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SESSION 2024-25
Dear Parents

Warmest Greetings!

Summer vacation forms an integral part of every child’s life. As summer rolls around, students ardently
wait for the vacation to start to spend time with the loved ones, relax and rejuvenate during summer

Dear parents, holiday homework provides the perfect opportunity to students to keep their ‘intellectual mind’
ticking over, and keeps them challenged and stimulated. It develops vital skills such as independent research,
enhancing knowledge, etc. which ultimately helps them to prepare for university life. Parents’ role in
encouraging children to do their holiday task is an undeniably a major one. Therefore, you are expected to
render your whole-hearted support to your kids in completing their homework. Thus, summer vacation can
prove to be a time of fruitful exuberance as children reap benefits from them if spent wisely and intelligently.

Hope you all enjoy your family time, laughter, and have fabulous memories! We wish you all a safe and
fun summer time! Happy Summer Vacation!


General Instructions:

1. Question 2 is compulsory. · You may answer either question 1 or 3

2. Each question carries 5 marks
Marking scheme Content 1½ M expression 1½ M Art Integration / Visual Appeal-1 M Credibility /Real
Life Connection)- 1 M
3. Make sure your project is original , written in your best handwriting, with proper margins presented
Please note: Your project must be manually prepared in a spiral notebook.
No typed script or copied ideas will be accepted.

1. Draft an Interview that Franz takes, of his parents where they share their feelings when the Prussians took
control of the French districts Alsace & Lorraine. (200 words)

2. A comic strip of a child procrastinating and later regretting for not having paid any attention to the lessons
taught. 100-150 words

3. Write a paragraph/poem to show your relationship with your mother.(My mother at Sixty Six) Support your
write up with a collage of the photos or/ and pictures drawn by you of quality time (different moments) spent
with your mother and /or depicting how she manages her responsibilities. (for example, draw/ take pics of
mothers doing various chores or activities at home, market, office (in 150 words )

Prepare Project work on Specific Project-(Covers Comparative & Common size statement &Ratio Analysis)



3.Financial statement of company: Definition, Types with definition

4.Format for financial statements of companies.i Balance sheet & Statement of profit & loss account.

5.Tools for financial statement analysis with meaning.

6.One specific problem on accounting ratios and Comparative & Common size statement.

7.Take a print out of statement of St of Profit & loss account and Balance sheet of Existing company and calculate
ratios (any seven) for 2 Year’s i.e.(2022-2023,2023-2024) and prepare Comparative & Common size statement
&Compare and analysis them.Prepare Graphs etc. if Required.



Single colour sheets and Normal sheets Both Can be used for Accountancy Project.

Business Studies
Prepare Project work on Marketing Management.

Following guidelines must be followed :

1. Project must be neat & clean.
2. TOPIC : Any Consumer good manufactured by You.
3.CBSE guidelines for project work must be followed strictly.
4.Project on prohibited goods is not allowed.
Project on marketing management must cover: Your product, Features & process, USP,logo, tagline, license required
for your product if any, brand mark, brand name,label,packaging,Factors affecting price of a product, channel of
distribution of your product, Price range and variety of your product, Promotional techniques used for your product, 5
competing Brands, their price range and USP and social Message.
Only colour sheets are accepted


Class -12C & D

Make a project file on the given topics (any one ) . Use a clutch binding folder for the project, make a file
with the help of these help of these given below instructions: Large images Topic base database , references
should be useful and compatible for grasp knowledge about topic. The project report should be handwritten
by students themselves.

Steps of Research

● Title
● Introduction of topic
● Questionnaires
● Reference
● Bibliography
● Teacher Remarks

The topics are :

1. Government budget and its components .

2. Demonetization in India

3. Goods and service tax .

4. Make in India - The way ahead .

5. Organic farming - Back to nature .

6. Digital India movement .

7. Role of G20 in promoting sustainable development.

8. Waste Management in India - Need of the hour .

9. Human capital formation

10. National Income accounting.

11. NPA and central bank’s procedure to recover it .

12. Balance of payments .

13. Comparative study of India and China’s economy .

14. Credit creation process by the commercial banks.

15. Role of banks in the Indian economy .

16. Indian economy - Pre and Post independence .

17. Cashless economy.

18. Types of taxes in India .

19. Sarwa shiksha abhiyaan .

20. Micro and Small scale industries .

21. Special economic zone

22. Disinvestment policy of the government .

23. Foreign exchange rate .

24. Economic Reforms in India .

25 . Unemployment - Causes and government’s initiative to control it .

विषय ह द
िं ी

कक्षा Xll

1.परियोजना कायय


• भक्तिकाल में िुलसीदास का योगदान िुलसीदास की िामचरििमानस िथा आधुननक युग में िामचरििमानस का
म त्ि पि एक परियोजना कायय िैयाि कीक्जए ।


• छायािाद औि म ादे िी िमाय जी पि परियोजना कायय बनाइए l


• ह द
िं ी साह त्य की विकास यात्रा

2. कापी कार्य

अभ्यास पत्रक 2 .

ननम्नललखिि प्रश्नों के उत्ति एक या दो िातयों में ललखिए।

(1) 'वप्रिंट माध्यम' का तया आशय ै?

(2) 'उलटा वपिालमड शैली' को समझाइए।

(3) िे डडयो समाचाि की भाषा की दो विशेषिाओिं का उल्लेि कीक्जए।

(4) इिंटिनेट पत्रत्रका के लोकवप्रय ोने के दो कािण ललखिए।

(5) पत्रकारििा में 'बीट' का तया िात्पयय ै?

