Persuasive Letters Assessment Rubric: Do Something Grade Level 3-5

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Persuasive Letters Assessment Rubric

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CONTENT The letter does not include The letter includes a few ideas and The letter includes a lot of infor- The letter includes informa-
information or ideas relevant pieces of information relevant to mation and ideas relevant to topics tion and ideas relevant to topics
to topics explored in class. topics explored in class. explored in class. explored in class, and integrates
outside knowledge.
ORGANIZATION Writing is disorganized and Writing is somewhat organized and Writing is organized and coher- Writing is organized and
difficult to understand. coherent. The letter contains most ent. The letter contains all of the coherent and letter contains all
of the required components (issue required components (issue clearly required elements. Ideas flow
clearly stated, supporting reasons or stated, supporting reasons or evi- seamlessly through the use of
evidence, possible solutions). dence, possible solutions). strong transitions.
APPEARANCE The work does not reflect effort The work reflects some effort and The work is visually appeal- The work is visually appealing
or care in presentation. care in presentation. ing and reflects effort and care and reflects effort, attention to
in presentation. detail, and care in presentation.
CREATIVITY The work reflects no original, The work reflects some original, Effort was clearly made to include The work includes an array of
creative ideas. creative ideas. original, creative ideas throughout original, creative ideas, combin-
the work. ing topics explored in class with
new ideas in novel ways.
CONNECTION TO The work does not connect to The work includes a superficial The work clearly incorporates the The work reflects a deep
THE CENTRAL TEXT the central text or its themes in reference to the central text or central text and its themes. understanding of the central text
any way. its themes. and its themes.
DEMONSTRATION Student shows emerging Student is progressing toward the Student meets the expectations in Student exceeds the expec-
OF ANTI-BIAS understanding of the expecta- expectations in anti-bias standard anti-bias standard tations in anti-bias standard
COMPETENCY tions in anti-bias standard _____________. _____________. _____________.
COLLABORATION Students worked individually. Students worked together but contri- Students worked well together and Students worked very well
/ COOPERATION butions were unbalanced. contributions were balanced. together; they compromised and
(OPTIONAL) built off one another’s ideas.

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