Mid Year Review Form 23-24-1
Mid Year Review Form 23-24-1
Mid Year Review Form 23-24-1
1. Before starting to rate, please fill-in all the necessary data first
2. The ratee must review his/her collected means of verification starting from the open
3. He/she will then put the rating on the RATEE COLUMN
4. The rating will be based on QUALITY, EFFICIENCY, & TIMELINESS (refer to the RPMS T
5. The rater will rate the ratee based on the presented MOVs of ratee during the mid-y
6. The ratings of the rater will be based on QUALITY, EFFICIENCY, & TIMELINESS (refer t
7. The final rating will be entered in under the Mid-Year Review Results column.
8 Print the document using A4 bond paper and sign
SS (refer to the RPMS Tool for Teachers I-III or Master Teachers I-IV)
ratee during the mid-year review under RATER COLUMN
& TIMELINESS (refer to the RPMS Tool for Teachers I-III or Master Teachers I-IV)
Results column.
2. Used a range of
E teaching strategies that
R enhance learner
V achievement in literacy
Classsroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
I and numeracy skills.
(PPST 1.4.2) Sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s Quality
done through onsite / face- to- face / in-
person classroom observation.
If onsite/face-to-face/ in-person classes
are not implemented,
*through observation of
synchronous/asynchronous teaching in
other modalities; or
*through observation of a demonstration
teaching Efficiency
*via Lac session
3. Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
develop critical and
creative thinking, as well Classsroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
as other higher-order Sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
thinking skills. (PPST done through onsite / face- to- face / in-
1.5.2) person classroom observation.
If onsite/face-to-face/ in-person classes
are not implemented,
*through observation of
synchronous/asynchronous teaching in
other modalities; or
*through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
* via Lac session
4. Displayed proficient
use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and
learning. (PPST 1.6.2) Classsroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
Sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
done through onsite / face- to- face / in-
person classroom observation.
If onsite/face-to-face/ in-person classes
are not implemented,
*through observation of
synchronous/asynchronous teaching in
other modalities; or
*through observation of a demonstration Efficiency
teaching *via
Lac session
6. Maintained learning
environments that
promote fairness, Quality
respect and care to Classsroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
encourage learning. Sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
(PPST 2.2.2) done through onsite / face- to- face / in-
person classroom observation.
If onsite/face-to-face/ in-person classes
are not implemented,
*through observation of
synchronous/asynchronous teaching in
other modalities; or Efficiency
*through observation of a demonstration
*via Lac session
7. Established a learner-
centered culture by
using teaching strategies
that respond to their Classsroom Observation Tool (COT) rating
linguistic, cultural, socio- Sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s Quality
economic and religious
backgrounds. (PPST done through onsite / face- to- face / in-
3.2.2) person classroom observation.
If onsite/face-to-face/ in-person classes
are not implemented,
*through observation of
synchronous/asynchronous teaching in
other modalities; or
*through observation of a demonstration
teaching Efficiency
* via Lac session
14. Developed a
personal improvement 1. Certification from the ICT Coordinator/ Quality
plan based on reflection School Head/ Focal person in charge of e-
of one’s practice and
ongoing professional SAT 2.
learning. (PPST 7.4.2) 7% IPCR-DP 3. Efficiency
Mid-year Review Form (MRF)
4. Updated IPCRF-DP from
Phase II Timeliness