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VOLUME: 07 ISSUE: 03 | MAR 2020 WWW.IRJET.NET P-ISSN: 2395-0072

Transformers monitoring using Arduino

BE Student, Electrical Department, Mumbai University
Dr. Sharvari H Sane, Dept of Electrical Engg
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Abstract:- In this paper main objective is to design a protective circuit for distribution transformer, supported programmable
controller to watch transformer ambient temperature, voltage level, current level and oil level by using various sensors. Here the most
perspective is to beat or reduce the faults occurring in transformer because of various factor like over-voltage, over-current,
temperature rise and oil-level decrement. Designing a value efficient and high performing system which is able to sense the faults and
it’ll display all the parameters of transformer on the application by means of WI-FI module (ESP8266) by using API technology
(Application programming interface) that there’s a problem within the perspective transformer in keeping with that user can
check the status of the transformer.

Keywords:- Controller, Sensor, Over-voltage, over-current, Temperature, Oil-level, WI-FI module (ESP8266), API technology,
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1. INTRODUCTION transformer we are using temperature sensor. For indicating the

oil level we are using oil sensor which indicates the extent of oil.
Transformer are to be foremost important a part
of substation and grid. The speed of failure of transformer in 1.1 REVIEW OF CONTROLLERS
India is around 12 to 15% which is kind of in higher rate. Failure
of the transformer is most typical in industry which causes In market at present there are currently various processing
economical loss and it also reduce the lifetime of transformer to units availble from small controllers to large processors. In this
project used of efficient controllers is demanded and good
three year itself, normally the lifetime of transformer 25 to 30
technical feasibility.according to the industries which need highly
years. efficient processing unit for there control action and also the
➢ Following are a number of the foremost common causes of production process should fit in there industry standard.There are
transformer failure. various controller available in the market out of which the two of
1) Over-voltage and Over-current the controllers which are mostly used for building prototype they
2) Reduced in oil level are Arduino and Raspberry PI. A detailed comparison has been
3) Increased in transformer temperature shown in the following table.
4) Poor maintenance and lack of monitoring of transformer by Table 2: Comparison of Controllers
Transformer is critical and expensive component therefore the Raspberry pi3 Arduino Uno/Node MCU
precautions must be taken. Transformer which is of various size, Stronger and quicker Easier to connect to
type, and connection. Therefore the continuity of its operation is processor,multitasking available. Analog sensors, motors
very importance in maintaining the authenticity of the power and other electronic
supply, An influence system is alleged to be faulty when an components
Built in Ethernet port, Wi-Fi Variety of shield that can
problem is occurs therein grid, here the unpleasant condition may
Bluetooth capability add functionality
well be short circuits, over-current, over-voltage etc. Any OS can be switched easily Long Set-up not
unintended repair work, mostly replacement of a faulty needed,just plugged in
transformer, is incredibly expensive and time engross. Usually and the code will run.
distribution transformer step down the voltage of 11kV to 440V. Audio output, camera port ,USB Price is Cheaper and will
But faults and imprudently increase in load can cause the ports, HDMI output all not need much cables
malfunction, insulation breakdown and complete failure of included.
transformer which will cause the blackout. In this project a Great for projects that need to Can run one code at time
protection system has been designed in such a simplest way that connet online and have multiple so can’t multitask
activities going on at the same activities,slower speed.
system is monitored in real time, and these parameters are time.
displayed on the application. within the application we Long set up and will need extra No internet connectivity
will view the continual parametric information of components when first starting . right out the box
transformer. during this investigation work a P.T is employed for
Might need to install programs Bigger learning curve
step down the line voltage for measuring motive and for to get simple actions going since it’s C/C++ and will
sensing the line currents a C.T is used. C.T is need to get outside
connected serial and P.T is connected in parallel to the terminals sources to learn.
end of transformer. For sensing the temperature of the Can be more expensive Can be cheap

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 CertifiedJournal | Page 3414

