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Note to the teacher:

You can use the rubric to rate the performance of the student. Also, to decide
the specific point of each criterion then to obtain the total points of the variousclass
activity either in virtual class or offline through student’s recording video.

Oral Presentation Rubric 1: Pronunciation in oral presentation for any PT

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Average 1 Needs

Listening Very good ability to Good ability to Able to listen Low level of
listen and listen and and ability in
understand some understand the understand listening and
prosodic features prosodic features. prosodic understanding
such as stress, pause features to prosodic
and intonation certain features.
clearly extend.

Word Stress Very good skills in Good skills in Able to listen Low level of
listening and listening and and speak skills in
speaking words speaking words words with speaking words
with appropriate with appropriate stress to with proper
stress. stress. certain stress.
Intonation Able to modulate Able to modulate Able to Low level of
tone very well. tone well. Able to modulate ability in
Tone is appropriate produce tone to modulating
based on context rising/falling/fall- certain voice and tone.
rising/falling/fall- rise appropriate to extend.
rise. the context.
Clarity of All words are clear Able to produce Able to Words hard to
Speech and understood words clearly. Word produce understand and
well. Word beginnings and words to speaker
beginnings are endings are clear. certain mumbles.
endings are clear to extend.
the listeners.
Fluency Speech is very Speech is smooth Speech is not Speech is not
smooth and clear and clear with very clear and clear and there
with appropriate appropriate pause. there are with hesitations
pause. Speed is Speed is hesitations and unnecessary
quite appropriate, appropriate. and pauses. Words
neither too fast nor unnecessary are repeated and
too slow. pauses. speaks very fast.

Rated by: ___________________ Score: __________________________


Oral Presentation Rubric 2: Pronunciation in oral presentation for any PT

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Average 1 Needs

Speaks clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles
distinctly all (100- and distinctly and distinctly or cannot be
95%) the time and all (100-95%) (94-85%) of the understood or
mispronounces no the time but time. mispronounces
words. mispronounce Mispronounces more than one
one word. no more than one word.
Stays on Topic Stays on topic all Stays on topic Stays on topic It was hard to tell
(100%) of the time. most (99-90%) (89-75%) of the what the topic
of the time. time. was.
Posture and Eye Stands up straight, Stands up Sometimes Slouches and or
Contact looks relaxed and straight and stands up straight does not look at
confident. establishes eye and establishes people during the
Establishes eye contact with eye contact. presentation.
contact in the room everyone in the
during the room during the
presentation. presentation.
Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often
enough to be heard enough to be enough to be too soft to be
by all audience heard by all heard by all heard by all
membersthroughout audience audience audience
the presentation. members at members at least members.
least 90% of the 80% of the time.
Rated by:____________________ Score: ______________________


Oral Presentation Rubric 3: Pronunciation in oral presentation/Class Activity

CATEGORY 7.5 Excellent 5.5 Good 3.5 Average 1.5 Needs

Creativity The student The student The student No creativity
shows shows shows little to and no
extreme moderate no creativity consistency/
creativity. creativity. with numerous focus on
Learner went Accurately inconsistencies. chosen story.
above and represents the
beyond chosen short
expectations. story with few
Accurately inconsistencies.
chosen story.
Spelling and Writer makes Writer makes Writer make 3- Writer makes
Grammar no errors in 1-2 errors in 4 errors in more than 4
grammar or grammar or grammar or errors in
spelling that spelling that spelling that grammar or
distract the distract the distract the spelling that
listener from listener from listener from distract the
the content. the content. the content. listener from
the content.
Adding The student The student The student No personal
Personality seems to be seems to be adds little to voice. Copy
Voice creating from drawing on none of of examples.
knowledge or knowledge or his/herself
experience. experience, but (creative) to
The presenter there is some the project.
has taken lack of
ideas and ownership of
made them the topic.
“his own.”
Capture The student The student Show average Show little to
fully captures shows clear grasp of story no
an important understanding but focuses on understanding
element of of the story but unimportant of the chosen
chosen story. does not fully element. story and
capture an project does
important not reflect any
element of element of
storyline. chosen story.

