Class 9 Dussehra Break Holiday HW

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GRADE: IX (2024-25)

“The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one”

Instructions for the Holiday Assignments: -
Note: - This holiday homework is a part of Multiple Assessment as per CBSE Internal
Assessment policy & carries 5 marks for all the subjects; hence submission of work post
vacation is compulsory for all students for scoring full marks. All subjects to be submitted
together in a handmade file with a cover page including student name, class / sec and roll
number on 15th October 2024.
1. Written work of all the subjects: - English, Hindi, Telugu, Mathematics, Science, Social
Science, Information Technology is to be done as per the instructions.
2. The work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner.

3. The student will be assessed for handwriting, presentation, neatness, completion of all the given
questions, creativity, innovativeness and indexing of the work.
4. Enrich your vocabulary by learning the vocabulary words from Hindi, Telugu & English textual
5. Subject teachers have further imparted specific instructions for their subjects. Before
attempting the task, you must read them thoroughly.
6. The assignments should be handwritten and credit will be awarded to original drawings,
illustrations and creative use of materials.
7. Complete your pending assignments. (if any).

8. Give prime importance to your health. Eat lots of fruits, do exercise and get into yoga

9. Pledge for “Eat Right -Less Sugar, Less Oil and Less Salt”

10. In case you are not carrying textbooks, kindly refer the online link for all the textbooks
1. Make a Captivating Travel Brochure on LADAKH in hard copy OR softcopy.
A travel brochure is a promotional material that advertises a destination, sightseeing attraction or
tour activity. Brochures can both inspire tourists to plan a trip as well as educate them about sights
to see and things to do after they’ve arrived at their place of interest.
How to Create a Travel Brochure Step by Step
1. Use a Color Scheme that Complements Your Imagination
2. Write Descriptive Copy
3. Include Geographical Details and Contact Info

When designing a brochure, you should know where each piece of information should be placed.
What to put in the back of the brochure, on the cover, and so on. In the next paragraphs, here are
some must-have elements that your brochure should contain. Let’s take a look at them.
1. A catchy headline
2. Purpose full visuals
3. Concise text
4. Branding elements
5. Contact information
6. Call to action


Do anyone of the following (Paste it in Portfolio)
Use any medium of expression (poem, song, video, article, story, radio show, dialogue writing, and
drama) to convey information about LADAKH. You can talk about its history, heritage and modern
3. VALUE BASED ASSIGNMENT (Parameters: Creativity, Content, Authentication)
Create your own hand made diary in which you will write daily about one of your virtuous- act
which you will do, like – helping your mother, helping physically disabled people or under
privileged. (80-100words)
परियोजना कायय

 आगे बढ़ती भारतीय महिलाओं की पुस्तक पढ़कर उनसे संबंहित हित्रं का सं ग्रि कीहिए एवं संहिप्त िानकारी
िार्ट पेपर पर हलखिए।
 ‘िीवन संघर्टमय िै , इससे घबराकर थमना निीं िाहिए’ इस से संबंहित अन्य कहवयरं की कहवताओं कर एकत्
कर एक एलबम बनाइए।

दे श औि समाज से जुड़ना

 ‘हवज्ञान के िेत् में भारतीय वैज्ञाहनकरं द्वारा यरगदान’ हवर्य पर एक लेि हलखिए।
 नीहत संबंिी दरिे समाि के हलए क्रं मित्वपूर्ट िै । इस से समाि पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव कर हलखिए।

गद्य भाग

 एवरे स्ट यात्ा के दौरान हकन लरगरं ने लेखििा का मागटदर्टन हकया?

 ‘रामन् ’ प्रभाव क्ा िै ? इसकी िरि से भौहतकी के िेत् में क्ा प्रभाव पड़ा?

पद्य भाग

 ‘अहिपथ’ कहवता का मूल संदेर् क्ा िै ?

 ‘रहिमन फार्े दू ि कर, मथे न मािन िरय’ से रिीम ने लरगरं कर क्ा समझाने का प्रयास हकया िै ?

लेखन कौशल

 हनरं तर बढ़ते प्रदू र्र् पर हिंता व्यक्त करते हुए दर युवकरं के मध्य िरने वाले बातिीत कर संवाद के रूप में
 ‘भ्रष्टािार:एक समस्या’ हवर्य पर लगभग 100 र्ब्रं में अनुच्छेद हलखिए।

1. మీకు ఇష్మైట న నాయకుడు / రచయిత / శాస్త్ రవేతర గురించి అభినిందన వ్యా ్ిం రాయిండి .
్ింబింధిత చిత్రాలను చేరచ ిండి .
2. స్నే హిం గొప్ప తనాన్నే తెలిపే ఒక మించి కథను / పాటను స్నకరించి రాసి , దాన్నపై మీ
అభిత్రపాయాన్నే చార్టటలో / A4 పేప్ర్లో రాయిండి . ్ింబింధిత చిత్రాలను జోడిించిండి .
Activity 1: Game of coordinate plane
Direction: Plot the points on the graph (origin should be at the center of your graph). Connect the
points with line segments as you plot them. Keep connecting the points until you see LINE ENDS.
Then start the next group. Shade in when finished.

