Lesson 37 - Patterns 2: Learning Objectives Key Vocabulary

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Lesson 37 • Patterns 2

Learning objectives Key vocabulary

Children will: patterns, colours, size, shapes, copy, missing, complete,
• identify colour, shape and size patterns. rectangle, triangle, square, circle, sort, guess, less than,
more than, numerals 1–10, order, right, left
• copy, complete and continue patterns.

Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions Extra assistance

Activities involving patterns provide an opportunity to
Number and Algebra
integrate other mathematical knowledge such as colours,
Patterns and algebra
size differentiation, shapes and numbers. Studying
ACMNA005 sort and classify familiar objects and explain patterns involves lots of concrete materials and visual
the basis for these classifications; copy, continue and discrimination which is an advantage for kinaesthetic and
create patterns with objects and drawings; create and visual learners. Ask students to continue a given pattern,
describe patterns using materials, sounds, movements or find missing items in patterns, copy patterns and make
drawings their own patterns.
Number and place value
ACMNA001 establish understanding of the language and Classroom activities
processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, Make it
initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point Give each student some playdough, plasticine or clay.
ACMNA289 compare, order and make correspondences They use the modelling materials to make a pattern
between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning of colours, shapes or sizes. Then, on a piece of paper,
Measurement and Geometry have each student draw their pattern. Next they make a
Shape different pattern and draw it. Repeat the exercise until
ACMMG009 sort, describe and name familiar their paper is full of patterns.
two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in Match Up!
the environment  Give each student a card with a pattern on it. Give them a
time limit to find the other person with the same pattern
and sit together. Then ask each pair to bring their pattern
up and explain it in their own words to the class.


sequence Content and skills Children will:
Animated Lesson: Introduce patterns made with make patterns with colours, Worksheet 1
Recognise patterns colours, different sized items sizes and shapes, using the Pattern recognition
and shapes. pattern formats: abab, abcabc,
Song: Patterns Everywhere abaaba, aabaab, abbabb.

Draw: Reinforce correct formation of draw shapes using a set of Worksheet 2

Dotty Shapes shapes. dots as corners. Making patterns
Find: Visual discrimination: choose the missing items Worksheet 3
Colour a Pattern, Continue the recognise a pattern and select for the pattern or complete Continuing patterns
Pattern, Shape Sort, Grow a the next or missing items. the pattern. Match shapes
Garden, Right or Left? Recognise shapes and their to their words. Select the
words. Differentiate items by correctly sized item. Tap left
size. Follow directions using or right according to verbal
right and left. instructions.

Number: Identify the size of a group estimate whether a group Worksheet 4

Wrecking Ball, Stamping of items. Count out shapes is more or less than a given Check
Shapes, Lily Pads to match numerals. Identify number. Stamp a number of
correct numerical order. shapes. Put numerals into their
place in the number line.
Read: Read aloud book. listen, follow the reading and Mathseeds book 37:
Book read along. Playing with Shapes

Lesson 37 • Worksheet 1 Pattern recognition

Patterns 2 Name

1 Draw the missing shapes in each row. Colour the patterns.

2 Draw your own pattern using shapes.

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Lesson 37 • Worksheet 2 Making patterns

Patterns 2 Name

1 Colour your own patterns.

2 Arrange these shapes in a pattern.

3 Draw your own pattern using size.

Copyright © Mathseeds and Blake eLearning 2015 221

Lesson 37 • Worksheet 3 Continuing patterns

Patterns 2 Name

Draw the next 3 items in each row.

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Lesson 37 • Worksheet 4 Check

Patterns 2 Name

1 Colour Doc’s rugs in a pattern.

2 Fill in the missing beads. Colour.



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3 Draw your own pattern.

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