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Welcome to
iPhone The Complete Manual
The iPhone is the most popular smartphone on
the market. From making calls and sending texts,
to browsing the web and downloading music,
Apple’s game-changing smartphone is both your
ultimate business sidekick and complete source of
entertainment. In this book, we take you through every
step of using your iPhone and iOS 15, including how to
set up your device, the gestures you’ll need to know,
and the apps that open up a world of possibilities. We
even show you how to pair up your iPhone and Apple
Watch. The iPhone Complete Manual really is the best
way to discover everything your iPhone has to offer.
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44 Phone 70 Podcasts
Make calls from Subscribe to
your iPhone great podcasts
48 Messages 72 Safari
Send texts to Browse the web
your contacts with ease
22 How to use your iPhone
Essential tips & tricks 76 Mail
52 Apple Watch
Pair your iPhone Send and
and Watch receive emails
62 Music 86 Wallet
Listen to your Pay directly from
music on the go your iPhone
30 The apps
Get personalised
A guide to the apps covered recommendations from
Apple Music with our
guide on page 62
for every
88 Maps
Search for and
find directions
Introducing iPhone An introduction to iPhone
An introduction
to iPhone
What makes the iPhone one of the best
smartphones available? It’s time to find out…
The original iPhone completely transformed the smartphone market.
Its beautiful screen, versatility and fantastic built-in apps struck a chord
with consumers and critics alike. It is built to run iOS, the operating
system also used in the equally impressive iPod touch. This book offers
you an in-depth guide to the wonderful iOS 15, which has seen a major
redesign in some areas – most notably the Home screen. With finger-
friendly icons and an environment that lets you get on with what you
want to do, ease of use is apparent in every part of the software.
When you also consider the long battery life, exceptional build
quality and near-perfect screen, you start to realise that this is a
smartphone built for anyone who wants to work and play anywhere.
Thousands of apps are available to extend the experience and help you
to get as much use as possible.
An introduction to iPhone Introducing iPhone
Introducing iPhone An introduction to iPhone
Enjoy yourself
The iPhone is perfect for keeping yourself and your family
entertained anywhere. The Videos app lets you watch movies for
hours at a time before a charge is needed, perfect for long distance
flights. Plus, the sound quality is superb through headphones and
even the external speaker. The Music app is also on hand to play
all of your synced tunes, and the introduction of the Apple Music
streaming service means you can listen to whatever you want Fig 4 Music, ringtones, films, TV shows –
they are all available to buy through the
when you want (Fig 3). The inclusion of iTunes (Fig 4) takes your iTunes app
Introducing iPhone An introduction to iPhone
The iWork suite of apps let
you produce spreadsheets,
presentations and documents
easily, and the touch interface
makes work fun.
Whether you want to improve
your photos, make beautiful
music or create home videos, you
can do it all in style on an iPhone
“There are situations where the iPhone is
using the creative suite of apps. perfect for providing entertainment”
entertainment options to a whole new level. From music to movies
and from TV shows to eBooks, everything you need is available
to purchase and download straight to the iPhone. You can also
create your own keepsakes using the camera or by transferring a
photo collection to the iPhone for viewing whenever you want
to remember a good time. There are many situations where the
iPhone is perfect for providing entertainment.
The Books app lets you purchase iOS 15’s great features
and read eBooks (that look like
The release of iOS 15 saw a wealth of tweaks and new features,
paper titles) and you can also
watch full-screen videos and play some big, some small, but all designed to make managing your
music whenever you want to. life easier. Perhaps the most notable change is the introduction of
An introduction to iPhone Introducing iPhone
iPhone accessories
Apple Watch
Get more from your iPhone with an Apple
Watch. Accept calls, track your heartbeat
and so much more with this brilliantly
intuitive piece of kit
These wireless ear-
phones provide excep-
tional sound quality and
Camera lens
If you like taking
include sensors that can
pictures, then the
detect when they are in
iPhone’s incredible
your ears and when you
camera will be one
are not so they can stop
of the major selling
the music accordingly.
points. Take things
The AirPods can also be
further by purchasing
used to access Siri
a clip-on lens, allowing
you to zoom, apply
effects and more
Your iPhone can act
as the perfect music
device, and part of
this is sharing music
with friends. A good
speaker can help you
be the life and soul of
the party
Wireless storage
There are a number of devices you can
purchase that will allow you to upload
files and images onto a portable device,
freeing up space on your phone. You
Battery pack can also transfer data and
If you’re a heavy user, you may find stream media from
that your iPhone’s regularly running your phone
out of battery power. Investing in a
battery pack will give your iPhone an
extra boost when it most needs it
Introducing iPhone An introduction to iPhone
Set up your iPhone Introducing iPhone
1 Turn your iPhone on To turn on your iPhone for the first time, press and hold
the On/Off button (the lozenge-shaped button on the top right of the phone)
for about three seconds. If your iPhone is new or has been recently reset you
should be greeted with the Apple logo, then after ten seconds or so, a plain
screen with ‘Hello’ written on it (Fig 1).
2 Resetting a pre-owned iPhone If, when you turn your iPhone on via the On/
Off button, you are taken straight to the Home Screen, then your iPhone is
already activated. If you wish to reset the iPhone so you can set it up as new, go
to the Settings app and scroll down to the Reset option and ‘Erase All Contents
And Settings’. You can then follow this tutorial to activate your iPhone as new.
3 Slide to unlock At the plain-looking iPhone screen (as shown in Fig 1), you
need to slide your finger to the right across the arrow at the bottom to continue. Fig 1, Turn on Fire up your iPhone
At this screen the iPhone is locked (as shown by the padlock icon in the top-
centre of the screen). You will need to perform the sliding motion every time
you wish to wake the iPhone up, so get used to it!
4 Waking up the iPhone If at any point during the activation process the
iPhone goes to ‘sleep’ (the screen goes blank), it’s usually because it was left
unattended. You can wake it up simply by pressing the Home button (the
circular one at the bottom-centre of the iPhone’s front) or tapping the On/Off
button. You’ll then have to unlock your iPhone as shown in Step 3.
5 Select your language Once you’ve unlocked your iPhone, you will see a short
list of common languages to choose from. If the language that you’d like is not
in this list, tap the downwards arrow. You will then be presented with a list of
different languages (Fig 2). The language you choose here will be the language
that your device is set to.
Fig 2, Select language Choose from the list
6 Select your country or region Now, similar to choosing your language, you
will have a short list of countries/regions to choose from (Fig 3). If your country
or region is not in the list, tap ‘Show More…’ and pick yours from there. This will
determine the apps that are available in the App Store and the various media
available from the iTunes app, as well as the correct currency.
Introducing iPhone Set up your iPhone
7 Location Services The next part of the process is dedicated to your device’s
Location Services (Fig 4). This allows apps to gather and use data indicating your
approximate location, which is incredibly useful if you ever lose your device.
For a more detailed explanation on the service, tap ‘What is Location Services?’
towards the bottom of the screen. Tap ‘Done’ when you’ve finished.
8 Enable or Disable You must either enable or disable the Location Services
service by tapping on your chosen option – there is no option to skip the step.
If you are still unsure of the purpose of this feature and need more information
then don’t worry; you can activate it later from the Settings app in the Home
Screen. Tap ‘Next’ to continue the activation process.
11 Set Up iPhone The next screen you’ll see will present you with three options:
Set Up as New iPhone, Restore from iCloud Backup, and Restore from iTunes
Backup (Fig 6). You will most likely want to choose the first option, which
requires no more than a tap of the ‘Next’ button in the top right to continue
with the activation (Step 14). However, we will also look at the other choices…
Fig 5, Connect to Wi-Fi Scan for networks
12 Restore from iCloud Backup You should choose this option if you have an
iCloud account that has a backup attached to it. Once you’ve chosen and
tapped ‘Next’ you’ll have to enter the Apple ID of the account that has the
backup, and its password. You’ll then be able to restore the iPhone from the
backup. New iPhone owners won’t use this.
Set up your iPhone Introducing iPhone
13 Restore from iTunes Backup If you choose this option you can restore your
iPhone from a backup kept on your desktop computer in iTunes. Connect your
iPhone to your computer via the USB cable and select the backup you want to
use from iTunes. Note that you can also set the iPhone as a new one (as if you
tapped the ‘Set Up as New iPhone’ button in Step 11) from here.
14 Apple ID The Apple ID, which you create in the next step of the activation, is
one of the most important things you will do during the process. A tap of the
‘What is an Apple ID?’ link at the bottom of the screen tells you why ownership
of an Apple ID is essential. You will need one to download apps from the App
Store, buy songs from iTunes and purchase books from iBooks.
15 Create an Apple ID If you have yet to create an Apple ID, it’s incredibly simple
to do so, and you can do it from the comfort of your iPhone. Tap the Create a Fig 7, Apple ID You need one of these
Free Apple ID button (Fig 7) and you’ll have to enter your birthday (which will
be used in case you forget your password), your name, and the email address
that will eventually become your Apple ID.
17 Read the Terms & Conditions After signing in with either your brand new or
existing Apple ID, you will be presented with a screen of Terms and Conditions
that relate to all aspects of your iPhone and the services that you will be using,
such as iCloud, Game Center and so on. If you wish to read them on a larger
screen, you can email them to yourself by tapping the ‘Send by Email’ button.
Fig 8, T&Cs You must agree to these
18 All about iCloud After 30 seconds or so, you will have the opportunity to
set up one of the most revolutionary services Apple has created: iCloud – a
fantastic cloud service that enable you to wirelessly keep your contacts, emails
and calendars across multiple devices without you having to do anything. Tap
‘What is iCloud’ (Fig 9) to find out more about how it can benefit your life.
Introducing iPhone Set up your iPhone
19 Enable or disable iCloud Tap the top option to enable iCloud – it’s free
(although there is the option to pay to increase your storage space, which you
can do in Settings). If you choose not to enable it, you will miss the opportunity
to set up Find My iPhone in the next step of the process. You can, however,
enable it from the Settings app once you’ve completed the activation.
20 The Find My iPhone service If you misplace your iPhone then Find My
iPhone will help you locate it on a map, play a sound or display a message.
You can activate this service to sync the location of your device with your
iCloud (Fig 10). If you lose your iPhone then you can access the service from an
iPhone, iPod touch or computer by visiting www.icloud.com.
21 Diagnostics and Usage The next screen deals with diagnostics and usage
Fig 10, Find My iPhone Locate a lost device data. Basically, Apple likes to keep track of how its products are performing,
so this screen allows you to send diagnostic data straight to Apple. If you wish
to keep your information private, opt for ‘Don’t Send’. You can change your
answer after activation from the Settings app, in the ‘About’ tab.
22 Your last chance to restart The diagnostics screen offers you one last chance
to restart the activation process if you’re not happy with the choices you’ve
made. To restart the process, tap the Home button (the circular button at the
bottom of the iPhone) once, and a menu should pop up. You will then find the
option to restart the activation, where you can make the choices you want.
24 Start using your iPhone You’ll be presented with your Home screen (Fig
12), so start tapping on icons to launch apps and find your way around and
experiment with the gestures needed to operate your new device. Tap the
Settings app and you’ll have access to countless options, including ones that
can reset the choices you made during the activation process.
Set up your iPhone Introducing iPhone
You can change the format of the
iPhone’s clock in the Settings app
This little icon will tell you how much
battery power you have left
This icon shows that you’re connected
to a network. See the icons below for
more info
Your iPhone’s background is called the
wallpaper. You can change it from the
Settings app
The apps
The heart and soul of the iPhone. Tap
on an icon to launch the app
The Dock
Many people choose to place to their
most-used apps here in the Dock
Introducing iPhone How to use your iPhone
Using an iPhone is all about touch. There are very few hardware buttons included – aside from the
power/Siri button on the right and the volume and mute keys on the left – so it’s amazing that the
iPhone is capable of doing so much. As well as the basic tasks that you would expect it do – turn on
and off, go on standby, etc – you can use its incredible Multi-Touch screen and 3D Touch features in
combination with the buttons to multitask, arrange and manage your apps to your heart’s content.
Here are some of the basic actions you need to know about.
How to use your iPhone Introducing iPhone
1 The power button Hold down the On/Off button (at the right of the iPhone)
for a couple of seconds to turn the iPhone on from a cold start. The ‘Slide to 3 Slide to turn off Slide the slider at
Unlock’ screen will appear quite quickly. the top to turn your iPhone off.
Introducing iPhone How to use your iPhone
1 Use the kit Plug the charger cable 2 Plug it Plug the cable into the AC 3 USB You can charge the iPhone by
into the bottom of the iPhone. adaptor that comes with the iPhone. USB too, but it’s not the quickest.
How to use your iPhone Introducing iPhone
1 Swipe and hold No matter what app you are in or where you are, you can
swipe up and hold to bring up the multitasking bar. This displays all of the open 3 Close it Simply swipe upwards on
apps and allows you to switch between them. an app to instantly close it.
1 The Home Screen To navigate the Home Screen you will mostly use the swipe
gesture to switch between multiple screens of icons. Swipe up to return to this 3 Folders Drag one app over another
screen from within an app. to create an app folder.
Introducing iPhone How to use your iPhone
Take a screenshot
1 The standard way In any app or in the Home Screen, you can simply press the
volume key up or down to adjust the volume to your preference. You can then 3 Volume bar Now you can move the
tap the slider that appears to adjust the volume. bar to your preferred volume.
How to use your iPhone Introducing iPhone
1 The slider Move the small slider above the volume keys until you see a orange
marker. This will put the iPhone on Silent Mode which is useful if you need to 3 Control Centre Swipe up or down
quickly stop any alerts or unwanted sounds from being heard. then move the slider all the way down.
Introducing iPhone Hand gestures on your iPhone
Hand gestures
on your iPhone
Fig 1, Tap You will need to tap to launch apps
Learn the many ways you can control your iPhone
using the power of your fingers
1 Tap Tapping is the main way you will navigate your iPhone. To open an app, you
must tap it from your Home screen, for example (Fig 1). You’ll mainly be tapping
the iPhone to select things like web links in Safari, songs in Music, or pictures
in Photos. You’ll also need to tap to type on the on-screen keyboard when it
appears in numerous apps such as Mail, Messages, Reminders and Notes.
Fig 2, Scroll Drag your finger to navigate around 2 Scroll & Swipe Scrolling is when you drag your finger up or down the iPhone’s
screen (Fig 2), swiping is horizontal. Scrolling allows for you to run through
information on the same screen, whilst swiping takes you from one screen to
the next, or allows you to go to the next or previous page of a website or book.
They are probably the most used of all the gestures!
3 Reachability swipe Swiping down from the bottom of the iPhone’s screen will
lower the top of screen, making it easier to access anything out of reach with
just one hand. If you have an iPhone with a finger print sensor, then you will be
able to swipe your finger (or thumb) down over the home button to achieve
Fig 3, Swipe down Reach the top of the screen the same effect. (Fig 3).
4 Drag Dragging is when you tap and hold your finger on the iPhone, then drag
it anywhere else on the screen. It’s essential when moving apps around on
the Home screen. Tap and hold on an app until the Edit Home Screen option
appears. Tap this and you can then drag it to its rightful place on the Home
screen. It’s rarely used in other native apps, but common in third-party games.
6 Pinch and spread Widely used among built-in and third-party apps to zoom
out, the pinch is a useful gesture. To perform it, place two fingers on the screen
and bring them together (Fig 5). The spread is the opposite gesture: rather than
bringing two digits together, you spread them apart (annotated image). The
Fig 5, Pinch Use this gesture to zoom out effect is also the opposite, as rather than zooming out, you zoom in instead.
Hand gestures on your iPhone Introducing iPhone
With so many of the
iPhone’s features
controlled via the screen,
it’s essential to master Accessibility
how best to use the touch- If you’re finding the gestures difficult
based controls to master, there are plenty of options
in the Accessibility menu to make
things easier
Tapping on the screen
is likely to be the most
common gesture you
use on your iPhone
By spreading your fingers
apart, you’ll be able to
zoom in on the screen. The
feature is useful in apps
such as Maps and Photos
“Tapping is the
main way you will
navigate your iPhone”
Introducing iPhone Applications
Your at-a-glance guide to what Apple’s built-in
iPhone apps and App Store products can do for you
Fig 1, Files Access various cloud storage services
Files Introduced in iOS 11, with this app you can access all of your
saved data across multiple cloud storage services. Dropbox, Microsoft
OneDrive, Apple’s iCloud and more can all be accessed.
Settings This is where you’ll be able to change how your iPhone works.
You can connect to Wi-Fi, passcode-protect your device, and update
the software, among many other things – all from this app. See page 32.
Phone If you want to make calls on your iPhone then the Phone app
allows you to access a keypad for inputting new numbers, browse your
contacts database and much more. See page 44.
