EP Collier Applicaiton Form

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Admission to Nursery Classes in Reading Borough Council Community Schools

This is an application for a place in the Nursery Class only and a Reading Borough Council
application form must be completed for a full-time place in the school.
Application for a place at
To start Nursery in? September 2017 January 2018 April 2018
Please tick the box

Child’s Details
Child’s Surname:
Child’s Forename(s):
Child’s Date of Birth: Child’s Gender: (Put M for male or F for
Child’s Home Address:

Does your child have a statement of special educational needs?

Is this child in the care of a Local Authority?
If you are making an application on priority medical, social or education grounds please
include a written request from the professional supporting the child/family.
Does this child have a sibling attending the school or Nursery? If Yes please give the name
and date of birth of the sibling.

Name of Parent / Carer living at the Child’s home address:

Title: First Name: Surname:
Relationship to Child:
Home Telephone: Work Telephone:
Email Address:
Name of second Parent / Carer:
Title: First Name: Surname:
Relationship to Child:
Address (if different to above)
Email Address:
Home Telephone: Work Telephone:
Use of personal data
Any information parents/carers provide when applying for a school place will be entered on a
computerised data base and is, therefore, subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. This ensures the
information can only be used for defined purposes. The defined purposes are:
 administering the admissions process;
 Preventing fraud/criminal offence or to ensure the safety of any child.
Other organisations that may receive the information are:
 Reading Borough Council – Education and Children’s Services;
 Any organisation legitimately investigating allegations of fraud, criminal offence or child
Information Sharing Protocol
We want to help you and your family in the best way we can
To do this we seek your consent sometimes to share information you give us with other people who
are also trying to support your child and your family. This will help them to understand your child’s
needs and avoid them having to ask you for the same information again. To help ensure that there
are clear guidelines on sharing information many agencies in Reading have agreed an Information
Sharing Protocol. You can see further guidance about the protocol and what that means to you at
www.reading.gov.uk/everychildmatters or by contacting the school.
If you do not wish us to share information in line with the Information Sharing Protocol please tick
this box

Parent/carer declaration:
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct.
I understand school reserves the right to verify the information given on this form and
that any offer of a place will be on the basis that the information supplied is correct and
up to date.

Signed: Date:

EP Collier Primary School

Ross Road

School Office Use

Date received __________________________________

Category of Oversubscription Criteria ______________________________________

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