Rated by: _________________ Date:__________ Overall score:_______/30 points


Oral Presentation Rubric 4: Tongue Twister

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Average 1 Needs

Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often
and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly mumbles or
all (100-95%) all (100-95%) all (94-85%) cannot be
the time and the time and the time. understood or
mispronounces mispronounces Mispronounces mispronounces
no words. one word. no more than more than one
one word. word.
Pitch Pitch was Pitch was Pitch was Pitch was not
often used, often used but rarely used or used to convey
and it the emotion it emotion it emotion.
conveyed conveyed conveyed often
emotions sometimes did did not fit the
appropriately. not fit the content.
Volume Volume is Volume is Volume is loud Volume often
loud enough to loud enough to enough to be too soft to be
be heard by all be heard by all heard by all heard by all
students students at students at students in
throughout the least 90% of least 80% of virtual class.
presentation. the time. the time.
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student Student does
completely prepared but somewhat not seem at all
prepared and might have prepared, but prepared to
has obviously needed a rehearsal was present.
rehearsed. couple more lacking.
Posture and Stands/sit up Stands/sit up Sometimes Slouches
Eye Contact straight, looks straight and stands/sit up and/or does
relaxed and establishes eye straight and not look at
confident. contact with establishes eye people during
Establishes everyone in contact. the
eye contact our virtual presentation.
with everyone class during
in our virtual the
class during presentation.

Rated by: _________________ Date:__________ Overall score:_______/20 points


Oral Presentation Rubric 5: News Reporting

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Average 1 Needs

Focus on There is clear, Main idea is Main idea is The main idea
Topic well-focused clear, but the somewhat is not clear.
(Content) topic. Main supporting clear but there There is a
idea stands information is is a need for seemingly
out and is general. more random
supported by supporting collection of
detailed information. information.
Accuracy of All supportive Almost all Most No facts are
Facts facts are supportive supportive reported, or
(Content) reported facts are facts are most are
accurately. reported reported inaccurately
accurately. accurately. reported.
Sources All sources All sources Most sources Many sources
(Content) used for used for used for used for
quotes and quotes and quotes and quotes and
facts are facts are facts are facts are less
credible and credible and credible and than credible
cited most are cited cited and/or are not
correctly. correctly. correctly. cited
Grammar & The reporter The reporter The reporter The reporter
Spelling makes no makes 1-2 makes 3-4 makes more
(Conventions) error in errors in errors in than 4 errors
grammar or grammar or grammar or in grammar or
spelling that spelling that spelling that spelling that
distract the distract the distract the distract the
listener from listener from listener from listener from
the content. the content. the content. the content.
Flow & All sentences Almost all Most The sentences
Rhythm sound natural sentences sentences are difficult to
(Sentence and easy-on- sound natural sound natural read aloud
Fluency) the- ear when and easy-on- and easy-on- because they
read aloud. the- ear when the- ear when sound
Each sentence read aloud, read aloud, awkward, are
is clear and but 1 or 2 are but several are distractingly
has an stiff and stiff and repetitive, or
obvious awkward or awkward or difficult to
emphasis. difficult to are difficult to understand.
understand. understand.
Recognition The listener’s The listener’s The listener is Poorly
of Reader questions are questions are left with one organized and
(Voice) anticipated anticipated or two does not make
and answered and answered questions. sense to the
thoroughly to some More listener.
and extent. Most information is
completely. of the article needed to “fill
The entire is organized. in the blanks”.
articles flow The article
well and is jumps around
extremely and does not
well make sense.
Word Choice All sentences Some Writing is The writing is
are interesting sentences are bland. Only a not unique
and utilize unique and few great and does not
quality word showcase the word choices utilize great
choice. originality of within a word choice.
the reporter. document.
Great word
sprinkled in