Fig 2, App Store Home to over 1 million apps Messages As well as sending normal text messages, you can also take
advantage of iMessage – a free messaging service that enables you to
text users with other iOS devices for free. See page 48.
Apple Watch The Apple Watch app comes as standard on your phone
nowadays. Use it to pair your iPhone and Watch and also to customise
your Watch’s settings. See page 52.
App Store Although the built-in apps on your iPhone are fantastic and
will benefit your life in many different ways, you can download and buy
more apps from Apple’s built-in App Store. See page 56.
Fig 3, iTunes Your online entertainment store
iTunes Through this service you can download the hottest new albums
and films, all from the comfort of your sofa. Just search for what you
want, tap to buy and you’ll have it in minutes. See page 60.
Apple Music Through this app you can listen to all of your purchased
iTunes music, and pick from a library of millions of songs by using the
Apple Music service. See page 62.
AppleTV All of the TV shows and movies that you’ve downloaded from
iTunes, along with any that you’ve transferred from your computer, will
be viewable through this simple but effective app. See page 66.
Fig 4, Music It’s easy to listen to tunes in Music
Podcasts With the Podcasts app you can search for and subscribe
to a multitude of podcasts. There are thousands of video and audio
podcasts available, catering to all tastes. See page 70.
Safari This app is the best way to browse the internet. Provided you’re
connected to Wi-Fi or 3G/4G, you can use Safari to surf the web with
tabs, browse privately or add items to read offline. See page 72.
Applications Introducing iPhone
Calendar If you need to organise your life, then check out the this app.
It enables you to set up events, schedule appointments and basically
take control of your day, week, month or even year! See page 80.
Notes The Notes app was completely revamped for iOS 9, and now
features more tools than ever, including checklists, folders and a bunch
of drawing options. See page 84.
Wallet This is the place to store all your digital tickets and loyalty cards Fig 6, Notes Take better notes than ever
on your iPhone, and if you have an iPhone 6 or above you can also pay
at shops wirelessly using Apple Pay. See page 86.
Maps This app will help you keep track of where you are in the world.
It’ll give you directions and show you how bad the traffic situation is,
among many other things. See page 88.
FaceTime With your iPhone’s high quality built-in cameras you can chat
face-to-face with someone on another iOS device for free using a Wi-Fi
connection. See page 94.
Camera It may surprise you, but your iPhone is capable of taking Fig 7, Photos Enhance and share your pictures
some very good pictures – especially the newer models. So use the
exceptional built-in Camera app to your advantage. See page 96.
Photos Once you’ve taken your photos or videos, you’ll need a place to
view them. Luckily, the Photos app is the perfect place for you to marvel
at your images, and even make edits to them. See page 100.
News The News app takes articles from tons of top publications and
collates them in a beautifully designed and customisable feed, ready for
you to read whenever. See page 104.
Fig 8, News Browse news stories
iBooks If you fancy reading some a bit more traditional on your iPhone,
then check out iBooks and the iBookstore. Here there are thousands of
ebooks, which can all be read the way you want. See page 108.
Pages This app turns your iPhone into an amazing mobile word
processor. You can create documents on the go in style by
downloading Pages from the App Store. See page 114.
Fig 9, Health Your health info in one place
Keynote Create individual and well-presented Keynotes from your
device, ready for that all important presentation you have. Insert text
and photos for a more professional finish. See page 120.
iMovie If you want to turn your iPhone movies into something special,
then look no further. You can cut trailers, add special effects, and turn
your family into the stars of professional-looking films. See page 124. Fig 10, Pages Desktop publishing on iPhone
The apps Settings
We provide you with a guided tour around the
nerve centre of your iPhone
name this indicated that the app cannot currently send alerts. To
change this and determine how your iPhone device receives alerts,
tap on an app in the list and you can set the style of alert and also Connect to the
whether or not it will flash up on your Lock screen (Fig 2). For more internet via Wi-Fi
on Notifications, head to page 38.
Apple’s iCloud service is free
to use and stores your music,
photos, documents and more,
and wirelessly sends them to
1 Go to Wi-Fi Settings
all of your iOS devices without In Settings, tap on Wi-Fi and
you having to manually transfer ensure that the slider is turned on.
files. This service grew with the
release of iOS 9 and several
features have been added since. Family Sharing allows up to six
family members to share purchases from iTunes and the App Store
and also provides options to pay for your family’s digital purchases
from the same credit card and approve the purchases of your kids
from your device. The Keychain feature lets you save all of your
2 Choose network
passwords and personal details in the cloud and use them on any Your device will scan for networks.
device, and iCloud Drive is a place where you can store all of your Tap on a Wi-Fi network to select it.
documents and files and not only access them on any device, but
also pick files from one app to open in another.
The apps Settings
lifting for you. Just connect your device to Wi-Fi, enter your Apple ID,
and then all your purchased music, TV shows, books and apps, will
appear on your device. To activate this service, launch your Settings
app and tap on the iCloud section. Next, tap on the Backup option
in the list of iCloud services and ensure iCloud Backup is turned on.
All of your data will be backed up when your iPhone is plugged in,
Fig 3 Ensure all of your essential data is
backed up in the background by enabling locked and connected to Wi-Fi. You can also back it up immediately
the iCloud Backup option
by tapping on the ‘Back Up Now’ option (Fig 3). While you are in the
iCloud settings, also be sure to turn on the ‘Keychain’ option so that
all of your credit card info and passwords are stored in the cloud.
Available storage
Tap on the Storage & Backup
option to review how much of
your cloud you are using and buy
more space, if necessary
Upgrade storage
You’re given 5GB of space for free
but you can upgrade to 50GB,
200GB or 2TB. These plans cost a
monthly fee.
Compatible apps
All of the apps that incorporate
iCloud will be presented in
a list. Move the sliders to the
On position to activate their
respective iCloud features
Settings The apps
3 Adding shortcuts
Customise Widgets Existing shortcuts are shown. Tap
the + sign to create a new one.
The apps Settings
Settings The apps
screen displays the apps that you have permitted to track your
location. Featured on this screen will be a list of the apps that have
been granted permission to track your location (Fig 4). Consider if
certain apps really need to know where you are or require location
data to work properly and turn them off if you deduce they don’t
need it (this will help conserve your battery power too).
Also, go back out to the main Privacy screen and scroll down to
Fig 4 Tap on Location Services to view all of
see two options: Analytics & Improvements and Apple Advertising. the apps that currently have access to your
location. You can turn them off here
Analytics & Improvements sends info on what you do on your
iPhone to Apple to help improve services, so consider enabling
that, but you may choose not to. Now tap on the Apple Advertising
option and consider limiting the information that is sent to Apple
and its partners to gauge your position and tailor ads accordingly.
App Refresh
Again, knowing what options you need and don’t need to use can Some apps are constantly working
in the background, go here to see
help ensure that your device’s battery lasts noticeably longer. which ones and maybe disable
some to save battery power
Software Update
Here you can find out if there is
a new version of iOS available.
You can also set your device to
automatically install updates
See what is taking up your device’s
memory. There’s a breakdown of
whether it’s apps, photos, mail
or other data that is using up the
storage space
You can set the keyboard up to
be both easier to use and quicker
to type by adjusting the various
Keyboard settings
The apps Notifications
Notifications enables you to view your daily events
and any alerts that pop up within the system
originally three tabs, it is now one tab combining your most recent
notifications. Scroll up and you will see ones categorised by the day
on which they were received, including ‘Earlier today’ and ‘Recent’
for those you haven’t yet seen. Change alert styles
Remove notifications
When dealing with newly installed third-
party apps the app will always ask you
if it can send push notifications to your
device before you head fully into the
app’s interface. If you decline, this will of
1 Notification Centre settings
course stop you from getting any more From the Home screen head to
alerts, but for the notifications that are Settings>Notifications.
still present, the Notifications feature
makes life even easier to remove them.
On your iPhone simply swipe down
the Notifications section and tap on
the ‘X’ in the right-hand corner of each
notification. There are other ways of
responding to notifications immediately. When a notification from
2 Select the app
Mail or Messages takes the form of a banner at the top of the Select your app from under the
screen, pull down on the handle and you will be able to take action Notifications Style section.
without leaving the app you are in.
The apps Control Centre
Control Centre
Seize control of your iOS device and make changes
to your iPhone and surroundings in an instant
Control Centre The apps
One-touch controls
Being able to access some of the most essential functions makes
life much easier on your iDevice. Straight away, for example, you can
press the aeroplane icon to switch on Airplane Mode, ensuring you
comply with flight regulations but still have access to data stored on
your phone. The same applies for other options, including Wi-Fi. A
2 Select discoverability
simple tap lets you turn it on and off, which will help save battery Choose to be discoverable by
power when you’re desperate. Bluetooth can also be enabled and Contacts Only or Everyone.
disabled, while the moon icon lets you activate the Do Not Disturb
function so that all phone calls will be directed straight to voicemail.
