Activity Sheet Maths Homeschool Worksheets Map 2 Lesson 9

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Lesson 9 • The triangle

Learning objectives Key vocabulary

Children will: triangle, shape, straight, sides, corners, word, sort, colour,
• identify triangles. match, line, number, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, one, two, three, four,
• recognise the word triangle.
• draw triangles. Extra assistance
• order and match numbers from 1 to 5. Triangles can vary quite a bit in their shape. The sides can
be varying lengths, they don’t have to be equal, which
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions
leads to a degree of variation in the form of a triangle.
Measurement and Geometry Draw lots of different triangles on the board and stress to
Shape students that triangles always have 3 straight sides and 3
ACMMG009 sort, describe and name familiar corners, no matter what the space between them looks
two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in like.
the environment
Classroom activities
Number and Algebra
Make it!
Number and place value
Use a variety of materials to create triangles.
ACMNA001 establish understanding of the language and
processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, • Mould them out of playdough or plasticine.
initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point • Use natural materials such as twigs, leaves and flower
ACMNA002 connect number names, numerals and petals.
quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then • Draw a triangle with a glue stick and cover with glitter
beyond or confetti.
Patterns and algebra Which Hat?
ACMNA005 sort and classify familiar objects and explain Place three hats on the floor with the labels circle, square
the basis for these classifications; copy, continue and and triangle. Have a set of pictures of items which are a
create patterns with objects and drawings distinct shape. Each student chooses one and works out
which hat it must go in.


sequence Content and skills Children will:
Animated Lesson: Introduce the triangle. Define understand that triangles have Worksheet 1
Recognise shapes a triangle. Identify triangles. 3 corners and 3 straight sides. Shape recognition
Song: The Triangle Song Select triangles amongst other
shapes and in a setting.

Draw: Reinforce correct formation of draw shapes using a set of Worksheet 2

Dotty Shapes shapes. dots as corners. Writing and drawing

Find: Visual discrimination: choose the given shape Worksheet 3

Elephants, Shape Monsters, identify a given shape. Identify from amongst other shapes. Sorting shapes
Shape Sort, Shape Colour, the word triangle. Choose the word triangle from
Flying Carpets amongst other words.

Number: Counting skills: put numerals into a number Worksheet 4

Out of Line, Number Word ordering numerals. Identify line. Select the word four from Check
Clouds, Build the Robots the word four. Match the amongst other words. Match
numerals and the number the numerals and their words.

Read: Read aloud book. listen, follow the reading and Mathseeds book 9:
Book read along. Triangles

Lesson 9 • Worksheet 1 Shape recognition

triangle Name

1 Trace.

2 Finish Ruby’s kites. Colour.

3 Colour the triangles.

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Lesson 9 • Worksheet 2 Writing and drawing

triangle Name

1 Trace the words and match to the shape.

2 What is a triangle?
_______ sides _______ corners

3 Draw the triangles.

4 Put hats on
the witches
and wizards.

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Lesson 9 • Worksheet 3 Sorting shapes

triangle Name

1 Which pictures are triangles? Match.


2 Find all the triangles. Colour them in.

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Lesson 9 • Worksheet 4 Check

triangle Name

1 Colour the triangles.

How many triangles? _______

2 Colour the flags.

How many triangles? _______

3 Colour the shapes you know.

Copyright © Mathseeds and Blake eLearning 2015 55

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