Sample Presentation2
Sample Presentation2
Sample Presentation2
Margo-J T. Manluctao
Rank/Position: Teacher I
School/Agency: Badipa National High School
Length of Service: 2 Years and 1 Month
Baccalaureate Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
Background of the Study
• Notably, vocabulary acquisition has been widely accepted ass one of
the essential elements for learning foreign languages. Meara & Jones
(2016) considered it to be a good indicator of general language skill.
For Morra & Camba, (2015), vocabulary plays an important role in the
development of learner’s’ communicative competence and classroom
success. In fact. Celce- Murcia (2015) and Wallace (2016) claim than
an adequate knowledge of vocabulary helps learners to maintain a
certain degree of communication even if they do not have enough
knowledge of the language structures.
• Specifically, the K to 12 curriculum guide in Filipino stipulates the
development of learners’ communicative competence which are not
only anchored on the four communication skills of speaking, listening,
reading and writing but also on the need to build learners’ repertoire of
vocabulary (K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Filipino). This brings into
focus the ways by which the teachers build the vocabulary of the
learners in Filipino.
Background of the Study