User Guide: What Is The Global Water Tool? How To Use It?

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What is the Global Water Tool?

How to use it?
Version 1.3 – July 2015

 Introduction
 What is the Global Water Tool (GWT)?
 Focus on data
 How to use the new GWT, step by step
 General considerations

Water crises and failure of climate change adaptation are among the greatest global risks in
terms of their potential impact (WEF Global Risks 2015).

 Access to water is a basic human right and a critical sustainable development challenge.
 As competing demands for water (agriculture, households, energy generation, industrial use, ecosystems)
continue to rise, the effects of climate change further exacerbate the challenges associated with water
quality and availability creating new risks for businesses, governments, communities and the environment.
– According to the Water Resources Group projections, without improvements in how water is managed and used, the
world could face a 40% supply gap by 2030.
 Uncertainties, tensions and dilemmas associated with water use can affect any organization as it uses
water in its own operations (within the product, in the process or for consumption/use by employees),
depends on it indirectly (upstream supplier dependencies, downstream consumer dependencies) or relies
on certain ecosystems that help regulate the flow and quality of water.
 Water constraints can translate into significant risks (financial, operational, market-related, reputational or
regulatory) for businesses operating globally. But corporations can also seize opportunities to offer
sustainable water solutions via the goods, services, innovations and technologies they provide.
 Sustainable water management and cost-effective risk mitigation require action at a local level, often
outside a company’s direct control. Watershed collaboration among leading companies is increasingly
common based on the understanding that water is a finite shared resource resulting in collective risk and
requiring collective action.
 Also, water risks should not be managed in isolation from other impacts and related tradeoffs, including
land use, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Efficiency measures and circular
approaches can reveal opportunities for co-benefits and co-optimized solutions capable of breaking
through the silos of water, energy and waste.

Water issues go beyond businesses’ fencelines

Business need Areas of risk

Water for operations Stranded assets

Ability to discharge Rising costs (supply,
Own operations treatment)
and product
Healthy communities License to operate
and workforce Community and
Supply chain operations regulatory pressure
Strong supply chains
Health of employees
Local communities Competing industries
Supply chain interruptions

Global consumer markets in

Healthy and strong global
developed and developing Brand image
consumer markets
countries Health and growth of
Access to clean water for
product use consumer markets
Mitigating corporate water risks

Have you identified your global water risks?

Phase I: Company-wide water risk assessment to determine value at risk & identify of
most at risk areas

Do you understand your impacts at site?

Phase II: Development of comprehensive water strategy, including local
action plans

What is your response and engagement strategy?

Phase III: Implementation of water stewardship strategies - action
outside the fence line with other users in the watershed

Some resources
WBCSD GWT, IPIECA GWT for oil and gas
GEMI Local Water Tool & LWT for oil & gas
WBCSD India Water Tool
WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
WWF Water Risk Filter
WBCSD Guide to water valuation
WBCSD Water for Business
CEO Water Mandate Guide to Collective Action
OECD Water Governance Principles (June 2015)
Do you know…

 How many of your sites are in extremely water-scarce areas? Which sites are
at greatest risk? How that will change in the future?
 How much of your total production is generated from sites most exposed to
 How many of your employees live in countries that lack access to improved
water and sanitation?
 How many of your suppliers are in water scarce areas now and will be in

By comparing your sites with the best available water, sanitation, population and
biodiversity information on a country and watershed basis, including sub-basin
data, the tool allows to answer these questions.
What is the Global Water Tool (GWT)?

 A free, publicly available excel-based resource for identifying corporate water risks and
opportunities, GWT provides beginners and more advanced users with easy access to and
analysis of critical data.
 It includes a workbook (inventory by site, key reporting indicators, metrics calculations), a
mapping function to plot sites with datasets, and Google Earth interface for spatial viewing.
No personal data is stored on servers.
 Developed with an advisory board of WBCSD member companies and partner
organizations, GWT encourages all stakeholders to take action, whether at global, national,
watershed or site level to support sustainable water management by all.
 GWT can be used in combination with other tools to support decision-making (e.g. to
capture the regulatory, reputational and climate change risk factors, as well as the socio-
demographic dimension in the water scarcity assessment).
 First launched in 2007, last updated in 2011 with the addition of biodiversity hotspots, new
reporting metrics and summary outputs. The latest version released in March 2015 brings
– New datasets on water stress, more recent and comprehensive data, with improved modelling (WRI),
– Updated datasets (e.g. FAO, WHO/UNICEF JMP WSS),
– Updated reporting metrics,
– Improved GIS-based mapping,
– User-friendly additions (easier data import, improved navigation and offline capabilities, improved coding).

