IOS 18 All New Features Sept 2024
IOS 18 All New Features Sept 2024
IOS 18 All New Features Sept 2024
Apple Intelligence
Writing Tools Rewrite Style
Create multiple versions of your text that Rewrite your text in a new style, such as
maintain your tone. Easily swap in an “professional,” “concise,” or “friendly.”
option you prefer and continue writing or
refining, or go right back to your original.
Proofread Summarize
View suggested improvements to what Select text wherever you re writing and
you re writing, like grammar fixes and generate a high-quality summary.
language refinements. Quickly accept Summarize content of all kinds like
all suggestions with a tap or view the documents, articles, or communications to
explanations to better understand the quickly understand the important points.
changes and accept the ones you want.
Describe Compose
The text field in Writing Tools lets you Ask ChatGPT to create original content
describe a more specific change you want from scratch. You can also use ChatGPT s
to make to your text. Make it read like a image generation capabilities to add
poem, simplify the vocabulary, or even images alongside your written content.
turn it into a formal letter.
Create Images with People You Know Create Images with Characters
Create an image of your friend on the Easily define a character to add to your
moon or a family member on a surfboard images in Image Playground by choosing
with Image Playground thanks to Apple their gender and skin tone, and by
Intelligence s understanding of people in providing a short description.
your photo library.
Deep integrations
Create images in Notes, Pages, Numbers,
Keynote, and Freeform to elevate your
documents, spreadsheets, presentations,
or boards with delightful images.
ChatGPT integration
Siri can tap into ChatGPT to help you with
certain requests when it determines
ChatGPT can provide a helpful answer.
You can also ask questions about photos
and documents including PDFs and
presentations. You will be asked before
requests or information are sent to
ChatGPT. Siri then presents you the
answer directly.
Genmoji Genmoji
Generate unique, emoji-style stickers
right from the keyboard. In the sticker
creator, just type what you want to create,
like “dog on a surfboard,” and see your
creation appear in seconds.
Photos Natural language photo and video Create your own Memories
search Create a memory about the specific
Search supports natural language queries story you want to see, just by typing a
and expanded understanding, so you can description. Photos writes a storyline,
search for just what you mean, like “fluffy complete with unique chapters, and
white dog on a green couch.” You can also selects a great set of photos and videos
search for an action that happened within to create your movie, complete with a
a video, and Photos will take you to the perfectly paired song.
correct segment.
Clean Up tool2
Remove distracting elements from your
photos with the Clean Up tool for those
times when an unwanted object spoiled
the moment.
Apple Intelligence is available in beta on iPhone 15 Pro models, iPhone 16 and later models with Siri and
device language set to U.S. English. It is coming to iOS 18 as a free software update this fall. Some features,
additional languages, and platforms will be coming over the course of the next year.
Larger icons
Make all the app icons and widgets on
your screen appear even larger, removing
the name underneath, for a new
streamlined look.
High-quality Images
Send most images up to 100MB at full
resolution over iMessage, depending on
device and network conditions.
Easily move an email sender into a
different category. All past emails from
that sender will be moved and new
messages will automatically sorted
into the new category.
Windows support
Access your passwords on Windows in
the iCloud Passwords app.
Calendar Stats
Each day that you ve written is marked on See how many entries and how many
the Insights calendar. Simply tap to view words you ve written over time, and what
entries for a given day. places you ve written about most.
Make shortcuts that create a new journal
entry for you. You can even include photos
and your location, start a new audio
recording, and more.
Pair Matter accessories without a hub18 Control robot vacuum cleaners in the
Add and locally control Wi-Fi based Matter Home app*
accessories to the Home app without Robot vacuum cleaners can participate in
needing a home hub. Thread-based automations and scenes and listen for Siri
accessory management is available with requests, just like other accessories in
iPhone 15 Pro and later. your home. Matter-compatible robot
vacuum cleaners can be added and
controlled in the Home app.
Privacy & Security Improved Contacts preferences Redesigned Privacy & Security settings
Empowers you to choose what contacts More easily manage how much information
to share with an app, and you can add you are sharing with apps. Each data type
more over time. now shows how many apps are accessing
that data, making it easier for you to
find where you are sharing the most
information with apps. Settings will now
note the level of access that apps have
to Photos, Calendar, and Contacts.
Variables23 Graphing
Easily assign values to variables and Type out an equation, and with a tap you
then use those variables in expressions can insert a graph. Zoom in or out, or pan
you solve. For example, you can assign around the graph, and resize it to get it just
“x=10” and then type “x + 20 =“ to get right. You can even add multiple equations
an answer. on the same graph to see how they relate
to one another.
Refreshed look
Updates to typography and consistent
event details across Day, Week, and Month
views make your events easier to read.
Adjust flash settings via touch and hold Next-gen Portraits enhancements
Access camera flash settings via the touch Adds Portrait Lighting controls and Night
and hold gesture. mode portrait when capturing portraits in
Photo mode.
Explore Library
See everything Fitness+ has to offer in Your library has everything you ve saved
the new Explore space. Designed for and downloaded in Fitness+, and now it s
easy navigation and maximum discovery, one-tap easy to access.
Explore shows you the full breadth of
activities in Fitness+ and highlights
new offerings.
Language detection
The multilingual keyboard recognizes the
language you were last using in messages
and switches automatically, so if you
were messaging a friend in Hindi and your
family in Marathi, you can pick up right
where you left off.
© 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, AirPlay, AirPods, AirPods Max, AirPods Pro, Apple Cash, Apple Music, Apple Pay, Apple
TV, Apple Wallet, Apple Watch, Apple Watch SE, CarPlay, Dynamic Island, Face ID, FaceTime, Freeform, HomePod, iMessage, iPad, iPhone, Keynote,
Mac, Memoji, Numbers, Pages, QuickPath, Safari, Siri, Spotlight, Tapback, and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
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service mark of Apple Inc. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Other
product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. September 2024