You can also lock and unlock the screen rotation.
The torch icon turns on the flash of an iPhone to let you light
the way. The timer lets you perform a countdown and also set
up alarms and access Clock functions. Tapping calculator lets you
work on some maths and the camera icon takes you straight to the
3 Share file
camera function. It really is an exhaustive feature set and it can all be In an app with a Share function,
done using just one hand. tap Share and then Airdrop.
The apps Contacts
With the Contacts app, you can access and edit
your contact lists from personal, business and
organisational accounts
The apps Phone
The Phone app does more than just make
and receive calls
call, simply tap the narrow green bar you’ll see across the top of the
iPhone’s screen.
If the person you’re calling also has an iPhone, tap the FaceTime
button during a voice call to initiate a Skype-style video call. Finally, Set a reply message
‘Add Call’ will allow you to connect another person to your current
call for a conference-style chat.
The apps Phone
* and # keys
Use these with the
number keys to choose
options interacting
with an automated
Add contact
Tap this button to
create a contact from
a dialled number or
add the number to an
existing contact
Phone The apps
The apps Messages
Apple’s texting app has been refined over the past
couple of years – prepare to be amazed!
and Fireworks screen effects, which are perfect for adding more
personality and humour into your messages.
Share photos
One of the highlights of the messaging system is the ability to
2 Navigate the Store
transfer data along with your text – including photos or videos Scroll up and down to browse the
you’ve taken, co-ordinates to a location and web links. App Store.
To send photos, tap on the Photos app icon when composing a
new message and you will be presented with a window displaying
your recent photos. Tap on ‘All Photos’ to see your albums and you
can scroll through a photo feed to find any image saved on your
device or your iCloud. Using the Camera app icon when composing
a message, you can take a new photo in-app and it will instantly
be added into your text box, ready to send. The camera function
3 Download apps
is exactly the same as it would be if you opened the dedicated Tap on ‘Get’ or the price to
Camera app along with the different modes such as Slo-Mo, Portrait download content from the Store.
and Video.
The apps Messages
Tap to either send a
message, enter a FaceTime
conversation or Share a
Contact with a recipient
Fig 3 Messages now lets you play games
over the app
You can tap this icon
to handwrite your
messages or choose a
pre-written one
Digital Touch
Tap here to draw and
animate your messages
for that optimum ‘wow’
factor you want!
Messages The apps
Read/delivery receipts
We are all used to sending text messages to colleagues, friends and
family and, when the text leaves our phone, we get on with our
lives. There are times, however, when an important message is sent
and you want to be sure that the other person knows you have read
it. This may be because an important business decision relies on you
2 Select a response
taking action or maybe you simply want to communicate to a friend A floating menu of instant
that their message has been received. You can turn on the ‘Send responses will appear. Tap one.
Read Receipts’ option to provide the sender with an indication that
you have read their message. To do this, go to the Settings app and
head to the Messages section. Tap Messages and, on the right, a
new window will appear. Now look for the ‘Send Read Receipts’
option and turn it on. This only shows read receipts for the other
person – they will have to turn theirs on for you to see the same.
3 More options
Share music over Messages Tap on ‘More’ to bring up extra
options relating to the message.
The apps Apple Watch
Apple Watch
Discover how to sync and customise your new
smartwatch with your iPhone
Update software
Download and install the latest software Sync together
updates for your Watch
As always, Apple makes setting up your new device an easy
process. After selecting
the first options on your
Watch, you’ll be asked to
use the Watch to pair your
devices together. You can
do this manually, but it’s
easier to use the onscreen
viewfinder and align your
Watch with that. Set your
Watch up as a new device
and choose which wrist
you’ll be wearing your
Watch on. Enter your Apple
ID and password and
choose whether to enable
features from the many
option screens that follow,
such as Location Services.
Fig 1 (above) If you’ve got a new Apple
Watch, head to Start Pairing to get synced
My Watch
Fig 2 (right) You can tweak how you Now you’re all set-up and
receive notifications on your Watch from
your iPhone ready to use Apple Watch.
Apple Watch The apps
The apps Apple Watch
Face Gallery
One of the most enjoyable aspects of owning an Apple Watch is
the option to change the face to reflect your style, your mood, or
just for the hell of it. By tapping on the Face Gallery section within
the iPhone app you will be able to see all of the new faces that have
been added with watchOS 7 and download new faces to assign
to the watch, which you also do in-app. Tap on any face within
the Face Gallery section and you will be able to ‘add’ it to your
collection, change colours displpalyaeyed on the face – such as the
hands and the background colours and add ‘complications’ to the
face. These include calendar and mail notifications, activity, heartrate
and much more. If you want to put your own unqiue stamp on
your watch then this is where you do it. By investing a little time and
effort into the appearance of your device you will get a face that is
Fig 3 Hit the Face Gallery tab to customise
the appearance of your watch… unique to you.
Apple Watch loves
App Layout notifications, but you
Tapping this will open don’t necessarily want
a small menu that lets them displayed for all
you rearrange where apps – select which
the app icons are on ones from here
your Watch’s face
& Text Size
From this menu you
can turn the Watch
screen’s brightness up
and change the Text
Size if you’re struggling
with the small screen
Under Privacy’s Motion
& Fitness option you
can turn on and off the
Heart rate sensor and
any tracking features
Apple Watch The apps
3 Haptic Strength
Software updates Like haptic feedback? Choose
between default or prominent.
The apps App Store
App Store
Your gateway to a rich source of apps via the
intuitive App Store – a bustling marketplace that is
always open for business
Apple Arcade
For a monthly fee of £4.99/
$4.99, you can play a range
of exclusive games on your
iPhone. And, if you own other
1 Tap on Search
Apple devices, you can access In the App Store, tap on the
them on those devices as well Account icon. It is in every tab.
with your data transferring
between – so you can start a game on your iPhone and then
continue using your iPad. One of the biggest complaints with
games on mobile devices is the use of adverts, but ever game in
Apple Arcade is ad-fee and there are no in-game purchases. If you
want to try the service, Apple offer a one-month free trial.
2 Update apps
A major redesign If an app has an update available,
The App Store was redesigned back in iOS 11, with the store being tap on the Update link next to it.
split into two major sections; Apps and Games. The Today section
was also introduced - sharing interviews with developers of the
most popular apps in the store and more.
In the Apps and Games sections you’ll find recommendations
that will make finding something new that suits your needs easier
than ever before. You’ll find featured apps and games as well as
various ranked lists like Top Paid and Top Free. There will even be
3 Update All
suggested apps or games that will suit your own personal interests To get all available updates, tap
based on data that the App Store has collected. All in all, this store on the ‘Update All’ link.
feels almost like a social media feed and is far more engaging.
App Collections
groups some great
apps together for you to
browse and download 4 Auto update
Go to the iTunes & App Store
Settings to set auto-downloads.
The apps App Store
Purchase an app
Being the only source of gaining apps for your iPhone, the App
Store is, as you would expect, a quick and easy way to shop for
new apps, and purchasing them really couldn’t be simpler. You will
already be logged into the App Store with your registered Apple ID,
which should have your billing details attached.
Fig 3 Tap on the price (or ‘Get’ if it’s free) to
purchase and download the app. You may If you haven’t already added the details of a valid credit or debit
have to enter your Apple ID
card for your app funding then tap on the Featured page at the
App Store, scroll down to the bottom and then tap on your Apple
ID. Select ‘View Apple ID’ from the menu and then tap on the
Payment Information option. You can now select a card type and
enter all of the required information so that all app purchases will be
made using that card. Now you can tap on the price of an app and
Buying apps
Tap on the price of a product
to initiate the purchase and
download process
Store sections
You will be able to access specific
stores for Top Charts, Featured,
Near Me and more by tapping Featured apps
these buttons All the latest significant new
additions to the App Store will
be showcased in the main shop
window under Featured
Enter keywords into the search
field to help you find apps
featured within the store
App Store The apps
Go to your iCloud
Settings to set up Family Recommend an app
Sharing to share your
purchases with family
then complete the purchase by inputting your Apple ID password
(Fig 3). You will still need to enter your Apple ID password when
downloading free apps, but you don’t have to assign a credit or
1 Tap on The Share button
debit card to do so. Go to an app’s info page, tap the
more button and then ‘Share app’.
