A Maritime Energy Transition
A Maritime Energy Transition
A Maritime Energy Transition
List of abbreviations
Table of contents
Executive Summary 4
Hydrogen 14
Synthetic natural gas (SNG) 15
Ammonia 16
Methanol 17
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 18
Biofuel 18
A Maritime
Executive Summary
Like many industries, the maritime when it comes to climate-neutral undoubtedly no alternative.
industry needs to transition to shipping. As 50% of world trade is Consequently, the company is pursuing
renewable energy sources – the health being moved by MAN engines, the the climate-neutral fuels of the future.
of the planet demands it. Therefore, the company has made its mission to
International Maritime Organization provide the technologies needed to Presently and medium-term, MAN
(IMO) has introduced regulations that make shipping sustainable. Since 2016, Energy Solutions sees LNG (Liquefied
require the shipping industry to reduce MAN Energy Solutions has championed Natural Gas) as a promising fuel both to
its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the Maritime Energy Transition. The meet environmental standards (NOx,
at least 50% by 2050 compared to company not only develops SOx) and reduce dioxide emissions by
2008. At the same time, an increase in technological solutions but also up to 20%. However, decarbonization
shipping is projected, driven by the advocates for an effective global cannot stop with LNG and MAN Energy
growth of international trade. The IMO regulatory framework. Solutions does not intend to stop
predicts that shipping emissions could either. To reach carbon neutrality more
increase by up to 250% by 2050, Unlike road transport, where direct significant CO2 reductions are
based on industry growth scenarios battery electrification is becoming the necessary. The future belongs to
and assuming propulsion technology technology of choice, decarbonization climate-neutral fuels produced from
remains unchanged. Hence, the in shipping can only happen by green hydrogen and renewable energy
international shipping industry needs decarbonizing the fuels used in internal sources. These fuels include synthetic
to solve this dilemma by reducing its combustion engines. In particular, large natural gas (methane), green ammonia
carbon footprint while its business ocean-going vessels cannot be and methanol as well as hydrogen for
continues to grow. electrified with batteries or fuel cells. shorter distances. This paper offers an
This is why MAN Energy Solutions is updated status of the technologies with
As one of the world’s largest designers convinced that large combustion regards to these future fuel solutions
and manufacturers of marine engines will continue to power ships in and the current paths towards a
propulsion systems, MAN Energy the future – especially when it comes to Maritime Energy Transition.
Solutions is already at the forefront long-distance shipping. There is
MAN Energy Solutions
A Maritime Energy Transition 5
Climate change –
the global
Without a doubt, due to its greenhouse rely on can be produced without global warming to 1.5°C compared to
gas emissions (GHG), climate change is contributing to global warming. pre-industrial levels. Encouragingly,
the greatest challenge the global Paris represents the first time all the
economy is faced with. Some of its Based on many witnessed severe and parties to the 1992 United Nations
effects such as extreme weather worsening effects of climate change as Framework Convention on Climate
conditions, melting ice caps and rising well as international consensus, the Change have agreed to put forward
sea levels – are just some of the threats urgency for significant change is more their best efforts in pursuit of
we are already aware of. With this in real than ever before, proving that carbon-neutrality.
mind, we are quite conscious of the coordinated action is absolutely
need for an urgent and accelerating imperative. Commitments and The COP 26 Summit which was held
shift to “carbon neutrality”. By replacing timetables already exist, the Paris recently in Glasgow, in November 2021,
hydrocarbon fossil fuels with renewable Agreement of 2015 forged at the COP emphasized the urgency to end the use
energy sources, the production of the 21 Summit in Paris is known as being of fossil energies as soon as possible.
