2024 G7-G10 Participation Project Rubric
2024 G7-G10 Participation Project Rubric
2024 G7-G10 Participation Project Rubric
G7 - G10
-Covers assigned topic -Includes essential -Includes information -Missing most essential -Content is minimal.
Content in depth with details knowledge about the about the topic but information about the
and examples. topic. some essentials are topic and/or there are
-Subject knowledge is -Subject knowledge is missing factual errors.
excellent good
-A mix of -Used correct sentence -Used correct sentence -Used incorrect sentence -Used incorrect sentence
Mechanics structures/syntax and structures/syntax that structure/syntax that structure/syntax that was structure/syntax that
expressions are were appropriately was accurate most of not appropriate for the detracted from the
correctly used for a used for a wide range the time using topic and used language meaning and was
wider range of of purposes, including language for an for a small range of inappropriate for the
purposes, including to discuss topics, give expanding range of purposes, including to content of the
to explain, report, opinions, inquire, purposes, including to communicate ideas, ask & assignment using
justify, elaborate on, persuade, compare & comment, give answer questions, provide language to
negotiate, & debate contrast, speculate, opinions, clarify, simple explanations & communicate basic
negotiate, conclude, & express agreement/ descriptions, give simple needs, feelings, &
show cause & effect disagreement, describe, opinions with reasons, & preferences, & respond
-Intro, body, recount, sequence, & make statements to simple questions
conclusion and -Clear and concise explain
presentation intro, body, conclusion -Introduction was not very -Introduction was
exceptionally -The flow was clear -Presentation had an clear insufficient
well-organized and and easy to follow appropriate -The flow of the -The flow of the
easy to understand -The conclusion was introduction to the topic presentation was unclear presentation was unclear
well-done. -The flow of the and confusing to follow and difficult to follow
presentation was -The conclusion was -Abrupt ending and no
somewhat clear insufficient conclusion provided at
-The conclusion was all
-Product shows a large -Product shows some -Uses others’ ideas -Uses others’ ideas (giving -Uses other people’s
Originality amount of original original thought. (giving them credit), them credit), but there is ideas, but does not give
thought but there is little no evidence of original them credit.
-Work shows new ideas evidence of original thinking
-Ideas are creative and and insights. thinking
-The workload is -The workload is -The workload was -The workload was not One or more members of
Workload divided and shared divided unevenly divided, but one person divided among all team the group did no work.
fairly by all team among team members. in the group is viewed members OR more than
members. as not doing his/her fair one person in the group is
share of the work. viewed as not doing their
fair share of the work.
Name: _______________________________
Grade: ______________
Class: _______________
Number: _____________
Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment: Assess each member of your group, including yourself,
according to the rubric below. These scores will be reflected in the overall group score based on
the whole group rubric (see above). Write your scores in the space provided.
Your name/Yourself: