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GoTenna Manual

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goTenna Mesh 5.

0 User Manual
Table of Contents

Welcome to the Mesh Network! Mapping & Location

What is goTenna Mesh? 4 Download a Map 21

Hardware Specs 5 Delete a Downloaded Map 22

Onboarding & Initial Setup 6 Find your Location 23

Having Trouble Pairing? 10 Create a Pin 24

Share your Location 25

1-to-1 Chat 12 Settings
Group Chat 14 Settings 28

Shout Chat 16 Confirm your goTenna Firmware is Up-to-Date 30

Emergency Chat 17 Pair your goTenna Mesh Device 31

Unpair your goTenna Mesh Device 32

Emergency Beacon
Send an Emergency Beacon 18 Stationary Relay Mode 34

Contacts goTenna Plus Features

Create a Contact 20 Location Tethering 36

SMS Network Relay 38

Trip Statistics 40

Topographic Maps 42

2 3
Hardware Specs
Welcome to the

In this manual, you’ll find information to help orient yourself

with your goTenna Mesh. You’ll learn about the goTenna 1-WATT UHF RADIO

Mesh device, how to set up and use the goTenna app, and
how your device works in conjunction with the app. MICRO-USB CHARGING

What is goTenna Mesh?


goTenna Mesh is the first 100% off-grid, mobile, long-

range, consumer-ready mesh network. The device pairs
with smartphones to enable communication among
users without any reliance on cell towers, WiFi routers, or
satellites. Additionally, goTenna Mesh enables automatic
and private message relay, effectively doubling or tripling
any device’s range, creating a network that gets stronger the RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM
more people join it. (24+ HOURS)


4.2 × 0.9 × 1.3 in (106.5 × 18 × 13 mm)

1.7 oz (48 g)


4 5
Onboarding & Initial Setup
You can download the goTenna app through the Apple App
Store or the Google Play Store. Access to WiFi or 4G-LTE is
required to download the app. The first time you open the
goTenna app, you’ll be prompted to create a goTenna account
and pair your goTenna Mesh device.
Android iPhone Step 3 Step 4

If you have an Android device, If you have an iPhone, you Select ‘Next’ to allow Select ‘OK’ for goTenna to
you can download the app in can download the app in the location & contact access. access your contacts.
the Google Play Store. Apple App Store.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 5 Step 6

Select ‘Get Started’. To use the goTenna app, Select ‘Allow’ to allow Select ‘Allow’ to allow
6 you’ll need to select goTenna to send you goTenna to access your 7
‘Agree’ to the Terms of Use. notifications. location.
Step 7 Step 8 Step 11 Step 12

Enter your phone number Never pair your goTenna Hold down the power button Once your device pairs, you
(recommended) or have Mesh through your until the white light turns on. are finished. Select ‘Finish’.
goTenna create a randomly bluetooth settings, always Select ‘Pair’ to pair with your
generated ID. If you entered pair directly through the goTenna Mesh device.
your phone number, you’ll be goTenna app. Select ‘Next’.
asked to verify your phone
number via SMS text.

Step 9 Step 10 Step 13

Select ‘goTenna Mesh’. Turn off nearby goTenna On this page you have the
devices that haven’t been option to download an
paired. In order to pair offline map, send a message,
seamlessly, you should only or continue exploring the
pair one device at a time. app.
Select ‘Next’.

8 9
Having Trouble Pairing?
If you have trouble pairing, make sure you have location services
enabled for the goTenna app.

If you continue to have trouble, try pairing the goTenna Mesh

device to another device. This will help determine what settings
you need to update on your first device.

If this does not work, close the goTenna app, reset your device’s
network settings, then power your device off/on. Open the
goTenna app and attempt setup again.

Place goTenna close to your

phone to optimize initial
connection strength. The light
will slowly pulse as goTenna
awaits pairing. If the light is
off, you’ve paired goTenna to
another phone or do not have
sufficient battery.

10 11
Five modes 1.Chat 2.Group 3.Public 4.Shout 5.Emergency Beacon

1-to-1 Chat Encrypted

A 1-to-1 Chat is a private, encrypted message between you and

another goTenna Mesh user. They are automatically meshed
via other goTenna Mesh devices if the person you are trying to
reach is not directly within range.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 5 Step 6

Select ‘Chats’ from the side Choose an existing chat or Type your message. Select the send button.
menu. create a new chat.