Review and rate apps
App feedback is good, because feedback – good or bad – gets
back to the developer and lets them know how the public is
receiving their apps and how they can make them better. It also
provides information for your fellow iOS users to help them make
informed decisions on whether to buy a particular app or not, so if
you have the time and the inclination, then why not leave your own
2 Email
mini app review? If you tap Mail, then you can send
To do this, tap on an app then scroll down to the Ratings & an email with the app’s info.
Reviews section and tap ‘Write a Review’. Tap on the stars to rate the
app out of five – as you tap them they will be coloured in blue. You
can add a title and enter your own review text by tapping on the
respective field. Once done, hit the ‘Send’ button to get your review
published on the page and info other App Store customers as to
the quality of the product.
3 Message
Submit a review of an app Tapping Message enables you to
send an iMessage (see page 50).
The apps iTunes
Let your iPhone entertain you with music, movies
and TV shows – all found right here
Store then you will be able to track the progress of your purchases
by tapping on Downloads.
Download songs
Purchasing and downloading songs from the iTunes Store is a
quick and easy process that can be done in seconds. We have
already explored how you can search for songs in the app, through
2 TV
categories and the search function, and how to listen to a preview Tap TV at the bottom and you will
of tracks. If you decide that you would like to go ahead with the be taken to the TV show section.
purchase of a song or album then tap on the price and it will turn
into a green ‘Buy Song’ button.
If you then wish to go ahead with the purchase, you will be
prompted to enter your Apple ID password before the track will
start downloading to your device – this is a security measure to
ensure that you don’t buy items by tapping on them accidentally, or
that someone else doesn’t buy them if your phone is lost or stolen
3 Select a show
or in the hands of an exploring child. You can track the progress Pick a show and it will bring up
of the download by tapping on the Downloads category at the the information for your selection.
bottom of the screen.
The apps Apple Music
Apple Music
The Music app enables you to stream music
through Apple’s new Spotify-like service
Stream music
Subscribe and stream unlimited tracks Import songs
through the Apple Music service
There are numerous ways to import music to play on your device.
Follow and connect with the bands and The most direct route is by purchasing it straight from the iTunes
artists who matter most to you
Store on your device. You
Hear radio stations
None-stop music of any genre piped can do this by launching
straight to your device
the iTunes app, browsing
Search content
Find what you want when you want to the Store and tapping on
listen to it
the prices to download the
tracks or albums to your
device. While in the iTunes
app, you can also tap on
the Purchased tab at the
bottom of the interface
(under ‘More’) and this will
list all of the music that you
have bought previously on
other devices (by tapping
the ‘Not on This…’ tab).
Thanks to the power of
iCloud, all of your previous
purchases are tracked,
so tap the cloud icon
Fig 1 (above) All of the music purchased
through the iTunes app can be played in next to a track in order to
Music and you can create playlists
re-download it on your
Fig 2 (right) The new Apple Music service current device. Of course,
lets you stream unlimited music through
your device, allowing you to savour more you can also import
Apple Music The apps
The apps Apple Music
Tap this drawer icon to
reduce the playback
screen to just the basic
controls at the bottom of
the screen
controls Stream
You can play/pause tracks
and skip songs using Tap on this icon
the simple set of to stream the
controls at the bottom current track to
of the screen external speakers
or Apple TV
Song options
Tapping the icon in the
bottom right (three dots) will
bring up options to
add the current song to a
playlist, share it, or like
or dislike it…
Apple Music The apps
3 Add friends
Create a playlist You can add friends from your
Apple Contacts or Facebook
The apps Apple TV
Apple TV
The TV app lets you watch movies and TV shows
anywhere on your iPhone
Apple TV The apps
(Fig 1) and options to buy or rent the movie. If you’re buying then
the system is the same as purchasing music or apps – just tap ‘Buy’
and the film will download to your device.
Renting is slightly different – you still download it, but it will expire Change scrub speed
after a certain number of days and, once you start a movie, you
have a limited amount of time to finish watching it. It does mean
you will never have to pay a late fee though!
The apps Apple TV
Home Sharing
With Home Sharing, you can play movies and TV shows on your
iPhone from the iTunes library on your Mac or PC. To use this
feature, both your iPhone and your computer need to be on the
Fig 2 Viewing movies and TV shows
through your device is simple through the
same Wi-Fi network and, on your computer, you must have iTunes
Videos app open and running. Click on File then turn on Home Sharing and
ensure that both your computer and iPhone are logged in and
using the same Apple ID.
To ensure that you are logged into the same Apple ID on your
iPhone, go to Settings, tap on the Apple TV section and then log
your details under the Home Sharing section. Once the system
Fig 3 You can access your computer movie has been set up, a new tab will appear at the top of your Videos
library to watch on your iPhone
interface called Shared. Tap on this and then choose to access your
Playback controls
Simple controls let you play and pause
the action, skip backwards or forwards
through chapters and adjust the volume
Apple TV The apps
3 Tap to delete
Streaming videos with AirPlay Tap on the video that you no
longer want on your device.
The apps Podcasts
Find out how to discover, subscribe to and play your
favourite podcasts
The apps Safari
Safari is the main platform for browsing the web on
your iPhone; we showcase how to use it
without typing it out in full. Additionally the search bar can be used
to search for words within pages. For example, if you re-tap the
search bar and type in Games and then scroll down you will see
the option ‘On this page’. Once this is selected, a series of arrows Go private
will appear at the base of the screen and these can be used to zip
through all the words. You can also access this in the Share Options
panel if you find this easier.
Finally, navigating content is made much easier with the ability
for you to swipe forwards and backwards between pages you have
read. Simply long-press on the left or right edge of the screen and
drag the page across.
1 Tap tabs
For private web browsing, start off
Browse with tabs by tapping the window icon.
While browsing there may
be times when you want to
continue viewing your
current page, but at the
same time need to access
additional websites or search
results. Instead of closing the current page down and using
2 Tap Private
forward/back controls to switch between pages you can use the Tap on the ‘Tab’ option at the
tabs system instead. Click on the bottom tab icon followed by the ‘+’ bottom and select ‘Private.’
to launch a new tab. You can now type in your URL or search term
and then switch back to your other tabbed page by simply tapping
on the window icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.
If you like browsing the web on multiple devices (iPhone, iPad,
Mac) then iCloud tabs also come in handy to allow you to access all
of your open tabs on one device on your other devices. Tap on the
window icon and a list of the sites open on your other devices will
3 Access the tab
be accessible from the bottom of the screen. In private mode any tabs you
create won’t be remembered.
Reader View
Most modern websites, unless they have a responsive design, will
not be completely formatted to take advantage of your iPhone’s
screen size. Or if they are, the content may be riddled with ads,
comments, links or other pop-ups getting in the way of your
reading experience. To help, the Safari app has a function which
allows you to enable a dedicated reading mode: Reader View. This
4 Cover your tracks
option is subtly placed inside the search/URL bar (towards the far To end the private session, close
left side) and it looks like ‘a/A’. By tapping this icon followed by all tabs and tap ‘Private’ again.
The apps Safari
‘Show Reader View’ the text and embedded images will transform
and display down the page in a scrollable list. This makes reading
the content much easier. Additionally, you can tap on the ‘a/A’ icons
again to increase or decrease the size of the text.
Search bar
The universal search
and URL bar at the
Share icon top provide
Tap here to save items quick access to
to your Reading List, web content
add a bookmark and
save a page to your
Home screen
You can quickly
add new tabs to the
browser in order to
Reader View keep the original
This icon will appear on page intact
some web pages. Tap
it to change the page
to a style that is easier
to read
Safari The apps
Bookmarks bar
Adding bookmarks is a process that allows you to save your
2 Share icon
favourite webpages for fast retrieval later on. Saving bookmarks Now tap the Share icon and
simply involves selecting the Share icon at the bottom of the screen choose Add to Home Screen.
and then choosing Add Bookmark. Once saved your bookmarks will
be accessible via the Bookmark icon to the in the lower-right corner
of the screen. Alternatively if you tap the search/URL bar you can
view them in a handy thumbnail view, which makes it even easier
to jump to the page that you want quickly and easily. Safari makes
browsing the internet a breeze.
The apps Mail
With Apple’s versatile Mail app you can send emails
and receive every message from every one of your
accounts into one handy inbox
Fetch New Data option. Activate the Push function and then
determine exactly when the messages will be received. To ensure
that you get all new mail as soon as possible, tick the ‘Manually’
option to get all new mail pushed straight to your device as and Use All Inboxes
when you need them. Your device will also scan for new mail when
you launch the app.