VOLUME: 07 ISSUE: 03 | MAR 2020 WWW.IRJET.NET P-ISSN: 2395-0072

From table as seen above the Raspberry Pi has more processing Now the communication between the sender and receiver is
power and it is more efficient in processing information but as far the main factor, so for better system beside of using GSM we are
as the budget has been concerned we are going to use Arduino using WiFi module which will transfer the information to
UNO because it is easy to implement.we can also use arduino applications where we can see all the parameters of the
mega but we required only 32kb memroy and mega 256kb transformer. Communciation is most important part so the
memory so we choose UNO.we can use code of UNO in mega choosing of correct medium is important. There are two type of
medium wired and wireless so going with the best technology we
and can run the system too. `
are using wireless technology. There are various module by
means of which we can transfer the information such as
1.2 Review of Temperature Measuring Instruments SIM900A Modem, SIM800L Modem, ESP8266, nRF24L01 we
are using ESP8266 WI-FI module for communication process.
It has been seen that temperature monitoring of a system is
mandatory consistent with the manufacturing of a product
was caring there are various processes during which measurement 2.LITERATURE SURVEY
'of temperature is of utmost importance. A tiny low fluctuation in
temperature can make the merchandise quality from better to i) Transformer wireless monitoring system using
worse. Arduino/XBEE by Amevi Acakpovi, Chiedozie, Issah B.
This instruments are a deciding factor for safe and secure Majeed, Nana Yaw
operation. Instruments like LM35, Thermistors, Thermo Couple
have enormous demand within the market but just one out of In this paper the author deal with design and construction of
these three will be choose we used LM35 in our project because it automatic monitoring system for power the transformer
fulfill our requirements the detailed comparison of these three is parameters he has implement a circuit, including ardunio and
shown within the table below. sensors to monitoring of instantaneous parameters of power
transformer. He has implement the circuit successfully and shown
Table -1: Comparison Between various instruments the voltage vs current and voltage vs temperature.
Sensor Type LM35 Thermistor Thermocoupl
e ii) Design and implementation of real time transformer health
Temperatur -55 to -100 to 200 to 1750oC monitoring system using GSM Technology by sajidur
e 150°C 325oC rahman, shimanta kumar dey, bikash kumar bhawmick and
nipu kumar das.
-0.5 to 0,05 to1.5o C 0.5 to 5oC In this paper authors have implements(THMS) Transformer
Accuracy health monitoring system using GSM module and single chip
microcontroller which installed at distribution transformer and
Linearly Exponential Non linear output of component are stored in memory for further
Linearity requirement and they also applied protection system which
l followed predefined instruction in case of abnormality.

Power 4 to 30V Constant Self-powered

iii) Transformer health monitoring and control through
voltage or
Response Fast 0.1 to Fast 0.1 to 10 Fast 0.10 to 10
10 sec sec sec
time In this paper author has successfully exhibited the
implementation of mobile embedded system to monitor and
Rarely Rarely Susceptible/ record key parameter of distribution transformer like load current
susceptible susceptible Cold junction oil level and ambient temperature in this method he used GSM
y to
High Compensation modem for the purpose of online monitoring with the help of
Electrical resistance stand alone arduino and different different sensor.
noise only
Very low Low to Low 3.PURPOSE METHOD
Basically there are various of method by which we can
monitor transformer such as by using IOT , PIC 18 and other
1.3 Review of communication model controllers but for IOT programming is quite hard to
implement and for PIC 18 the software is changed so we where
After all the parameters sense by the sensors to transfer the reliable with Arduino. And Arduino is cost effective controller
data from sender to receiver. Various module are use to proces all and programming of Arduino is quite easy to understand and to
the parameters and also to transfer the information at the receiver implement too. Arduino is capable of fast communication and
end. At the receiving end station we have created an application all the requirements are fulfilling by Arduino interested of
where all the parameters are listed and we can see the nature of using costly controller we use Arduino.
the transformer. For monitoring of transformer we are using 12-0-12v or

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 CertifiedJournal | Page 3415