Step 3 Step 4 Step 7

12 Select ‘1-to-1 Chat’. Select the intended recipient. A green check mark shows it
was successfully delivered.
Group Chat Encrypted

Group Chat is a private message shared between you and up to

9 additional contacts. Like 1-to-1 Chats, Group Chats are end-
to-end encrypted and mesh.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 5 Step 6

Select ‘Chats’ from the side Click the compose icon. Group chat contacts Select ‘Start Chatting’.
menu. must be within range and
connected to a goTenna
Step 3 Step 4 Step 7 Step 8

Select ‘Group Chat’. Choose the contacts you Type your message. Send your message.
want to include and select Delivery confirmation is not
‘Create’. supported for Group Chats.

14 15
Shout Chat Unencrypted
Emergency Chat Unencrypted

Shout Chat allows you to publicly broadcast to any goTenna Emergency Chat transmits messages to all goTenna Mesh users
Mesh user within range. Because these messages are public, within range. These messages mesh through other goTenna
they are not end-to-end encrypted and any user within range Mesh devices to extend their range. Only use Emergency
will receive it. Shout Chats do not mesh. Chat during emergencies.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Chats’ from the side Click the compose icon. Select ‘Settings’ from the From the Settings menu,
menu. side menu. select ‘Emergency
Step 3 Step 4 Step 3 Step 4

Select ‘Shout Chat’. Type your message. Send Select ‘Emergency Chat’. Type and send your
your message. Delivery message.
confirmation is not
supported for Shout Chats.
16 17
Emergency Beacon
The ‘Push for help’ Emergency Beacon system allows you
to broadcast a custom Emergency Beacon along with your
location and critical info to all goTenna Mesh users within range
(emergency messages always travel 6 hops!). Tapping the
power button on your device 5 times allows you to broadcast
your Emergency Beacon. You can customize the message in
settings. Only use Emergency Beacon during emergencies.

Send an Emergency Beacon

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Select ‘Settings’ from the From the Settings menu, Select ‘Emergency Beacon Type your info and select
side menu. select ‘Emergency Setup’. ‘Save’.

18 19
Contacts Mapping & Location
You can access and manage your goTenna contacts from the The goTenna app allows you to download free, detailed maps
side menu. If you haven’t allowed the goTenna app access to of anywhere in the world that can be used entirely offline. Maps
your contacts, you’ll need to manually add contact information. must be downloaded first with WiFi or LTE. Once the map is
installed within the app, you can use it 100% offline.
Create a Contact Download a Map:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Contacts’ from the Tap ‘Create New’ in the Select ‘Location’ from the Select the download icon on
side menu. upper right corner. side menu. the bottom right.
Step 3 Step 4 Step 3 Step 5

Type the contact info and You can edit, send a Select the country and state Your map will be downloaded
select ‘Save’. message, request location, of the map you’d like to and saved here.
20 auto accept location download. 21
requests, or block the user.
Delete a Downloaded Map: Find your Location:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Location’ from the Select the three dot icon in the Select ‘Location’ from the Tap the arrow icon in the
side menu. upper right corner, then select side menu. lower left corner of
‘My Maps’. the map. Your location will
be displayed by a blue

Step 3 Step 4

Under Street Level Maps, Select ‘Delete Map’.

swipe left on the map you
would like to delete and
select ‘Delete’.

22 23
Create a Pin: Share your Location:
You can follow these steps to auto-accept location requests,
request a user’s location, attach a pin, or attach your location.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Location’ from the Drop a pin by long pressing Select ‘Chats’ from the Side Choose an existing chat in
side menu. the location where you’d like Menu. which you’d like to share a
to create a pin. Tap ‘Create location, or create a new
Pin’ when the bubble pops chat by clicking the compose
up. icon at the bottom right
corner of the screen.
Step 3 Step 4 Step 3 Step 4

Create a name for your pin You now have the option to Select the plus icon to the Select ‘Attach My
under Pin Title. Select ‘Save’ edit, share, or delete the pin. left of the text box. Location’ or any of the
in the upper right corner of Alternatively, you can exit the location sharing options.
the screen. screen by selecting the X icon
at the bottom of the screen.
24 25
Step 5 Step 6

Type a message if desired. Click on the location to view

Select the send button. the map.

26 27
Within Settings you can fine tune your goTenna app. Profile Chat Settings


• Profile - Username, Phone Number or GID, Last Shared
Location, Email Updates
• Emergency Settings - Emergency Chat, Emergency
Beacon Setup
• Pair/Unpair goTenna

• Chat Settings - Shouts (Accept/Don’t Accept Incoming),
Block List
• Map Settings - Downloaded Maps, Saved Pins, Units, Saved
• Sound Settings - Sounds (On/Off), Vibration (On/Off),
Sending Messages Tones, Receiving Messages Tones

SUPPORT: Sound Settings Map Settings

• About - App Information (App Version, Build Number, Install
Date, Source), Device Information (Battery, Serial, Firmware
Installed, Region)
• Help & FAQ - Answers to questions regarding Messaging,
Maps & Location, Range & Performance, etc.
• Privacy Policy
• Logout - If you log out, you’ll need to undergo account setup
again to use goTenna Mesh.