The apps Mail
Your emails
When you tap on an
email it will be displayed
full screen, whereby you
can file, delete or reply
All inboxes
If you have multiple
accounts then tap on ‘All
Mailboxes’ to view all of
your emails from all of your
accounts in one place
iPhone, users can add
certain senders to a VIP
mailbox, to keep high-
importance emails separate
Composing emails
Tap on this icon to start
composing a new email.
Your address will show
up in accordance with the
account you are using
Mail The apps
VIP Mailboxes
VIP Mailboxes enables you to set up a VIP list so that you’ll never
miss an important email – whether it’s from your boss, your best
friend or your accountant. To mark a person as a VIP, all you have
to do is tap on their email address in a received message and then,
on the Sender screen, select the ‘Add to VIP’ option. A star will then
2 Choose what to do
appear next to that person’s email address to confirm that they have You can now tap options
been marked as a VIP. This star will also be present next to all emails including More, Flag and Delete.
received from that person in your inbox. You can also find VIP emails
quickly thanks to your new VIP inbox – just tap on this mailbox and
all of the emails from all of your VIPs will be stored there for easy
reference. So now you don’t have to search your entire inbox for an
important message, just go to your VIP mailbox.
3 More options
Mark a person as a VIP Tapping the More option will
present a menu full of options.
The apps Calendar
You’ll never miss an important event again with
your device’s built-in date-keeper
Multiple calendars
One of the best things about the Calendar app is its versatility. It
allows you to create different calendars for different areas of your
life, which you can then merge into one main calendar. You can
create new calendars in the desktop Calendar app on your Mac (go
to File>New Calendar). Any new calendars that you create can then
3 Press and hold
be synced to your iDevice’s Calendar app via iCloud. This should Add details into the ‘Add Event’
happen automatically but you can speed it up by tapping the sync box that appears.
button at the top of the Calendars menu.
The apps Calendar
You can back out from
the default day view to Events
months and years to help A breakdown of
you plan ahead. Just tap the day shows all
the button in the top-left scheduled events.
corner of the screen Tap on an event
to view or edit
the details
Your calendars
Tap on the Calendars
button to view all of
your active calendars
and those that you
subscribe to. You can
manage your calendars
from here
Calendar The apps
3 Select a time
Subscribe to new calendars online Select an option. You can even
set a ‘Time to leave’ alert.
The apps Notes
Notes lets you jot down thoughts or ideas quickly
and easily. You can even draw them out with a
variety of tools and then save them to iCloud
current note will be copied and pasted into an email. All you have
to do then is add the recipient’s address in the correct field and you
can mail it straight out from within the Notes app. There’s no need
to cut, paste and switch between the apps yourself. Any notes you Start drawing in Notes
create are synced to iCloud and can be accessed on all of your iOS
devices, including your iPhone.
Collaborating on notes
A feature that often gets
forgotten about is the option to
add people to your notes. Ideal
1 Open Notes
for when you are brainstorming Notes lets you organise notes in
ideas with work colleagues, for folders. Open a new note.
example, anyone that you ‘add’
to a note will be able to see the
latest changes, whenever they occur. To add people to a note, tap
the contacts icon in the top right corner of the interface and then
choose a method for sending the invitation. Once received, the
invitee can edit the note and see all changes made by other people.
That this will only work on Notes saved in your iCloud folder.
2 Drawing and tools
Tap the pen icon to start drawing
Notes and iCloud with the tools available.
Notes can be linked to the iCloud. This gives you the ability to
access your notes via different platforms such as a MacBook, iPhone
and iMac as well as your iPad. If you use a me.com or mac.com
email address for iCloud, go to the Settings and tap on iCloud and
turn on Notes.
If you use a Gmail or another web email account for iCloud, go to
the Settings app and tap on the Mail option then tap Contacts and
3 Pencil
Calendars. Then turn on Notes for the account. All of these features Use the pencil, which acts like a
help to enhance your Notes experience and make note-taking as real one, to start the basics.
simple as possible.
The apps Wallet
Store debit card details and pay for items using
Apple’s revamped Wallet app
The apps Maps
Use the Maps app to search for and find directions
to a location in both graphical or textual form
Maps The apps
you will be able to see what the weather is like there. If your vehicle
features CarPlay or Bluetooth, a pin will automatically be dropped
when you park up so that you’ll be able to find your car again easily.
How cool is that? Favourite a place
What’s nearby?
While exploring a destination,
the ‘Nearby’ feature, accessible
by tapping on ‘ Add a Stop’ at
the bottom of the interface,
will show you a list of quick
1 Directions
categories, including Food, Write in a place in the bar to
Drinks, Shopping, Services, Fun search for it and get directions.
and Health. Tap on a category to get a rundown of more in-depth
listings. For example, under ‘Food’ you will be treated to a list of
popular restaurants, grocery stores, fast food outlets and cafés. This
feature makes it incredibly easy to get your bearings and see all
nearby places of interest upon arriving in an unfamiliar destination,
eradicating the switch between apps dedicated to this cause.
Additionally, public transport info is available for certain cities.
2 Routes
Choose your preferred route to
Get directions start your journey.
Once you have found your location, a blue button with Directions
and travel time will appear at the bottom of the screen. The menu
will show your chosen location and five modes of transport: Drive,
Walk and, if applicable, Public Transport, Bike and Ride.
Once you have selected how you want to travel, a visual route will
appear on the map with its travel time. You will often be presented
with multiple routes to the same destination (alternate routes will
3 Information
be displayed as less prominent blue lines on the map), so tap on an Tap the location you’re headed to
alternative if required. Tapping on the route in the menu will bring for reviews and extra information
up a step-by-step list of the journey.
The apps Maps
Turn-by-turn navigation
Once you have worked out a suitable route for your journey, and
seen the breakdown of the various steps, you will see a green ‘Go’
option at the bottom of the screen. Tap this and your iPhone will
turn into a sophisticated satnav device. Maps follows your progress
as you go and dictates turn-by-turn directions to guide you towards
your destination. Maps can also show the speed limit of the road
Fig 3 The ‘Flyover’ feature can produce
some highly complex 3D objects you are on. You can turn navigation off by tapping the ‘End’ option
in the bottom panel on the screen.
Map options
Tap on this icon to
access various map op-
tions, including those
to change the style of
map displayed
Your Location
If you cannot find
yourself in Maps, tap
Extra info this to quickly go to
Tap on the names of your location.
places to learn more and
get Yelp reviews
Tap this to see possible
routes to the location
and to select driving
options such as
avoiding Motorways
Find lists of notable
locations to visit in
your chosen city from
trusted sources
Maps The apps
2 Select Transport
With the ‘Flyover’ feature in Maps, you can see a selection of major Public Transport is found at the
cities from the air with photorealistic, interactive 3D views (Fig 3). bottom of the screen.
The feature is not available for the entire planetary surface, but
more cities are constantly being added. The feature enables you
to explore cities in high resolution via zoom, pan, tilt and rotate
gestures. If the city you are exploring is available in Flyover mode
then the option will appear at the top of the interface.
3 Transport routes
Access the different map views All of the available public
transport routes will be shown.
The apps Siri
Speak to your iDevice and assign it a host of tasks to
make your life easier
Set up meetings
Make entries in your Calendar app Search with Siri
Get directions Searching with Siri is perhaps
Ask how to find your way somewhere
its most useful function. Simply
open Siri and ask it to find
something on the web by
dictating the search term
– Siri will then give you
a button that lets your
perform your Internet
search. There are some
useful key phrases to
bear in mind, however.
If you want an image,
just say “Find images of
Search is not restricted
to the Internet, however. By
saying “What’s the weather like
in London?” or “What was the
Liverpool score?” or “Find the
beach”, Siri will give you a summary,
Fig 1 (above) The Siri app lets you ask so
many different questions a scoreline or a destination. Siri looks
Fig 2 (right) You can turn on Type to Siri
for tweets and emails, too.
from the Accessibility settings
Siri The apps
The apps FaceTime
FaceTime is ideal for talking to your friends,
family or colleagues in real-time via video link
To FaceTime a Favourite
from the list, simply tap
on the name in the
Phone app 4 End call
To end the call, press the red
End button.