(6) 'पीि पत्रकारििा' से तया िात्पयय ै?

(7) 'विशेष लेिन' का आशय ललखिए।

(8) समाचाि-लेिन के छ 'ककािों' के नाम ललखिए।

(9) सिंपादक के दो उत्तिदानयत्िों का उल्लेि कीक्जए।

(10) 'वप्रिंट माध्यम' ककसे क िे ैं? उदा िण दीक्जए।

(11) सिंपादक के प्रमुि कायों का उल्लेि कीक्जए।

4. अभी िक क्जिना पढाया ै सभी पाठों के प्रश्न उत्ति को याद करिएl

Computer Science

Suggested Practical List: Python Programming

● Read a text file line by line and display each word separated by a #.

● Read a text file and display the number of vowels/consonants/uppercase/lowercase characters in the file.

● Remove all the lines that contain the character 'a' in a file and write it to another file.

● Create a binary file with name and roll number. Search for a given roll number and display the name, if not found
display appropriate message.

● Create a binary file with roll number, name and marks. Input a roll number and update the marks. ● Write a random
number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6 (simulates a dice).

● Write a Python program to implement a stack using list.

● Create a CSV file by entering user-id and password, read and search the password for given userid.


Record File Work

Record file shall include :-

i) Complete details of any one game of your choice out of the given list:

**Basketball, Football, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Handball, Hockey, Cricket.

**CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang): Bocce/Boccia , Sitting

Volleyball, Wheelchair Basketball, Unified Badminton,

Unified Basketball, Unified Football, Blind Cricket, Goalball, Floorball, Wheelchair

races and throws, or any other sport/games of choice.

**Children With Special Needs may opt any one sport/game from the list as
alternative for Yogic Practices. However, the sport/game must be different for
skill of Game and alternate to yogic practices.

(Labeled diagram of Field & Equipment, Rules, Terminologies & Skills)

ii) SAI Khelo India Fitness Test administration for all items.

iii) Detailed procedure for Asanas, Benefits & contradiction for any Two Asanas for
each given lifestyle diseases :

Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma and Back Pain & Arthritis.

(You can take the help of your textbook)


Class 12

ASSIGNMENTS (based on online activities as mentioned in CBSE handbook)

I) Experiential Learning (On the basis of these links just mention in the form of summary of 7-8 lines in your
notebook for all the links.)
1. https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum20/AI_Project_Showcase.pdf
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho0k4yN5MDI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvtR0aDjGdI
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxnK4TYGFwo
II) Answer the following in your notebook(as required) and save the data in google drive (shared project folder ) :

i) Mention the topic of Project chosen by you in the given format on a google sheet.
ii) Mention Group label at top of the sheet.
iii) Powerpoint presentation of collected data .
iv) List of data and data types used in your project work in tabular format.
v) 5W 1H Data analysis chart.
vi) User Persona template(8 users minimum in a group : each group member have to conduct interview of
atleast 2 users , Make the empathy map for all users )

III) Create a video of self introduction (Duration should not exceed more than 2 minutes.)
given points.
a) Name, class, section
b) Introduction to AI
c) Expected Features in your project
d) Purpose of your project
e) Summary of your project

************************************************************************ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (843)

Class 12

ASSIGNMENTS (based on online activities as mentioned in CBSE handbook)

IV) Experiential Learning (On the basis of these links just mention in the form of summary of 7-8 lines in your
notebook for all the links.)
5. https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum20/AI_Project_Showcase.pdf
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho0k4yN5MDI
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvtR0aDjGdI
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxnK4TYGFwo

V) Answer the following in your notebook(as required) and save the data in google drive (shared project folder ) :

vii) Mention the topic of Project chosen by you in the given format on a google sheet.
viii) Mention Group label at top of the sheet.
ix) Powerpoint presentation of collected data .
x) List of data and data types used in your project work in tabular format.
xi) 5W 1H Data analysis chart.
xii) User Persona template(8 users minimum in a group : each group member have to conduct interview of
atleast 2 users , Make the empathy map for all users )
VI) Create a video of self introduction (Duration should not exceed more than 2 minutes.)
given points.
f) Name, class, section
g) Introduction to AI
h) Expected Features in your project
i) Purpose of your project
j) Summary of your project


Applied Mathematics

1. Linear Programming Problems:

- Solve at least ten linear programming problems using the graphical method.

2. Probability:

- Solve ten problems based on probability distributions (binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions). Calculate the
mean, variance, and standard deviation also.

3. Matrices and Determinants:

- Solve at least 5 problems on systems of linear equations using matrix methods (inverse and Cramer's rule).

4. Project:

- Choose a real-life problem that can be modeled using applied mathematics (e.g., optimization problems in business,
statistical analysis of survey data).

- Write a detailed project report, including problem formulation, mathematical modeling, solution, and interpretation
of results.

5. Revision and Self-Assessment:

Mock Tests:

- Take at least two full-length mock tests covering the syllabus.

- Review your answers and understand the mistakes.

6. Perform 5 activities in your activity file.

Guidelines for Submission

-Deadline: 05.07.2024

-Format: Solutions should be neatly written or typed on A4 sheets. Graphs and charts should be well-labeled.
-This holiday homework is designed to be comprehensive, covering theoretical problems and practical applications. It
will help you reinforce your understanding and prepare for the upcoming academic challenges.

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