28 29
Confirm your goTenna Firmware is Pair your goTenna Mesh Device:
Up-to-Date: Turn your goTenna Mesh device on. When the light is blinking on
Step 1 Step 2 your goTenna Mesh device, follow these steps:
Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Settings’ from the Select ‘About’.

Side Menu.
Select ‘Settings’ from the Select ‘Pair goTenna’.
Step 3 Side Menu.

Step 3 Step 4

If you need to update your

firmware, you’ll see a blue
button that says ‘UPDATE
NOW’. Select this button
to update your firmware. If Select ‘goTenna Mesh’. You goTenna Mesh will pair.
you don’t need to update, should only attempt to pair
you’ll see the latest firmware one goTenna Mesh device at
version listed with no action a time.

30 31
Unpair your goTenna Mesh Device:
Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Settings’ from the Select ‘Unpair goTenna’.

Side Menu.

Step 3

Select ‘Unpair’.

32 33
Stationary Relay Mode Htet Sin Lwint, placed at fix location to transmit the message in the longer range.

Your goTenna Mesh device can be set up as a dedicated relay Users can also now ‘pair’ to a relay node in order to view battery
node in order to increase range. A goTenna Mesh device does ​ life. When a node is set up as a relay, any pairing that occurs
NOT​need to be actively paired to a device to serve as a relay does not take the goTenna Mesh device out of Stationary Relay
node, but it does have to be powered on. Mode. This pairing can ultimately be done “in passing”.

1-to-1 Chat, Group, and Emergency Chat will relay through other
goTenna Mesh devices or through goTenna Mesh devices that
are set up in Stationary Relay Mode. Shouts do not relay.

To set up Stationary Relay Mode:

1. Turn on your goTenna Mesh device by pressing and

holding the power button on the side of the device for 3
seconds until the light turns on.

2. Triple-press the power button and wait for the light

to stay on. Once the light stays on, quickly
triple-press the power button once again to confirm
Stationary Relay Mode. The light will blink 3 times
then turn off.

To confirm Stationary Relay Mode is on at any point, press the

power button and the light will blink 3 times.

To deactivate Stationary Relay Mode:

1. Press and hold the power button on your goTenna

Mesh device for 5 seconds until the light turns off.

2. Turn the goTenna Mesh device back on by holding the

power button for 3 seconds until the light turns on.

3. When the light is blinking, you can re-pair your goTenna

Mesh device to your smartphone to continue using all
the app features.

34 35
goTenna Plus Features
Step 3 Step 4

goTenna Plus is our subscription service that gives users access

to Location Tethering, SMS Network Relay, Trip Statistics, and
Topographic Maps. You can receive a free 30-day, no-strings-
attached trial to test out these features.

Location Tethering:
This feature broadcasts a user’s location every 1-10 minutes
for up to 12 hours to designated recipients. The times are
customizable upon setup.

Select the plus icon to the Select ‘Location Sharing

left of the text box. Auto-Share’.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 5

Select ‘Chats’ from the Side Create a new chat, or select From here, you’ll toggle
Menu. the existing chat with the location tethering on/
user you’d like to location off. Select the frequency
tether with. (every 1, 5, or 10 minutes) &
duration (15, 30 minutes, or
any duration between 1 - 12
hours) at which you’d like
to update and share your

36 37
SMS Network Relay
SMS Network Relay enables users to send messages to other
users that are not within range or using goTenna Mesh by
utilizing another goTenna Mesh user’s internet connection to
send out SMS messages. Messages sent out via SMS Network
Relay will show confirmation with a green check mark and will
appear in the user’s text messaging application.

Send a Message via SMS Network Relay:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Open a chat message and When the message is Select ‘SMS Network Your message will be
send a message. marked as ‘Delivery Relay’. sent via SMS. You’ll see a
unconfirmed’, select the green check mark when
orange exclamation point. the message is confirmed
as sent. If delivery
cannot be confirmed,
you’ll see ‘Delivery

38 39
Trip Statistics
Enabling trip statistics will record your exact trip and
document it along the way. Statistics visible at the bottom
of the screen can be changed by the user. Options include:
altitude, stopped time, moving time, distance, current
speed, average speed and pace. Saving your trip will reveal
all options on one summary page.

Record Trip Statistics:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 5

Select ‘Location’ from the Swipe up on the black To pause recording, tap To save your trip, tap ‘Save’.
Side Menu. bottom bar. Tap ‘Record’ ‘Recording...’. which will
to begin recording your trip. then show ‘Paused’. To
When recording, this button reset your trip, tap ‘Reset’.
will show ‘Recording...’.