What is the Global Water Tool (GWT)?

Support to companies operating in multiple countries to start the journey

of water management…

 Users can map their locations and water use data against water, sanitation,
population and biodiversity datasets and stress indicators on a country and
watershed basis, with future outlook, and in turn assess risks related to their
global operations, supply chains, new projects and prioritize action.

Key benefits:
 Understand water use/needs of operations in relation to local externalities (including
staff presence, industrial use and supply chain, water consumption and efficiency) to
make informed decisions
 Perform a first level screening through maps, figures or charts capturing key water
performance and risk indicators. These metrics can then be used for reporting under
corporate disclosure initiatives like the Global Reporting Initiative, CDP Water,
Bloomberg and Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
What is the Global Water Tool (GWT)?

… and an input to a long-term water management strategy for minimizing

risk and building long-term resilience

 Understanding needs and potential water availability and quality risks at a global level is a first and
essential step towards sustainable water management, but the GWT does not provide specific
guidance on local situations.
– The global analysis supported by the tool can guide a deeper understanding of local communities' water
situations, and help prioritize actions for high risk sites with detailed response plans elaborated at local/site
– The tool can be used in combination with other tools to support decision-making such as a company’s internal
environmental data tracking tool, and is compatible with GEMI’s Local Water Tool to build water
management plans at a specific site or operation.

 A robust strategy for minimizing risk and building long-term resilience will take into account
community engagement, supply chain and watershed management, other impacts and related
tradeoffs (energy, greenhouse gas emissions, land use…), transparency and public policy.
– A comprehensive corporate water management strategy and holistic water stewardship approaches can also
follow the global analysis, enabling effective communication/ reporting and dialogue with both internal and
external stakeholders (including for instance the development of internal policy and guidelines, the education
of supply chain partners, with consistent metrics and terminology).
Data selection (1/2)

The datasets were selected to meet all of the Data stored within the tool:
following criteria:
 Global coverage
 Availability in the public domain Joint Monitoring
 Considered valid by the global community Programme for
Water Supply
of water stakeholders including
and Sanitation
academics, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), government
organizations and industry Population Division of the Department of Economic
and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat – UNDESA
 Recent and regularly updated
 Accuracy of mapping and geographical (Country data)
distribution of the data

The original datasets have not been modified,

Data stored on the WBCSD Map Server:
except for harmonizing the names of
countries across datasets.

(Watershed and
Sub-basin data)
Data selection (2/2)
Dataset and definition details

Descriptions of datasets and definitions used

by the GWT

How to use the new GWT?
Step 1: Install the tool on your computer

 Go to
tool.aspx, download the Excel file and enable macros;
– remember that your own data will not be saved on the WBCSD website
 Note any news / updates about the tool (e.g. upcoming webinars, changes to
the tool, etc.)

User requirements:
 MS Excel 2003 and above
 You need to have Internet Explorer 10 and Google Earth (pro-version for commercial use) on
your computer to use the mapping application and to view the sites spatially.
– Maps are generated on ArcGis format - ArcGis data is best supported by Internet Explorer 10, other browsers
might display partial results.
– This version of the tool automatically locates Google Earth in the right folder.
 Firewall and security settings for Internet must recognize WBCSD Global Water Tool as a trusted
source. In order to avoid issues to display the maps and Watershed report, users should add an
exception on their firewall:
– (online maps)
– (watershed report)
 Windows must be set up in English (US).
– Go to “Control Panel”; region and language, and in “Formats” select English (United States)

How to use the new GWT?
Step 1: Install the tool on your computer

 In case you’re using a Proxy (if you are not using a

Proxy, please ignore this function), please insert Proxy
Name and Proxy Port in the Configuration tab (the last
one) and save the tool.

 To check whether you are using a proxy:

– Please open your browser, go to Internet Options / Connections /
LAN Settings.

