Pcog Answer Key
Pcog Answer Key
Pcog Answer Key
1. He was the first to use the term ‘pharmacognosy’ in his book Lehrbuch der MateriaMedica:
a. C. A. Seydler
b. J. A Schmidt
c. Dioscorides
d. Galen
2. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a. Niyog-niyogan – antidiabetic
b. Tsaang-gubat – anthelmintic
c. Sambong – diuretic
d. Akapulko – analgesic
3. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a. xylose – laxative
b. lactulose – diagnostic aid
c. ferrous gluconate – hematinic
d. lactose – decreases blood ammonia
4. Which of the following structures serve as the parent compound of antimalarial agents?
a. b. c. d.
5. The primary phenolic nucleus of tannins
a. ellagic b. tannic acid c. gallic acid d. two of the abovee. all
6. The main component of condensed tannins which reacts with heat and is responsible for the production of
red insoluble products is known as_______.
a. pyrogallol b. diosgenin c. Phlobaphenesd. catechin e. leucocyanidin
7. The alkaloid is used to as ink by Indians to color their bodies and is also an expectorant and emetic agent.
a. Hydratis b. sanguinarine c. quinine d. ergotamine e. morphine
8. This alkaloid is used to prevent tolerance effect and maximize the analgesic effect of morphine.
a. Quinine sulfate b.. hyoscine HBrc.Lobeline sulfate d. cocaine HCl e. Atropine sulfate
9. This particular structure which is present in physostigmine is responsible for its cholinergic properties and
antiglaucoma effect
a. b. c. d.
10. A polymer of fructose used to measure renal glomerular filtration:
a. inulin
b. galactomannan
c. stacchyose
d. chitin
11. It is formed by the action of nitric acid and sulfuric acid on cotton and is used in the preparation of collodion:
a. soluble guncotton b. pyroxylin c. A and B d. NOTA
12.Which component of Irish moss has non-gelling property and is more useful as a thickener?
a. i-carrageenan b. k-carrageenan c. l-carrageenan d. A and B
13. Africans use this is in their preparation of arrow poisons. It has a positive inotropic effect on the heart:
a. Strophantus b. Convallaria c. Squill d. Apocynum
14. What is used to treat cascara sagrada extract to reduce its bitter taste?
a. calcium carbonate b. calcium gluceptate
c. magnesium oxide d. potassium chloride
15. This alkaloid is formed by the acetylation of morphine.
a.Heroine b. codeine c. morphine d. cocaine e papaverine
16. Which of the following is not a steroidal by nature?
a.Convallaria b. hellebore c. benzoin d. Dioscorea e. red squill
17. The product formed by the action of nitric acid on rectified turpentine oil in the presence of alcohol is
a.Cineole b. eugenol c. terpinol d. terpin hydrate e. two of the above
18. The terpenes found in volatile oils, as well as other products, like steroids, carotenoids, amyrins and rubber
are collectively known as
a.Isoprenoids b.Unoxygenated terpenesc.Sesquiterpenes d. all e. none
19. Steroidal products like hormones are derived from this isoprenoid
a. monoterpene b. diterpene c. triterpene d. tetraterpene
20. The main compound responsible for the bitterness of lupulin which is used in the manufacture of beer.
a. humulone b.lupulone c. xanthohumol d. Both A and B e. Both B and C
21. Which health problem may be aggravated by increased intake of licorice?
a. Addison’s disease b. peptic ulcer c. inflammatory problems d. hypertension
22. Which natural plant product will give a positive result to Guignard test:
a. sinigrin b. glycyrrhizin c. arbutin d. amygdalin
23. To confirm the presence of a cardiac glycoside in the extract, the which of the ff tests must be positive?
a. Kedde’s test, Salkowski test
b. Kedde’s test, Salkowski test, Liebermann Burchard test
c. Kedde’s test, Salkowski test, Keller kiliani test
d. Kedde’s test, Salkowskitest,LiebermannBurchard test, Keller kiliani test
24. Kamala, a dull reddish brown powder with characteristic globular glands and unicellular curved trichomes,
contain this phloroglucinol derivative with anthelmintic property
a. berberine b. emetine c. quinine d. plumbagin e. rottlerin
26. Among the structures given, this is known to elicit antimuscarinic activity and is commonly used for the
treatment of organophosphate poisoning.
a. b. c. d.