40 41
Topographic Maps:
Step 1 Step 2

Select ‘Location’ from the Toggle ‘Topographic Map’.

Side Menu.

Step 3

Here is the Topographic Map.

goTenna Mesh devices enable users to communicate and coordinate without any reliance on existing
networks or infrastructure—no towers, routers or satellites required. This guide will serve to explain how
goTenna Mesh works, identify common use-cases, and contextualize practical performance.

I. How it Works

goTenna Mesh pairs with smartphones and works in conjunction with the goTenna app
to enable customers to send text messages and share GPS information with other users
at a range of up to several miles. It does this by transmitting messages and location
information via UHF radio waves in a peer-to-peer capacity, meaning there is no
centralized hub through which communications must pass. Again, no towers, routers or
satellites required!

The goTenna app offers ​two core features​:

● Text messages up to 160 characters

● Sharing of location information on free-to-download offline maps

○ Customers can share their own immediate locations — the goTenna app
leverages the phone’s GPS functionality, which works even without
○ Create waypoints/points-of-interest which we call “pins” that customers
can drop anywhere on the map. Pins are customizable, and contain info
like distance from a user’s current location and GPS coordinates.

Users can send text messages in t​ hree different capacities​:

● Open public broadcasts, which we call “Shouts”. These will go to any goTenna
device in range — great for random chatting or to call for help!

● Private 1-to-1 messages

● Private group messaging

The best way to help customers wrap their heads around using goTenna is to have them
think of the device in the context of a walkie-talkie or two-way radio, only with many extra
features. In regards to messaging, ​private 1-to-1 and private group chats are not
possible with walkie-talkies, but they are possible with goTenna​.
II. The goTenna App

The goTenna app is where all of your customers’ interfacing will occur. In addition to the
free version of the app, we also offer a premium upgrade called goTenna Plus.

● The goTenna app is f​ ree to download​, and all offline maps are free to download
​ ccess maps via the tri-fold map icon​, or through map
within the app. Users a

● Detailed maps for every state in U.S., and every country.

● Maps include detailed trails for hiking, , including more than 120,000 ski trails

● App is available on Apple’s App Store and Google Play for Android.

● Your customers can view the battery life of their goTenna devices within the app.
(Pro tip: Users can check which goTenna they’re paired with by tapping on the
battery icon.)
● Within the app, customers can edit settings like the frequency of GPS location
updates, in-app sounds, data management, and more

goTenna Plus

goTenna Plus is the perfect way to get more detailed information about your
surroundings and stay in better sync with your group on your next off-grid adventure.

Additional features include:

● Topographic Maps
● Location Tethering​ — This feature allows your customers to automatically send
their locations to a trusted contact every one, five, or ten minutes.
● Network Relay​ — If a goTenna user nearby has cell service, they can transmit
your customers’ message via SMS to their intended recipient.
● Trip Statistics​ — Your customers can track & save data like speed, distance,
and elevation traveled.
● Group Delivery Confirmation​ — In group chats of up to 6, your customers will
know who has or hasn’t received their messages.

III. Mesh Networking

One of goTenna Mesh’s key features is the ability to establish mesh networks in which
your customers can increase the overall range of their messages by relaying through
other nearby users.


Fig. 1 - This graphic illustrates the difference between a network based around a central hub (L)
versus an interconnected mesh network (R). If the middle node on the left collapses, so goes the
entire network. With the mesh network, however, you see that each node is connected, therefore
offering more reliable overall support, even if one node drops off.

Htet Sint Lwint

● Mesh networking allows your customers to relay transmissions through nearby
users to reach recipients who are beyond point-to-point range.

● Unlike conventional networks that get more bogged down as more people join,
goTenna Mesh’s mesh networks actually get stronger as more users come into
range, as there are more routes by which a message can reach intended

● Reconfigurable networking means that your customers’ goTenna Mesh devices

will adapt to changes in the network. If one or more relay nodes drop off for any
reason, goTenna Mesh will find the best alternate route to reach the end

● Mesh relay applies to all messages sent via goTenna. In the case of 1-to-1 and
group messaging, relay will occur until the intended recipient(s) is/are deemed to
be out of range. Even publicly broadcast Shouts will relay to other users in the

● goTenna Mesh devices do not need to be actively paired with smartphones to act
as relay nodes. A powered-on goTenna Mesh can relay messages, which means
an extra device can remain stationary and act simply as a relay point.

IV. How goTenna Mesh Compares to Walkie-Talkies

When speaking about goTenna Mesh in the context of a walkie-talkie, it helps to identify
specifically how the device measures up to other two-way consumer radios.