– Check if the flag 'Use a proxy server for your LAN' is active. If it is
active, address and port are the two values to be entered in the
Configuration tab in tool.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the tool (1/3)

Buttons marked with
this icon need an
active internet
Input or paste your data in the
Water Inventory input page Inventory

Output Generate map links to WBCSD

Compare your site locations mapping server
with COUNTRY or
Country Watershed Generate Google
WATERSHED water data Report Report Map Earth

Reporting metrics: GRI, To build all the reports at

GRI Bloomberg DowJones
DJSI, Bloomberg, CDP Water Metrics Metrics
CDP Metrics


Summary worksheets by
Geographic WATERSHED

Instructions, definitions, help

Instructions Definitions

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the tool (2/3)

INSTRUCTIONS Global Water Tool 2015 1.7.6

The Global Water Tool uses this MS Excel Workbook (for data entry and reports) and an online mapping service (developed on ESRI ArcGIS) to

The Instructions tab provide basin-level data aggregation (Watershed Report) and water resources graphics (Online Map, best displayed on Google Chrome with limited
support for other browsers). You may use Google Earth to explore the global map of your facilities.

summarizes the functionalities User Requirements: This tool is geared to MS Excel 2003 and above. In addition, you will need Google Chrome and Google Earth (Pro version for
commercial use) installed on your computer to use the mapping application and view the sites spatially. Also ensure that your firewall and internet
security settings enlist WBCSD Global Water Tool as a trusted source.

of the GWT and help users Limited technical support and reporting of bugs can be requested through WBCSD at [email protected]
Component Functionality

use them in the most effective INTRODUCTION

The Introduction page provides general information on the tool and background information on its

way. START The Start page provides a menu with all the features of Global Water Tool.
Click any button on the page to access the required component. The page is divided into four
sections: Input, Output, Summary and References.
All pages are open at all times.
The first step in using the Global Water Tool is to populate the Water Inventory table located on
the Input Water Inventory sheet with relevant data (site information, location coordinates, and

Actions (such as “Build”, site-specific water consumption data). Enter data on the Input Water Inventory table. 

The Input Water Inventory worksheet allows an Entity to enter water use data for each

“Clear”, etc.) are not Excel site.  Whenever a cell offers a droplist, choose from it use rather than typing manually to
avoid malfunctions. The data is then used to create standard reports and maps aimed to
communicate water risk information to stakeholders. The features available on Input Water

actions: they’re code Inventory worksheet and its functionalities are provided below:

fragments (like macros) and Add new

Use this button to use a form to insert a new record in the Water Inventory table. You'll be
requested to enter generic data, whilst other details will be typed directly within excel table. You
can also copy existing data from another source (please take care the columns order is the
same) and then press "Set" to let GWT process your data.

cannot be undone using the Click this button after having pasted existing data from other worksheets (please take care that
“back” button. the column order is the same) to let the tool process the data and apply the proper formatting.

Use this button to delete all data before inserting new records. You'll be prompted to confirm your
Clear choice

Use this button (located near column names) to sort data. Re-click to reverse the order


Water Inventory

Geographical Summary
Use the buttons on the left menu to go to the corresponding page
Country Report

Watershed Report

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the tool (3/3)
DEFINITIONS Global Water Tool 2015 1.7.6

The purpose of the definitions is to clarify water terms and calculations for the accurate reporting of water-related metrics in a range of industrial sectors and
business operations.  The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was used as a basis for definitions to promote alignment for those companies that wish to report in

accordance with the GRI.

The Definitions tab provides a set of The definitions enable reporting on Core GRI Indicators EN8 (Total Water Withdrawal) and EN22 (Total Water Discharge) and Additional Indicator EN10
(Percentage and Total Volume of Water Recycled and Reused). At this time, additional Indicators EN9 (Water Sources Significantly Affected by Withdrawal of
Water) and EN25 (Water Sources Significantly Affected by Discharge) are not addressed due to complexity of obtaining detailed local water information.
Freshwater: The constituent content of freshwater should be defined by local regulations. In the absence of local regulations, a limit of 1000 mg/L of TDS (total

background information to clarify water

dissolved solids) – the limit recommended by the World Health Organization – is the guidance for categorization of fresh and non-fresh for surface and

A) Freshwater Withdrawal and Consumption

1) Total freshwater withdrawal (A1):

terms and calculations, in particular for The sum of all freshwater drawn into the boundaries of the reporting organization from the following sources for any use over the course of the reporting periods:
Surface water
Municipal/Water Potable supply (including water purchased from other industries)

accurate reporting of water-related 2) Total Freshwater Withdrawal and Rainfall (A2):

The sum of total freshwater withdrawal (A1) and rainwater/precipitation collected onsite for any use over the course of the reporting period.

