Lesson 6 - The Square: Learning Objectives Extra Assistance

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Lesson 6 • The square

Learning objectives Extra assistance

Children will: The definition of a square is easily confused with that of a
• identify squares. rectangle: 4 corners and 4 straight sides. Students need to
be aware that a square is different to a rectangle because
• recognise the word square.
it has 4 straight and equal sides. If the sides are not the
• draw squares. same length it is not a square. Give them sorting activities
• count and recognise groups of 1, 2, 3 and 4. using rectangles and squares to reinforce the form of a
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions
Measurement and Geometry Classroom activities
Shape Collage
ACMMG009 sort, describe and name familiar Provide students with a piece of paper that has a dotted
two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects square in the middle.
in the environment • Trace over the square with a pencil or crayon.
Number and Algebra • Find pictures of square things to cut out of magazines
Number and place value and glue on.
ACMNA002 connect number names, numerals and • Gather natural materials such as twigs and leaves and
quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then tape them on to make squares.
beyond Match Up!
ACMNA003 subitise small collections of objects  Give half the class a square or circle image and the other
Patterns and algebra half the word square or circle on cards. Give them a time
ACMNA005 sort and classify familiar objects and explain limit to find a matching partner and sit together. Then ask
the basis for these classifications; copy, continue and them to draw that shape and then draw an item in the
create patterns with objects and drawings real world that has that shape.

Key vocabulary
square, shape, sides, corners, straight, sort, rectangle,
pattern, match, word, number, 1, 2, 3, 4, one, two, three,


sequence Content and skills Children will:
Animated Lesson: Introduce the square. Define a understand that squares have Worksheet 1
Recognise shapes square. Identify squares. 4 corners and 4 straight sides. Shape recognition
Song: The Square Rap Select squares amongst other
shapes and in a setting.

Draw: Reinforce correct formation of draw squares using a set of Worksheet 2

Dotty Shapes a square. dots as corners. Writing and drawing

Find: Visual discrimination: choose the given shape Worksheet 3

Shape Monster, Elephants, identify a given shape. Identify from amongst other shapes. Sorting shapes
Shape Sort, Beavers, Rockets the word square. Choose the word square from
amongst other words.

Match: Counting skills: complete the pattern of Worksheet 4

Colour a Pattern, Three identify shapes and colours in colours and shapes. Count and Check
Clowns a pattern. Recognise numerals select the groups which match
and number words and select the given number.
matching groups.

Read: Read aloud book. listen, follow the reading and Mathseeds book 6:
Book read along. Squares

Lesson 6 • Worksheet 1 Shape recognition

square Name

1 Trace.

2 Colour the squares.

3 Draw the squares.

Colour in your best square.

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Lesson 6 • Worksheet 2 Writing and drawing

square Name

1 Write the word. Draw the shape.

square circle

2 A square has straight sides.

How many sides? _______
How many corners? _______
3 Finish the pattern.


4 Put a square
frame around
each picture.

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Lesson 6 • Worksheet 3 Sorting shapes

square Name

1 Which pictures are squares? Match.


2 Find all the squares. Colour them in.

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Lesson 6 • Worksheet 4 Check

square Name

1 Finish the window.

2 How many squares did you draw? _______

3 Colour the squares to make a pattern.

4 Draw your own shape pictures in the frames.

How many frames? _______

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