Section 1 - V. Worksheet LMS RUBRIC - Harlena Eka Yanti

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Complete Name :Harlena Eka Yanti

School Name :SDN 2 BULUAN

I. Direction
There are three steps that you have to take.
(1) Firstly, work on this worksheet according to the instructions.
After working on it, save the file into mp4 and upload the work in your gdrive. Do not forget
to set the sharing access to ‘anyone can view’. Then, get the link of your file and write the
link in the provided space in the lms.
(2) Secondly, you have to do peer assessment.
Choose one work that has not been assessed by others. Assess the work using the guidance
(3) Thirdly, decide the final score of your friend’s work by writing down the result.

II. Speaking Activity

Record yourself describing one of your favorite traditional foods or drinks from your area.

III. Descriptive Text Assessment Rubric

Use this rubric to assess your friend’s work.


4 3 2 1 SCORE

A. Speaks Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often

clearly and and distinctly and distinctly mumbles or
distinctly all all (100-95%) most (94- 85%) cannot be
(100-95%) the time but of the time. understood OR
CLARITY the time and mispronounce Mispronounces mispronounce
mispronoun s one word. no more than s more than 4
ces no one word. one word.
B. Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding understanding understandin to understand
CONTENT of the topic. of the topic. g of parts of the topic very
the topic. well. 4

C. Always (99-100% Mostly (80-98%) Sometimes Rarely speaks in 4

of time) speaks in speaks in complete (70-80%) complete
complete sentences. speaks in sentences.
sentences. complete
COMPLETE sentences.

Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often too 3

enough to be enough to be heard enough to be soft to be heard by
heard by all by all audience heard by all all audience
audience members at least audience members.
members 90% of the time. members at
D. VOLUME throughout the least 80% of
presentation. the time.

E. Confidently Confidently Smoothly Not 4

DELIVERY produce the produce the produce the confidently
utterance. utterance but utterance produce the
with few with many utterance
stops. pauses. and with
many pauses.



Calculate the Final Score using the following formula:

Total Score:2 = Final Score

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