● goTenna Mesh devices operate at the maximum power output permitted by the
FCC on the frequencies where they operate, meaning p ​ oint-to-point range is
equal to or greater than radios operating on the same frequency bands​ that
push voice transmissions that take up a considerable amount of bandwidth. In
the case of goTenna Mesh, t​ he device operates at 1 W on the 900 MHz ISM

● Text instead of voice means customers won’t miss communications​ if

they’re distracted at the moment someone messages them (i.e. skiing or
climbing). Users get the full backlog of communications, and they can always go
back to reference info contained in chats. Plus there are no garbled messages,
because everything is clearly written out for them in a simple app.

● Delivery confirmation on messages​ means customers will not have to wonder

if they got through to the intended recipient(s).

● The goTenna app features maps of every state in the U.S., and nearly every
country. ​Maps are free to download, and allow users to share precise
locations and points of interest

● Privacy ​— 1-to-1 and group chats are fully encrypted, meaning the only people
receiving messages are your customers intended recipients. Unlike
walkie-talkies, other users cannot listen in or interfere with conversations.

● Longer lasting — ​Over 24 hours on a single charge; recharges in about 2 hours

● Super simple and intuitive - ​The goTenna app looks familiar and feels intuitive.
Keyboards and interfaces are designed to look like the operating system on
which they’re running.

The devices we consider to be t​ he closest competitors are the Garmin Rino series​,
which are GPS-enabled two-way radios. Here’s how they compare:

● Price​ — goTenna is $149/pair; the cheapest in the Rino series is $349.99/unit

(not per pair)

● Weight​ — goTenna weighs less than 2 oz; Rino devices are more than 12 oz
● Interface​ — The Rino only allows for pre-canned text transmissions, and does
not feature a keyboard. Touchscreen interface on Rino is less intuitive than a

V. How goTenna Mesh Compares to Satellite Devices

● Significantly cheaper​ — goTenna hardware is cheaper than satellite devices,

and there are no subscriptions or usage fees of any sort. goTenna Mesh devices
are designed for communication and coordination between individuals or among
groups venturing off-grid together. Satellite devices make sense for users
heading into the backcountry solo, but outfitting a whole group with sat devices
can get very expensive.

● Lighter and smaller ​— Unlike cumbersome satellite radios, goTenna Mesh

devices weigh less than 2 oz and strap easily to customers’ gear

● Free-form messaging​ — Satellite devices are often limited to canned messages

(i.e. “Help!”) but goTenna Mesh allows for the use of a full keyboard

VI. Contextualizing Range and Performance

All radios have a finite range, and that range is highly dependent on factors like terrain
and elevation. Radios perform differently in a open, rural area than they would in a
dense urban area. It’s important that customers understand the context of the device’s
performance. It can be helpful to apply range to real-world environments.

● Customers can generally expect ranges of up to 1 mile in a city, or up to 3 3mile=4.82km

(Mawata to Parami
miles in the outdoors.​ It is possible to exceed those figures, but it ultimately Khine khine kyaw)
comes down to what is between the sender and recipient(s).

● Thought experiment! ​Ask a customer to think about how far they think the
distance to the horizon is when looking at the ocean on the beach. Most people
think that it is 10-12 miles away. It’s not — the horizon on the beach is only 3
miles away.

● Contextualizing range:

○ Yosemite Day Trails:​ Although most are 7+ miles, they’re all circuits, so
as the crow flies even the largest trail is only ~1.7 miles wide. This is true
of most hiking trails around the world.
○ Skiing in Park City, UT:​ The maximum distance from the left-most trail to
the right-most trail is only 1.8 miles. The distance from peak to the
furthest trail downhill is 2.9 miles. In other words, your customers would
likely be in range of each other from nearly any point in the resort.

○ Manhattan:​ The island is only 2 miles wide!

○ Average hiking speed: M ​ ost people, even professionals, hike around

2-3 miles an hour. So users can think of goTenna having 1-2 hours hiking
distance of communication, which means it’s unlikely someone would be
that​ far away in most scenarios.

○ We’re useful the moment your customers are out of shouting range,
which for most people is only about 200 feet.

VII. Use cases

goTenna Mesh is ideal for communication and coordination among groups of people
who are venturing off-grid together, but plan to separate while off-grid. Some examples:

● Hiking the Appalachian Trail — ​ If your customers plan to hike at different

paces, goTenna Mesh allows them to not worry about meeting up thanks to
texting and location sharing. Or, they can send Shouts to make new explorer
friends in the area!

● Backcountry skiing — ​ One customer may want to hit a trail a dangerous trail,
while the other decides to take it easy and go down the side which doesn’t have
weekly avalanches. Users can use goTenna to make sure they meet up at the
bottom, or let the others know they’ve decided to join them!