3) Total Freshwater Consumed by Facility (A3):
The quantity of freshwater:
a) Evaporated for cooling purposes
b) Evaporated from water storage facilities
c) Lost via transmission
d) Used directly in the organization’s products
e) Onsite uses, including irrigation and road maintenance
Freshwater consumption is the difference between freshwater intake and freshwater discharge. Consumption removes water from a water system and makes it
unavailable for further use.

4) Total Freshwater Consumed by Agriculture Operations (A4):

For example: “Total freshwater The quantity of freshwater absorbed by crops and transpired.

B) Non-Freshwater Withdrawal and Consumption

1) Total Non-Freshwater Withdrawal (B1):

consumed by facility” is the difference

The sum of all non-freshwater drawn into the boundaries of the reporting organization from the following sources for any use over the course of the reporting
a) Seawater
b) Surface water –  brackish or saline source
c) Groundwater – brackish or saline source

between freshwater intake and d) External wastewater – untreated or partially treated wastewater from municipal or other external industrial source

2) Total Non-Freshwater Consumed by Facility (B2):

The quantity of non-freshwater:

freshwater discharge. This is the a)

Evaporated for cooling purposes
Evaporated from water storage facilities
Lost via transmission
Onsite uses, including irrigation and road maintenance

freshwater: Non-Freshwater consumption is the difference between non-freshwater intake and non-freshwater discharge. Consumption removes water from a water system and
makes it unavailable for further use.

3) Total Non-Freshwater Consumed by Agriculture Operations (B3):

a) Evaporated for cooling purposes The quantity of non-freshwater absorbed by crops and transpired.

C) Total Water Withdrawal and Consumption

1) Total Water Withdrawal (Meets G4-EN8 Definition) (C1):

b) Evaporated from water storage facilities The sum of Total Freshwater Withdrawal and Rainfall (A2) and Total Non-Freshwater Withdrawal (B1) for any use over the course of the reporting period.

2) Total Water Consumed by Facility (C2):

The quantity of fresh (A3) and non-freshwater (B2):

c) Lost via transmission a)

Evaporated for cooling purposes
Evaporate from water storage facilities
Lost via transmission
d) Used directly in the organization’s products

d) Used directly in the organization’s products e)  Onsite uses, including irrigation and road maintenance

3) Total Water Consumed by Agriculture Operations (C3):

The quantity of fresh (A4) and non-freshwater (B3) absorbed by crops and transpired.

e) Onsite uses, including irrigation and road D) Freshwater Discharge

1) Freshwater Discharge (D1):
Water effluents from fresh sources (A3) discharged outside a reporting organization boundary over the course of the reporting period to subsurface waters, surface

maintenance waters, sewers that lead to rivers, oceans, lakes, wetlands, treatment facilities, and groundwater through:
 A defined discharge point (point source discharge) – including sales of water to an external facility
 Over land in a dispersed or undefined manner (non-point source discharge)
 Wastewater removed from the reporting organization via truck
Discharge of collected rainwater and domestic sewage are regarded as wastewater discharge

E) Non-Freshwater Discharge
1) Total Water Discharge (relevant to G4-EN 22 – but not exactly identical) (E1):
Water effluents from non-freshwater sources (B2) discharged outside a reporting organization boundary over the course of the reporting period to subsurface
waters, surface waters, sewers that lead to rivers, oceans, lakes, wetlands, treatment facilities, and groundwater through:
 A defined discharge point (point source discharge) – including sales of water to an external facility
 Over land in a dispersed or undefined manner (non-point source discharge)
 Wastewater removed from the reporting organization via truck
Discharge of collected rainwater and domestic sewage are regarded as wastewater discharge
Step 3: Input your information

1. Input or paste your data in the Input Water Inventory tab:

• To use data from an existing source, click Clear to delete existing data and then paste your new
data (new function 2015)
• Please ensure that the country names pasted match the country names on the drop list.
• To enter your data manually, click on an empty cell under Site Name column to add a new row
(you can safely delete unused rows).
• The Add new button lets you enter site details by using a data form with an internal geocoder. Click on
"Geocoder" to find the coordinates (latitude/longitude) after entering your address.
• The site ID can be inserted as number or text.
2. Once you have entered your data, click Set on the top of the page to process your data.
3. You can delete a row directly and then click Set to format the table.

Step 4: Water Metrics (1/2)

Water Withdrawal
Freshwater Sources
(TDS < 1000 mg/l)

Surface Groundwater Municipal/Potable Water Supply External Wastewater

Total FW &
Total Freshwater Rainwater
Volum e pH TDS Volum e pH TDS Volum e pH TDS Volum e pH TDS Rainwater
(m 3/year) (m 3/year) (m 3/year) (m 3/year)
2349000.00 1220000.00 3569000.00 3569000.00
110000.00 12000.00 122000.00 122000.00
1000000.00 1567890.00 2567890.00 2567890.00
8760000.00 500000.00 760000.00 10020000.00 14500.00 10034500.00

The metrics calculated on Water Inventory Sheet are:

• Freshwater Withdrawal and Consumption;
• Non-Freshwater Withdrawal and Consumption;
• Total Water Withdrawal and Consumption;
• Freshwater Discharge;
• Non-Freshwater Discharge;
• Total Water Discharge;
• Recycling and Reuse.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was used as a basis for definitions to promote alignment.

Step 4: Water Metrics (2/2)
GRI G4 standard

 GWT uses Global Reporting Initiative’s G4 standard.

 The definitions enable reporting on GRI Indicators G4-EN8 (Total water withdrawal by
source), G4-EN10 (Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused), and G4-
EN22 (Total water discharge by quality and destination).
– At this time, Indicators G4-EN9 “Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water”
and G4-EN26 “Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and
related habitats significantly affected by the organization’s discharges of water and runoff”, are
not addressed in this tool due to the complexity of obtaining detailed local water information.

 Any of the information generated with this tool can form part of a GRI-based report.
– For example, while GRI does not request “total water consumption”, organizations may choose
to include this in their GRI-based report to complement the GRI Water Indicators.
– Similarly, GRI requests total figures for the entire organization. However, organizations may
also wish to provide a breakdown by site, region or operation type, if it will provide appropriate
context on significant impacts.

Step 5: Output Country data table (1/4)

 Country Report: Click to go to Output Country Data sheet. Click Build to

generate the Output Country Data and Combined Metrics Country report.
 Any time you make changes on the Input Water Inventory page, you will
need to click the Build button again to regenerate the report.

General information: Country, Site name, Operation type, and Water Inventory
(Total Freshwater Consumption and Total Water Consumption) – sorted by
scarcity level
Step 5: Output Country data - indicators (2/4)
 FAO Aquastat
– Total internal renewable – (IRWR);
– Total internal renewable per person – (IRWR/person);
– Total external renewable – (actual);
– Total renewable – (actual) (TRWR);
– Total renewable per person – (actual) (TRWR/person);
– Projected total renewable per person (actual) (TRWR/person) – 2025 and 2050 m3/person/year;
– Dependency ratio;
– Agricultural water withdrawal as part of total water withdrawal;
– Municipal water withdrawal as part of total water withdrawal;
– Industrial water withdrawal as part of total water withdrawal;
– Total water withdrawal per person;
– Total freshwater withdrawal (surface water + groundwater);
– Total freshwater withdrawal as % of TRWR;
– Desalinated water produced.

 WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP)
– Population total;
– Urban population;
– Rural population;
– Proportion of total population served with improved water;
– Proportion of Urban population served with Improved Water;
– Proportion of Rural population served with Improved Water;
– Proportion of Total population served with Improved Sanitation;
– Proportion of Urban population served with Improved Sanitation;
– Proportion of Rural population served with Improved Sanitation.

Step 5: Output Country data - indicators (3/4)

 Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN

– Urban annual growth rate for 2015 – 2020

 World Resources Institute (WRI)

– Baseline water stress: total annual water withdrawals (municipal, industrial, and agricultural) expressed as a percent of
the total annual available flow. Higher values indicate more competition among users. It is calculated as Water
withdrawals (2010) divided by mean available blue water (1950-2008);

– Inter-annual variability: variation in water supply between years. It is calculated as the standard deviation of annual total
blue water divided by the mean of total blue water (1950-2008);

– Seasonal Variability: variation in water supply between months of the year. It is calculated as deviation of monthly total
blue water divided by the mean of monthly total blue water (1950-2008);

Projected Change in Water Stress 2020, 2030, 2040 data will be included in the GWT when released by the WRI.

