result from their z. Denominator must have had a “w”. Note alternative route below.
3 + 2iu − 2v u + 1 − iv (3 − 2v)(u + 1) + 2uv + 2u (u + 1)i − (3 − 2v)vi
x + iy = =
u + iv + 1 u + 1 − iv (u + 1)2 + v 2
2u (u + 1) − (3 − 2v)v (3 − 2v)(u + 1) + 2uv
y = x + 3 oe = +3
(u + 1)2 + v 2 (u + 1) 2 + v 2
Multiplies, extracts real and imaginary parts and uses them in the equation y = x + 3 (oe) to
produce an equation in u and v only – no “i”s. Condone y = ...i if recovered. Can follow
slips with multiplier but denominator of z must have had a “w”
Note : Just 2u (u + 1) − (3 − 2v)v = (3 − 2v)(u + 1) + 2uv + 3 is M0 (lost denominators)
Expands and simplifies to
2u(u + 1) − (3 − 2v)v = (3 − 2v)(u + 1) + 2uv + 3(u + 1) + 3v
2 2 obtain an equation of a
circle with 4 or 5 real dddM1
u 2 + 7u + v 2 + v + 6 = 0 unlike terms.
All previous Ms required.
Alternative for the above 3 marks (note this could be done by equating expressions for y)
x + iy =
3 + 2iu − 2v
u + iv + 1 ( ( )) (
x + i x + 3 u + 1 + iv = 3 + 2ui − 2v )
M1: Applies z = x + iy , uses y = x + 3 and cross multiplies
x ( u + 1) − v ( x + 3) + ( x + 3)(u + 1) i + xvi = 3 − 2v + 2ui
ux + x − vx − 3v = 3 − 2v, ux + x + 3u + 3 + xv = 2u
3+ v −u − 3
x= , x=
u +1− v u +1+ v
M1: Equates real and imaginary parts and makes x the subject twice
(3 + v )(u + 1 + v ) = − (u + 3)(u + 1 − v ) 3u + 3 + 3v + uv + v + v2 = −u 2 − u + uv − 3u − 3 + 3v
u 2 + v 2 + 7u + v + 6 = 0
M1: Equates expressions for x to obtain a circle equation with 4 or 5 real unlike terms
2 2
7 1 49 1 13 7 1 26 13
u + + v + = + − 6 = centre: − , − radius: or
2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2
M1: Extracts the centre and/or radius from their circle equation, however obtained, with 4
or 5 real unlike terms. Circle equation must not be in terms of z or w. They must get one
correct coordinate (but condone wrong sign) or the correct radius for their circle. M1
May use u 2 + v2 + 2 gu + 2 fv + c = 0 centre : ( − g , − f ) , radius = g 2 + f 2 − c
A1: For a correct centre or radius from a correct circle equation
A1: For correct centre and radius from a correct circle equation
7 1
Centre as coordinates, x/u=..., y/v =... or as − − i and allow ( − 72 , − 12 i )
2 2
Allow exact equivalents for coordinates/radius
Scheme Notes Marks
7(a) M1: Uses z = x + iy and
z − 3 x + iy − 3 x − 3 + i ( x + 3 ) y = x + 3 in the given
w= = = M1
Way 2 2i − z 2i − x − iy 2i − x − i ( x + 3) transformation
[Note that it is possible to replace x with y – 3] A1: Correct expression for
w in terms of x
x − 3 + i ( x + 3) Applies w = u + iv and
= u + iv x − 3 + i ( x + 3) = − xu + v ( x + 1) − iu ( x + 1) − ivx M1
− x − i ( x + 1) multiplies
x − 3 = −ux + vx + v, x + 3 = −ux − u − vx Equates real and imaginary
3+ v −3 − u parts and makes x the M1
x= , x=
1+ u − v 1+ u + v subject twice
Equates expressions for x
3 + 3u + 3v + v + uv + v 2 = −3 − 3u + 3v − u − u 2 + uv to obtain a circle equation
with 4 or 5 real unlike dddM1
u 2 + v 2 + 7u + v + 6 = 0 terms.