● International travel​ — Is your customer planning a trip abroad? goTenna Mesh

will allow that customer’s group to stay in touch and share locations without
requiring expensive regional SIM cards or roaming fees.

● A crowded outdoor market or giant music festival with overloaded towers

—​ A customer and friends plans to head somewhere with a large, dense crowd,
and they may end up separated (particularly if that market is in a foreign country
where your customers do not have service). Your customers can set up meeting
points and plan accordingly with goTenna Mesh.

● Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, oh my! T ​ he power is out and networks are

down. Your customers can coordinate with family and neighbors to ensure
everyone still has food and water, and to know where to meet if anything else

VIII. Pro tips

Here are a few tips your customers should keep in mind to achieve optimal performance.
Just a few simple things can have a huge impact on range!

● Physical operation of goTenna Mesh

○ goTenna Mesh is designed to operate best when strapped to a pack or

other external gear. We do not recommend keeping the device in hand, in
​ eep the device exposed.
a backpack, or in a pocket. K

○ The higher a customer wears the device the better. There is a noticeable
range difference between attaching it at hip level on a belt-loop, versus at
shoulder-height on a pack.

○ It is possible to use goTenna Mesh while it’s charging, but this may
negatively impact range due to electrical interference. We recommend
that customers charge prior to use.

○ If a message doesn’t get through, the best thing a user can do is change
position, preferably going for higher ground and trying again. Sometimes
just a little bit of extra height can make a huge difference in performance.


goTenna Mesh

● What is goTenna Mesh?
○ goTenna Mesh is the first 100% off-grid, mobile, long-range consumer-ready mesh
network. The device pairs with smartphones to enable communication among
users without any reliance on cell towers, wifi routers, or satellites. Additionally,
goTenna Mesh intelligently enables automatic and private message relay,
effectively doubling or tripling any device's effective range, creating a network
which actually gets stronger the more people join it.

● Will goTenna Mesh work with the first-generation goTenna?

○ goTenna Mesh devices will not be interoperable with our first-gen goTenna devices
(which are only available for sale in the U.S.) because they operate on different
frequencies. We would have loved to enable interoperability but that's physically
and legally impossible due to regulatory restrictions which prohibit meshing on the
first-gen product's frequencies. So it really comes down to both the laws of
communications regulators, and the laws of physics!

● On which frequencies does goTenna Mesh operate?

○ The first-gen goTenna works on the 151-154MHz band (MURS), whereas goTenna
Mesh will transmit at 1 W on 902-928 MHz in the United States, and will vary
throughout other countries. For example: goTenna Mesh will transmit at 0.5 W on
869.4-869.65 MHz in Europe and other CE countries, and the device will auto-tune
itself to the appropriate frequency band and power output based on the location
where it's being used.

● Where can I use goTenna Mesh?

○ goTenna Mesh works absolutely anywhere on earth, provided there is at least one
other goTenna Mesh device in range. Whether you are traveling overseas,
spending time outdoors, at a crowded event, or preparing for an emergency,
goTenna Mesh provides incredible utility in any situation where cell service or wifi is
not available by empowering you to create essential connectivity during any

● Who can I communicate with using goTenna Mesh?

○ You can chat with any other goTenna Mesh user within range. The reason you
can't chat with people who don't have goTenna Mesh is due to the physics of radio
waves. You need a properly designed RF receiver to interpret a goTenna Mesh
It is better to use
signal. We would love to have our signals get to devices that aren't
goTenna-enabled, but phones are designed to work with towers and wifi — exactly
what we are working around — and regular radios aren't able to operate at the
level of our super-smart networking protocols. We should also point out that
goTenna Mesh devices will not be interoperable with regular goTenna devices
because they operate on different frequencies.

With that said, ​the goTenna Plus app​ upgrade enables a network relay feature, so
you can reach people beyond your off-grid network. If a goTenna Mesh user
nearby has cell service, they can transmit your message via SMS to your intended

● Can a goTenna Mesh act as a relay node when it is not paired with a
○ The short answer is that, yes, it can!

The longer answer is that any powered-on goTenna Mesh device can receive and
relay messages and location data. The information going through the relaying
device can only be decrypted by the end recipient. In order to actually receive,
interpret and view messages or location data, a user must have a smartphone
paired with a goTenna Mesh.

This enables users to strategically place goTenna Meshes between members of

their parties, which can function as stationary relay points to increase range. In
other words, if two users have four goTenna Meshes, two of those devices can be
used solely as relay points, effectively tripling overall range:

User A — User B
User A — Relay — Relay — User B

Because goTenna Mesh has a standard micro-USB, you could leave the device
paired to a solar charger or some other power source on its own.

● How does offline location sharing work?

