Briefing Water-Reporting
Briefing Water-Reporting
Briefing Water-Reporting
August 2021 1
of external stakeholders including investors, policy opportunities, and management response. The narrative
makers, regulators and local communities. allows the context and meaning of the supporting
metrics to be clearly articulated, as the magnitude and
Corporate water transparency is especially important for
significance of these metrics may vary substantially
the mining and metals industry, which has a high level of
water dependency and risk-opportunity exposure due to year-on-year and between companies due to the unique
the nature of its activities. This situation creates both nature of the industry’s activities and water handling
water risks and opportunities for the company and local requirements.
water users. The ICMM water reporting metrics required to meet
Corporate water reporting can assist in identifying water these minimum reporting commitments are summarised
saving possibilities through operational efficiencies and in Table 2. The reporting metrics describe all material
water sharing opportunities that help to conserve water, water volumes and qualities associated with the
reduce water dependency, mitigate environmental and operation of a site. As illustrated in Figure 1, ICMM
local community impacts and address supply deficits. reporting metrics describe: 2
Table 1 – ICMM’s Minimum Water Reporting Commitments ( See Table 2 for definitions of the below metrics)
1) Interactions Narrative
with water 1.1. What are the company’s main:
a) Water activities?
b) Water sources used for withdrawal?
c) Consumptive water uses?
d) Water discharges?
1.2. Report the following volumes (in megalitres) aggregated for all sites:
a. Operational water withdrawal by source type (surface water, groundwater, seawater and
third-party (an entity that is external to the site or company eg communities) and water
quality category (high and low).
b. Other managed water withdrawal by water quality category (high and low).
c. Total discharge by destination type (surface water, groundwater, seawater and to third
parties) and water quality (high and low).
d. Total consumption.
eport the same volumes (in megalitres) aggregated for all sites situated in water stressed
1.3. R
2) Water Narrative
risks and 2.1. Overall, how material is water to business value and performance?
opportunities 2.2. What are the material water risks or challenges facing the company?
3.3. How does the company promote stakeholder engagement, and with whom?
3.4. How does the company identify and manage water risks and realise opportunities? Including
those associated with:
a. Water quality?
b. Exposure to water stress?
c. Climate change?
3.5. Does the company set water performance targets? If so, describe what targets are set and why.
If not, outline why not.
3.6. Present operational water reuse/recycle volumes (in megalitres) for:
a. All sites (as an aggregated total).
b. For all sites situated in water-stressed areas (as an aggregated total). 3
Table 2 – Summary of ICMM water reporting metrics
Metrics describing water inflows and outflows associated with the site/company
Operational Water that enters Required: Reporting of aggregated - Indicator of water dependency
Water the operational water volumes, by source type (surface and access requirements and
withdrawal system used to meet water, groundwater, seawater potential for associated risks and
the operational water and third party) and water quality opportunities (including circular
demand. category (high and low) for all sites water management and use of
within the company and for all sites low quality water).
situated in water stressed areas. - Allows transparency around
water withdrawal to meet the
operational water demand (ie for
use) and enables benchmarking.
Other Water that is actively Required: Reporting of aggregated - Indicator of holistic water
managed managed (eg physically volumes (from all sources) by water dependencies, activities and
water pumped, actively quality category (high and low) for potential for associated risks
withdrawal treated or has material all sites within the company, and for and opportunities – especially
consumptive losses) all sites situated in water-stressed in contexts where other
without intent to supply areas. managed water volumes are
the operational water high due to operating dynamics
demand. (eg dewatering activities or
community supply) or climatic
factors (eg wet weather events).
Total All water that is Required: Reporting of aggregated - Indicator of water dependency
Discharge released to the water total volumes (operational water and potential for associated risks
environment (surface plus other managed water) by and opportunities relating to the
water, groundwater destination type (surface water, downstream catchment and other
or seawater) or to a groundwater, seawater and third stakeholders (including water
third party, including party) and water quality category quality risks and circular water
operational water and (high and low) for all sites within the management opportunities).
other managed water. company and for all sites situated in
water-stressed areas.
Total All water that Required: Reporting of aggregated - Indicator of water dependency
Consumption is removed by total volumes (operational water and potential risks associated with
evaporation, plus other manager water) for all water losses.
entrainment (in sites within the company and for
product or waste) all sites situated in water-stressed
or other losses, and areas.
not released back
to surface water,
groundwater, seawater
or a third party.
Metrics describing water flows internal to the site/company
Reuse/ Water that has been Required: Reporting of aggregated - Indicator of internal water
recycle used in an operational volumes for all sites within the management practices and ability
task and is recovered company and for all sites situated in to optimise systems to reduce
and used again in an water-stressed areas. withdrawal volumes – particularly
operational task, either in water-stressed areas (where
without treatment water availability is typically low
(reuse) or with and competition for access is
treatment (recycle). high). 4
Metric ICMM Definition Minimum Reporting Commitment Reporting Rationale
:6 45,600
used / recy
water Total consumption (evaporation,
precipitation) entrainment and task loss)
891,000 ML
68,200ML ML 175,800 ML
required to sustain
operational activities
Dust control
Groundwater Ore processing
132,400 ML Ore washing Total discharge (surface water,
Product transportation groundwater, seawater and
Waste management third parties)
Cooling 124,600 ML
Seawater 2020
25,700 ML
Third parties
10,100 ML
Figure 1 Water inflows and outflows and internal dynamics to the site