All previous Ms required.
2 2
7 1 49 1 13 7 1 26 13
u + + v + = + − 6 = centre: − , − radius: or
2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2
M1: Applies a correct process to extract the centre and/or radius from a circle
equation, however obtained, with 4 or 5 real unlike terms. One correct coordinate
(but condone wrong sign) or radius correct for their circle. M1
May use u 2 + v2 + 2 gu + 2 fv + c = 0 centre : ( − g , − f ) , radius = g 2 + f 2 − c A1
A1: For correct centre or radius from a correct circle equation
A1: For correct centre and radius from a correct circle equation
7 1
Centre as coordinates, x/u=..., y/v =... or as − − i and allow ( − 72 , − 12 i ) (8)
2 2
e.g., 3 points on line are (0,3), (1,4) and (2,5) Attempts three
Way 3 or z1 = 3i, z2 = 1 + 4i, z3 = 2 + 5i points/complex numbers M1
on y = x + 3 with 2 correct
z −3 3i − 3 −2 + 4i −1 + 5i Correct transformed
w= w1 = w2 = w3 = A1
2i − z −i −1 − 2i −2 − 3i complex numbers
3i − 3 i −2 + 4i −1 + 2i −1 + 5i −2 + 3i
w1 = w2 = w3 =
−i i −1 − 2i −1 + 2i −2 − 3i −2 + 3i M1
At least two correct multipliers to remove “i” from denominator seen or implied (one if
(–1, 2) used). Requires 2 correct points/complex numbers on line
6 8 Two correct complex
w1 = −3 − 3i w2 = − − i w3 = −1 − i numbers in a + ib form or as M1
5 5 points
6 g + 6 f − c = 18 Uses a correct general
e.g., x + y + 2 gx + 2 fy + c = 0 125 g + 165 f − c = 0
2 2 equation of a circle to form
three simultaneous equations.
2g + 2 f − c = 0 All previous Ms required.
7 1 7 1 26 13
g = , f = , c = 6 centre (− g , − f ) : − , − radius = g 2 + f 2 − c = or
2 2 2 2 2 2
M1: Solves and obtains at least one correct coordinate (but condone wrong sign) or A1
radius for their constants A1
A1: Correct centre or radius from correct work
A1: Correct centre and radius from correct work (8)
Scheme Notes Marks
7(b) M1: Any circle with the whole interior
(i) & (ii) indicated. Ignore any inconsistencies with
their stated centre, value for radius (which
may have been negative) or circle equation.
If shaded, consider the shaded area but if not
allow any credible indication such as an “R”
inside the circle unless they have clearly
indicated a segment.
(B1 on
A1: Correct circle drawn in the correct ePen)
position with whole interior shaded.
Entirely in quadrants 2 & 3 and centre if A1
marked in Q3 (if not marked then more than (B1 on
half of the circle in Q3). Condone if it ePen)
appears that the area above the x-axis is
greater than the area below provided the
centre is indicated in Q3. Must be shaded
but does not require a label. Circumference
may be dotted/dashed line. Ignore incorrect
labelling of centre/axes/intersections but
requires full marks in (a).
Total 10
Scheme Notes Marks
Allow “single fraction” to be implied by sum/difference of fractions with same
8(a) denominator or a product of fractions. No further fractions in numerator/denominator.
cos 2 x sin x
cot 2 x + tan x = +
sin 2 x cos x
Uses cot 2 x =
cos 2 x
sin 2 x
or e.g.,
cos 2 x
2sin x cos x
tan 2 x + 1
( )
sin x
cos x
cos x sin 2 x + cos 2 x ) fraction in sin x and cos x but
2 tan x sin x
2 cos 2
2 cos x sin x sec 2 x A1
x allow following use of (M1 on
2 tan x
tan 2 x + 1 cos x sin 2 x + cos2 x ePen)
or sec2 x = 1 + tan 2 x
2 tan x cos x 2sin x cos x
A qualifying fraction must be
sec2 x cos x seen before
or or 1 1
2 tan x 2cos 2 x sin x or
2sin x cos x sin 2 x
Condone poor notation.
Fully correct proof with one of
1 1 the two intermediate fractions
or = cosec 2 x * seen. All notation correct – no A1*
2sin x cos x sin 2 x mixed or missing arguments or
e.g. sin x2 for this mark.
Scheme Notes Marks
8(b) M1
dy dw
y 2 = w sin 2 x 2 y = sin 2 x + 2w cos 2 x
dx dx
1 1
dy 1 12 −
1 − 12 dw 1
or y = w (sin 2 x)
2 2
= w (sin 2 x) (2cos 2 x) + w
(sin 2 x) 2
dx 2 2 dx
2 2 y sin 2 x − y 2 .2cos 2 x
y dw dx
or w = =
sin 2 x dx sin 2 2 x
or w = y 2 cosec2 x 2 y cosec2 x − 2 y 2cosec2 x cot 2 x
M1: Attempts the differentiation of the given substitution using the
dy dw
product/quotient and chain rules and obtains an equation in and of the
dx dx
correct form (sign/coefficient errors only and allow sign errors with
quotient/product rule).
dy dw
This mark is not available for work in or unless appropriate work follows to
dw dy
dy dw
achieve an equation in and of the correct form.
dx dx
A1: Correct differentiation
y + y 2 tan x = sin x → e.g., 1 dw sin 2 x + 2w cos 2 x + w sin 2 x tan x = sin x
dx 2 dx
A recognisable attempt to eliminate y from the original equation to obtain an M1
equation involving , w and x only . Not dependent.
+ 2w cot 2 x + tan x =) 2 sin x
si n 2 x
+ 2wcosec 2 x = sec x *
Fully correct work leading to the given equation with 2w cot 2 x + tan x or e.g.,) A1*
2w cot 2x + 2w tan x clearly replaced by 2w cosec 2 x but allow cot 2x written as
1 cos 2 x sin x
or and/or tan x written as
tan 2x sin 2 x cos x
If the result in (a) is not clearly used there must be full equivalent work.
Allow use of “csc 2x”
Scheme Notes Marks
8(c) 2 cosec 2x ( dx )
M1: e condoning
+ 2w cosec 2 x = sec x IF = e
dw 2 cosec 2x dx omission of one or both
= tan x
dx “2”s M1
1 1 A1: tan x oe A1
or e (
− ln cosec2 x + cot 2 x )
or or tan x
cosec2 x + cot 2 x cot x Allow k tan x e.g., e2c tan x
Not just eln(tan x )
Correctly applies their
integrating factor to the
equation, i.e.,
w "tan x " =
"tan x "sec x dx IF w =
IF sec x dx
RHS of
1 sec x
Using IF = dx which is likely to need rewriting as tan x sec x dx
cosec2 x + cot 2 x cosec2 x + cot 2 x
Note that IBP on sec x tan x by writing it as sec 2 x sin x can lead to sin x tan x + cos x(+c)
Use Review for any attempts at integration you are unsure about.
e.g., y = w sin 2 x and w tan x = sec x + c
tan x = sec x + c
sin 2 x
sin 2 x
y 2 = ...
sec x + c ( )
tan x
Substitutes for w correctly and reaches y2 = …
Their y2 = … must be consistent with their equation in w and x that immediately ddM1
followed their integration.
This mark requires both previous M marks and an attempt at integration
that includes a “+ c”
A further example is:
c c sin 2 x
w = cosec x + y 2 = cosec x sin 2 x +
tan x tan x
2sin x cos2 x 1
e.g., y = +
sin x cos x
y 2 = 2cos x + A cos2 x
Any correct y2 = ... equation with RHS fully in terms of cos x. E.g. accept A1
y 2 = 2cos x + 2c cos2 x y 2 = cos x ( 2 + A cos x ) y 2 = 2cos2 x + c
cos x
Ignore any inconsistencies with the constant e.g., 2c later written as c
Total 13