4.1 Support Student Participation
4.1 Support Student Participation
4.1 Support Student Participation
• Birthday chart set up in the classroom.
Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.
Create and maintain supportive and safe
• Using a daily routine in the morning to go through the schedule of the day.
• Using PowerPoints to outline the day*
• Using individual table groups to move around the classroom
• Creating groups prior to classroom activities to ensure organisation and safety for
learning environments
safe learning
Create and
Responding to Abuse and Neglect training. A full day of training to leaving how
to ensure the safety of the student at all times and able to manage challenging
Describe strategies that support the students’ wellbeing and safety working within the
Create and maintain supportive
and safe learning environments school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.
The school had an online information pamphlet available for students, parents and any
visitors. I ensured that for the placement I went through the pamphlet with the
learning environments
students and had a classroom discussion about what this mean and what No-Bullying
tolerance means. After the class brainstormed a classroom Code of Conduct using
Power Point.