4. Amino acid not classified among the 10. Citrus volatile oils whose aroma is
essential amino acids: affected and destroyed by heat is best
obtained by
A. Threonine A. Expression
B. Valine B. Enfleuragec
C. Tryptophan
D. Glutamine 11. The following are methods are methods
used in obtaining volatile oils by distillation
5. The substance that yields the largest except
number of calories per gram:
a. alcohol and water
A. Fats b. steam and water
B. Proteins c. water
C. Carbohydrates d. direct steam
D. Alcohol
12. Term for the oxidized hydrocarbon 18. Cosettes are small and thin slices of
portion of volatile oils
a. sugar cane
a. eleoptene b. carrots
b. stearoptenes c. sugar beets
c. isoprenes d. taro
d. terpenes
19. The protein component of an enzyme:
13. The average life span of red blood cells:
a. cofactor
a. 21 days b. zymogen
b. 42 days c. apoenzyme
c. 7 weeks d. holoenzyme
d. 14 weeks
20. Which is a liquid fat?
14. The sugar component of a nucleic acid:
a. glucose a. theobroma
b. sucrose b. cod liver oil
c. ribose c. almond oil
d. fructose d. lard
33. An acid obtained from coffee beans that 40. The ff. are examples of non-drying oils,
is used in the treatment of Influenza A and B EXCEPT:
strain called TAMIFLU: a. Almond oil c. Cod-liver oil
b. Olive oil d. Baobab oil
a. O-coumaric acid c. Quinic acid
41. Pancreatic cell which secretes glucagon: b. arrow root d. belladonna leaf
a. Alpha Cell c. Beta cell
b. Delta d. F cell 49. The toxic lectin principle of Ricinus
42. Characteristic bitter flavor of beer is due
to: a. ricinine c. ricitin
b. ricin d. Amygdalin
a. Burnt Caramel c. Lupulus
b. Barley d. Mace 50. The most important contributor to
Lemon oil Flavor:
43. Which of the following is a codon for a. Citral c. Limonene
methionine? b. Geranial d. Kola
a. UAG c. UAA
b. AUG d. UGA 51. The number of chromosomes in the
human cell:
44. One of the ingredients of the embalming a. 20 c. 23
materials of the Egyptians: b. 43 d. 46
57. sodium morrhuate can be obtain from: 65. the ff are considered as underground
structures except:
A. shark C. whale
B. cod D.cow A. tuber C. rhizome
B. buds D.bulb
58. Drying agent used to purify essential
oils: 66. term for plant cells contain non-living
substances such as calcium oxalate crystals:
A. anhydrous CaCO3 C. CaCl2
B. anhydrous CaSO4 D.all of above a) Idioblast
b) Protoplast
c) Chloroplast
59. term for the solvent used in extraction:
d) Tracheids
A. marc C. extractives 67. enzyme that hydrolyze sinigrin
B. menstruum D.tincture
a) Amylase
60. Caffeine is an alkaloid classified under: b) Ptalin
c) Myrosin
A. Cinchona C. xanthine
B. ergot D.vinca d) Sinarase
A. rosettes C. crystoliths
70. it destroys red corpuscles by hemolysis c) Lead
and are toxic especially to cold blooded d) Alkaloid
76. the following are pyrimidine bases,
a) Anthraquinone glycosides except:
b) Cyanogenic glycosides
c) Saponin glycosides a) Adenine
b) Cytosine
d) Flavonol glycosides
c) Uracil
71. this DNA duplex has a special left d) Thymine
handed helical structure:
77. hypertonic solutions will cause RBC
a) A- DNA ATO:
b) B- DNA
c) Z- DNA a) SWELL
d) L- DNA
72. animal employed in the assay of digitalis d) A and B
a) Dog
b) Pigeon 78. optimum temperature for enzyme
c) Rabbit activity in the body
d) Sheep
a) 40 degreeCelsius
73. Synthetic DNA is called b) 37 degreeCelsius
c) 60 degreeCelsius
a) Replicated DNA d) 25 degreeCelsius
b) Gene
c) Plasmid 79. insulin is classified as:
d) Recombinant DNA
a) Protein
74. process of extraction which involve b) Enzyme
maceration of crude substance using hot or c) Carbohydrate
cold water: d) Hormone
82. IUPAC name for acroein 88. Other name of inert sugar
a) Pentenal A. Fructose
b) Propenal B. Sucrose
C. Galactose
c) Acetone
D. Glucose
d) Hexanal
89. The ff. Are enzymes in pancreatic juice
83. differentiating test for helical and linear
A. Papain
A. Molisch B. Iodine
B. Trypsin
C. Benedicts D. Fermentation
C. Chymotrypsin
D. Lipase
84. condition where there is excess bile
pigment in the blood;
90. Principal site for urea synthesis:
A. Jaundice
A. Kidney
B. Cirrhosis B. Spleen
C. Hepatitis
C. Liver
D. Cystic fibrosis
D. Intestine
85. Protein composition of fur. Wools,
91. Bitter almond – amygdalin
claws and feathers:
92. Uva ursi – arbutin
A. Collagen
B. Silk 93. Black mustard – sinigrin
C. Globulin
D. Keratin 94. wild cherry – prunasin