Activity 2
Lab Practical Record:
Write the Experiment 5, 6 & 7 from the Laboratory manual in the Mathematics lab record.

I. Lab Practical Record:
Write the Experiment 3 & 4 from the Laboratory manual in the Physics lab record along with
diagrams and tabular forms.
II. Value based assignment:
Research on the life history and contribution of two Indian scientists in the development of science
in India and make a report or write an article about the same and also mention the values you learn
from their life and would like to incorporate in your personality.
III. Prepare a mind map on Newton’s laws of motion along with examples.
I. Lab Practical Record:
Write down the experiments mentioned below in the chemistry record.
(i) Solution suspension and colloid (all the experiments except ‘E’ to be written).
(ii) Mixture and compound (A & B should be written).
(iii) Chemical reactions (A, B, C, D, and E to be written).
(iv) Verification of the law of conservation of mass.
1. Aim, materials required, basic principles involved, experimental steps, results, conclusions and
precautions should be written on the right pages.
2. Diagrams and tables must be written on the left pages.
II. Let’s find the answers
(1) 0.44 gram of hydrocarbon on complete combustion gives 0.88 gram of CO 2 and 1.8 gram of
water show that this result is in agreement with low of conservation of mass.
(2) State law of definite proportion
(3) What are the main limitations of Dalton’s atomic theory
I. Lab Practical Record:
Write experiments 2A & 2B in the Biology lab record along with diagrams and tabular forms.
(Also write experiments 1A & 1B if pending)
1. Aim, materials required, basic principles involved, experimental steps, results, conclusions,
tables and precautions should be written on the right pages.
2. Diagrams on the left pages.
II. Science Fiction Writing
Topic: Innovations in Food Production
Activity: Students to write short science fiction stories set in a future where innovative food
production methods have solved global hunger. You can illustrate stories with drawings or digital
III. Research Work
Topic: Consumer Preferences for Organic vs. Conventional Foods
Objective: To understand consumer preferences and purchasing behavior regarding organic and
conventional foods.
Activity: Design a questionnaire to collect data on factors influencing food choices, such as health
concerns, environmental impact, and price sensitivity. Analyze the results to identify key drivers
of consumer behavior.
Refer the sample questionnaire given below:
Sample Questionnaire: Factors Influencing Food Choices
Section 1: Demographic Information
1. Age Group:
2. Gender:
3. Location: Urban/ Suburban/ Rural
4. Education Level:
Section 2: Food Choices and Preferences
5. How often do you purchase food from the following sources? (Select one for each): Supermarkets/ Farmers’
Markets/ Online Platforms
6. What factors influence your food choices the most? (Rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important)
Health Concerns/ Environmental Impact/ Price/ Taste/ Convenience
7. How important are the following factors when choosing food? (Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not
important and 5 being very important)
Nutritional Value/ Organic Certification/ Locally Sourced/ Brand Reputation/ Packaging
8. Do you consider the environmental impact of your food choices?
9. How much more are you willing to pay for food that is environmentally friendly?
Section 3: Health and Dietary Preferences
10. Do you follow any specific diet? (Select all that apply)
11. How often do you read nutritional labels on food products?
12. What health concerns influence your food choices? (Select all that apply)
Section 4: Additional Comments
13. What changes would you like to see in the food products available in your local market?
14. Any additional comments or suggestions regarding food choices and sustainability?


I. Make a 3D political map of India, mark states and directional flow of rivers in Himalayan and
peninsular river system with colors.
INSTRUCTIONS: The direction can be represented by using eco- friendly material such as clay,
quilling or old/used papers.
Picture of Himalayan and peninsular river system:
Consider the rivers of India as your siblings. Take a break and feel how they are being treated.
Write a poem/ an article representing your ideas on how to protect your national treasure “Indian
Make a storyboard on the same concept given above. Be creative and you can also add a few
dialogues which resembles “Voice of rivers”

Implementation of AI Project Cycle for Digital Literacy
Purpose: Implementation of AI project cycle to develop an AI model for Digital Literacy
Activity Introduction:
In this activity, students use the AI project cycle to conceptualize a solution for the given problem.
AI project cycle is a 6-step process, which aids in problem solving using Artificial Intelligence.
Activity Guidelines:
 Understand the problem.
 Learn the various aspects and developments in the field.
 Fill the AI Project Cycle mapping template for the problem.
 The solution to the problem of Digital Literacy is an AI algorithm that trains over the behaviour
and choices of a student. Thus, all the requirements specific to a student could be recognized
and addressed.
 AI Project Cycle Mapping Template for Digital Literacy
 Fill the AI Project Cycle mapping template for the discussed problem of Digital Literacy.
Note: Kindly upload the PDF document of the above activity in the link given below:

I. Do the following activities daily to maintain physical fitness
 2 min jogging
 3 min slow running on the spot
 2 min fast running on the spot
 20 push-ups
 Skipping- starts with 50 by the last day they should reach
 500 skipping
 20 jumping jacks
 10 mints cycling

II. Project work

Create a detailed chart on a sport of your choice, including images, field measurements, and the
number of players involved.

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