Rated by: _________________ Date:__________ Overall score:_______/28 points


Oral Presentation Rubric 6: Group Presentation for Spanish Story

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Average 1 Needs

Pitch Pitch was often Pitch was Pitch was Pitch was not
used, and it often used, but rarely used, or used to convey
conveyed the emotion it the emotion it emotion.
emotions conveyed conveyed often
appropriately. sometimes did did not fit the
not fit the content.
Pauses Pauses were Pauses were Pauses were Pauses were
effectively used effectively intentionally not
2 or more times used once to used but were intentionally
to improve improve not effective in used.
meaning and or meaning and improving
dramatic or dramatic meaning or
impact. impact. dramatic
Comprehension Presenter can Presenter can Presenter can Presenter can
be able to be able to be able to not be able to
accurately accurately accurately accurately
answer almost answer most answer a few answer
all questions questions questions questions
posed by posed by posed by posed by
classmates classmates classmates classmates
about the topic. about the about the about the
topic. topic. topic.
Enthusiasm Facial Facial Facial Very little use
expressions and expressions expressions of facial
body language and body and body expressions or
generate a language language are body
strong interest sometimes used to try to language. Did
and enthusiasm generate a generate not generate
about the topic strong interest enthusiasm but much interest
in others. and seem in topic
enthusiasm somewhat presented.
about the topic faked.
in others.
Attire Business attire, Casual Casual General attire
very business attire. business attire not
professional but wore appropriate for
look. sneakers or audience
seemed (jeans, t-shirt,
somewhat shorts).
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does
completely prepared but somewhat not seem at all
prepared and might have prepared, but prepared to
has obviously needed a rehearsal was present.
rehearsed. couple more lacking.
Evaluates Peers Fills out peer Fills out Fills out most Fills out most
evaluation almost all of of the peer of the peer
completely and the peer evaluation and evaluation but
always give evaluation and always give scoring
scores based on always give scores based appears to be
the presentation scores based on the biased.
rather than on the presentation
other personal presentation rather than
factors. rather than other personal
other personal factors.
Listens to Other Listen intently. Listen intently Sometimes Sometimes
Presentation Does not make but has one does not does not
distracting distracting appear to be
appear to be
noises or noises or listening but is
listening but
movements. movements. not distracting.
has distracting
noises or
Time-Limit Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
5-6 minutes 4 minutes 3 minutes less than 3
long. long. long. minutes or
more than 6
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often
and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly mumbles or
all (100-95%) all (100-95%) all (94-85%) can not be
the time and the time but the time. understood or
mispronounces mispronounces Mispronounces mispronounces
no words. one word. no more than more than one
one word. word.
Props/ Student uses Student uses 1 Student uses 1 The student
PowerPoint several props prop that prop which uses no props,
Presentation that show shows makes the or the props
considerable considerable presentation chosen to
work/creativity, work/creativity better. detract from
and which and which the
make the make the presentation.
presentation presentation
better. better.
Vocabulary Uses Uses Uses Uses several
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary (5 or more)
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for words or
the listener. the listener. the listener. phrases that
Extends Includes 1-2 Does not are not
audience words that include any understood by
vocabulary by might be new vocabulary the audience
defining words to most of the that might be or listener.
that might be audience or new to the
new to most of listener but audience or
the audience or does not define listener.
listener. them.
Uses Complete Always (99- Mostly (80- Sometimes Rarely speaks
Sentences 100% of time) 98%) speaks in (70-80%) in complete
speaks in complete speaks in sentences.
complete sentences. complete
sentences. sentences.
Stays on Topic Stays on topic Stays on topic Stays on topic It was hard to
all (100%) of most (99-90%) some (89- tell what the
the time. of the time. 75%) of the topic was.
Volume Volume is loud Volume is Volume is loud Volume often
enough to be loud enough to enough to be too soft to be
heard by all be heard by all heard by all heard by all
audience or audience or audience or audience or
listener listener at least listener at least listeners.
throughout the 90% of the 80% of the
presentation. time. time.
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding understanding understanding to understand
of the topic. of the topic. of parts of the the topic very
topic well.
Posture and Eye Stands/sit up Stands/sit up Sometimes Slouches and
Contact straight, looks straight and stands/sit up or does not
relaxed and establishes eye straight and look at people
confident. contact with establishes eye during the
Establishes eye everyone in contact. presentation.
contact with our virtual
everyone in our class during
virtual class the
during the presentation
presentation or in video
or in video recording.
Collaboration Almost always Usually listens Often listens Rarely listens
with Peers listens to, to, shares with, to, shares with, to, shares with,
shares with, and supports and supports and supports
and supports the efforts of the efforts of the efforts of
the efforts of others in the others in the others in the
others in the group. Does group but group. Often is
group. Tries to not cause sometimes is not a good
keep people “waves” in the not a good team member.
working well group. team member.

Rated by: _________________ Date:__________ Overall score:_______/72 points


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