Tiêu Chí Đánh Giá Cá Nhân Bài Milestone 1

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Individual assessment

Needs Poor (0- Weight Grade

Criteri Excellent (9- Good (8-8.9 Fair (7-7.9
Improvement 5.9
a 10 points) points) points)
(6-6.9 points) points)

- Demonstrates a 30 %
- Lacks a
- Shows a solid - Demonstrates a basic - Shows a limited coherent
understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understandin
topic. topic. topic. g of the topic.
- Presents well-
- Presents clear -Presents some -Presents weak - Fails to
arguments. arguments. arguments. present
Content arguments.
- Provides sufficient - Provides limited - Provides little to no arguments or
- Provides strong
evidence to support evidence to support evidence to support provide
evidence to support
claims. claims. claims. evidence.
- Demonstrates some - Be weak or lacking in - Be weak and lacks - Lacks critical
- Demonstrates
originality of thought. originality. originality. thinking
originality of

- Includes some The paper 10 %

- Includes mostly references/citations - Lacks proper does not
- Includes appropriate
appropriate and - There may be references/citations or include any
and accurately
accurately formatted occasional includes significant references/cit
references/citations. inaccuracies in inaccuracies in ations or
Reference references/citations.
- Uses a consistent formatting or citation formatting or citation includes
s/Citations - Uses a consistent
citation style. style. style. entirely
citation style.
- Most sources are - Some sources may be - Many sources are inaccurate or
- Uses reliable and
reliable and relevant to unreliable or not unreliable or inappropriate
relevant to the topic.
the topic. entirely relevant to the irrelevant to the topic. references/cita
topic. tions.

- The student presents 40 %

- The student presents the paper with some
- The student presents - The student presents
the paper with clarity, confidence, and
the paper with good the paper with limited
exceptional clarity, engagement, but there
clarity, confidence, and clarity, confidence, and
confidence, and may be occasional
engagement. - The engagement.
engagement. hesitations or lack of
delivery is mostly well- - The delivery is often
- The delivery is well- enthusiasm.
paced, and the student hesitant or lacks
paced, and the student - The delivery may lack
uses visual aids or enthusiasm. - The use of
effectively uses visual consistent pacing, and
supporting materials to visual aids or supporting
aids or supporting the use of visual aids or No
Presentati support the presentation. materials is minimal or
materials to enhance supporting materials may presentation
on Skills - Non-verbal ineffective.
understanding. be limited. delivered =0
communication and body - Non-verbal
- Non-verbal - Non-verbal
language are generally communication and body
communication and communication and body
body language are language are somewhat
effective. language are weak.
strong, capturing the
audience's attention.
- Students memorize
- Students memorize the effective.
- Students memorize
the content and do not content and do not rely
on other materials.
- Students memorize the the content and do not
rely on other materials.
rely on other materials content and do not rely
on other materials.

The student 20 %
The student effectively
The student attempts to fails to answer
answers questions The student generally The student struggles to
answer questions related questions
related to the paper, answers questions related answer questions related
to the paper, but the related to the
Ability to demonstrating a to the paper, to the paper, providing
responses may lack paper or
Answer thorough demonstrating a good incomplete or inaccurate
clarity or depth, provides
Questions understanding of the understanding of the responses, suggesting a
indicating a limited responses that
topic and providing topic and providing weak understanding of
understanding of the are completely
clear and insightful coherent responses. the topic.
topic. unrelated or


If students did not do the homework on his/ her own (use AI, ask others to do his/ her home work,…), he/ she receives zero mark.
An assessment of individual member (cross-assessing) is submitted along with the report. This offers a basis for the lecturer evaluate the grade of individual members of the group.
- In the case, students do not include any references/citations or includes entirely inaccurate or inappropriate references/citations => The maximum grade that student can receive is 5.

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