Q2 (Lesson 5, 6, 8) Revy
Q2 (Lesson 5, 6, 8) Revy
Q2 (Lesson 5, 6, 8) Revy
our service?
Would you recommend our service to a
LESSON 5: Advanced Presentation Skills friend?
(Hyperlinks, and Embedding files and data) How much are you willing to pay for this
Do you have any comments or
Creating an Effective Presentation suggestions?
a. Create New – creates a new file from 3. MOVEMENT. Visual elements guide the
scratch. You can select on a wide variety of viewer’s eyes around the screen.
files listed.
b. Create from File – creates a file from an These are the repeating visual element on
existing file saved on your hard drive; simply an image or layout to create unity in the
browse the file to use it. Putting a check on the layout or image. Rhythm is achieved when
“link” option will allow you to modify the Excel visual elements create a sense of
file inside your PowerPoint Presentation. organized movement.
4. Once you are done, click OK.
5. PROPORTION. Visual elements create a
sense of unity where they relate well with
one another.
Insert action button on your presentation 6. VARIETY. This uses several design
Insert hidden slides at the end of your elements to draw a viewer’s attention.
presentation then insert an object
containing your excel files Proportion
Knowing the purpose is the key to finding
Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm out the best file format.
2. Choose the right image size. A camera
with 12 megapixels constitutes to a bigger
image size. Monitors have a resolution limit,
so even if you have a million megapixels, it
will not display everything.
3. Caption it. Remember to put a caption on
images whenever possible. If it is not
related to the web page, then remove it.
Over-designed website may not work and
may lead to distraction from the main
purpose of your website.
Having design features that do not serve
the purpose may be frustrating to the
loading time of your website.
Keep your design as simple as possible so
that the users can feel it easy-to-use and
can find what they are looking.
Crowded and over-designed web design
can affect the loading time of your website.
This may result to lose your visitors even if
every aspect of your website has a clear