TSC - Q7303 - Two Shaft Handloom Weaver - v3.0
TSC - Q7303 - Two Shaft Handloom Weaver - v3.0
TSC - Q7303 - Two Shaft Handloom Weaver - v3.0
Version: 3.0
NSQF Level: 3
Textile Sector Skill Council || 14-H, 14th Floor, Hansalaya Building, 15, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi – 110001
TSC/Q7303: Two Shaft Handloom Weaver ........................................................................................... 3
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 3
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 3
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 3
TSC/N7305: Carry out pre-weaving activities in handloom .................................................................. 5
TSC/N7306: Operate the handloom ..................................................................................................... 9
TSC/N7307: Contribute to achieve quality in handloom weaving ....................................................... 14
TSC/N9015: Follow machine, safety, and organizational guidelines in textile sector ......................... 17
TSC/N9016: Follow teamwork, adaptability, and communication guidelines in textile sector ............ 24
DGT/VSQ/N0101: Employability Skills (30 Hours) ............................................................................... 29
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 34
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 34
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 35
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 37
A two shaft handloom weaver produces various types of fabrics in the basic weaves and its derivatives
using different kinds of yarns such as cotton, wool, silk, etc. by hand on a fly-shuttle or a throw-shuttle
handloom as per the provided yarn and pattern or design specifications.
Personal Attributes
A two shaft handloom weaver should have physicals skills like dexterity, hand-eye-leg coordination, motor
skills, strength, stamina and ability to handle heavy equipment. A two shaft handloom weaver should also
have sensory skills like hearing ability and vision (normal distance vision, colour vision, night vision,
peripheral vision, depth perception, ability to differentiate between colours, shade, depth and ability to
change focus).
Compulsory NOS:
Sector Textile
Occupation Weaver
Country India
NSQF Level 3
Credits 11
Last Reviewed On NA
Version 3.0
This OS unit is about performance criteria, knowledge and understanding and generic skills required for
executing necessary techniques to undertake pre-weaving activities such as drafting, denting, filling pirns,
preparing the two shaft looms and analysing the design.
KU7. details of shedding, picking take up and let off motions of two shaft hand loom and their
KU8. potential hazards associated with the preparation of two shaft handloom and the safety
KU9. technical terms associated with all pre-loom operations
KU10. treadle strap tying methods
KU11. types of tools and equipment used
KU12. step-by-step process flow involved in the pre-loom operations
KU13. causes for fabric defects due to improper pre-loom activities and defective loom
GS1. write in local or English language of instructions received from clients or master weaver
GS2. read and interpret documents in local or English language
GS3. listen attentively
GS4. talk effectively to convey information succinctly and unequivocally
GS5. interpret contractor or clients work requirements and other weaving related specifications
correctly plan and organize own work as per timelines and commitments
GS6. provide opinion on work in a detailed and constructive way
Assessment Criteria
Sector Textile
Occupation Weaver
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This OS unit is about performance criteria, knowledge and understanding and generic skills required for
operating the two shaft handloom, mending of warp and weft breaks, and other related work
responsibilities while weaving basic weaves and its derivatives on a two shaft handloom.
KU1. the cooperative society/NGO/SHG/cluster policies, procedures, guidelines and standards for
KU2. potential hazards associated with the two shaft weaving operation and with the safety
KU3. weavability of various yarns such as natural fibres, manmade fibres and blended fibres on
hand looms
KU4. various types of looms for woven fabric production
KU5. types of shuttles used for handloom woven fabric production
KU6. types of emery paper and its usage in handloom weaving place
KU7. various types of shedding mechanism and its working principle
KU8. different types of weaves such as plain, twill, satin, jacquard designs, etc.
KU9. remedies of various types of fabric defects such as weaver oriented, machine oriented, raw
material oriented, etc.
KU10. tolerance limits for cloth width, Ends Per Inch (EPI), Picks Per Inch (PPI), etc.
GS1. write clear and short sentences in the production record book
GS2. communicate with weavers and master weavers as per standard protocol
GS3. comprehend written basic weave and its derivatives fabric production instructions
GS4. perform basic arithmetical calculations to calculate fabric production, yarn requirements, etc.
