Scoring Rubric For Design Hearing Final

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Research Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group Members:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Poor 1 – Needs Improvement
5 4 3 2 1
The researchers…
1. make use of body Movements seem Made movements or Little gestures have Very little movement No movement or
language. fluid and help the gestures that enhance been executed while or descriptive descriptive gestures.
audience visualize. articulation. delivering speech. gestures.

2. have proper poise Displays being Displays being calm; Makes series of Displays mild Tension and
and posture. relaxed; delivers no delivers minor mistakes and has tension; has trouble nervousness is
mistakes. mistakes but quickly difficulty recovering recovering from obvious; cannot
recovers from them. from them; displays mistakes. recover from
little or no tension. mistakes.
3. have eye contact with Holds attention of Holds attention of the Consistent use of Displayed minimal No eye contact with
the panelists and the entire audience with audience with the use direct eye contact eye contact with audience, as entire
audience. the use of direct eye of direct eye contact with audience, but audience, while report is read from
contact. but seldom look at still returns to notes. reading mostly from notes.
notes. the notes.
4. show self- Shows self- Shows self- Shows a little of self- Shows a very little of Does not show self-
confidence. confidence and confidence but confidence and confidence and does confidence and not
speaks with sounds not quite lacking conviction. not sound convincing at all.
conviction. convincing. convincing.
5. wears formal attire. Wears Business Wears semi-formal Casual business Casual business General attire not
attire, very attire but still very attire. attire, but wore appropriate for
professional look. professional look. sneakers or seemed audience (jeans, t-
somewhat wrinkled. shirt, shorts).
5 4 3 2 1
The researchers…
1. display correct Display correct Mostly (80-98%) Sometimes (70-80%) Rarely speaks with Sentences do not
grammar. grammar (99-100%) displays correct display correct correct grammar. display correct
grammar. grammar grammar.
2. use complete Always (99-100% of Mostly (80-98%) Sometimes (70-80%) Rarely speaks in Does not speak in
sentence. time) speaks in speaks in complete speaks in complete complete sentences. complete sentence.
complete sentences. sentences. sentences.
3. are understandable Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or Cannot be understood
and speaks clearly. distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100- distinctly most ( 94- cannot be and mispronounces
95%) the time, and 95%) the time, but 85%) of the time. understood. words all the time.
mispronounces no mispronounces one Mispronounces no Mispronounces more
words. word. more than one word. than one word.
4. speak loud and clear Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often too Volume is not loud
enough. enough to be heard enough to be heard enough to be heard soft to be heard by all enough to be heard.
by all audience by all audience by all audience audience members.
members throughout members at least members at least
the presentation. 90% of the time. 90% of the time.
5. exhibit fluency in Always exhibit Exhibits fluency in Sometimes exhibit Rarely exhibit Does not speak
English language. fluency in English. English most of the fluency in English. fluency in English. English language.
The researchers… 10 8 6 4 2
1. have presented the Present information Present information Present information Present information Present information
main ideas in an in logical, interesting in logical sequence in logical, interesting in logical sequence in logical, interesting
orderly and clear sequence which which audience can sequence which which audience can sequence which
manner. audience can follow. follow. audience can follow. follow. audience can follow.
2. have maintained the Have maintained the Have maintained the Have maintained the Have maintained the Have not maintained
interest of the interest of the panel interest of the panel interest of the panel interest of the panel the interest of the
panelist. every time. most of the time. sometimes. rarely. panel.
3. are responsive to Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is unable to Not responsive to the
panelists’ questions. accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a accurately answer panelist’s questions.
almost all questions most questions posed few questions posed questions posed by
posed by panelist by panelist about the by panelist about the panelist about the
about the topic. topic. topic. topic.
4. have answered the Stays on topic all Stays on topic most Stays on topic some Stays on topic rarely Answers have been
questions direct to (100%) of the time. (99-90%) of the time. (89%-75%) of the (below 75%). out of the topic.
the point. time.
5. have displayed Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Shows moderate Uses little relevant or Uses no relevant or
comprehensive depth of depth of understanding by accurate information. accurate information.
understanding about understanding by understanding by using mostly Significance and Significance and
their research. using relevant and using relevant and relevant and accurate goals have not been goals have not been
accurate detail. accurate detail. detail. identified. identified.
Significance and Significance and Significance and
goals have been goals are partially goals are partially
clearly identified. or vaguely described. or vaguely described.


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