For each indicator (baseline water stress, seasonal and inter-annual variability), WRI offers the results at three different
scales: sub-catchment, country and river basin. The result for any given indicator at any given location varies based on
the scale at which the indicator is measured. WRI gives the example of Pretoria, facing Extremely High Water Stress
when using the sub-catchment scale, high water stressed when looking at the country score, low water stressed when using
the river basin scale (Orange River Basin).
GWT includes the country and sub-catchment scales. The Output Country tab aggregates data by country, using the
country scale.

Step 5: Output Country - combined metrics (4/4)

 For all sites and each value chain type the following graphs are available:
• Total renewable water resources per person (FAO) + Projections for 2025 and 2050
• Total water withdrawal per person (FAO)
• Dependency ratio (FAO)
• Industrial water withdrawal as part of total (FAO)
• Population served with improved water (WHO / UNICEF)
• Population served with improved sanitation (WHO / UNICEF)

Country Global Water Tool 2015 1.7.6 Country Combined Metrics


a) Total Renewable Water Resources (TRWR) (actual) (m3/person/year) (Source: FAO, 2008-2012)

Value Chain No Data Scarcity Stress Sufficient Abundant All Value Chain Units (Countries) Industrial (Countries) Office/Retail(Countries)
Scarcity TRWR (actual)
type TRWR (actual) TRWR (actual)
<500 500-1000 1000-1700 1700-4000 >4000 (Source: FAO, 2008) (Source: FAO, 2008) (Source: FAO, 2008)
All Value 1 2 2 1
1.2 1.2
Chain Units 17% 33% 33% 17% 2.5
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
Industrial 2 2
33% 33% 33% 2
1 0.8 0.8
1 0.6 0.6
100% 1 1
1 0.4 0.4
0.5 0.2 0.2

Total renewable per person (actual) (2008-2012) 0 0









No Data

No Data

Total annual actual renewable water resources per



No Data



b) Projected Total Renewable Water Resources (TRWR) (actual) for 2025 (m3/person/year) (Source: FAO, 2008)

Value Chain No Data Scarcity Stress Sufficient Abundant
Scarcity All Value Chain Units (Countries) Industrial (Countries) Office/Retail(Countries)
Type <500 500-1000 1000-1700 1700-4000 >4000 Projected TRWR (actual) for 2025 Projected TRWR (actual) for 2025 Projected TRWR (actual) for 2025
(Source: FAO 2008) (Source: FAO 2008) (Source: FAO 2008)
All Value 1 2 2 1
Chain Units 17% 33% 33% 17%
2.5 1.2 1.2
1 1 1
Industrial 1 1 1 1
33% 33% 33% 2 2 1 1
100% 0.8 0.8
Supplier 0.6 0.6
100% 1 1
1 0.4
Other 0.4
0.5 0.2

Projected total renewal per person (actual) for 2025 0 0 0

Projected total annual actual renewable water resources



No Data









No Data

No Data


per inhabitant not taking into consideration climate

change (2025)

Available blue water: available blue water is the total amount of water available to a catchment before
any uses are satisfied. Calculated as all water flowing into the catchment from upstream catchments plus
any imports of water to the catchment minus upstream consumptive use plus runoff in the catchment.
Total blue water: total blue water for each catchment is the accumulated runoff upstream of the
catchment plus the runoff in the catchment. 23
Step 6: Output Watershed data table (1/2)

Watershed Report: Click this button to go to Output Watershed Data sheet.

Click Build to generate the Output Watershed Data, Combined Metrics Watershed,
Dashboard, and Geographical Summary reports.

Indicators displayed at the watershed level:

• Annual renewable water supply per person (1995 and 2025) (WRI)
• Biodiversity hot spots (Conservation International)
• Baseline water stress
• Inter-annual variability
• Seasonal variability For each indicator (baseline water stress, seasonal and inter-annual variability), WRI offers the results
at three different scales: sub-catchment, country and river basin. The result for any given indicator
at any given location varies based on the scale at which the indicator is measured. GWT
includes the country and sub-catchment scales. The Output Watershed tab aggregates data by
watershed, using the sub-catchment scale.