Assessment Criteria
Sector Textile
Occupation Weaver
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This unit provides performance criteria, knowledge and understanding and skills and abilities required to
monitor and maintain the fabric quality woven on the two shaft handloom as per specifications.
KU1. the cooperative society/NGO/SHG/cluster policies, procedures, guidelines and standards for
KU2. woven fabric grading points
KU3. basic weave woven fabric quality requirements
KU4. mendable and non-mendable woven fabric defects
GS1. write clear and short sentences with respect to quality achieved
GS2. comprehend written quality instructions
GS3. communicate with weavers and master weavers as per standard protocol
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 25 55 - -
Sector Textile
Occupation Weaver
NSQF Level 3
Credits TBD
Version 2.0
This unit provides performance criteria, knowledge and skills required to follow machine, safety and
organizational guidelines in textile sector.
KU1. organizational standard procedures, quality standards, rules, codes, policies and safety
standards in the textile sector
KU2. different type of tools and equipment used in textile sub- sector and their specifications and
operating procedures
KU3. safe handling procedure of tools and equipment
KU4. the importance of displays and written instructions for the allocated machines
KU5. dos and donts specific to the assigned work responsibilities
KU6. protocol for minimizing the wastage of material, effort and time
KU7. organization’s formats and procedures for reporting production, defects, faults, material/tool
requisition and quality parameters and task completed for assigned job
KU8. schedule for cleaning and waste collection for the assigned job role
KU9. importance and standard procedure for disposal of soft, hard, non-hazardous and hazardous
wastes and materials
KU10. available types of material handling equipment and handling methods used in the textile
KU11. hazards of unsafe workplace conditions and procedures in the textile industry and methods
to avoid hazards
KU12. various types of fire extinguishers
KU13. importance of stable mental condition in case of emergency
KU14. correct work posture and importance of ergonomics for the assigned job role
KU15. organizational quality systems like quality circle, 5S, ISO, SA, etc. followed in the textile
KU16. importance of following work wear standards, behavioral protocols and etiquette in the
textile sector
KU17. importance of energy conservation through proper maintenance schedule in the textile
KU18. procedures and formats for reporting lost and found material
KU19. different types of alarms and their significance
GS1. read and comprehend policies in notice boards displayed in the workplace
GS2. minimize the resource consumption for the assigned task
GS3. solve basic arithmetic calculations related to assigned job role
GS4. recognize and differentiate colors of materials used in textile sector
GS5. lift specified materials for the allotted task using prescribed ergonomic position
GS6. exhibit motor skill required for the allotted task
Assessment Criteria
NOS Total 65 80 - 50
NOS Name Follow machine, safety, and organizational guidelines in textile sector
Sector Textile
NSQF Level 4
Credits TBD
Version 1.0
This unit provides performance criteria, knowledge and skills required to follow team work, communication
and adaptability in textile sector
Assessment Criteria
Adaptability 5 5 - 5
NOS Total 15 20 - 10
Sector Textile
NSQF Level 4
Credits TBD
Version 1.0
This unit is about employability skills, Constitutional values, becoming a professional in the 21st Century,
digital, financial, and legal literacy, diversity and Inclusion, English and communication skills, customer
service, entrepreneurship, and apprenticeship, getting ready for jobs and career development.
Assessment Criteria
Communication Skills 1 1 - -
Entrepreneurship 3 5 - -
Customer Service 2 2 - -
NOS Total 20 30 - -
Occupation Employability
NSQF Level 2
Credits 1
Version 1.0
Assessment Guidelines
Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay
down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at
each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/ training center based on these criteria.
In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOSs, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent
assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack.
In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack
Assessment Weightage
Compulsory NOS
TSC/N7306.Operate the
100 190 - - 290 30
TSC/N7307.Contribute to
achieve quality in handloom 25 55 - - 80 10
TSC/N9015.Follow machine,
safety, and organizational 65 80 - 50 195 20
guidelines in textile sector
TSC/N9016.Follow teamwork,
adaptability, and
15 20 - 10 45 5
communication guidelines in
textile sector
20 30 0 0 50 5
Skills (30 Hours)
QP Qualifications Pack
Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
(PC) standard of performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS)
QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
Qualifications Pack
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.
Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.
Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed
Core Skills/ Generic
in any work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically
Skills (GS)
needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.