Rubrics For Persuasive Speech Content
Rubrics For Persuasive Speech Content
Rubrics For Persuasive Speech Content
Instruction: Develop your own persuasive speech with employment of Aristotle’s key rhetorical elements of Persuasion- Ethos, Pathos, and
-Engages the audience with a -Engages the audience -Develops the message -Message seems -Does not consider
hook, develops content with with a hook, develops the with evidence, but underdeveloped, poorly timing.
well-timed evidence, and content with well-timed evidence may or may timed or sparse.
concludes clear and relevant evidence, and concludes not be well-timed. -Call to action is -Call to action is missing
call to action. with a relevant call to -Concludes with some somewhat unclear. or unclear.
action. call to action.
Instructor: Edelyn A. Baluyot, LPT