Step 6: Output Watershed combined metrics –
graphs (2/2)

 For all sites and each value chain type the following graphs are available:
• Annual renewable water supply per person (1995 and 2025) (WRI)
• Biodiversity hot spots (Conservation International)
• Production by Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) (m3/person/year) (Projections for 2025)
(WRI, Projections for 2025)

Watershed Global Water Tool 2015 1.7.6 Watershed Combined Metrics


a) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) (m3/person/year) (1995) (Source: WRI, 1995)

Value Chain No Data Scarcity Stress Sufficient Abundant All Value Chain Units (Watershed) Industrial (Watershed) Office/Retail (Watershed) Suppliers (Watershed) Other (Watershed)
Type Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual)
<500 500-1000 1000-1700 1700-4000 >4000 (Source: WRI, 1995) (Source: WRI, 1995) (Source: WRI, 1995) (Source: WRI, 1995) (Source: WRI, 1995)
All Value 1 3
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Chain Units 25% 75% 3.5
1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
Industrial 3
1 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
100% 1.5
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
1 1
Other 1
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Annual Renewable Water Supply per Person (1995) 0 0 0 0
















No Data

No Data

No Data

No Data



Indicates the average annual renewable water supply per



No Data


person for individual river basins as of 1995

b) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) (m3/person/year) (Projections for 2025) (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025)

Value Chain No Data Scarcity Stress Sufficient Abundant All Value Chain Units (Watershed) Industrial (Watershed)) Office/Retail (Watershed) Suppliers (Watershed) Other (Watershed)
Type Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual) Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual)
<500 500-1000 1000-1700 1700-4000 >4000 (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025) (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025) (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025) (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025) (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025)
All Value 3 1
3.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Chain Units 75% 25%
3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1
1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
100% 2
1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Supplier 1.5
1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
1 1
0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Annual Renewable Water Supply per Person (Projections for 2025) 0 0 0 0 0





















No Data

No Data

No Data

No Data
No Data





Indicates the average annual renewable water supply per person for
individual river basins as projected for 2025

Step 7: Output water metrics pages
GRI, Bloomberg, CDP Water and DJSI

 The output section includes also to create key water reporting indicators.

Note: Click Build on each Metrics sheet to generate GRI, Bloomberg, CDP and Dow
Jones Metrics. Any time changes are made on the Input Water Inventory page,
you will need to click Build again to generate a new report.

Step 8: Summary output – dashboard (1/2)

• After running the Output Watershed Reports, the Dashboard is automatically generated
with an overall summary for all sites and each operation type (freshwater consumption,
total water consumption…).
• Any time changes are made on the Input Water Inventory page, Watershed
Reports must be run again in order to update the Dashboard.

Global Water Tool 2015 1.7.6 Dashboard


Percentage of
Water Inventory Freshwater Consumption which is Site Distribution per Operation Type
Operation Type Consumption Total Consumption Freshwater by Watershed Scarcity Level (2025)
3 3
(m /year) (m /year) (%)
Geographical Summary
Sites Distribution (Watershed)
Annual Renewable Water Supply per Person
Country Report (Source: WRI, Projections for 2025)
Watershed Report

Metrics 2
All Sites 12,528,890 19,093,890 66 1.5





No Data

Industrial (Watershed)
Annual Renewable Water Supply per Person
(Source: WRI, Projections for 2025)


Industrial 319,000 319,000 100





No Data

Step 8: Summary output – geographical (2/2)

 After running Output Watershed Reports, the Geographical Summary is automatically

generated with a regional breakdown view;
 Any time changes are made on the Input Water Inventory page, Watershed Reports
must be run again in order to update the Geographical Summary.
 Water availability calculations are based on Annual Renewable Water Supply (actual)
(m3/person/year) (Projections for 2025);

Step 9: Global visualization of the sites

 Generate Map: Click to map your sites on the GWT mapping application.
Data is displayed on the web using the mapping application and not stored.
 The user needs to select an Operation Type for a site from the drop
down menu on the Input Water Inventory page to map sites, otherwise
the sites will not be presented.