○ goTenna leverages the GPS on your phone, which works all the time even if you
don't have service. goTenna then contextualizes that "blue dot" on detailed offline
vector maps and allows you to share it with others who have goTenna.

All our maps are free for download, and you can share your location, request
others' locations, and also share points of interest. The maps are detailed enough
to show specific city blocks and even some trails in certain parks.

● Is goTenna Mesh approved by the FCC?

○ Yes. goTenna Mesh is approved under Part 15.

● Is goTenna Mesh patented?

○ goTenna’s technology is patent pending.

● Do I need to have my phone with me to use my goTenna Mesh?

○ You need your phone to send and see received messages, however goTenna
Mesh can continue to receive messages without your phone being paired. In such
a case goTenna Mesh would store your messages for upload to your phone the
next time you connect.

This is also true if your phone battery dies. Your goTenna Mesh will continue to
receive messages on your behalf and store them until you can recharge your
phone and access the goTenna Mesh app again.

● How far can my phone and goTenna Mesh be from each other?
○ goTenna Mesh uses Bluetooth Low-Energy to wirelessly pair to your smartphone.
You'll probably want to have them within 20 ft (7 m) of each other, though you
should aim to keep goTenna Mesh as close to your smartphone as possible, as
Bluetooth can be unreliable at greater distances.

● How many users can be in a private goTenna Mesh group conversation?

○ Groups can be up to 10 users, though we plan to expand the group maximum

● What are goTenna Mesh’s key hardware specs?
○ 1-watt UHF radio (tunes to frequencies & power permissible in your region)
○ Flash memory good for 100's of messages
○ Rechargeable Lithium-polymer battery (24+ hour battery life on standby)
○ Micro-USB connector
○ Bluetooth-LE data interface (BT 4.2)
○ LED indicator light
○ Thermoplastic elastomer attachment strap
○ Weather-proof (fine in all kinds of rain & grime!)
○ 4.2" x .9" x 1.3" (106.5 x 18 x 33 mm)
○ Weight: 1.7 oz (48 g)

● Why is goTenna Mesh better than a walkie-talkie?

○ goTenna Mesh enables you to intelligently relay your messages through other
users to get to your recipient(s) when they are out of point-to-point range. This
makes it more likely your messages will get through in difficult situations, and
creates a network that gets stronger the more people join it. And not to worry: this
all happens automatically and privately.

In addition, goTenna Mesh offers many features walkie-talkies cannot, including

message delivery confirmation, the ability to create private groups and 1-to-1 chats,
and the ability to share GPS locations on free, detailed offline maps. Plus: You
never have to worry about channels or interference!

● Is goTenna Mesh waterproof?

○ No, but it's definitely weatherproof and water-resistant. We've designed it to survive
rainy excursions, and to stand a good chance of survival if briefly dropped in water,
but it's definitely not designed to be submerged. Leave it with your smartphone
when you go swimming!

● Is goTenna Mesh dust-tight?

○ Yes

● What kind of warranty do you provide?

○ goTenna comes with a 1-year limited warranty.

● What type of encryption does goTenna Mesh use?
○ Private 1-to-1 and group messages sent over goTenna Mesh are end-to-end
encrypted with 384-bit elliptic curve public-private key ciphering. The only
exceptions are messages sent using the “shout” and “emergency” features which
are by definition public conversations with others within range of you.

● Why do I need to verify my phone number?

○ You will need to verify your phone number during account setup, and you need to
be connected to a cell network (not wifi) to do so. Once you enter your phone
number, you will be sent a 5-digit verification code via SMS text message. You will
need this code to proceed with account setup. This step will occur only when first
creating your account, and is done solely to verify the identity of the user. We do
this so people know if a user on goTenna is using a phone number, you can trust
it’s really that person!

● How secure is goTenna Mesh?

○ Very. Beyond the end-to-end encryption, because there is no central server there is
no proverbial “back-door.”

● Can other people with goTenna Mesh devices gain access to messages I
○ No, everything is encrypted and our firmware doesn’t allow downloading one
goTenna account’s messages to another smartphone anyway.

● What information does my goTenna Mesh store?

○ Just the goTenna ID you’ve set to be your contact (i.e. either your phone number or
a randomized string), and any messages your phone hasn’t pulled yet. If you opt in
to telemetry, we’ll gather some basic statistics to help make goTenna better like
battery life, device temperature, and so forth — absolutely zero actual messages or
contact list information though!

● What information does my goTenna Mesh device share with goTenna the
○ None, though you can opt-in to share completely anonymized telemetry when you
have a data connection, so that we can improve our service. Again, this is limited to
basic data regarding battery life, device temperature, and so forth. No messages or
contact list info are included.

● Why should I believe goTenna cares about my privacy?