electrical and mechanical power we the most prominent. It seeks to limit
MAN Energy Solutions
A Maritime Energy Transition 6
on land and sea
Energy transition has become more demanding program of counter- MAN Energy Solutions (MAN), a major
obvious on land where electrical power, measures, led by the International technology provider and manufacturer
generated from coal and oil Maritime Organization (IMO). IMO is of combustion engines that power
combustion, is being phased out in the global forum and regulator for the ships, coined this name back in 2016
favor of renewable sources such as safety, security and environmental and has championed the cause since
solar panels and wind turbines. More performance of international shipping then. With as many as 50% of all
visibly seen by the general public, is the and embraces all shipping industry seagoing ships powered by engines
expansion of electrically powered stakeholders. In early 2018, IMO developed in Augsburg, Germany and
automobiles moving at a pace only few formulated its “Initial Strategy” on Copenhagen, Denmark, MAN is a
could have imagined only a decade ago. decarbonization, calling for total major stakeholder in the shipping
annual GHG emissions from sector and has an immense
Less visible but equally urgent is the international shipping to peak at contribution to make to GHG
shipping sector with its significant the earliest date and then decrease reduction. For MAN, the Maritime
source of GHG emissions and is hence by 2050 to 50% of 2008 levels. Energy Transition represents both a
expected to contribute to the reduction description of the challenge lying
of these emissions. Accordingly, ship The exact measures needed to attain ahead as well as a “call-to-action” for
owners, ship operators, ship builders IMO goals are already under imple- shipping to take on the challenge of
and marine equipment manufacturers mentation and they represent the first decarbonizing a vast economic sector.
have embarked on their own very steps in a “Maritime Energy Transition”.
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A Maritime Energy Transition 7
sustainability and
economic growth
According to statistics prepared by the GHG emissions while freight volume with decarbonization concerning
International Chamber of Shipping, continues to steadily increase? other means of transport.
each year around 11 billion tons of
cargo are transported by ship, equating
to an impressive 1.5 tons transported
What balances out the increasingly
difficult GHG attenuation task,
A concerted call to
per member of the world’s population. happens to be the already existing global action
This illustrates the extent to which high energy transport efficiency found
transportation by sea of manufactured by water compared to other means. In Having a 50% market share of marine
goods and raw materials underpins relative terms and in spite of the scale engines, MAN recognizes its clear obliga-
modern life. For example, with regards of goods transported, the shipping tion to take decisive action and has,
to trade in the European Union, 80% of sector accounts for at least 2.5% of since 2016, pursued its own mission to
exports and imports by volume – and total global emissions of GHG carbon develop the technologies needed to
around 50% by value – are transported dioxide (CO2). This makes shipping, make shipping sustainable. However,
by ship at some stage. by far, the lowest CO2 emitter in MAN also recognizes that the Maritime
relation to transport task Energy Transition requires a common,
Moreover, by the year 2050, the volume accomplished (emission per tonne consensual approach backed by the
of global shipping is predicted to rise by and kilometer) – but this percentage whole shipping sector and embracing a
up to 250%. For this reason, the industry will clearly rise if shipping full spectrum of technological, regulatory
is faced with a dilemma: how to reduce decarbonization does not keep pace and political initiatives.
and proven performers
Weight (Tons)
Synthetic fuels Batteries
1000 – High conversion efficiency
– Very low energy density
Typical distance
Image 1: Propulsion options for carbon-neutral transport (Source: Strategy& / pwc).
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A Maritime Energy Transition 9
Energy Efficiency Design Index
Machinery efficiency
+ Twin-screw
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Image 2: Multiple approaches to decarbonization − a variety of strategies along with their GHG
reduction potential, including the use of synthetic fuels with a potential of 80 to 100 percent.
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A Maritime Energy Transition 10
The shift
to gas –
and beyond
As a matter of fact, the transition to with LNG, MAN’s attention has already
lower carbon fuels has already begun turned to the fuels that will continue the
– presently 30% of MAN’s new order marine engine decarbonization
intake is for dual-fuel engines that burn process. MAN’s strategy for the
liquefied natural gas (LNG) and produce Maritime Energy Transition calls for
up to 20% less CO2 per kWh than progressive, step-by-step reductions in
traditional diesel engines. As a result, GHG emissions based on gaseous and
the shipping industry is in a position to liquid fuels burnt in fuel-flexible
make a rapid impact on GHG emissions engines. The engine solutions of the
while continuing product development, future will be largely powered by
strategizing and building onto the initial synthetic fuels, made from green
emission reduction thanks to LNG. hydrogen, derived from the electrolysis
of water by renewable, regenerative
Having confirmed the ability to “kick electricity (so called Power-to-X
start” the Maritime Energy Transition process).
