In Year Application Form 2023 - 2024

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Academic Year 2023/24 School Stamp:

In-Year Application to

St Edmund’s Catholic School Date:

Note: Your application will not be processed
Voluntary aided without your current school stamp.

Headteacher: Mr S Graham BSc, NPQH Date form received: / /

(School use only)

I can do all things with the help of God

who strengthens me.
Philippians (4:13)

St Edmund’s is a Catholic Voluntary Aided School open to boys and girls aged 11 to 16 of all
abilities. The School was established by the Roman Catholic people of Portsmouth to provide a
Christian education for their children within the discipline and tradition of the Catholic Church.
The fundamental aim of the School today is to present a clear Christian philosophy and way of life,
providing opportunities in which Christian values may develop. We ask all parents applying for a
place at St Edmund’s Catholic School to respect our Catholic ethos and its importance to the
School community. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of this School
to apply for and be considered for a place here.

Please read these notes before completing your application form.

If you have any queries regarding your child’s application or would like help completing your form,
please contact the Admissions Secretary at the School on: 02392 892593 or email:
[email protected]

• Please read the whole form carefully before making your application to ensure that you
complete all the appropriate sections.
It is essential that your application form is completed correctly otherwise the application process will
be delayed.
• Proof of address will be required with the completed application.
• A copy of your child’s birth certificate will be required with the completed application.
• If applying from overseas, a copy of yours and your child’s Passport/Visa will be required with the
completed application.
• If evidence or documentation is required to support your application, this must be relevant and
returned with your form.
It is your responsibility to provide the evidence required. You are encouraged to check the relevance
of this information with the Admissions Secretary before you submit your application. If evidence is
not returned with your child’s form, your application may not be considered under that criterion.
• If you are applying for a Year 10 or 11 place, please be aware that it may not be possible to match
your child’s curriculum needs, especially if your child has already started his or her GCSEs. Please
contact the School for further information regarding GCSE options available.
• Please do not use this form if your child has a statement of special educational need (SEN) or an
Education, Health and Care plan. Please contact the SEN team on 02392 841 238.

Please return your completed form You can download this form and the
and evidence required to: Supplementary information form
from our website:
The Admissions Secretary
St Edmund’s Catholic School
Arundel Street
Section 1 – Pupil Information

Surname: Forename:

Date of Birth: Male or Female:

This address should be the permanent
address at which the child is living with
his/her Parent(s)/Carer(s).


Current or previous School: Date last attended:

Year group required: Start date required:

Section 2 – Reason for application

Please give the reason for your application by ticking the appropriate box and providing the
evidence as requested.

1. Moved to area or moving house Yes No (go to question 2)

Is this a: Family Child move?


Previous address:

Is the move due to a new posting as Crown Service or Service Personnel? Yes No

Have you recently moved into the country? Yes


2. Do you wish to change schools because your child is experiencing Yes No

problems, or you are not happy with the current school?
(If yes, please answer the following supplementary questions)

Have you been in contact with the Headteacher or other member of school staff at the child’s
current school? Yes No

If yes, please give details of your concerns on the enclosed form. If no, you are advised to contact your
child’s current school to try and sort out any problems.
Section 3: Application Assessment
Please answer all the questions that relate to your child’s application and return relevant evidence
with application.

Tick the box if the answer is yes, leave blank if the answer is no.

Child is a baptised Catholic.

If you have ticked this criterion, please complete the supplementary information form.
A copy of the Baptism Certificate must be returned with the application.

Child looked after – or previously looked after by a local authority.

If you have ticked this criterion please complete the Looked After Child section.

Is your child being prepared to be received into the Catholic church (catechumens)?
If you have ticked this criterion, please complete the supplementary information form.

Child whose parents are baptised Catholic.

If you have ticked this criterion, please complete the supplementary information form.
A copy of the parent(s) Baptism Certificate must be returned with the application.

Child who is a member of Eastern Orthodox Churches.

If you have ticked this criterion, please complete supplementary information for. A copy of the
Baptism Certificate must be returned with the application.

Brother or sister on roll or applying for a place for brother or sister?

(If brother(s) or sister(s), including step-brother(s) and step-sister(s) living in the same household,
already attend, and will continue to attend.

Name: Current Year Group/Year

Group applied for:

Child who is a member of another Christian denomination.

If you have ticked this criterion, please complete a supplementary information form.

Child who is of staff employed at the school.

If you have ticked this criterion, please complete the supplementary information form.

Name of employed staff member:

Any other reason:

Section 4: Looked after child.

Looked after child.

If you are making an application for a looked after child by a local authority (ie: in the local
authority care or provided with accommodation by the local authority for a continuous period
of more than 24 hours) please complete the following section.

Linked social worker: Telephone number:

Previously looked after child – A child previously looked after and then immediately
a) Adopted b) subject to a residence or special guardianship order.
Please provide a copy of the relevant court order.
Section 5: Parent(s) Carer(s) information

Mr/Mrs/Miss/other: Address if different to child:



Relationship to child:

Home Telephone number:

Work/mobile telephone:

Email address:

Section 6: Further information

Home language spoken:

Section 7: Declaration
The School reserves the right to verify information given on this form. Any offer of a place will be
on the basis that the information supplied is accurate and up to date. Please read the
declaration below and sign the form.

I certify that the information given on this form is to the best of my knowledge correct.

I understand that any place offered will be withdrawn if I give false information, even if
my child has started at the new school.

Signature of parent/carer:

Print name: Date:

Data Protection
In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, we wish to
ensure that you are aware of the purpose for which we collect and process the data we have asked you to provide on
this form. The personal details provided by you will be held within a system database, and where the law allows, may
be shared with other departments within the school and the local authority to update details they hold about you and
provide new and improved services. The School may also be required to disclose personal information to other third
parties such as police, Audit Commission or Department of Work and Pensions, for the purposes of preventing or
detecting crime, fraud or apprehending or prosecuting offenders. The person responsible for data protection within our
organisation is: Mr J Cooper, School Business Manager and you can contact them with any questions relating to our
handling of the data: 02392 823766 ext: 218 or by email: [email protected]
St Edmund’s Catholic School
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – it will help us process your application if you can provide the
following information about your child.

Section 1
Do you wish to change schools because your child is experiencing problems or you are not happy with the
current school?

YES NO (if no go to section 3)

If yes, please give a brief description of your concerns:

………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………...



Section 2
Have you had meetings with school staff about your child’s problems or your concerns?


If yes, please list any meetings with dates and member of school staff involved:



If no, please give reasons for not meeting with school staff:




Section 3
Has your child had any of the following at their previous or current school? (please tick box)

Permanent exclusion Fixed Period Exclusion

Pastoral Support Placed on School Action/School Action Plus

Programme (PSP) (for children with special educational needs)

Involvement with the Attendance monitoring Service for attendance issues

Please give details if you have ticked any of the above:


Please use this page if you would like to give any further information:

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