○ We feel you. It’s hard to sort out who pays lip service to privacy and who really
means it these days. The sad reality is both the government and tech companies
have disrespected our privacy, time and time again. Well, we have this to say about
goTenna: we set out to build a consumer-ready, completely decentralized,
end-to-end encrypted communication technology, without a “back-door” for anyone,
because it didn’t exist yet, and we thought it should. We’ll leave it at that.

goTenna App

● How do I start a chat with an individual or group?
○ Step 1: Click the blue Chat icon in the lower-right corner of your conversation or
location screens
○ Step 2: Select "1-to-1 Chat" or “Group”
○ Step 3: Choose your contact(s) or type in the ID number they used during account
creation. Note: This is likely to be their phone number — and if they're in your
contact list, you'll see that clearly — but it can also be a GID, or goTenna ID, a
randomized string they need to share with you
○ Step 4: Type your message
○ Step 5: Hit "Send"

● How do I broadcast publicly to anyone around?

○ Step 1: Select "Chat" on the main menu
○ Step 2: Click the blue Chat icon in the lower-right corner
○ Step 3: Select "Shout Chat”
○ Step 4: Type your message
○ Step 5: Hit "Send"

● How do I create and share an arbitrary pin on the map?

○ Step 1: Select "Location" in the main menu
○ Step 2: Find location where you would like to create a pin on the map
○ Step 3: Hold your finger on your desired location
○ Step 4: Select "Create Pin"
○ Step 5: Name the pin and select "Save"
○ Step 6: To share, select "Share Pin" after naming

● How do I share my location, pin, or request someone else’s location?

○ Step 1: Select "Chat" on the main menu
○ Step 2: Choose an existing chat, or start a new one by clicking the blue Chat icon
○ Step 3: Click the Location icon to the left of the text field
○ Step 4: Choose either "Request User's Location", "Attach a Pin", or "Attach my
Location". If you select "Attach a Pin", you can choose an existing pin. "Attach my
Location" will add the location automatically
○ Step 5: If you wish to include a message, type your message in the text field and
you can send the text and pin attachment in one go
○ Step 6: Hit "Send"

● Is Bluetooth going to kill my smartphone’s battery life?

○ No. Bluetooth-LE, or Bluetooth Low Energy (or even Bluetooth 4.0), is a new
standard which addresses the power drain of the old Bluetooth technology. It’s also
a lot easier to pair with!

Regardless, switching over to Airplane Mode will extend your battery life even
longer. (And if you're on Android, make sure to switch GPS back on after selecting
Airplane Mode. On iOS, toggle Bluetooth back on after switching into Airplane

● Where do I download goTenna’s offline maps?

○ To download goTenna’s offline maps, choose “Location” from the main menu, then
click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the map screen. Next, select
“Downloaded Maps”, and then select “Available” on the “Map Downloads” screen.
Choose either by country (e.g. France) or by country>region (e.g. United States of

All maps are free. You do require a data connection to download the maps, so plan
to do so before you go off-grid! And because some of these maps can be big, you
should download maps when you're on wifi.

● What are firmware updates?

○ Firmware is the custom operating system programmed into your goTenna device.
It’s what allows the goTenna hardware to do its magic. Updates to firmware allow
for new features, upgrades, and bug fixes. Unlike quick app updates, firmware
updates can take up to 10 minutes to complete. We recommend connecting your
goTenna to power during a firmware update, similar to when you update the
operating system on your phone or computer. We also recommend being on the
same firmware as people you plan to use goTenna with so you can all take
advantage of the same features.

● What is goTenna Plus?
○ goTenna Plus is our new subscription service giving users access to topographic
maps, trip statistics, location tethering, group chat confirmations and network relay.
When activated you have the ability to download and store up to 4 topographic
maps, which can be replaced as needed. Included in this update is a 30-day,
no-strings-attached trial of these new features.
● About Location Tethering
○ This feature will broadcast the user's location every 1-10 minutes for up to 12 hours
to designated recipients. These times are fully customizable and in the preferences
when setting this up.

● About Network Relay

○ Network Relay enables users to send messages to other users that are not within
range by utilizing another user’s internet connection to send out messages.
Messages sent out via Network Relay will show confirmation with a blue check
mark instead of the normal green mark and will appear in the user’s text messaging

● About Trip Statistics

○ Enabling this feature will record your exact trip and breadcrumb it along the way.
Statistics at the bottom of this screen can be changed by the user. For example
you can choose 3 out of the available options: Altitude, Stopped Time, Moving
Time, Distance, Current Speed, Average Speed & Pace. Saving your trip will reveal
all options on one summary screen.

● About Group Delivery Confirmation

○ When in a group chat of up to 6 people (including yourself), you now have the
ability to receive message confirmations knowing who in your group received the

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