MRF 2024

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Name of Employee: PHOEBE S. GALAPIN Name of Rater: JOENA D. BENGUAN, PhD

Position: Teacher III Position: Master teacher I
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: Department of Education Date of Review: January 30, 2024
Rating Period: August 29, 2023 to January 30, 2024


Mid-Year Review/ Rating

MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performanc Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Master Teacher) Mid-Year
per KRA
e Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks Review Results
Basic 1.Content 1. Applied S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
Education Knowledge knowledge of 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
Services and content within and done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
Pedagogy across curriculum classroom observation. 5
(PPST 1.1.2) If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
not implemented, Efficiency
● through observation of
synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or 5
● through observation of a
demonstration teaching* via LAC
2. Used a range of S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
teaching strategies 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
that enhance done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
learner classroom observation. 5
achievement in
literacy and If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
numeracy skills. not implemented, Efficiency
(PPST 1.4.2)  through observation of
synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or
 through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session. Timeliness
3. Applied a range S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
of teaching 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
strategies to done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
develop critical and classroom observation. 5
creative thinking, as
well as other If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
higher-order not implemented, Efficiency
thinking skills.  through observation of
(PPST 1.5.2) synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or
 through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session.
4. Displayed S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
proficient use of 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
Mother Tongue, done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
Filipino and English classroom observation. 5
to facilitate teaching
and learning. If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
(PPST 1.6.2) not implemented, Efficiency
 through observation of
synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or
 through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session. Timeliness
Basic 2. Learning 5. Establish a safe S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
Education Environment and secure learning 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
Services & Diversity of environment to done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
Learners enhance learning classroom observation. 5
through the
consistent If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
implementation of not implemented, Efficiency
policies, guidelines  through observation of
and procedures. synchronous / asynchronous
(PPST 2.1.2) teaching in other modalities; or
 through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session. Timeliness
6. Maintain learning S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
environments that 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
promote fairness, done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
respect and care to classroom observation. 5
encourage learning.
(PPST 2.2.2) If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
not implemented, Efficiency
 through observation of
synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or 5
 through observation of a
demonstration teaching* via Timeliness
LAC session.
7. Established a S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
learner-centered 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
culture by using done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
teaching strategies classroom observation. 5
that respond to
their linguistic, If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
cultural, socio- not implemented, Efficiency
economic and  through observation of
religious synchronous / asynchronous
backgrounds. teaching in other modalities; or
(PPST 3.2.2)  through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session. Timeliness
8. Adapted and S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
used culturally 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
appropriate done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
teaching strategies classroom observation. 5
to address the
needs of learners If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
from indigenous not implemented, Efficiency
group.  through observation of
(PPST 3.5.2) synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or
 through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session. Timeliness
Basic 3. 9. Set achievable S.Y. 2023- At least one (1) lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, Quality
Education Curriculum and appropriate 2024 WHLP,WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and
Services and Planning learning outcomes the likes) or one lesson from a self-learning
& that are aligned module, developed by the ratee and used in 5
Assessment with learning instruction, with achievable and appropriate
and competencies. learning outcomes that are aligned with the
Reporting (PPST 4.2.2) learning competencies as shown in any one Efficiency
(1) of the following:
 lecture/ discussion
 activity/ activity sheet Timeliness
 performance task 5
 rubrics for assessing performance
using criteria that appropriately
describe the target output.
10. Used strategies S.Y. 2023- Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating Quality
for providing timely, 2024 sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s
accurate and done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person
constructive classroom observation. 5
feedback to
improve learner’s If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are
performance. not implemented, Efficiency
(PPST 5.3.2)  through observation of Timeliness
synchronous / asynchronous
teaching in other modalities; or
 through observation of a 5
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session.
11. Utilized S.Y. 2023- A list of identified least/ most mastered skills Quality
assessment data to 2024 based on the frequency of errors/ correct
inform the responses with any one (1) of the following
modification of supporting MOVs: 5
teaching and 1. accomplishment report for
learning practices remedial/ enhancement
and programs. activities (e.g., remedial Efficiency
(PPST 5.5.2) sessions, Summer Reading Timeliness
Camp, Phil-IRI-based reading
2. intervention material used for
remediation/ reinforcement/
3. Lesson plan/ activity log for
remediation/ enhancement
utilizing of assessment data to
modify teaching and learning
practices or programs.
Basic 4. Personal 12. Build S.Y. 2023- Any one (1) of the following: Quality
Education Growth & relationships with 2024 1. Proof of participation in any activity
Services Professional parents/ guardians highlighting the objective, such as,
Development and the wider but not limited the following: 5
school community  Receipt form/ monitoring
to facilitate form during distribution of
involvement in the learning materials, etc. Efficiency
educative process.  Commitment form to Timeliness
(PPST 6.2.2) stakeholders, developed
advocacy materials, 5
certificate of participation
that shown parents’ /
engagement signed by
the school head, etc.
 Home visitation form
 Any equivalent ALS form/
document that highlights
the objective
 Others (please specify
and provide annotations)
2. Parent-teacher log or proof of other
stakeholders meeting (e.g., one-
on-one parent-teacher learner
conference log; attendance sheet
with minutes of online or face-to-
face meeting; proof of involvement
in the learners’/ parents’
orientation, etc.)
3. Any form of communication to
parents/ stakeholders (e.g., notice
of meeting; screen shot of chat/
text messages/ communication
with parent/ guardian.
13. Participated in S.Y. 2023- 1. Certificate of completion in a Quality
professional 2024 course / training.
networks to share 2. Certificate of participation in a
knowledge and to webinar, retooling, up skilling, and 5
enhance practice. other training/ seminar/ workshop
(PPST 7.3.2) with proof of implementation.
3. Certificate of recognition/
speakership in a webinar and other
training/ seminar/ workshop. Efficiency
4. Any proof of participation to a Timeliness
benchmarking activity
5. Any proof of participation in school 5
LAC sessions (Online/ face-to-
face) certified by LAC Coordinator
6. Others (please specify and provide
14. Developed a S.Y. 2023- 1. Certification from the ICT Quality
personal 2024 Coordinator/ School Head/ Focal 5
improvement plan Person in charge of e-SAT
based on reflection 2. IPCRF-DP Efficiency
of one’s practice 3. Mid-year Review Form (MRF) 5
and ongoing 4. Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II
professional Timeliness
learning. 5
(PPST 7.4.2)
Basic 5. Plus 15 Performed S.Y. 2023- Any one (1) proof of: Quality
Education Factors various related 2024  Committee involvement
Services works/ activities  Involvement as module/ learning
that contribute to material writer/validator.
the teaching  Involvement as a resource person/ 5
learning process. speaker/ learning facilitator in the
RO/SDO/ school-initiated TV/radio-
based instruction
 Book or journal authorship/ co- Efficiency
authors/ contributorship
 Advisorship/ coordinatorship/
 Participation in demonstration 5
 Participation as research presenter
in a forum/ conference
 Mentoring of pre- service/ in- Timeliness
service teachers
 Conducted research within the
rating period
 Others (please specify with
annotation on how it contributed to
the teaching-learning process).