27. This particular plant is the source of the yellow colored alkaloid which is known as anti inflammaoty agent
a. Hydratis b. sanguinaria c. cinchona d. ergot e. opium
28. Which of the following is true?
a. Sennosides are more potent laxatives than cascarosides
b. Sennosides are less potent laxatives than cascarosides
c. Sennosides are equally potent laxatives as cascarosides
29. Which of the following is a carcinogenic constituent of nganga?
a. alkaloid b. tannin c. glycoside d. lipid
30. It is prepared from the pyrolysis of ricinoleic acid from castor oil and is used as antifungal:
a. stearic acid b. benzoic acid c. undecylenic acid d. azeleic acid
31. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a. jequirity beans – linamarin
b. castor oil – abrin
c. cassava – ricin
d. poison ivy – urushiol
32. Vitamin F, used as a dietary supplement, is composed of:
a. Rutin and hesperidin
b. Linoleic acid and Linolenic acid
c. Myristic acid and Lauric acid
d. Benzoic acid and salicylic acid
33. The ff plants are sources of antimitotic agents except
a. vincarosea b. autumn crocus c.opium d. podophyllum
34. In percolation with volatile solvents as a method of volatile oil extraction, the volatile solvent is removed by
vacuum distillation and the resulting product is known as
a.Absolutes b. terpenes c. concretes d. pomade
35. Allylisothiocyanate, is the aglycone portion obtained by the hydrolysis of _______ a. sinigrin
b. sinalbin c. both d. none
36. The specific type of leather produced from hydrolysable tannins when they are used as tanning agents
a. Aniline leather b. Bloom b. Full grain d. Tanner’s red
37. The main constituent of Macrocystispyrifera which is responsible for the swelling property of algin.
a. Alginic acid b. alginate c. carrageenan d. mannuronic acid
38. A drug which is used to inhibit the action of alpha glucosidase and is considered as one of the
hypoglycemic agents in the market
a. Acarbose b. gliclizide c. Metformin d. insulin
39. Pectin has the ability to adsorb toxins by this mode of action.
a.Complexation b. micellar formation c. precipitation d. neutralization
40. Which of the following glycosides yield a steroidal component as one of the products of hydrolysis
a.Amygdalin b.diosgenin c. sinigrin d. sinalbin
41.An alkaloid which serves as the physiologic antidote for anticholinergic poisoning.
a. Pilocarpine b. physostigmine c. reserpine d. theophylline
42. A drug derived from Ma Huang which is responsible for an adverse effect, hemorrhagic stroke, which has
affected female patients 40 yrs old and above.
a. epinephrine b. ephedrine b. phenylephrine d. phenylpropanolamine
43. It a disease characterized by the inability to break down of milksugar by any of three enzymes in the
milksugar breakdown pathway.
a. glucosemia b. lactosemia c. galactosemia d. iso maltase deficiency
44. An antispasmodic agent which is derived from a tropane alkaloid
a. Quinine sulfate b. hyoscine HBrc.Lobeline sulfate d. cocaine HCl e. Atropine sulfate
45. The following is/are the properties of nonhydrolysable tannins
a.They give a dark green color with ferric chloride TS
b.Gallic acid when heater result to formation of pyrogallol
c.They yield no precipitate with bromine water TS
d.Pyrogallol give soluble compounds with lead acetate
46. A type of penstose which is sourced out from boiling corn cobs, straw and similar
materials by soaking in dilute acids to hydrolyze its polymer form, xylan
a. grapesugar b. fruit sugar c. cornsugar d. wood sugar
49. Which of the following structures serves as the parent form of reserpine, a hypotensive agent?
a. b. c. d.
50. The only plant acid which doesn't carbonized upon the action of heat.
a. malic acid b. citric acid c. shikimic acid d. acetic acid
51. These are esters of high molecular, monohydric alcohols, and high molecular fatty acids
a.Waxes b. phospholipids c. glycolipids d. sphingomyelins
52. Liebermann Burchard Test will indicate the presence of _______.
a. lactone b. saturated sterol c. triterpene d. unsaturated sterol
53. This particular structure which is present in theophylline is responsible for its diuretic, stimulating and
bronchodilating properties.
a. b. c. d.
54. This is the parent structure of antimalarial agents like quinine and cinchonine.
a. b. c. d.
55.Which of the following is classified as an alcohol glycoside?
a.Salicin b. glucovanillin c. prunasin d. arbutin
61. Anti-acne principle synthesized from the oil derived from Ricinuscommunis
a.Ricinoleic acid b. prussic acid c. azeleic acid d. saffric acid
62. Scientific name of Sanke which is used as condiment and flavorant
a.Avena sativa c. Illicumverum
b.Arnica Montana d. Azadirachtaindica
63. The following compounds are grouped as tropane alkaloids, except
a. scopolamine b. cocaine c. hyoscyamine d. nicotine
64. The dehydrated form of morphine is known as __________.
a.Heroine b. codeine c. morphine d. apomorphine e papaverine
65. The product formed by the action of nitric acid on rectified turpentine oil in the presence of alcohol is
a.Cineole b. eugenol c. terpinol d. terpin hydrate e. two of the above
66. Ethereal oils or essences are composed of the following except
a. monoterpene b. diterpene c. triterpene d. ether
67. . It is a pathologic product formed in the stomach of the sperm whale when feeding, and is used as base note
in perfumery:
a. spermaceti b. musk c. civet d. ambergris
68. A steroildal alkaloid obtained from wolfsbane rot or monkshood
a.Coniine b. aconitine c. viburnine d. selegiline
69. Oil tubes or vittae are sources of volatile oil in this family.
a. Labiatae b. Umbelliferae c. Piperaceae d. Pinaceae
86. This is the best method used in obtaining volatile oils from citrus fruits, whose aroma is injuriously affected
by heat:
a. distillation b. enzymatic hydrolysis c. expression d. extraction