Rubric Group 3
Rubric Group 3
Rubric Group 3
RUBRIC Group 3
-The presentation
-The presentation -The presentation
provides: provides:
-The presentation +Arrangement of
+ Arrangement of +Arrangement of idea
provides: idea
idea +Highly accurate,
+ Arrangement of idea +Accurate, relevant,
+ Inaccurate relevant, and thorough
+ Somewhat accurate and comprehensive
irrelevant, or content.
and relevant, but lacks content
incomplete content. +It demonstrates a
depth or thoroughness +It demonstrates a
Content -It does not deep understanding of
content. strong
demonstrate an the topic
-There are gaps in understanding of the
understanding of the +Going above and
understanding. topic.
topic. beyond expectations.
- Having ideas but not - Having creative
-Lack of ideas, very - Having diverse and
creative, and words ideas, and a lot of
few words relating to creative ideas, and a
relating to topic. words relating to
topic. lot of assorted words
topic but not
relating to topic.
-Group members
-Group members
-There is little to no exceptional
-There is some demonstrate
evidence of collaboration and
evidence of effective
collaboration or teamwork.
Collaboratio collaboration, but it is collaboration and
teamwork. -They communicate
n limited or inconsistent. teamwork.
-Group members effectively, leverage
-Group members may -They support each
appear disconnected each other's strengths,
not work well together. other and work
or uncooperative. and exceed
together cohesively.
expectations in their
-Engages the -Demonstrates
-Shows little to no
-Engagement with the audience exceptional
engagement with the
audience is evident but consistently through engagement with the
Engagement many lack consistency clear audience.
-Communication is
with or depth. communication and -Through clear
unclear or
audiences -Occasionally resulting active participation. communication, active
ineffective, and
in periods of -Fostering participation, and
interaction strategies
disengagement. interaction and effective interaction
are lacking.
maintaining interest. strategies.
Use of visual -Relies heavily on -Visual aids and -Utilizes visual aids -Employs a diverse
aids text-heavy slides or technology tools are and technology range of visual aids
outdated technology, used but may not effectively to and technology tools
hindering always enhance support the seamlessly integrated
understanding and understanding or presentation. into the presentation.
engagement of the engagement -Enhancing clarity -Enhancing
audience. effectively, and engagement for understanding and
occasionally causing engagement
the audience..
distraction. significantly.
-Language use is
-Language use is
-Language use is -Language use is significantly
somewhat appropriate.
inappropriate or appropriate and enhancing
-There are noticeable
significantly hinders enhances understanding and
grammar or
understanding. understanding. professionalism.
vocabulary errors that
-There are frequent -Grammar and -Grammar and
occasionally hinder
grammar or vocabulary are vocabulary are
vocabulary errors. mostly correct. flawless.
-There is some
-The speaker -The speaker -The speaker exhibits
Language variation in pitch and
demonstrates little to demonstrates dynamic and
tone, but it may be
no variation in pitch appropriate expressive intonation,
inconsistent or lacking
and tone, resulting in variation in pitch effectively using
in expression. The
a monotonous and tone, variations in pitch and
speaker's delivery is
delivery that lacks effectively tone to convey
somewhat flat,
expression and fails conveying meaning nuanced meaning and
impacting overall
to engage the and maintaining maintain audience
engagement to a
audience. audience interest.. engagement
certain extent.
throughout the