Teacher III Master Teacher I Principal II


Self-Management Team Work
1. Sets personal goals and directions, needs and development. 1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.
2. Understands personal actions and behavior that are clear and purposive and 2. Promotes collaboration and removes barrier to teamwork and goal

4 5
takes into account personal goals and values congruent to that of the accomplishment across organization.
organization. 3. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements.
3. Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher 4. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions.
goals. 5. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and across
4. Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through Gantt chants, checklists, etc.) to organizations to accomplish organization goals and objectives.
5. achieve goals.
6. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others.
Professionalism and Ethics Service Orientation
1. Demonstrate the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms and Conduct 1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues and problems.
and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713). 2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer

4 4
2. Practice ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the service issues and concerns.
impact of his/her actions and decisions. 3. Initiates activities that promote advocacy for men and women empowerment.
3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of attendance 4. Participates in updating office vision, mission, mandates and strategies
and punctuality, good grooming and communication. based on DepEd strategies and directions.
5. Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs. 5. Develops and adopts service improvement program through simplified
4. Act with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s procedures that will further enhance service delivery.
needs, improve system and help others improve their effectiveness.
Results Focus Innovation
1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time. 1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggest effective solutions,
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by Foster new ideas, processes and suggests better ways to do things (cost
placing organizational needs before personal needs. and/or operational efficiency).
3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard 2. Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses

4 5
operating procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce very on improving personal productivity to create higher value and results.
satisfactory quality of work in terms of usefulness/ acceptability and 3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original
completeness with no supervision required. ideas or solutions.
4. Expresses desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or 4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that
inefficiency. May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals set. improve the work unit and organization.
5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve 5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates
performance. Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a lower resourcefulness and the ability to succeed with minimal resources.
cost, more efficiently, or improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale,
without setting any specific goal.
School Year 2023-2024

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Action Plan Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Learning Objectives
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)

B. Core Behavior of Competencies (From part III of the e-SAT)


Teacher III Master Teacher I Principal II

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