Pharmacy Question Paper

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1. Liquid which is capable of penetrating the tissue of plant and animal substance is:
a. Magma
b. Menstruum
c. Merc
d. None
2. Which drug comes under “Dangerous Drug Act”?
a. Opium
b. Morphine
c. Pethidine
d. All
3. Manufacture of Homoeopathic drugs dealt in sub rule:
a. 85
b. 92
c. 67
d. 71
4. Q. L. or Quantum libet means:
a. As much as required
b. As much as you please
c. As much as one can repeat
d. None of these
5. Rx stands for the ………. Word “Recipe”:
a. Greek
b. Latin
c. German
d. None
6. Trituration is done in:
a. Unglazed glass mortar
b. Glazed porcelain mortar
c. Glazed iron mortar
d. Unglazed porcelain mortar
7. For 1st fifty millesimal scale ………. Potency of trituration is needed:
a. 8X
b. 4X
c. 3C
d. 6C
8. Drug strength of sulphur:
a. 1/100
b. 1/200
c. 1/1000
d. 1/5000
9. For preparation of CaS Hahnemann mixed parts of clean finely powdered oyster shells and
pure well meshed flowers of Sulphur in this ratio:
a. 1:5
b. 1:1
c. 2:1
d. 1:9
10. Mother tincture is:
a. An alcoholic solution
b. Alcoholic extract
c. Dilution of drug
d. Aquo alcoholic extract
11. Extraction of mother tincture from dry drug material is carried out by the process of:
a. Filtration
b. Sublimation
c. Maceration
d. Percolation
12. Psorinum is prepared under which class:
b. IX
c. IV
d. VI B
13. Decimal scale introduced by:
a. Hahnemann
b. Farrington
c. Hering
d. None
14. Vac ven means;
a. Empty stomach
b. Before food
c. After meal
d. Vacuum
15. An obstruction made by porous substance at the neck of percolator is called:
a. Tow
b. Cork
c. Merek
d. None
16. Moisture content of drug substance is considered in:
a. Old method
b. New method
c. Both
d. None
17. Plasters are made by:
a. Icinglass
b. Prepared lard
c. Lanolin
d. Spermaceti
18. ‘Prescription’ originates from a Latin word:
a. Presipto
b. Prescripto
c. Praescripto
d. None
19. Liniments may be prepared from:
a. Olive oil
b. Tincture of soap
c. Both
d. None
20. Consider the following statements:
I. 10 minims of tincture and 90 minims of alcohol give centesimal potency
II. 6 minims of tincture and 99 minims of dilute alcohol, the drug power of tincture being
1/6 give 1st centesimal potency
III. Preparation of mother tincture consists in three steps viz., estimation of plant moisture
content, maceration and percolation
IV. Drugs like Bufo rana, Murex, Apis, Phytolacca, Helleborus and Naja all belong to animal
Which of the following statements are correct?
a. I & III
b. III only
c. II & IV
d. IV only
21. Who called Potentisation a “Mathematico mechanical process”?
a. Kent
b. Stuart Close
c. Roberts
d. Nash
22. Which of the following scales are designated as ‘Q’ potencies?
a. 50 millesimal scale
b. Decimal scale
c. Centesimal scale
d. All
23. Natrum muriaticum is prepared under which class?
a. IV
b. VA
c. VIA
d. VIB
24. Potentisation by trituration is discussed in 5th edition in aphorism:
a. 270
b. 271
c. 269
d. 273
25. Which of the following is called Cataplasms?
a. Hot fomentation
b. Cold fomentation
c. Both
d. Poultices
26. Glycerol of starch is prepared by mixing 1 part of starch with ----- part of glycerine:
a. 4
b. 5
c. 8
d. 9
27. Sulphur ointment is prepared by mixing flower of sulphur 1 part, glycerine 1 part and – part
of simple ointment:
a. 5
b. 9
c. 10
d. 14
28. Dr. Ludlam’s formula is related to:
a. Vaginal injection
b. Rectal injection
c. Urethral injection
d. All
29. Double time required for the first trituration of:
a. Mercury
b. Graphites
c. Plumbum
d. All
30. The mortar should be kept warm in trituration of:
a. Plumbum met
b. Ferrum met
c. Mercury
d. All
31. Who said that sugar of milk should be moistened with little alcohol during trituration?
a. Burt
b. Stapf
c. Herring
d. Richard Hughes
32. Use of Thuja internally as well as externally in cases of inveterate figwarts is recommended
by Hahnemann in the 6th edition in ………. Aphorism’s footnote:
a. 280
b. 281
c. 282
d. 283
33. Bufo rana is prepared in the class:
b. VII
c. IV
d. IX
34. Which of the following parts of the prescription deals with the pharmacist as to how to
dispense the medicine:
a. Superscription
b. Inscription
c. Subscription
d. Signature
35. The temperature required for Maceration is;
a. 25 – 300 C
b. 20 – 250C
c. 15 – 200 C
d. 10 – 150C
36. ‘Medicaments a la goutte’ is related to:
a. Centesimal scale
b. 50 Millesimal scale
c. Both
d. None
37. ‘Medicaments au globule’ is related to:
a. Centesimal scale
b. 50 Millesimal scale
c. Decimal scale
d. All
38. All of the following are prepared in Class I of Old method, except:
a. Colchicum
b. Hyoscyamus
c. Cicuta virosa
d. Euphrasia
39. Adrenalin is prepared under ………. Class of old method:
a. I
b. VI A
d. IX
40. Who prepared his potencies by allowing stream of distilled water to flow through a glass jar?
a. Skinner
b. Fincke
c. Korsakoff
d. Jenichen
41. Who introduced single vial method for preparation of successive potencies?
a. Hahnemann
b. Jenichen
c. Korsakoff
d. Skinner
42. The inert fibrous and insoluble substance remaining after expression of the juice in
maceration or percolation is called:
a. Merc
b. Magma
c. Menstruum
d. Residue
43. Fundamental rule of class I was described by Hahnemann under:
a. Belladonna
b. Scilla
c. Thuja
d. Spigelia
44. Washing of mortar and pestle is mentioned by Hahnemann in Organon in ………. Aphorism’s
a. 248
b. 265
c. 270
d. 282
45. Who invented fluxion potency?
a. Hahnemann
b. Hering
c. Korsakoff
46. Liquid suspension or dispersion in aqueous media is:
a. Solution
b. Liniment
c. Mother solution
d. Lotion
47. According to HPI in the preparation of liniment 1 part of medicine should be mixed with …..
part of olive oil:
a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 9
48. Word ‘Ung’ means:
a. An ounce
b. An ointment
c. As directed
d. Plaster
49. Which drug substance is not taken in the preparation of mother tincture under class IV:
a. Fresh animal
b. Dried animal
c. Fresh vegetable
d. Dried vegetable
50. Cina is prepared under which class?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV

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