The apps Camera
Discover how you can take incredible pictures with
your iPhone’s Camera app
Switch modes
There are seven modes within
the Camera app. Decide which
mode you want by sliding left Panorama mode
and right through the options
for Video, Photo, Square, Pano,
Time-Lapse, Slow-Mo and,
if you have an iPhone X or
newer, Portrait. The Time-Lapse mode allows you to take photos
at dynamically selected intervals to create videos that appear to
be sped up, which can lead to some very amusing results. Square
1 Line up a shot
photos let you take the perfect shot without worrying about Position your iPhone to the left of
cropping out an important part to get the perfect Insta-pic. the shot. Press shutter.
Shoot videos
One slide to the right and you will select Video mode. By tapping
the red record button you can start to film footage and the counter
at the top of the screen tells you how long you have been filming
for – you can stop by re-pressing the record button at any time.
It is also possible to take a recording of yourself by switching the
2 Move across
front-facing camera towards you. If you have an iPhone 5s or newer, Now move continuously to the
the Camera app adds the ability to film in Slo-Mo which is at 120 or right across the shot.
240 frames per second. You can slow the resulting clip or parts of it
when you play it back and edit it.
Add effects
With the Camera app you can add effects to any shot before you
even take it. By tapping the three-circled icon in the right-hand
corner, a list of effects will be shown. These include Vivid, Dramatic,
3 Slow down
Mono, Silvertone and Noir; with slight variations on each one as Don’t go too fast. The iPhone will
well. All of these are only available on the iPhone and you only need tell you to slow down if you are.
to tap on them to choose. The Filters icon will change from black
The apps Camera
to colour when it is activated so that you know the filter has been
turned on. To turn it off, just choose ‘Original’ from the effects reel (it
will be at the very start of the list).
If you do not turn it off, then it will remain on your camera. This
is great if you want to take lots of shots using the same filter. By
allowing you to apply effects before snapping away, you are able
to negate having to go through a cumbersome post-production
Fig 3 There are lots of different effects
available, applied in real time process. Filters are not available for videos or for panoramic mode,
but you’ll find there are plenty on offer to meet your needs with
the normal photos you’ll be taking with your iPhone. It is also worth
pointing out that you can only use a live filter if you own an iPhone
5 or newer.
The effects button lets
you apply all manner of
cool effects before you
take a shot
Tap this icon to change
the flash from auto to on
or off depending on your
circumstances and needs
Live Photos
When turned on your
iPhone will capture a few
seconds of video along
with a picture. To see the
video, go to the Photos
app then select the Live
Photos album
Tapping here will let
you switch between
the front-facing and
the back-facing camera
On the 5s and later models,
tapping and holding the
shutter button puts it into
burst mode, taking up to
ten pictures a second
Camera The apps
3 AE/AF Lock
Using HDR A yellow box appears. You can
also make use of the AE/AF Lock.
The apps Photos
Use this app to keep your precious photos in
perfect order and browse them with ease
also go back to your Camera Roll to view the thumbnails again for
quick selection. You can also view a slideshow of all your photos
by tapping the Share icon, selecting images and then hitting the
Slideshow button. Create a new album
You can view photographs from the
iPhone on an Apple TV, a low-priced
set-top box for your television. This is
done via AirPlay which is built into your
iPhone. Both your iOS and Apple TV
1 Tap Plus
devices need to be on the same Wi-Fi When in Albums, tap the ‘+’ icon
network. You then open Photos, tap in the top-left corner.
the Share icon followed by the AirPlay button. Choose your Apple
TV and the photos will be beamed straight to it.
Photo Stream
Scrolling through your library of images looking for one specific
photos can get tedious, so Apple introduced the Search tab.
The Photos app can identify objects, people and animals in your
2 Name your album
images so when you’re trying to find a photo you can start typing When prompted, type in a name
what is in the image and you should find it easily. The search for your new photo album.
terms can be as specific or broad as you wish, you can start with
something as simple as “building” and then get more precise by
typing something such as “Temple exterior.”
Photography is all about capturing moments that you want to
look back on and remember for ever. You might want to relive the
3 Choose images
memories for yourself, or show them off to friends and family. While Next, select images to add to your
you can open individual photos one by one and show people, you new album. Tap to select.
can also create a slideshow. This will play automatically, so people
The apps Photos
Photos Select
Select an individual
Any photos that you
photo to delete it, send
take with your iPhone
it via Messages, or
Camera app or images
apply edits to it. Select
that you save from
multiple photos to
attachments or Safari
delete them all at once
will be stored here
For You
Photos will group
together images and
movies from particular
times into magazine-
style presentations
Photos The apps
3 Start typing
Make photos instantly better Tap on the search bar and as you
type, suggestions will appear.
The apps News
Take a tour of Apple’s one-stop shop for keeping
up with current affairs
new stories when they become available. When you see a story
that you want to read, tap on it and you will be able to read it in its
entirety using the full screen of your device (Fig 2). Tap the arrow to
return to the main digest. Follow a channel
Your sources
To view your current preferred news
sources, tap on the ‘Following’ section
at the bottom of the interface and
they will all be displayed on screen.
Tap on a source to only display the
1 Getting started
news from that particular source. For Go to the Following tab and
example, if you want to go straight swipe up to reveal the search bar..
to the music news, tap on the NME
source, or suchlike. You can also tap
on the ‘Edit’ option in the top-right
corner to remove certain sources from your collection if you find
that you no longer read the news that they provide. Your news,
your rules. If you want to receive notifications when a new story is
published from a particular site, scroll down to the bottom of the
2 Search
Channels page and you will be able to choose which channels send Type the name of a news channel
you notifications. or subject you want to follow.
The apps News
You can share news stories
through the usual variety
of methods or even
save them to your Safari
Reading List
Mark stories
Tapping this icon will also
give you the option to mark
the story as a Favourite,
making it much easier to
spot within the news feed
and teaching News the kind
of content you like
Your news
The News app tailors your feed
to meet your particular needs
and requirements, so you only
have to see the stories that are
important to you
Next up
If you’ve picked a
particular category to look
at news stories witin, then
you can click this to go
straight to the next story
without going back to the
list view
News The apps
The apps Books
Enjoy a good read without having to trek to the
library, and save some trees at the same time
you buy a book from the iBook Store on it, you can have the book
download to that iDevice too at no extra cost. To do this, tap on the
Purchased icon and then tap the cloud icon on a book.
Activate Night mode
Sample/buy a book
To buy a book or audiobook, search for
the one you want and then tap it. An
information page will appear showing you
the description, ratings, reviews and any
related books.
As well as being able to share the
1 Find a book
information via Mail, Twitter and Facebook Open a book you want to read at
and even copy the link, you have two night and tap the font option.
choices. You can sample the book or buy it.
Tapping Sample/ Preview downloads a small
section of the book to your iPhone for you to read -or listen to if it’s
an audiobook. Tapping the price will prompt you for your Apple ID
and this will then download the whole book to your device.
Navigate a book
2 Select Theme
When you are in your iBooks Library, simply tap on a book you want If you want something slightly
to read and it will open. By flicking your fingers left and right you darker, tap on the grey option.
are able to go back and forth between the pages. You will also see
a scrub bar at the bottom of the screen. Scrubbing through this lets
you jump directly to a page, the number of which will be displayed
below, along with the total number of pages in the book.
At the top of the screen, you will see more options. These
include the ability to go back to your Library or select one of the
book’s chapters. You can adjust the text size and search for certain
3 Select Night
words and phrases but, handily, using the right-most icon, you can Tap on the Night theme and the
bookmark pages, too. Users can even use the highlighter tool to screen goes dark.
mark important pieces of text.
The apps Health
Apple’s integrated Health app provides an easy-to-
read dashboard for all of your fitness data
Adding services
As we mentioned, your
Summary page is bare
when you first launch
the app – and indeed
all of the data that will
eventually be presented
in the Health app is
drawn from other
apps and services.
However, you can
Fig 1 (above) The Dashboard is empty
when you first launch the app, but you will still decide exactly
be able to add services later
what information
Fig 2 (right) Choose which information you is displayed in
want displayed by tapping on Edit then
the star icons the Summary by
Health The apps
tapping on the Edit icon at the top of the interface. This will present
Create a Medical ID
a list of all possible measurements in regards to your body (Fig
2) divided into sections such as Heart, Activity and Sleep. Tap on
the Star icon to select which aspects of the data you wish to have
displayed in the Summary. Once you have determined this, tap
on ‘Done’ and the data you requested will be added to the main
Summary page for easy referral.