MAN Energy Solutions
A Maritime Energy Transition 11
the initial
The immediate benefit of a move to fueling with LNG and steering away
LNG is based on the properties and from residual (heavy) and distillate
characteristics of methane, the major liquid fuels that have been used on
flammable constituent (around 85%) of ships since the 1950s. For its part, as a
natural gas. With the chemical formula marine engine technology leader, MAN
CH4, methane is the simplest has been a pioneer in establishing gas
combination of hydrogen and carbon in as a shipping fuel in a wide range of
the hydrocarbon series (alkanes) and applications. Highlights include
thus produces the lowest quantity of retrofitting two- and four-stroke diesel
CO2 when burnt: compared to heavy engines allowing vessels to operate on
and distillate liquid fuel, the benefit is LNG, and launching the first two-stroke
up to 20%. dual-fuel (DF) engines in commercial
use: the ME-GI engines with
Appropriately – and fortunately – the high-pressure fuel gas injection and
last 20 years in engine development diesel combustion.
have seen a strong trend towards
Image 3: The “Siem Confucius” and sister ship, the “Siem Aristotle”, are the very first trans-Atlantic PCTCs (Pure Car Truck Carriers) to operate
full-time on LNG − transporting cars for VW Group between Europe and China.
MAN Energy Solutions
A Maritime Energy Transition 12
In addition to potential reduction in CO2 However, having established the – For two-stroke Otto cycle engines the
emissions, natural gas has many more suitability and desirability of LNG, ME-GA engine with EGR (exhaust gas
benefits: the issue of methane slip must be recirculation) can reduce methane
addressed. Whether naturally occurring emissions up to 50% compared to
– It is widely available now and will in fossil LNG or synthetically produced two-stroke Otto cycle engines
remain in the future. in green processes, methane is a without EGR.
greenhouse gas 28 times more potent
– It can be readily transported in its than CO2 over a 100 years timespan. – On the four-stroke side, since the
liquefied form – the handling and Hence, MAN has already prioritized the introduction of its four-stroke DF
transport of LNG are based on solution to this issue: engines in the mid-2000s, MAN has
well-proven technologies. made excellent progress in reducing
– On the two-stroke side, the operating methane slip. Engines that are
arge two- and four-stroke piston principal of MAN’s DF ME-GI engines currently on the market produce only
engines designed to burn LNG are precludes methane slip to a very great around 50% methane slip compared
well proven and increasingly popular extent. Its diesel cycle combustion to previous models, and in the
in a wide range of vessels. principle ensures complete, very short-term, this percentage will
fuel-efficient combustion with improve by as much as 20% using
eing a fuel for large engines, LNG maximized heat release. engine internal measures. By 2025,
also allows compliance with current Consequently, MAN can guarantee MAN expects to use oxidation
regulations on noxious emissions, i.e. methane slip levels as low as 0.2 g/ catalysts to achieve reductions by up
NOx, SOx, particulates – meeting kWh with a tolerance of +/- 0.1 g/kWh to a further 60%.
IMO Tier III requirements. for its ME-GI dual-fuel engines.
Image 4: Cooled down to -162°C LNG can be readily transported and infrastructure is already widely available at ports worldwide.
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A Maritime Energy Transition 13
the path to further decarbonization
Boiling teperature [°C]
Image 5: Marine fuels towards carbon-neutrality – Alternative fuel options compared to carbon intensity, tank size and boiling temperature.
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A Maritime Energy Transition 14
Hydrogen / Liquid H2
ƞ = 60...70%
+ CO
+ CO2
H2 Methanol (CH3OH)
ƞ = 40...50%
Methanol synthesis
+ N2
Ammonia (NH3)
ƞ = 50...60%
Ammonia synthesis
Proposals are well advanced for the ideally suited, firstly, for combustion in
production of carbon-neutral synthetic both two- and four-stroke dual-fuel
hydrocarbon gases such as methane engines in MAN’s existing range, and
utilizing green hydrogen and carbon secondly for progressive blending with
captured from the atmosphere or other LNG as the proposed steps in the
carbon sources. In terms of production, Maritime Energy Transition advance. In
the technological processes are addition, it will even be possible to
already well proven. For example, in continue to use the existing natural gas
2013 MAN Energy Solutions supplied supply infrastructure to transport and In September 2021, the 1,036-TEU
the methane reactor to Europe’s largest store SNG. vessel ElbBLUE, which had been
Power-to-Gas plant at Audi’s site in retrofitted to a four-stroke MAN 51/60
Werlte, Germany. Achieving fuel supply aboard ship will dual-fuel engine in 2017, also became
be straightforward although not trivial the first container ship worldwide to
Significantly, synthetic natural gas – as with LNG. The new gaseous fuel use climate-neutral SNG on a commercial
(SNG) is methane (CH4), and hence, will have to be held at cryogenic trip. With their pilot project, MAN
chemically the same as the main temperatures prior to bunkering (-162°C Energy Solutions and its partners have
combustible constituent of LNG. But in the case of both LNG and SNG). demonstrated that any LNG-retrofitted
thanks to its production from green However, an already established LNG ship can run on fuels generated by
hydrogen it is carbon-neutral. Its infrastructure on-board can also be Power-to-X technology, and even using a
chemical constitution makes SNG used for fueling with SNG. mixture of fuels depending on availability.