VOLUME: 07 ISSUE: 03 | MAR 2020 WWW.IRJET.NET P-ISSN: 2395-0072

15-0-15 500mA center tapped step down transformer. For 5.CONCLUSION

sensing of current we are using ACS712 current sensor module
(30A) which can sense up to 30A current flow there are other In this paper, we see the way to design and also the build of a
microcontroller-based system which is capable of monitoring
sensor too like centlo, ktc but their rating are not matching over-voltage, over-current and temperature of a transformer, oil
with our specification so we use ACS712 as our CT current level of the transformer and the way we will create application
transformer. For sensing the voltage we are constructing a by use of API (Application programming interface). The
circuit which will sense the voltage level there are various ESP8266 modules is employed to transfer data from one point to
voltage sensors but we tried to make a sensor of our a different. This method helps the officers to do maintenance of
specification. transformer in real time. The time delay for transfer data between
For sensing the temperature of transformer we are using the transmitter and also the receiver is lesser than a second. This
LM35 which sense the temperature from -50°C to +150°C we makes the system very reliable and efficient. With modern
can also use thermistor beside of LM35 but LM35 not required technology it's possible to monitor an oversized number of
external calibration and LM35 get less self-heated up to 0.08°C parameters of distributed transformer at a comparatively high
but thermistor get too heated due to that readings are not cost. The challenge is to balance the functions of the monitoring
mostly accurate (From paper 1) We are using 1 channel 5V system with its cost and reliability. Application base
relay for turn ON-OFF flow of current which having monitoring is kind of helpful than manual monitoring.
specification of Operating Voltage 5V, Max Current : 20mA
there are some different relay such as Grove relay, Grove spdt 6. REFERENCE
relay but they having more cost and we are trying to make cost
To sense the moisture of transformer we are using soil CONTROL THROUGH ARDUINO1R.V. PATIL, 2DHIRAJ
hyprometer moisture detection water sensor module YL-69 KALANTRE,3NIRANJAN HIRUGADE, 4ARUN MORE,
sensor HC-38 module arduino which is dual output mode, 5ASHWINEE KAKADE
digital output, analog output more accurate which operates at
Operating voltage -3.3v to 5v. For communication process we 2)Distribution Transformer Monitoring System Using
are using ESP8266 Serial WI-FI Wireless Transceiver Module Internet of Things (IOT)Ms. Varsha Petkar, Prof. Sachin
which is self-contained single core 32 bit L106 & it's typical Wadhankar, Mrs. Meera Joshi Student, M-Tech, (Integrated
frequency is 80mhz it had 10 bit adc it has 10 channel software Power System), RTMNU , NagpurAsst. Prof. Electrical
pwm with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any Engineering Department, G.H. Raisoni Institute of
microcontroller access to your WiFi network we can also use Engineering & Technology, NagpurRTMNU, Nagpur, India
ESP32 but it has 16 channel with a frequency of 160mhz and it Director Marketing, Epsillon Cable Pvt Ltd
has inbuilt Bluetooth ESP8266 not have a Bluetooth for our
project there is no requirement of Bluetooth so we use 3) Design and Implementation of Real TimeTransformer
ESP8266(From paper 2). Health Monitoring System Using GSM Technology Sajidur
And the main part to control and to connect the all the Rahman, Shimanta Kumar Dey, Bikash Kumar Bhawmick
components and sensors we are using Arduino UNO as a and Nipu Kumar Das Department of Electrical and
controller which operates at Operating Voltage: 5V, Input Electronic Engineering ChittagongUniversity of Engineering
Voltage: 7-12V, DC Current: 40mA, Flash memory 32 kb. We and Technology
can also use mega which have rating of Input Voltage
(recommended): 7-12V, Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V, DC 4) Transformer Wireless Monitoring System Using
Current: 40 mA, Flash Memory: 256 KB but our requirements Arduino/XBEE Amevi Acakpovi1, Chiedozie Odazie2, Issah
is fulfilled by 32kb and UNO is cost effective than mega so we Babatunde Majeed3, George Eduful4, ana Yaw Asabere5z
use UNO but the programming of the both UNO and mega is
same we can use programming of UNO in mega and can
implement the project ( From paper 4).


CT and PT are used for detection of over-current and over-

voltage respectively hence these will detect
any reasonably condition occurs and display it on application
API (Application programming interface ) and also instructs
relay to disconnect load. LM35 is employed as temperature
sensor which detects transformer temperature. By means of
hyprometer moisture sensor we will determine oil level of the
transformer. To work out the status of the transformer we are
using ESP8266 Serial WI-FI Wireless Transceiver Module is
use to transmit the info and it'll display the all parameters
on the application.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 CertifiedJournal | Page 3416

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