Formular de Admitere Scoala

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In Year Admission application form

Before you fill in this form, please read the guidance documents. Information about In Year Admissions and school directories are available on For voluntary aided and foundation schools, or an academy ! You may have to complete a supplementary information form (SIF). The schools directory indicates whether a SIF if required ! SIFs are available from the school or at ! SIFs and any additional supporting documentation should be returned to the relevant school. If you are applying to a voluntary aided or foundation school or an academy outside Hertfordshire, please contact the relevant authority for advice. Please fill in this form using black ink and CAPITAL LETTERS. You must include two forms of proof of address. One of which must be: council tax bill, utility bill, solicitors letter showing completion date or a signed tenancy agreement. Please do not send originals. Section 1: Reason for your application 1. Moving into Hertfordshire 2. Moving out of Hertfordshire 3. Moving to another area within Hertfordshire 4. Not moving but wanting a new school Section 2: Your childs details Date place is required : Your childs full name
First name Family name Middle name(s)

Please tick relevant box

You must fill in Part A (attached to this form)

Date of Birth



Year House name



Your childs current address and postcode We check addresses and you must expect that we will withdraw our offer of a school place if you give a false address

House number Street Town or Village County Postcode

You must give this so we can assess your application correctly.

Does your child have a statement of special educational need?


If yes, which local authority ________________ Is your child in public care? Yes (Please include a supporting letter from your childs social worker and/or advisory teacher) Is a parent working as a UK service personnel or other Crown Servant (including Diplomats)? Yes

(please include an official MOD, FC or GCHQ letter showing relocation date)

Office use only POA

part A

Letter ...........................

Section 3: Moving House Fill in this section if you are moving house you must send a solicitors letter confirming completion date or a copy of a signed tenancy agreement. We will not use your new address until your child is resident at that address. When are you moving?
What will your new address be? We check addresses and you must expect that we will withdraw our offer of a school place if you give a false address House number Street Town or Village County Postcode You must give this so we can assess your application correctly.
Day Month Year

House name

Section 4: Schools In the boxes below, please write the names of the three schools you would like your child to go to. Put the school you would most prefer first in your list. You will find the school code in the entry for each school in the directory section. Preference 1

School Code (Hertfordshire LA Code 919)

Preference 2

School Code (Hertfordshire LA Code 919)

Preference 3

School Code (Hertfordshire LA Code 919)

Social/Medical Are you applying under Rule 2 (medical/social) for a community or voluntary controlled school only? If you are, you must include professional evidence in support of your application. Yes

If yes, please state for which school

For voluntary aided, foundation or academy schools, please refer to the published admission arrangements and submit supporting evidence to the school direct. If you have listed Tring School as one of your preference schools, are there any specific religious reasons why Tring School is particularly suitable to meet the needs of your child? Yes


(If yes, applications must be supported by a letter from a Priest or Minister.)

Sibling Information (Brothers and Sisters) Does your child have a brother or sister at any of the schools you are applying for? Please refer to page 7 of the In Year guidance notes. Brother or sisters details:
First name School attending Family name

Date of Birth


Year House name



Brother or sisters address and postcode

House number Street Town or Village County Postcode

You must give this so we can assess your application correctly.

Section 5: Your childs current (or last) school

Name of Headteacher Name of School Street Town/Village County Telephone number of school Postcode Year Group

(NB We will contact this school)

Date of last attendance, if not still attending

Section 6: Parent/Carer contact details

Title and surname Your current address and postcode
(if different from your childs address)





Initial House name

Family Name

House number Street Town or Village County Home Postcode

You must give this so we can assess your application correctly.

Telephone numbers (including code)

Mobile Mother Father Other (please specify) Step-parent

Relationship to child

Foster Parent

Are you happy to be contacted by email? Yes Email address: _____________________________ If you tick yes, we may use your email address for future communication

Section 7: I have not moved but would like my child to attend a different school Why do you want your child to move school? (Please give as much further information as you can to
support your request using a separate sheet if necessary. Please see page 7 of the guidance document for more information.)

I have discussed my reasons for wanting to move my child to a different school with my childs current school? Yes

Yes No

I have included Form A completed by the school

If yes, please give details Name of school

Has your child attended any other Hertfordshire School? Yes

Date of leaving

Reason for leaving: Permanently excluded Other

Moved home

Child not settled


(please give details)


Have any of the following services been involved with your child in the last 3 years?
Attendance and Pupil Support Officer Integration Team Educational Psychologist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Education Support Centre Education Support Team for Medical Absence Social Worker

Other (Please specify) _______________________ Yes

Is your child attending school regularly? If your child is not attending regularly, please say why.


Section 8: Does the child have a right to be educated in the UK as a British or EEA citizen? Yes


If the answer to the above question is no, please provide relevant evidence in the form of: the relevant section of your childs passport which shows citizenship, and visa status Section 9: Declaration If you deliberately give false information, we may withdraw our offer of a school place. All of the information I have given on this form is correct. I understand that you will inform my childs current school of this application and will share the information in this application with the schools (and their maintaining authorities) listed on this form and, if different, the allocated school. I understand that my child must be in a position to take up the allocated school place immediately and that the place may be withdrawn if it is not accepted within 10 school days. I confirm I have parental responsibility for this child I enclose: Supporting evidence relating to question 4 Reasons to support my application (if applicable) Proof of address x 2 (please do not sent originals) Completed Part A if I am applying for my child to change school without changing address Your signature Your full name Date

Please return this application form to the In Year Admissions team at the address below. If you have any queries, please contact the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043. In Year Admissions Team County Hall CHR 102 Pegs Lane Hertford SG13 8DQ


(to be completed for applications where the child is not moving but wanting a new school) Please ask an appropriate member of staff from your childs current school, for example Head of Year /Class teacher to complete and sign this form and return it with the application form.

Personal Details
Surname First names Current school Date of Birth

Attendance (%) Punctuality Good/average/poor Period covered EWO involved? Yes/No

Special Needs
School Action/ School action + Statement Yes/No Yes/No IEP EPF Yes/No Yes/No

Attainment (National Curriculum Levels)

Level Date Other (eg CAT scores)

Maths English Science

Other agencies involved (please tick) (please attach reports and/or provide details on an additional sheet)
Educational Psychologist Service Behaviour Support Team / Education Support Centre Home Hospital Education Minority Ethnic Curriculum Support Service Social Worker Child and Family Clinic Refugee & Traveller Team Looked After Team

Other Support Mechanisms

Pastoral Support Plan (Dates and comments) Fixed term exclusions Other

Please add any other comments you think we may find helpful to enable a successful transition into a new school:

To help this childs future school easily discuss the above with you, please give full contact details below. Thank you for your help in completing this form Name Tel number (incl. extension) Email Signature of School representative: Date:

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