Image 7: End of September 2021, the 1,036-TEU vessel ElbBLUE became the first container ship worldwide to use climate-neutral synthetic natural
gas on a commercial trip.
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Image 8: In its Research Centre in Copenhagen MAN Energy Solutions is developing a two-stroke
ammonia engine to become market-ready by 2024.
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Image 9: Today, the first methanol-powered two-stroke engines on board ships have been at sea
for more than four years and are operating well.
Image 10: The ‘BW Gemini’, a VLGC from the BW LPG fleet, has been retrofitted by MAN Energy Solutions to LPG propulsion. The conversion is the
first of 15 for a series of LPG carriers owned by BW LPG (picture courtesy BW LPG).
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A Maritime Energy Transition 19
Fuel flexibility – which MAN two-stroke engines can burn which fuels?
and outlook
Today, the Maritime Energy Transition is ultimately work to the disadvantage of No one yet knows which future fuels
already technically feasible and those ship owners and operators who will ultimately prevail but with its fuel
underway on a limited scale. However, conscientiously invest in measures to flexibility strategy, MAN is working at
setting the framework conditions that avoid CO2 emissions. full speed on the development of
will enable the global availability of future-proof engines to cover the
green hydrogen for synthetic fuels and Unfortunately, the regulations and maximum of eventualities. However, for
their economic usage in shipping will guidelines adopted by the IMO to date the Maritime Energy Transition to
be one of the most decisive political do not go far enough and lacking succeed, future fuels must also
tasks in the coming years. ambition and guidance. With ships become economically viable. In this
typically expected to last 25 to 30 area, MAN sees the greatest need for
As this paper shows, decarbonization years, there is uncertainty among ship political, societal and stakeholder
in shipping can only happen by owners and operators regarding what action – there will be less incentive for
decarbonizing the fuels used in internal to invest in to be sure of GHG change as long as fossil fuels are still
combustion engines. Thanks to the compliance in 2050. The decisions significantly cheaper. This is the reason
Power-to-X process, we can convert made today will determine which ships MAN advocates incentivizing the
renewable energy into green hydrogen will be at sea then. Nevertheless, ship production and usage of the green
and further synthetic, climate-neutral owners and builders need time to fuels projected and advocates a
fuels. And today, the industry is already commit to the investments that will worldwide carbon price. Such a
developing engines that run on such achieve future decarbonization. globally valid price would make the
zero-emission fuels, but making the significantly more expensive
decision to ramp up green hydrogen Consequently, the European Union (EU) climate-neutral fuels economically
and synthetic fuel production is not has now announced plans in its “Fit for viable.
something technology suppliers can do 55” package to include shipping to its
alone. EU Emission Trading System (ETS). If everyone in the maritime industry
MAN Energy Solutions still advocates a works together, MAN is convinced that
Therefore, a clear political course and global regulation and a global CO2 decarbonization could even become a
global regulations to level the playing price. But the IMO’s constant hesitation growth engine for shipping in a
field are the key parameters for a changes the perspective: Currently scenario where ships leverage their
successful Maritime Energy Transition. being welcomed, is the increasing advantages over other means of
Ideally, all measures require a globally pressure placed on the IMO by the transport. For example, as detailed
coordinated approach, for example European Commission in the course of above, the range of applicable
under the umbrella of the IMO, to avoid the Green Deal. Hopefully, this will lead technologies for the cost-efficient
a “patchwork” of regulations with differ- to a faster agreement on global reduction of GHG emissions is much
ent degrees of stringency, since this will regulation. broader than for air transport.
MAN Energy Solutions
86224 Augsburg, Germany
P + 49 821 322-1750
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