Primary Application Form 2021 22

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Primary Application Form

Please complete this application form if: REMEMBER THE

 your child lives in Peterborough 15 January 2021
(if you are unsure if your address falls within the area covered by REMEMBER THE
Peterborough, please contact the Admissions Team to confirm DEADLINE
prior to submitting this form)
 is due to start Reception in September 2021, or
 are applying for Year 3 at a junior school for September 2021 and
 you have not already completed an online application.

Applications received from 18 May onwards will be processed in date order

on a weekly basis.
Admission to Primary School - September 2021
Please return to Peterborough Admissions Team, Sand Martin House, Bittern Way,
Fletton Quays, Peterborough PE2 8TY

1. Your child:
First name(s) (in full):
Family name:
Date of Birth: Day   Month   Year     Boy:  Girl: 
Present School:
Address where child usually lives
Postcode  
If your child lives part time at another address, please provide details here :
Postcode  
How is your child’s time divided between the two addresses?

2. Older siblings
If your child has any older siblings who will be attending primary schools in September 2019
please complete this section. If you are applying for infant or junior schools, please include
children at that partner infant/junior school.
Full name of sibling: Gender Date of birth: Current School:

Address (if different to applicant child)

3. Looked after children

Please tick this box if the child is Looked After, i.e. is in Public Care/fostered by you
 the child is Looked After, I.e. is in Public Care/ fostered by you; or
 has previously been Looked After and is now adopted or subject to a resident or special
guardianship order. Please provide a copy of the relevant documentation evidencing this.
By which Local Authority is the child Looked After? ……………………………………………..

4. Statement of Special Education Need/ Education Health & Care Plan

Please tick this box if your child has a draft Statement of Special Educational Needs or
Education Health and Care Plan issued by a Local Authority. If you are unsure, please
ask your child’s teacher.
5. Admission applications from outside the UK
Please tick this box if you are applying from outside the UK.
Please confirm your anticipated date of arrival in the UK:

6. Your preferences for primary/junior schools

 Please name your three preferred schools and provide your reasons for each preference
by ticking the relevant boxes below.
 You can apply for a place at any school. You do not have to apply to your catchment
area school, but if you do not, you may find you are allocated a place at a school that is
further away. If this happens, you will be responsible for transporting your child to and
from that school.
 Naming the same school more than once will not increase your chance of gaining a place
at that school. Likewise, naming more than one school will not weaken your chance of
gaining a place at your first preference school.
 Please note that school places are allocated according to the oversubscription criteria for
each school. Therefore, not all the reasons listed below will necessarily be taken into
consideration when your application is processed.

1st Preference 2nd Preference 3rd Preference

School Name
Sibling at the school   
Child attends feeder school   
Distance from home   
Religion or ‘faith’   
Catchment area school   
If you wish to provide any further information please do so below
7. Your details (as adult with parental responsibility for the child)
Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr Forename: ………………… Family Name:………………………………
Relationship to child: …………………………….…Email: …………………………………………….
Your Address (if different from above): ……..……………………….…………………………………
……………………………………………………………….Postcode:  
Home telephone number: …………………….…… Work / Mobile: ………………………………

8. Other adult (with parental responsibility - optional)

Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr Forename: ………………… Family Name:………………………………
Relationship to child:……………………………….…Email:…………………………………………

Address (if different from above):…..………………………………….………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………….Postcode:  
Home telephone number: …………………….……….Work / Mobile: ………………………………
9. Declaration
Data Protection: We collect your details to process your application for School Admissions and may
contact you about related school admission and transport issues.
In addition we can be required to share information with our partners, for example health organisations, to
improve the wellbeing of children in Peterborough City area as required by the Children Act 2004.
Information shared between partner organisations is proportionate and only given when it is necessary to
help those partner organisation services with their legal obligations.
We are required to provide statistical data to the Department for Education. We also use statistical data
for our own internal research, statistical analysis or statistical surveys to help manage our service
provision, and also share data with academic institutions or independent researchers with a legitimate
need for information for their research.
All School Admission data is stored securely and maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Peterborough online systems that are publicly available for entry of personal application data are
regularly independently tested to assess risk of penetration and to guard against unauthorised entry for
access to personal or any other data. This includes ensuring that the username and password access
meets industry standards
Further information about how we collect and use data, and your rights around this, can be
found on our Privacy page on our website: . Our Information
Governance Team can be contacted by telephone on 01733 452533 or
email [email protected].

By signing this form you are confirming that:

 you have read the 2021-22 edition of admissions guide;
 the information contained in this form is both accurate and up-to-date;
 all adults with parental responsibility for your child are in agreement with this application, and
understand that if a dispute is later raised, this application may be cancelled;
 you understand that if you have obtained a school place for your child by knowingly providing false
information the place will be withdrawn;
 you have confirmed that your address is in the area covered by Peterborough, and understand that
applying to the wrong Local Authority may cause significant delays in processing your application
 you understand that should your child be allocated a place at your preferred school and this
school is not your catchment or nearest school, you will be responsible for home to school
 you understand that any new application received will replace an existing application and
cancel any previous offer and that by signing this declaration, you agree to these terms and
conditions for any subsequent primary transfer applications you submit up to 31 August 2021.

Name: …………………………… Name: ………………………………………...

Signature: ………………..……… Signature: ……………………………………
Date: ……………………………….

Proof of your address is required. We cannot process your new form without this:
Recently moved into the county
Recently moved home within in Peterborough
Other (please give further details) ………………………………………………………………..

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