The apps Files
The easy way to store all of your presentations, PDFs,
and other documents and access them anywhere
Organising files
Not only can you open and
edit documents, images and
Fig 2 (above) Go to Locations, then tap Edit
to add available cloud services presentations, but Files makes it
Files The apps
easy to organise and arrange here, too. By going to Browse, you can
Add new locations
see all the locations you can currently access, by scrolling down you
will see Tags. When you long-press on a folder or file a menu will
appear allowing you to tag items. If you tap on tag you can select
an existing tag or create a new one. As mentioned before, you
cannot drag items from one app into Files, but you can drag and
drop items in the Files app into folders. Hitting the share button will
bring up the option to share to the other cloud drives linked to Files.
1 Go to App Store
Accessing files Open the store and search for the
cloud storage service you want to
Along the bottom of the screen add to Files.
you’ll find two tabs; Browse
and Recents. Browse is where
all your files are shown and you
can go between storage service.
While in the Browse tab, you can
choose to arrange the files by
Name, Date, Size or Tags. If you’re
2 Allow location
not a fan of the grid layout, then Once the download is complete
tap on the list icon in the left-hand corner to arrange everything in open Files, under Browse tap Edit
that format. Towards the top of the screen will be a search bar, this and turn on the location.
can search through all of your cloud services but will only search for
file names or types – it cannot search through the file’s text.
The Recent tab will show the last six items you accessed – tap on
‘See All’ to view all of your files in order of when they were opened.
With Files, all of your documents are made accessible outside the
confines of the app that created them. Select a file and then tap
on the Share icon and all available options will be displayed. For an 3 Log in to account
example, a file created in the Notes app can be opened in Pages Depending on the service, you
can log in through Safari or
by tapping on the share icon and selecting ‘Copy to Pages.’ This will through the Files app.
duplicate the text from Notes and import it into the new app where
it can be edited using that program’s tools.
The apps Pages
Get creative using Pages and put together some
truly complex and visually enticing documents
Use notes
Utilise footnotes, endnotes and take Create invitations & reports
advantage of great word-count features
One feature included in the Pages app that almost no other word
Share your work
Once you’re finished, you can easily share processor includes is the ability to create flyers, and to do so with
your creations via many different services
a minimum of fuss. From the moment you open the app you are
Export your documents
Export your documents in various different presented with a selection
formats for ultimate compatibility
of templates, but you can
Use the templates
Create visually impressive work by using also make one from scratch.
one of the included templates
To make a flyer or an
invitation, tap the + button
at the top and select Create
Document. Select Blank
and a blank page to work
on will appear. You can now
type your message and hit
the paintbrush to change
the fonts and colours.
Any images you find
in Safari can be saved to
your Camera Roll and then
pasted into Pages. You can
now manipulate them by
touch alone which will let
Fig 1 (above) Pages is the ultimate word- you change the size of
processing solution for any iPhone user
each image and even
Fig 2 (right) Flyers and reports take minutes change the angle at which
to create and can be a highly professional-
looking addition to a business they are presented.
Pages The apps
Reports are created similarly. You can copy rows and columns
directly from the Numbers app or by hitting the + icon and
embedding charts and tables directly into your report document.
The possibilities are endless. Find and replace
2 Tap the pencil
Apple’s AirPrint function is utilised in Pages to let you share any A box will appear at the top. Tap
document you create straight away with an AirPrint-enabled printer. the pencil icon to the left of it.
All you need to do is tap the more icon at the top of the screen and
then select Print.
Now tap the Printer option in the next screen. Your iPhone will
now search for a suitable printer and give you the option to print
it immediately. No wires, no fuss and the most efficient printing
experience imaginable.
All the usual features and options that you get when printing
3 Time to type
are also available, including the number of copies you would like Fill out the Find and Replace
and the range – whether it be the whole document or just certain boxes with the relevant words.
pages you would like to print.
The apps Pages
You can choose from
multiple fonts and many
style options for your text
Photos, tables,
charts and shapes
can all be inserted
into a document
with just a couple
of taps
Images can be
managed in any way
you like and moved
around the document
with ease
Pages The apps
3 Time to convert
Save a Pages document to the cloud From the selection of possible
formats, pick Word.
The apps Numbers
Numbers is Apple’s answer to Microsoft Excel and
you’ll find that it succeeds in all the important areas
spreadsheet and it will fill the screen ready for you to work on. You
can now tap on any cell or pinch to make the rows and columns
larger and interact with every single part of the new spreadsheet.
You’ll soon come to realise that creating a new spreadsheet in Make a 3D chart
Numbers is incredibly efficient.
Intelligent tables
The tables built into Numbers are incredibly
useful when building new spreadsheets. Tap
the + icon at the top when in a spreadsheet
and then choose Tables from the top bar.
1 Locate the charts
You will now be able to choose from Tap the + icon at the top when in
six screens of tables, each containing five a spreadsheet and select Charts.
choices in different colours and with specific
uses. Some have checkboxes built in and
others are plain and simple which could be
useful for presenting simplistic data. Thirty
intelligent tables makes Numbers even more useful. There are also a
wide range of charts and graphs that can be created from the data.
When you select a table it appears below your spreadsheet, so you
2 Go to 3D
can manage both aspects of your data at the same time. Tap 3D and then choose a chart
style that you want to use.
Sharing your spreadsheets
When you have finished creating your spreadsheet, sharing it
couldn’t be simpler. Simply head back to the main screen where
all of your files are held and tap on the sharing icon in the top-left
corner. Choose whether to Share Link via iCloud, Send a Copy or
Open in Another App and then select the spreadsheet that you
would like to share.
3 A simple tap
You then need to choose the format to share it in and the sharing Tap the chart as soon as it’s in
will be completed. You can share spreadsheets in just four taps your current spreadsheet.
which is ideal for fast, seamless file transfers.
The apps Keynote
Keynote makes presentation creation easier than
ever before and the results are always impressive
Use media
Insert engaging media anywhere in your Make a slideshow
presentation to bring your work to life
To make your first slideshow using Keynote, open the app on
Animate away
Animate aspects of each slide – an ideal your iPhone and then start by tapping the + icon at the top of the
way to keep the audience’s attention
interface. Then select Create Presentation. Browse through the
Control your presentation
Swipe, flick and tap your presentation options and choose a simple template such as White or Black and
to control it wirelessly with your iPhone
you will be presented with a slide showing an example photo and
Keep your work safe
Use iCloud to keep all of your precious work some text. Double-tap the large text and replace it with your own
safe, no matter which device you use
words and do the same with the smaller text. You can add whatever
you like to the first slide and then tap the + icon in the bottom left-
hand side of the screen. A new window will pop up and you can
select another slide type to insert. Once you have chosen one to
Keynote The apps
use, it will fill the main section and be shown as a thumbnail in the
left-hand panel. As you add in new slides to your presentation you
can hold each thumbnail and drag it to a new position – you can
move your slides about in any way you like. Add animations
Choosing and managing the individual slides is a very easy
process. You’ll find that most of your time will be spent writing and
adding your content to each one, to make your presentation as
exciting as possible.
The apps GarageBand
The latest update to Apple’s portable recording
studio is a must for electronic music makers
Keep in sync
A great way to manage all of your songs Create a song
automatically using the iCloud
Creating a song in GarageBand is ridiculously easy. Anyone who has
Mix and match
Mix many instruments and sounds into one played around with it will know that it includes a selection of virtual
multilayered song for amazing results
instruments that you can use to record music entirely in-app plus
Jam with friends
Play along with friends using wireless the facilities to plug in your own physical instruments and record
connections and make music together
and edit your jams. Well now the app has been stretched with the
inclusion of Live Loops, a useful tool for electronic music makers
to construct tools using a grid of beats and samples. Start off by
selecting a style of music from EDM, Hip Hop, Dubstep, RnB, House,
GarageBand The apps
Chill, Rock and Electro Funk and a grid pattern will be displayed
with a range of applicable sounds displayed as tiles. You can select
tiles individually or in groups and can piece together segments of
music by initialising another group of tiles while the current one is Create new music
playing. When you do this they won’t be played instantly, but will be
introduced at the next possible beat so everything blends together
seamlessly. You can also edit the tile pattern at will.
The apps iMovie
Let your imagination run wild with iMovie and make
professional, fun and unique creations every time
iMovie The apps
You can type in the name of the movie, the cast members and
even credits to show at the end. You can then create a storyboard
by tapping the relevant icon and when you add media it will be
annotated with the topics you have input. Trailers are easy, effective Import footage
and stunning to watch.
The apps iMovie
iMovie The apps
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The Complete Manual
4 Introducing the iPhone
Discover all about how Apple’s game-changing
device can assist your everyday living, from
keeping connected to running an office
4 Boost productivity
Use apps like Pages, Numbers and Keynote to
work on the go, wherever you may be