Step 9: View options, including different maps

Tick the box

to select the

Click on +
to view the

Step 9: Country maps

 Country-speficic maps are provided,

together with the related indexes.
– Total renewable water per person (FAO)
– Projected total renewable water per
person 2025 (FAO)
– Projected total renewable water per
person 2050 (FAO)
– Water withdrawal per person (FAO)
– Industrial water withdrawal as par of total
– Dependency ratio (FAO)
– Population served with improved water
– Population served with improved
sanitation (WHO / UNICEF)
– Baseline water stress (WRI)
– Inter-annual variability (WRI)
– Seasonal variability (WRI)

Step 9: Watershed maps

 Watershed maps are provided,

together with the related indexes.
– Annual renewable water supply per
person 1995 (WRI)
– Projected annual renewable water
supply per person 2025 (WRI)
– Environmental water scarcity index
– Physical and economic water scarcity
– Biodiversity hot spots (Conservation
– Baseline water stress (WRI)
– Inter-annual variability (WRI)
– Seasonal Variability (WRI)

Step 9: Focus on the Biodiversity data layer

 Just like managing water, managing biodiversity or ecosystem-related

issues globally requires an understanding of a company’s ecosystem impact
& dependence locally. In addition, mapping areas of water scarcity/stress
which are in proximity to, or overlap with, areas of biodiversity importance is
of business value for recognizing and managing these combined risks.
 The addition of biodiversity hotspots data enables a first macro-level
assessment providing the context to a site specific evaluation of impacts and
 By clicking on “Watershed report” on the Start page, your site locations will
be linked to Conservation International’s biodiversity hotspots data,
informing you of:
– How many of your sites are in a biodiversity hotspot (in a chart),
– Which sites are in a biodiversity hotspot (in the Excel sheet),
– Where are all your sites on a biodiversity hotspot map (using the mapping function).
Step 9: Focus on the Biodiversity data layer (2)

 Understanding the results requires some background on how a biodiversity hotspot

is defined.
To qualify as a hotspot, a region must meet two strict criteria:
– it must contain at least 1,500 species of endemic vascular plants (0.5% of the world’s total),
– and it has to have lost at least 70% of its original native habitat.
Therefore, it is a representation of both high biodiversity value / endemism and high threat.
 34 biodiversity hotspots have been identified - between them they contain around
50% of the world’s endemic plant species and 42% of all terrestrial vertebrates. 86% of
their original habitat has already been lost.
 These rather broad regions are not a detailed representation of the total biodiversity or
ecosystem status or value at a fine scale location. Not being in a hotspot does not
necessarily mean the area is not of interest, or vice versa.
 The additional data layer aims to prioritize sites that have a higher chance of being
within ecosystems of interest and should be looked at in more detail by subsequent
assessment at a local scale.
 A wealth of finer scale information relevant to specific locations is available for many areas to support more
detailed assessment and planning (e.g. via sources such as the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool for
Step 10: Google Earth interface – global
With Google Earth, data and info are mapped spatially, which allows to double-
check in real time the situation of a specific site.

If you write a
comment in the
Geographical For personal use, download the free version
Summary, it will of Google Earth (Version 5.0 or above) application
appear in Google from
Earth .
For commercial use, purchase the Google Earth Pro
or other business version from

Step 10: Zoom in – real impressions

 Are you near a river / lake / sea?

 Are you in a densely-populated


FAQs answer questions related to…

Software and system requirements

Data entry
Technical issues

We welcome feedback on the use and value of this tool to your company.
[email protected]


The WBCSD Water Leadership Group stewarded the development of the Global Water
Tool and provided financial and intellectual contributions. WBCSD member and global
engineering company, CH2M developed the tool.
An Advisory Board of 21 WBCSD member companies in a wide range of industries provided
oversight and pilot testing to launch the first version of the tool in 2007. The Nature
Conservancy and Global Reporting Initiative provided expertise during the first stages of
Advisory Board for the 2015 version: BASF, DSM, DuPont, EDF, GDF Suez, Italcementi,
Pepsico and Shell, with the contribution of IPIECA.
The World Resources Institute and Global Reporting Initiative provided knowledge and
technical input for tool development. GEMI, CDP and Dow Jones Sustainability Initiative
were consulted to ensure alignment.
Data provided by the World Resources Institute, FAO AQUASTAT, WHO & UNICEF Joint
Monitoring Programme, United Nations Population Division, International Water
Management Institute and Conservation International


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